import time |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
import math |
import random |
from autoattack.other_utils import L0_norm, L1_norm, L2_norm |
from autoattack.checks import check_zero_gradients |
def L1_projection(x2, y2, eps1): |
''' |
x2: center of the L1 ball (bs x input_dim) |
y2: current perturbation (x2 + y2 is the point to be projected) |
eps1: radius of the L1 ball |
output: delta s.th. ||y2 + delta||_1 <= eps1 |
and 0 <= x2 + y2 + delta <= 1 |
''' |
x = x2.clone().float().view(x2.shape[0], -1) |
y = y2.clone().float().view(y2.shape[0], -1) |
sigma = y.clone().sign() |
u = torch.min(1 - x - y, x + y) |
u = torch.min(torch.zeros_like(y), u) |
l = -torch.clone(y).abs() |
d = u.clone() |
bs, indbs = torch.sort(-torch.cat((u, l), 1), dim=1) |
bs2 = torch.cat((bs[:, 1:], torch.zeros(bs.shape[0], 1).to(bs.device)), 1) |
inu = 2*(indbs < u.shape[1]).float() - 1 |
size1 = inu.cumsum(dim=1) |
s1 = -u.sum(dim=1) |
c = eps1 - y.clone().abs().sum(dim=1) |
c5 = s1 + c < 0 |
c2 = c5.nonzero().squeeze(1) |
s = s1.unsqueeze(-1) + torch.cumsum((bs2 - bs) * size1, dim=1) |
if c2.nelement != 0: |
lb = torch.zeros_like(c2).float() |
ub = torch.ones_like(lb) *(bs.shape[1] - 1) |
nitermax = torch.ceil(torch.log2(torch.tensor(bs.shape[1]).float())) |
counter2 = torch.zeros_like(lb).long() |
counter = 0 |
while counter < nitermax: |
counter4 = torch.floor((lb + ub) / 2.) |
counter2 = counter4.type(torch.LongTensor) |
c8 = s[c2, counter2] + c[c2] < 0 |
ind3 = c8.nonzero().squeeze(1) |
ind32 = (~c8).nonzero().squeeze(1) |
if ind3.nelement != 0: |
lb[ind3] = counter4[ind3] |
if ind32.nelement != 0: |
ub[ind32] = counter4[ind32] |
counter += 1 |
lb2 = lb.long() |
alpha = (-s[c2, lb2] -c[c2]) / size1[c2, lb2 + 1] + bs2[c2, lb2] |
d[c2] = -torch.min(torch.max(-u[c2], alpha.unsqueeze(-1)), -l[c2]) |
return (sigma * d).view(x2.shape) |
class APGDAttack(): |
""" |
AutoPGD |
https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.01690 |
:param predict: forward pass function |
:param norm: Lp-norm of the attack ('Linf', 'L2', 'L0' supported) |
:param n_restarts: number of random restarts |
:param n_iter: number of iterations |
:param eps: bound on the norm of perturbations |
:param seed: random seed for the starting point |
:param loss: loss to optimize ('ce', 'dlr' supported) |
:param eot_iter: iterations for Expectation over Trasformation |
:param rho: parameter for decreasing the step size |
""" |
def __init__( |
self, |
predict, |
n_iter=100, |
norm='Linf', |
n_restarts=1, |
eps=None, |
seed=0, |
loss='ce', |
eot_iter=1, |
rho=.75, |
topk=None, |
verbose=False, |
device=None, |
use_largereps=False, |
is_tf_model=False, |
logger=None, |
alpha=None, |
use_rs=True, |
): |
""" |
AutoPGD implementation in PyTorch |
""" |
self.model = predict |
self.n_iter = n_iter |
self.eps = eps |
self.norm = norm |
self.n_restarts = n_restarts |
self.seed = seed |
self.loss = loss |
self.eot_iter = eot_iter |
self.thr_decr = rho |
self.topk = topk |
self.verbose = verbose |
self.device = device |
self.use_rs = use_rs |
self.use_largereps = use_largereps |
self.n_iter_orig = n_iter + 0 |
self.eps_orig = eps + 0. |
self.is_tf_model = is_tf_model |
self.y_target = None |
self.logger = logger |
self.alpha = alpha |
assert self.norm in ['Linf', 'L2', 'L1'] |
assert not self.eps is None |
self.n_iter_2 = max(int(0.22 * self.n_iter), 1) |
