"""Utilty functions for converting between MIDI data and human-readable/usable |
values |
""" |
import numpy as np |
import re |
def key_number_to_key_name(key_number): |
"""Convert a key number to a key string. |
Parameters |
---------- |
key_number : int |
Uses pitch classes to represent major and minor keys. |
For minor keys, adds a 12 offset. |
For example, C major is 0 and C minor is 12. |
Returns |
------- |
key_name : str |
Key name in the format ``'(root) (mode)'``, e.g. ``'Gb minor'``. |
Gives preference for keys with flats, with the exception of F#, G# and |
C# minor. |
""" |
if not isinstance(key_number, int): |
raise ValueError('`key_number` is not int!') |
if not ((key_number >= 0) and (key_number < 24)): |
raise ValueError('`key_number` is larger than 24') |
keys = ['C', 'Db', 'D', 'Eb', 'E', 'F', 'Gb', |
'G', 'Ab', 'A', 'Bb', 'B'] |
key_idx = key_number % 12 |
mode = key_number // 12 |
if mode == 0: |
return keys[key_idx] + ' Major' |
elif mode == 1: |
if key_idx in [1, 6, 8]: |
return keys[key_idx-1] + '# minor' |
else: |
return keys[key_idx] + ' minor' |
def key_name_to_key_number(key_string): |
"""Convert a key name string to key number. |
Parameters |
---------- |
key_string : str |
Format is ``'(root) (mode)'``, where: |
* ``(root)`` is one of ABCDEFG or abcdefg. A lowercase root |
indicates a minor key when no mode string is specified. Optionally |
a # for sharp or b for flat can be specified. |
* ``(mode)`` is optionally specified either as one of 'M', 'Maj', |
'Major', 'maj', or 'major' for major or 'm', 'Min', 'Minor', 'min', |
'minor' for minor. If no mode is specified and the root is |
uppercase, the mode is assumed to be major; if the root is |
lowercase, the mode is assumed to be minor. |
Returns |
------- |
key_number : int |
Integer representing the key and its mode. Integers from 0 to 11 |
represent major keys from C to B; 12 to 23 represent minor keys from C |
to B. |
""" |
major_strs = ['M', 'Maj', 'Major', 'maj', 'major'] |
minor_strs = ['m', 'Min', 'Minor', 'min', 'minor'] |
pattern = re.compile( |
'^(?P<key>[ABCDEFGabcdefg])' |
'(?P<flatsharp>[#b]?)' |
' ?' |
'(?P<mode>(?:(?:' + |
')|(?:'.join(major_strs + minor_strs) + '))?)$') |
result = re.match(pattern, key_string) |
if result is None: |
raise ValueError('Supplied key {} is not valid.'.format(key_string)) |
result = result.groupdict() |
key_number = {'c': 0, 'd': 2, 'e': 4, 'f': 5, |
'g': 7, 'a': 9, 'b': 11}[result['key'].lower()] |
if result['flatsharp']: |
if result['flatsharp'] == '#': |
key_number += 1 |
elif result['flatsharp'] == 'b': |
key_number -= 1 |
key_number = key_number % 12 |
if result['mode'] in minor_strs or (result['key'].islower() and |
result['mode'] not in major_strs): |
key_number += 12 |
return key_number |
def mode_accidentals_to_key_number(mode, num_accidentals): |
"""Convert a given number of accidentals and mode to a key number. |
Parameters |
---------- |
mode : int |
0 is major, 1 is minor. |
num_accidentals : int |
Positive number is used for sharps, negative number is used for flats. |
Returns |
------- |
key_number : int |
Integer representing the key and its mode. |
""" |
if not (isinstance(num_accidentals, int) and |
num_accidentals > -8 and |
num_accidentals < 8): |
raise ValueError('Number of accidentals {} is not valid'.format( |
num_accidentals)) |
if mode not in (0, 1): |
raise ValueError('Mode {} is not recognizable, must be 0 or 1'.format( |
mode)) |
sharp_keys = 'CGDAEBF' |
flat_keys = 'FBEADGC' |
if num_accidentals >= 0: |
num_sharps = num_accidentals // 6 |
key = sharp_keys[num_accidentals % 7] + '#' * int(num_sharps) |
else: |
if num_accidentals == -1: |
key = 'F' |
else: |
key = flat_keys[(-1 * num_accidentals - 1) % 7] + 'b' |
key += ' Major' |
key_number = key_name_to_key_number(key) |
if mode == 1: |
key_number = 12 + ((key_number - 3) % 12) |
return key_number |
def key_number_to_mode_accidentals(key_number): |
"""Converts a key number to number of accidentals and mode. |
Parameters |
---------- |
key_number : int |
Key number as used in ``pretty_midi``. |
Returns |
------- |
mode : int |
0 for major, 1 for minor. |
num_accidentals : int |
Number of accidentals. |
Positive is for sharps and negative is for flats. |
""" |
if not ((isinstance(key_number, int) and |
key_number >= 0 and |
key_number < 24)): |
raise ValueError('Key number {} is not a must be an int between 0 and ' |
'24'.format(key_number)) |
