initial commit based on github repo
import torch
from torch import nn
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
Sampling strategies: RS (Random Sampling), EGS (Edge-Guided Sampling), and IGS (Instance-Guided Sampling)
# input:
# predictions[i,:], targets[i, :], masks[i, :], self.mask_value, self.point_pairs
# return:
# inputs_A, inputs_B, targets_A, targets_B, consistent_masks_A, consistent_masks_B
def randomSampling(predictions, targets, masks, threshold, sample_num):
# find A-B point pairs from predictions
inputs_index = torch.masked_select(predictions,
num_effect_pixels = len(inputs_index)
shuffle_effect_pixels = torch.randperm(num_effect_pixels, device="cuda")
inputs_A = inputs_index[shuffle_effect_pixels[0:sample_num*2:2]]
inputs_B = inputs_index[shuffle_effect_pixels[1:sample_num*2:2]]
# find corresponding pairs from GT
target_index = torch.masked_select(targets,
targets_A = target_index[shuffle_effect_pixels[0:sample_num*2:2]]
targets_B = target_index[shuffle_effect_pixels[1:sample_num*2:2]]
# only compute the losses of point pairs with valid GT
consistent_masks_index = torch.masked_select(masks,
consistent_masks_A = consistent_masks_index[shuffle_effect_pixels[0:sample_num*2:2]]
consistent_masks_B = consistent_masks_index[shuffle_effect_pixels[1:sample_num*2:2]]
# The amount of A and B should be the same!!
if len(targets_A) > len(targets_B):
targets_A = targets_A[:-1]
inputs_A = inputs_A[:-1]
consistent_masks_A = consistent_masks_A[:-1]
return inputs_A, inputs_B, targets_A, targets_B, consistent_masks_A, consistent_masks_B
# input:
# predictions[i,:], targets[i, :], masks[i, :], edges_img[i], thetas_img[i], masks[i, :], h, w
# return:
# inputs_A, inputs_B, targets_A, targets_B, masks_A, masks_B
def ind2sub(idx, cols):
r = torch.div(idx, cols, rounding_mode='floor') #idx // cols
c = idx % cols
return r, c
def sub2ind(r, c, cols):
idx = (r * cols + c).int()
return idx
def edgeGuidedSampling(predictions, targets, edges_img, thetas_img, masks, h, w):
# find edges
edges_max = edges_img.max()
edges_mask =*0.1)
edges_loc = edges_mask.nonzero()
inputs_edge = torch.masked_select(predictions, edges_mask)
targets_edge = torch.masked_select(targets, edges_mask)
thetas_edge = torch.masked_select(thetas_img, edges_mask)
minlen = inputs_edge.size()[0]
# find anchor points (i.e, edge points)
sample_num = minlen
index_anchors = torch.randint(0, minlen, (sample_num,), dtype=torch.long, device="cuda")
anchors = torch.gather(inputs_edge, 0, index_anchors)
theta_anchors = torch.gather(thetas_edge, 0, index_anchors)
row_anchors, col_anchors = ind2sub(edges_loc[index_anchors].squeeze(1), w)
## compute the coordinates of 4-points, distances are from [2, 30]
distance_matrix = torch.randint(2, 40, (4,sample_num), device="cuda")
pos_or_neg = torch.ones(4, sample_num, device="cuda")
pos_or_neg[:2,:] = -pos_or_neg[:2,:]
distance_matrix = distance_matrix.float() * pos_or_neg
col = col_anchors.unsqueeze(0).expand(4, sample_num).long() + torch.round(distance_matrix.float() * torch.abs(torch.cos(theta_anchors)).unsqueeze(0)).long()
row = row_anchors.unsqueeze(0).expand(4, sample_num).long() + torch.round(distance_matrix.float() * torch.abs(torch.sin(theta_anchors)).unsqueeze(0)).long()
# constrain 0=<c<=w, 0<=r<=h
# Note: index should minus 1
col[col<0] = 0
col[col>w-1] = w-1
row[row<0] = 0
row[row>h-1] = h-1
# a-b, b-c, c-d
a = sub2ind(row[0,:], col[0,:], w)
b = sub2ind(row[1,:], col[1,:], w)
c = sub2ind(row[2,:], col[2,:], w)
d = sub2ind(row[3,:], col[3,:], w)
A =,b,c), 0)
B =,c,d), 0)
inputs_A = torch.gather(predictions, 0, A.long())
inputs_B = torch.gather(predictions, 0, B.long())
targets_A = torch.gather(targets, 0, A.long())
targets_B = torch.gather(targets, 0, B.long())
masks_A = torch.gather(masks, 0, A.long())
masks_B = torch.gather(masks, 0, B.long())
# create A, B, C, D mask for visualization
# vis_mask = masks.reshape(h, w).cpu().numpy()
# vis_row = row.cpu()
# vis_col = col.cpu()
# visual_A = np.zeros((h, w)).astype(np.bool)
# visual_B = np.zeros_like(visual_A)
# visual_C = np.zeros_like(visual_A)
# visual_D = np.zeros_like(visual_A)
# visual_A[vis_row[0, :], vis_col[0, :]] = True
# visual_B[vis_row[1, :], vis_col[1, :]] = True
# visual_C[vis_row[2, :], vis_col[2, :]] = True
# visual_D[vis_row[3, :], vis_col[3, :]] = True
# visual_ABCD = [visual_A & vis_mask, visual_B & vis_mask,
# visual_C& vis_mask, visual_D& vis_mask]
return inputs_A, inputs_B, targets_A, targets_B, masks_A, masks_B, sample_num