self.n_iter_min = max(int(0.06 * self.n_iter), 1) |
self.size_decr = max(int(0.03 * self.n_iter), 1) |
def init_hyperparam(self, x): |
if self.device is None: |
self.device = x.device |
self.orig_dim = list(x.shape[1:]) |
self.ndims = len(self.orig_dim) |
if self.seed is None: |
self.seed = time.time() |
def check_oscillation(self, x, j, k, y5, k3=0.75): |
t = torch.zeros(x.shape[1]).to(self.device) |
for counter5 in range(k): |
t += (x[j - counter5] > x[j - counter5 - 1]).float() |
return (t <= k * k3 * torch.ones_like(t)).float() |
def check_shape(self, x): |
return x if len(x.shape) > 0 else x.unsqueeze(0) |
def normalize(self, x): |
if self.norm == 'Linf': |
t = x.abs().view(x.shape[0], -1).max(1)[0] |
elif self.norm == 'L2': |
t = (x ** 2).view(x.shape[0], -1).sum(-1).sqrt() |
elif self.norm == 'L1': |
try: |
t = x.abs().view(x.shape[0], -1).sum(dim=-1) |
except: |
t = x.abs().reshape([x.shape[0], -1]).sum(dim=-1) |
return x / (t.view(-1, *([1] * self.ndims)) + 1e-12) |
def dlr_loss(self, x, y): |
x_sorted, ind_sorted = x.sort(dim=1) |
ind = (ind_sorted[:, -1] == y).float() |
u = torch.arange(x.shape[0]) |
return -(x[u, y] - x_sorted[:, -2] * ind - x_sorted[:, -1] * ( |
1. - ind)) / (x_sorted[:, -1] - x_sorted[:, -3] + 1e-12) |
def attack_single_run(self, x, y, x_init=None): |
if len(x.shape) < self.ndims: |
x = x.unsqueeze(0) |
y = y.unsqueeze(0) |
if self.use_rs: |
if self.norm == 'Linf': |
t = 2 * torch.rand(x.shape).to(self.device).detach() - 1 |
x_adv = x + self.eps * torch.ones_like(x |
).detach() * self.normalize(t) |
elif self.norm == 'L2': |
t = torch.randn(x.shape).to(self.device).detach() |
x_adv = x + self.eps * torch.ones_like(x |
).detach() * self.normalize(t) |
elif self.norm == 'L1': |
t = torch.randn(x.shape).to(self.device).detach() |
delta = L1_projection(x, t, self.eps) |
x_adv = x + t + delta |
else: |
x_adv = x.clone() |
if not x_init is None: |
x_adv = x_init.clone() |
if self.norm == 'L1' and self.verbose: |
print('[custom init] L1 perturbation {:.5f}'.format( |
(x_adv - x).abs().view(x.shape[0], -1).sum(1).max())) |
x_adv = x_adv.clamp(0., 1.) |
x_best = x_adv.clone() |
x_best_adv = x_adv.clone() |
loss_steps = torch.zeros([self.n_iter, x.shape[0]] |
).to(self.device) |
loss_best_steps = torch.zeros([self.n_iter + 1, x.shape[0]] |
).to(self.device) |
acc_steps = torch.zeros_like(loss_best_steps) |
if not self.is_tf_model: |
if self.loss == 'ce': |
criterion_indiv = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') |
elif self.loss == 'ce-targeted-cfts': |
criterion_indiv = lambda x, y: -1. * F.cross_entropy(x, y, |
reduction='none') |
elif self.loss == 'dlr': |
criterion_indiv = self.dlr_loss |
elif self.loss == 'dlr-targeted': |
criterion_indiv = self.dlr_loss_targeted |
elif self.loss == 'ce-targeted': |
criterion_indiv = self.ce_loss_targeted |
else: |
raise ValueError('unknowkn loss') |
else: |
if self.loss == 'ce': |
criterion_indiv = self.model.get_logits_loss_grad_xent |
elif self.loss == 'dlr': |
criterion_indiv = self.model.get_logits_loss_grad_dlr |
elif self.loss == 'dlr-targeted': |
criterion_indiv = self.model.get_logits_loss_grad_target |
else: |
raise ValueError('unknowkn loss') |
x_adv.requires_grad_() |
grad = torch.zeros_like(x) |
for _ in range(self.eot_iter): |
if not self.is_tf_model: |
with torch.enable_grad(): |
logits = self.model(x_adv) |
loss_indiv = criterion_indiv(logits, y) |
loss = loss_indiv.sum() |
