AquilaSQL-7B /
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Aquila Language Model is the first open source language model that supports both Chinese and English knowledge, commercial license agreements, and compliance with domestic data regulations.
- 🌟 **Supports open source commercial licenses**. The source code of the Aquila series models is based on the [Apache 2.0 agreement](, while the model weight is based on the [BAAI Aquila Model License Agreement]( Users can use it for commercial purposes as long as they meet the licensing restrictions.
- ✍️ **Possesses Chinese and English knowledge**. The Aquila series model is trained from scratch on a high-quality corpus of Chinese and English languages, with Chinese corpora accounting for about 40%, ensuring that the model accumulates native Chinese world knowledge during the pre-training phase, rather than translated knowledge.
- 👮‍♀️ **Complies with domestic data regulations**. The Chinese corpora of the Aquila series models come from Intelligence Source's accumulated Chinese datasets over the years, including Chinese internet data from over 10,000 sources (more than 99% of which are domestic sources), as well as high-quality Chinese literature and book data supported by authoritative domestic organizations. We will continue to accumulate high-quality and diverse datasets and incorporate them into the subsequent training of the Aquila base models.
- 🎯 **Continuous improvements and open sourcing**. We will continue to improve training data, optimize training methods, and enhance model performance, cultivate a flourishing "model tree" on a better base model foundation, and continuously update open-source versions.
The additional details of the Aquila model will be presented in the official technical report. Please stay tuned for updates on official channels, including the [FlagAI GitHub repository](, [FlagAI's Zhihu account]( and [FlagAI's official technical communication group](
| Model | Model Type | Description | Status | GPUs Used |
| ------------ | :--------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------- | ----------- |
| AquilaSQL-7B | chat model | text2sql model, cotinue traind from the AquilaCode-base model, AquilaSQL achieved sota on the cspider leadboard | published | Nvidia-A100 |
We will continue to release improved versions of Aquila model as open source.
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## Quick Start AquilaSQL-7B(Chat model)
### 1. Inference
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM
import torch
device = torch.device("cuda")
model_info = "BAAI/AquilaSQL-7B"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_info, trust_remote_code=True)
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
model_info, trust_remote_code=True, torch_dtype=torch.float16, device_map='auto')
text = "有多个数据库表,信息如下:\n表名为cars_data,包含的属性为cars_data.horsepower,cars_data.accelerate,cars_data.mpg,,cars_data.year;表名为continents,包含的属性为continents.contid,continents.continent;表名为countries,包含的属性为countries.continent,countries.countryname,countries.countryid;表名为model_list,包含的属性为model_list.model,model_list.maker,model_list.modelid,它们之间的关系为 countries.continent = continents.contid\n请为下面的问题编写sql查询语句:\n加速度比马力最大的汽车更大的汽车有多少辆? "
def generate_prompt(input: str):
prompt = f"A chat between a curious human and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the human's questions.###Human: {input}###Assistant:"
return prompt
stop_tokens = ["###", "[UNK]", "</s>","<|endoftext|>"]
with torch.no_grad():
_input = generate_prompt(text)
tokens = tokenizer.encode_plus(_input, None, max_length=None)['input_ids']
tokens = torch.tensor(tokens)[None,].to(device)
out = model.generate(tokens, do_sample=False, max_length=1024, eos_token_id=100007,max_new_tokens=512,
bad_words_ids=[[tokenizer.encode(token)[0] for token in stop_tokens]])[0]
out = tokenizer.decode(out.cpu().numpy().tolist())
## License
AquilaSQL-7B open-source model is licensed under [ BAAI Aquila Model Licence Agreement](