# Ranking loss (Random sampling)
class RankingLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, point_pairs=5000, sigma=0.03, alpha=1.0, mask_value=-1e-8, loss_weight=1, **kwargs):
super(RankingLoss, self).__init__()
self.point_pairs = point_pairs # number of point pairs
self.sigma = sigma # used for determining the ordinal relationship between a selected pair
self.alpha = alpha # used for balancing the effect of = and (<,>)
self.mask_value = mask_value
self.loss_weight = loss_weight
self.eps = 1e-6
def forward(self, prediction, target, mask=None, **kwargs):
n,c,h,w = target.size()
if mask == None:
mask = target > self.mask_value
if n != 1:
prediction = prediction.view(n, -1)#.double()
target = target.view(n, -1)#.double()
mask = mask.view(n, -1)#.double()
prediction = prediction.contiguous().view(1, -1)#.double()
target = target.contiguous().view(1, -1)#.double()
mask = mask.contiguous().view(1, -1)#.double()
loss = 0.0 #torch.tensor([0.0]).cuda()
valid_samples = 0
for i in range(n):
# find A-B point pairs
inputs_A, inputs_B, targets_A, targets_B, consistent_masks_A, consistent_masks_B = randomSampling(prediction[i,:], target[i, :], mask[i, :], self.mask_value, self.point_pairs)
#GT ordinal relationship
target_ratio = torch.div(targets_A, targets_B+self.eps)
mask_eq = + self.sigma) *
labels = torch.zeros_like(target_ratio)
labels[ + self.sigma)] = 1
labels[target_ratio.le(1.0/(1.0+self.sigma))] = -1
# consider forward-backward consistency checking, only compute the losses of point pairs with valid GT
consistency_mask = consistent_masks_A & consistent_masks_B
# compute loss
equal_loss = (inputs_A - inputs_B).pow(2)[mask_eq & consistency_mask]
unequal_loss = torch.log(1 + torch.exp((-inputs_A + inputs_B) * labels))[(~mask_eq) & consistency_mask]
loss = loss + self.alpha * equal_loss.sum() + unequal_loss.sum()
valid_samples = valid_samples + unequal_loss.numel() + equal_loss.numel()
loss = loss / (valid_samples + self.eps)
if torch.isnan(loss).item() | torch.isinf(loss).item():
raise RuntimeError(f'VNL error, {loss}')
return loss * self.loss_weight
# EdgeguidedRankingLoss (with regularization term)
# Please comment regularization_loss if you don't want to use multi-scale gradient matching term
class EdgeguidedRankingLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, point_pairs=5000, sigma=0.03, alpha=1.0, mask_value=1e-6, loss_weight=1.0, data_type=['rel', 'sfm', 'stereo', 'lidar'], **kwargs):
super(EdgeguidedRankingLoss, self).__init__()
self.point_pairs = point_pairs # number of point pairs
self.sigma = sigma # used for determining the ordinal relationship between a selected pair
self.alpha = alpha # used for balancing the effect of = and (<,>)
self.mask_value = mask_value
self.loss_weight = loss_weight
self.data_type = data_type
self.eps = 1e-6
def getEdge(self, images):
n,c,h,w = images.size()
a = torch.tensor([[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1]], dtype=torch.float32, device="cuda").view((1,1,3,3)).repeat(1, 1, 1, 1)
b = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -2, -1]], dtype=torch.float32, device="cuda").view((1,1,3,3)).repeat(1, 1, 1, 1)
if c == 3:
gradient_x = F.conv2d(images[:,0,:,:].unsqueeze(1), a)
gradient_y = F.conv2d(images[:,0,:,:].unsqueeze(1), b)
gradient_x = F.conv2d(images, a)
gradient_y = F.conv2d(images, b)
edges = torch.sqrt(torch.pow(gradient_x,2)+ torch.pow(gradient_y,2))
edges = F.pad(edges, (1,1,1,1), "constant", 0)
thetas = torch.atan2(gradient_y, gradient_x)
thetas = F.pad(thetas, (1,1,1,1), "constant", 0)
return edges, thetas
def visual_check(self, rgb, samples):
rgb = rgb.cpu().squeeze().numpy()
mean = np.array([123.675, 116.28, 103.53])[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
std= np.array([58.395, 57.12, 57.375])[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
rgb = ((rgb * std) + mean).astype(np.uint8).transpose((1, 2, 0))
mask_A, mask_B, mask_C, mask_D = samples