pc_to_num_accidentals_major = {0: 0, 1: -5, 2: 2, 3: -3, 4: 4, 5: -1, 6: 6, |
7: 1, 8: -4, 9: 3, 10: -2, 11: 5} |
mode = key_number // 12 |
if mode == 0: |
num_accidentals = pc_to_num_accidentals_major[key_number] |
return mode, num_accidentals |
elif mode == 1: |
key_number = (key_number + 3) % 12 |
num_accidentals = pc_to_num_accidentals_major[key_number] |
return mode, num_accidentals |
else: |
return None |
def qpm_to_bpm(quarter_note_tempo, numerator, denominator): |
"""Converts from quarter notes per minute to beats per minute. |
Parameters |
---------- |
quarter_note_tempo : float |
Quarter note tempo. |
numerator : int |
Numerator of time signature. |
denominator : int |
Denominator of time signature. |
Returns |
------- |
bpm : float |
Tempo in beats per minute. |
""" |
if not (isinstance(quarter_note_tempo, (int, float)) and |
quarter_note_tempo > 0): |
raise ValueError( |
'Quarter notes per minute must be an int or float ' |
'greater than 0, but {} was supplied'.format(quarter_note_tempo)) |
if not (isinstance(numerator, int) and numerator > 0): |
raise ValueError( |
'Time signature numerator must be an int greater than 0, but {} ' |
'was supplied.'.format(numerator)) |
if not (isinstance(denominator, int) and denominator > 0): |
raise ValueError( |
'Time signature denominator must be an int greater than 0, but {} ' |
'was supplied.'.format(denominator)) |
if denominator in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]: |
if numerator == 3: |
return quarter_note_tempo * denominator / 4.0 |
elif numerator % 3 == 0: |
return quarter_note_tempo / 3.0 * denominator / 4.0 |
else: |
return quarter_note_tempo * denominator / 4.0 |
else: |
return quarter_note_tempo |
def note_number_to_hz(note_number): |
"""Convert a (fractional) MIDI note number to its frequency in Hz. |
Parameters |
---------- |
note_number : float |
MIDI note number, can be fractional. |
Returns |
------- |
note_frequency : float |
Frequency of the note in Hz. |
""" |
return 440.0*(2.0**((note_number - 69)/12.0)) |
def hz_to_note_number(frequency): |
"""Convert a frequency in Hz to a (fractional) note number. |
Parameters |
---------- |
frequency : float |
Frequency of the note in Hz. |
Returns |
------- |
note_number : float |
MIDI note number, can be fractional. |
""" |
return 12*(np.log2(frequency) - np.log2(440.0)) + 69 |
def note_name_to_number(note_name): |
"""Converts a note name in the format |
``'(note)(accidental)(octave number)'`` (e.g. ``'C#4'``) to MIDI note |
number. |
``'(note)'`` is required, and is case-insensitive. |
``'(accidental)'`` should be ``''`` for natural, ``'#'`` for sharp and |
``'!'`` or ``'b'`` for flat. |
If ``'(octave)'`` is ``''``, octave 0 is assumed. |
Parameters |
---------- |
note_name : str |
A note name, as described above. |
Returns |
------- |
note_number : int |
MIDI note number corresponding to the provided note name. |
Notes |
----- |
Thanks to Brian McFee. |
""" |
pitch_map = {'C': 0, 'D': 2, 'E': 4, 'F': 5, 'G': 7, 'A': 9, 'B': 11} |
acc_map = {'#': 1, '': 0, 'b': -1, '!': -1} |
try: |
match = re.match(r'^(?P<n>[A-Ga-g])(?P<off>[#b!]?)(?P<oct>[+-]?\d+)$', |
note_name) |
pitch = match.group('n').upper() |
offset = acc_map[match.group('off')] |
octave = int(match.group('oct')) |
except: |
raise ValueError('Improper note format: {}'.format(note_name)) |
return 12*(octave + 1) + pitch_map[pitch] + offset |
def note_number_to_name(note_number): |
"""Convert a MIDI note number to its name, in the format |
``'(note)(accidental)(octave number)'`` (e.g. ``'C#4'``). |
Parameters |
---------- |
note_number : int |
MIDI note number. If not an int, it will be rounded. |
Returns |
------- |
note_name : str |
Name of the supplied MIDI note number. |
Notes |
----- |
Thanks to Brian McFee. |
""" |
semis = ['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B'] |
note_number = int(np.round(note_number)) |
return semis[note_number % 12] + str(note_number//12 - 1) |
def note_number_to_drum_name(note_number): |
"""Converts a MIDI note number in a percussion instrument to the |
corresponding drum name, according to the General MIDI standard. |
Any MIDI note number outside of the valid range (note 35-81, zero-indexed) |
will result in an empty string. |
Parameters |
---------- |
note_number : int |
MIDI note number. If not an int, it will be rounded. |
Returns |
------- |
drum_name : str |
Name of the drum for this note for a percussion instrument. |
