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Add adapter bert-base-uncased_qa_squad1_houlsby version 1
030ec68 verified
- bert
- question-answering
- adapter-transformers
- adapterhub:qa/squad1
- squad
license: "apache-2.0"
# Adapter `bert-base-uncased_qa_squad1_houlsby` for bert-base-uncased
Adapter for bert-base in Houlsby architecture trained on the SQuAD 1.1 dataset for 15 epochs with early stopping and a learning rate of 3e-4.
**This adapter was created for usage with the [Adapters]( library.**
## Usage
First, install `adapters`:
pip install -U adapters
Now, the adapter can be loaded and activated like this:
from adapters import AutoAdapterModel
model = AutoAdapterModel.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")
adapter_name = model.load_adapter("AdapterHub/bert-base-uncased_qa_squad1_houlsby")
## Architecture & Training
- Adapter architecture: houlsby
- Prediction head: question answering
- Dataset: [SQuAD 1.1](
## Author Information
- Author name(s): Clifton Poth
- Author email:
- Author links: [Website](, [GitHub](, [Twitter](
## Citation
*This adapter has been auto-imported from*.