rgb[mask_A.astype(np.bool)] = [255, 0, 0]
rgb[mask_B.astype(np.bool)] = [0, 255, 0]
rgb[mask_C.astype(np.bool)] = [0, 0, 255]
rgb[mask_D.astype(np.bool)] = [255, 255, 0]
filename = str(np.random.randint(10000))
save_path = os.path.join('test_ranking', filename + '.png')
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_path), exist_ok=True)
plt.imsave(save_path, rgb)
def forward(self, prediction, target, mask=None, input=None, **kwargs):
loss = self.get_loss(prediction, target, mask, input, **kwargs)
return loss
def get_loss(self, prediction, target, mask=None, input=None, **kwargs):
if mask == None:
mask = target > self.mask_value
# find edges from RGB
edges_img, thetas_img = self.getEdge(input)
# find edges from target depths
edges_depth, thetas_depth = self.getEdge(target)
n,c,h,w = target.size()
if n != 1:
prediction = prediction.view(n, -1)#.double()
target = target.view(n, -1)#.double()
mask = mask.view(n, -1)#.double()
edges_img = edges_img.view(n, -1)#.double()
thetas_img = thetas_img.view(n, -1)#.double()
edges_depth = edges_depth.view(n, -1)#.double()
thetas_depth = thetas_depth.view(n, -1)#.double()
prediction = prediction.contiguous().view(1, -1)#.double()
target = target.contiguous().view(1, -1)#.double()
mask = mask.contiguous().view(1, -1)#.double()
edges_img = edges_img.contiguous().view(1, -1)#.double()
thetas_img = thetas_img.contiguous().view(1, -1)#.double()
edges_depth = edges_depth.view(1, -1)#.double()
thetas_depth = thetas_depth.view(1, -1)#.double()
# initialization
loss = 0.0 #torch.tensor([0.0]).cuda()
valid_samples = 0
for i in range(n):
# Edge-Guided sampling from RGB predictions, targets, edges_img, thetas_img, masks, h, w
inputs_A, inputs_B, targets_A, targets_B, masks_A, masks_B, sample_num = edgeGuidedSampling(
target[i, :],
mask[i, :],
# # Edge-Guided sampling from depth
# inputs_A_depth, inputs_B_depth, targets_A_depth, targets_B_depth, masks_A_depth, masks_B_depth, sample_num_depth = edgeGuidedSampling(
# prediction[i,:],
# target[i, :],
# edges_depth[i],
# thetas_depth[i],
# mask[i, :],
# h,
# w
# )
# Random Sampling predictions, targets, masks, threshold, sample_num
random_sample_num = sample_num
random_inputs_A, random_inputs_B, random_targets_A, random_targets_B, random_masks_A, random_masks_B = randomSampling(
target[i, :],
mask[i, :],
# Combine EGS + RS + EGS_depth
inputs_A_merge =, random_inputs_A,), 0)
inputs_B_merge =, random_inputs_B,), 0)
targets_A_merge =, random_targets_A,), 0)
targets_B_merge =, random_targets_B,), 0)
masks_A_merge =, random_masks_A,), 0)
masks_B_merge =, random_masks_B,), 0)
#GT ordinal relationship
target_ratio = torch.div(targets_A_merge + 1e-6, targets_B_merge + 1e-6)
mask_eq = + self.sigma) &
labels = torch.zeros_like(target_ratio)
labels[ + self.sigma)] = 1
labels[target_ratio.le(1.0/(1.0+self.sigma))] = -1
# consider forward-backward consistency checking, i.e, only compute losses of point pairs with valid GT
consistency_mask = masks_A_merge & masks_B_merge
equal_loss = (inputs_A_merge - inputs_B_merge).pow(2)[mask_eq & consistency_mask]
unequal_loss = torch.log(1 + torch.exp((-inputs_A_merge + inputs_B_merge) * labels))[(~mask_eq) & consistency_mask]
loss = loss + self.alpha * torch.sum(equal_loss) + torch.sum(unequal_loss)
valid_samples = valid_samples + equal_loss.numel()
valid_samples = valid_samples + unequal_loss.numel()
loss = loss / (valid_samples + self.eps)
if torch.isnan(loss).item() | torch.isinf(loss).item():
raise RuntimeError(f'VNL error, {loss}')
return loss * self.loss_weight
if __name__ == '__main__':
import cv2
rank_loss = EdgeguidedRankingLoss()
pred_depth = np.random.randn(2, 1, 480, 640)
gt_depth = np.ones((2, 1, 480, 640)) #np.random.randn(2, 1, 480, 640)
# gt_depth = cv2.imread('/hardware/yifanliu/SUNRGBD/sunrgbd-meta-data/sunrgbd_test_depth/2.png', -1)
# gt_depth = gt_depth[None, :, :, None]
# pred_depth = gt_depth[:, :, ::-1, :]
gt_depth = torch.tensor(np.asarray(gt_depth, np.float32)).cuda()
pred_depth = torch.tensor(np.asarray(pred_depth, np.float32)).cuda()
input = np.random.randn(2, 3, 480, 640)
input_torch = torch.tensor(np.asarray(input, np.float32)).cuda()
loss = rank_loss(gt_depth, gt_depth, gt_depth>0, input=input_torch)