Notes |
----- |
See http://www.midi.org/techspecs/gm1sound.php |
""" |
note_number = int(np.round(note_number)) |
if note_number < 35 or note_number > 81: |
return '' |
else: |
return DRUM_MAP[note_number - 35] |
def __normalize_str(name): |
"""Removes all non-alphanumeric characters from a string and converts |
it to lowercase. |
""" |
return ''.join(ch for ch in name if ch.isalnum()).lower() |
def drum_name_to_note_number(drum_name): |
"""Converts a drum name to the corresponding MIDI note number for a |
percussion instrument. Conversion is case, whitespace, and |
non-alphanumeric character insensitive. |
Parameters |
---------- |
drum_name : str |
Name of a drum which exists in the general MIDI standard. |
If the drum is not found, a ValueError is raised. |
Returns |
------- |
note_number : int |
The MIDI note number corresponding to this drum. |
Notes |
----- |
See http://www.midi.org/techspecs/gm1sound.php |
""" |
normalized_drum_name = __normalize_str(drum_name) |
normalized_drum_names = [__normalize_str(name) for name in DRUM_MAP] |
try: |
note_index = normalized_drum_names.index(normalized_drum_name) |
except: |
raise ValueError('{} is not a valid General MIDI drum ' |
'name.'.format(drum_name)) |
return note_index + 35 |
def program_to_instrument_name(program_number): |
"""Converts a MIDI program number to the corresponding General MIDI |
instrument name. |
Parameters |
---------- |
program_number : int |
MIDI program number, between 0 and 127. |
Returns |
------- |
instrument_name : str |
Name of the instrument corresponding to this program number. |
Notes |
----- |
See http://www.midi.org/techspecs/gm1sound.php |
""" |
if program_number < 0 or program_number > 127: |
raise ValueError('Invalid program number {}, should be between 0 and' |
' 127'.format(program_number)) |
return INSTRUMENT_MAP[program_number] |
def instrument_name_to_program(instrument_name): |
"""Converts an instrument name to the corresponding General MIDI program |
number. Conversion is case, whitespace, and non-alphanumeric character |
insensitive. |
Parameters |
---------- |
instrument_name : str |
Name of an instrument which exists in the general MIDI standard. |
If the instrument is not found, a ValueError is raised. |
Returns |
------- |
program_number : int |
The MIDI program number corresponding to this instrument. |
Notes |
----- |
See http://www.midi.org/techspecs/gm1sound.php |
""" |
normalized_inst_name = __normalize_str(instrument_name) |
normalized_inst_names = [__normalize_str(name) for name in |
try: |
program_number = normalized_inst_names.index(normalized_inst_name) |
except: |
raise ValueError('{} is not a valid General MIDI instrument ' |
'name.'.format(instrument_name)) |
return program_number |
def program_to_instrument_class(program_number): |
"""Converts a MIDI program number to the corresponding General MIDI |
instrument class. |
Parameters |
---------- |
program_number : int |
MIDI program number, between 0 and 127. |
Returns |
------- |
instrument_class : str |
Name of the instrument class corresponding to this program number. |
Notes |
----- |
See http://www.midi.org/techspecs/gm1sound.php |
""" |
if program_number < 0 or program_number > 127: |
raise ValueError('Invalid program number {}, should be between 0 and' |
' 127'.format(program_number)) |
return INSTRUMENT_CLASSES[int(program_number)//8] |
def pitch_bend_to_semitones(pitch_bend, semitone_range=2.): |
"""Convert a MIDI pitch bend value (in the range ``[-8192, 8191]``) to the |
bend amount in semitones. |
Parameters |
---------- |
pitch_bend : int |
MIDI pitch bend amount, in ``[-8192, 8191]``. |
semitone_range : float |
Convert to +/- this semitone range. Default is 2., which is the |
General MIDI standard +/-2 semitone range. |
Returns |
------- |
semitones : float |
Number of semitones corresponding to this pitch bend amount. |
""" |
return semitone_range*pitch_bend/8192.0 |
def semitones_to_pitch_bend(semitones, semitone_range=2.): |
"""Convert a semitone value to the corresponding MIDI pitch bend integer. |
Parameters |
---------- |
semitones : float |
Number of semitones for the pitch bend. |
semitone_range : float |
Convert to +/- this semitone range. Default is 2., which is the |
General MIDI standard +/-2 semitone range. |
Returns |
------- |
pitch_bend : int |
MIDI pitch bend amount, in ``[-8192, 8191]``. |
""" |
return int(8192*(semitones/semitone_range)) |