""" |
Author: Luan Dias - https://github.com/luandiasrj |
Url: https://github.com/luandiasrj/QToggle_-_Advanced_QCheckbox_for_PyQT6 |
This code implements a custom QToggle class, which is a toggle switch derived |
from QCheckBox. The QToggle class features customizable colors, and properties. |
It includes smooth transitions when toggling between states. |
The custom properties include: |
bg_color: background color of the toggle |
circle_color: color of the circle inside the toggle |
active_color: color of the background when the toggle is checked |
disabled_color: color of the toggle when it's disabled |
text_color: color of the text |
Main functions and methods in the class include: |
init: Initializes the QToggle object with default colors and settings |
setDuration: Set the duration for the animation |
update_pos_color: Updates the circle position and background color |
start_transition: Starts the transition animation when the state changes |
create_animation: Creates the circle position animation |
create_bg_color_animation: Creates the background color animation |
sizeHint: Provides the recommended size for the toggle |
hitButton: Determines if the mouse click is inside the toggle area |
paintEvent: Handles the custom painting of the toggle |
The example demonstrates how to use the QToggle class by creating three |
different toggles with various settings such as custom height, colors, and font. |
""" |
from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt, QRect, pyqtProperty, QPropertyAnimation, QPoint, \ |
QEasingCurve |
from PyQt6.QtGui import QColor, QFontMetrics, QPainter, QPainterPath, QBrush, \ |
QPen, QFont |
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QCheckBox, QVBoxLayout |
class QToggle(QCheckBox): |
bg_color = pyqtProperty( |
QColor, lambda self: self._bg_color, |
lambda self, col: setattr(self, '_bg_color', col)) |
circle_color = pyqtProperty( |
QColor, lambda self: self._circle_color, |
lambda self, col: setattr(self, '_circle_color', col)) |
active_color = pyqtProperty( |
QColor, lambda self: self._active_color, |
lambda self, col: setattr(self, '_active_color', col)) |
disabled_color = pyqtProperty( |
QColor, lambda self: self._disabled_color, |
lambda self, col: setattr(self, '_disabled_color', col)) |
text_color = pyqtProperty( |
QColor, lambda self: self._text_color, |
lambda self, col: setattr(self, '_text_color', col)) |
def __init__(self, parent=None): |
super().__init__(parent) |
self._bg_color, self._circle_color, self._active_color, \ |
self._disabled_color, self._text_color = QColor("#0BF"), \ |
QColor("#DDD"), QColor('#777'), QColor("#CCC"), QColor("#000") |
self._circle_pos, self._intermediate_bg_color = None, None |
self.setFixedHeight(18) |
self._animation_duration = 500 |
self.stateChanged.connect(self.start_transition) |
self._user_checked = False |
circle_pos = pyqtProperty( |
float, lambda self: self._circle_pos, |
lambda self, pos: (setattr(self, '_circle_pos', pos), self.update())) |
intermediate_bg_color = pyqtProperty( |
QColor, lambda self: self._intermediate_bg_color, |
lambda self, col: setattr(self, '_intermediate_bg_color', col)) |
def setDuration(self, duration: int): |
""" |
Set the duration for the animation. |
:param duration: Duration in milliseconds. |
""" |
self._animation_duration = duration |
def update_pos_color(self, checked=None): |
self._circle_pos = self.height() * (1.1 if checked else 0.1) |
if self.isChecked(): |
self._intermediate_bg_color = self._active_color |
else: |
self._intermediate_bg_color = self._bg_color |
def start_transition(self, state): |
if not self._user_checked: |
self.update_pos_color(state) |
return |
for anim in [self.create_animation, self.create_bg_color_animation]: |
animation = anim(state) |
animation.start() |
self._user_checked = False |
def mousePressEvent(self, event): |
self._user_checked = True |
super().mousePressEvent(event) |
def create_animation(self, state): |
return self._create_common_animation( |
state, b'circle_pos', self.height() * 0.1, self.height() * 1.1) |
def create_bg_color_animation(self, state): |
return self._create_common_animation( |
state, b'intermediate_bg_color', self._bg_color, self._active_color) |
def _create_common_animation(self, state, prop, start_val, end_val): |
animation = QPropertyAnimation(self, prop, self) |
animation.setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve.Type.InOutCubic) |
animation.setDuration(self._animation_duration) |
animation.setStartValue(start_val if state else end_val) |
animation.setEndValue(end_val if state else start_val) |
return animation |
def showEvent(self, event): |
super().showEvent(event) |
self.update_pos_color(self.isChecked()) |
def resizeEvent(self, event): |
self.update_pos_color(self.isChecked()) |
def sizeHint(self): |
size = super().sizeHint() |
text_width = QFontMetrics( |
self.font()).boundingRect(self.text()).width() |
size.setWidth(int(self.height() * 2 + text_width * 1.075)) |
return size |
def hitButton(self, pos: QPoint): |
return self.contentsRect().contains(pos) |
def paintEvent(self, event): |
painter = QPainter(self) |
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.RenderHint.Antialiasing) |
circle_color = QColor( |
self.disabled_color if not self.isEnabled() else self.circle_color) |
bg_color = QColor( |
self.disabled_color if not self.isEnabled() else |
self.intermediate_bg_color) |
text_color = QColor( |
self.disabled_color if not self.isEnabled() else self.text_color) |
bordersradius = self.height() / 2 |
togglewidth = self.height() * 2 |
togglemargin = self.height() * 0.3 |
circlesize = self.height() * 0.8 |
bg_path = QPainterPath() |
bg_path.addRoundedRect( |
0, 0, togglewidth, self.height(), bordersradius, bordersradius) |
painter.fillPath(bg_path, QBrush(bg_color)) |
circle = QPainterPath() |
circle.addEllipse( |
self.circle_pos, self.height() * 0.1, circlesize, circlesize) |
painter.fillPath(circle, QBrush(circle_color)) |
painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(text_color))) |
painter.setFont(self.font()) |
text_rect = QRect(int(togglewidth + togglemargin), 0, self.width() - |
int(togglewidth + togglemargin), self.height()) |
text_rect.adjust( |
0, (self.height() - painter.fontMetrics().height()) // 2, 0, 0) |
painter.drawText(text_rect, Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft | |
Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignVCenter, self.text()) |
painter.end() |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
app = QApplication([]) |
window = QWidget() |
layout = QVBoxLayout() |
checkbox0 = QToggle() |
checkbox0.setFixedHeight(12) |
layout.addWidget(checkbox0) |
checkbox1 = QToggle() |
checkbox1.setText('Checkbox 1 - Disabled') |
checkbox1.setEnabled(False) |
layout.addWidget(checkbox1) |
checkbox2 = QToggle() |
checkbox2.setText('Checkbox 2 - Checked, custom height, animation duration, colors and font') |
checkbox2.setFixedHeight(24) |
checkbox2.setFont(QFont('Segoe Print', 10)) |
checkbox2.setStyleSheet("QToggle{" |
"qproperty-bg_color:#FAA;" |
"qproperty-circle_color:#DDF;" |
"qproperty-active_color:#AAF;" |
"qproperty-disabled_color:#777;" |
"qproperty-text_color:#A0F;}") |
checkbox2.setDuration(2000) |
checkbox2.setChecked(True) |
layout.addWidget(checkbox2) |
window.setLayout(layout) |
window.show() |
app.exec() |