grad += torch.autograd.grad(loss, [x_adv])[0].detach() |
else: |
if self.y_target is None: |
logits, loss_indiv, grad_curr = criterion_indiv(x_adv, y) |
else: |
logits, loss_indiv, grad_curr = criterion_indiv(x_adv, y, |
self.y_target) |
grad += grad_curr |
grad /= float(self.eot_iter) |
grad_best = grad.clone() |
if self.loss in ['dlr', 'dlr-targeted']: |
check_zero_gradients(grad, logger=self.logger) |
acc = logits.detach().max(1)[1] == y |
acc_steps[0] = acc + 0 |
loss_best = loss_indiv.detach().clone() |
if self.alpha is None: |
alpha = 2. if self.norm in ['Linf', 'L2'] else 1. if self.norm in ['L1'] else 2e-2 |
else: |
alpha = self.alpha |
step_size = alpha * self.eps * torch.ones([x.shape[0], *( |
[1] * self.ndims)]).to(self.device).detach() |
x_adv_old = x_adv.clone() |
counter = 0 |
k = self.n_iter_2 + 0 |
n_fts = math.prod(self.orig_dim) |
if self.norm == 'L1': |
k = max(int(.04 * self.n_iter), 1) |
if x_init is None: |
topk = .2 * torch.ones([x.shape[0]], device=self.device) |
sp_old = n_fts * torch.ones_like(topk) |
else: |
topk = L0_norm(x_adv - x) / n_fts / 1.5 |
sp_old = L0_norm(x_adv - x) |
adasp_redstep = 1.5 |
adasp_minstep = 10. |
counter3 = 0 |
loss_best_last_check = loss_best.clone() |
reduced_last_check = torch.ones_like(loss_best) |
n_reduced = 0 |
u = torch.arange(x.shape[0], device=self.device) |
for i in range(self.n_iter): |
with torch.no_grad(): |
x_adv = x_adv.detach() |
grad2 = x_adv - x_adv_old |
x_adv_old = x_adv.clone() |
a = 0.75 if i > 0 else 1.0 |
if self.norm == 'Linf': |
x_adv_1 = x_adv + step_size * torch.sign(grad) |
x_adv_1 = torch.clamp(torch.min(torch.max(x_adv_1, |
x - self.eps), x + self.eps), 0.0, 1.0) |
x_adv_1 = torch.clamp(torch.min(torch.max( |
x_adv + (x_adv_1 - x_adv) * a + grad2 * (1 - a), |
x - self.eps), x + self.eps), 0.0, 1.0) |
elif self.norm == 'L2': |
x_adv_1 = x_adv + step_size * self.normalize(grad) |
x_adv_1 = torch.clamp(x + self.normalize(x_adv_1 - x |
) * torch.min(self.eps * torch.ones_like(x).detach(), |
L2_norm(x_adv_1 - x, keepdim=True)), 0.0, 1.0) |
x_adv_1 = x_adv + (x_adv_1 - x_adv) * a + grad2 * (1 - a) |
x_adv_1 = torch.clamp(x + self.normalize(x_adv_1 - x |
) * torch.min(self.eps * torch.ones_like(x).detach(), |
L2_norm(x_adv_1 - x, keepdim=True)), 0.0, 1.0) |
elif self.norm == 'L1': |
grad_topk = grad.abs().view(x.shape[0], -1).sort(-1)[0] |
topk_curr = torch.clamp((1. - topk) * n_fts, min=0, max=n_fts - 1).long() |
grad_topk = grad_topk[u, topk_curr].view(-1, *[1]*(len(x.shape) - 1)) |
sparsegrad = grad * (grad.abs() >= grad_topk).float() |
x_adv_1 = x_adv + step_size * sparsegrad.sign() / ( |
L1_norm(sparsegrad.sign(), keepdim=True) + 1e-10) |
delta_u = x_adv_1 - x |
delta_p = L1_projection(x, delta_u, self.eps) |
x_adv_1 = x + delta_u + delta_p |
x_adv = x_adv_1 + 0. |
x_adv.requires_grad_() |
grad = torch.zeros_like(x) |
for _ in range(self.eot_iter): |
if not self.is_tf_model: |
with torch.enable_grad(): |
logits = self.model(x_adv) |
loss_indiv = criterion_indiv(logits, y) |
loss = loss_indiv.sum() |
grad += torch.autograd.grad(loss, [x_adv])[0].detach() |
else: |
if self.y_target is None: |
logits, loss_indiv, grad_curr = criterion_indiv(x_adv, y) |
else: |
logits, loss_indiv, grad_curr = criterion_indiv(x_adv, y, self.y_target) |
grad += grad_curr |
grad /= float(self.eot_iter) |
pred = logits.detach().max(1)[1] == y |
acc = torch.min(acc, pred) |
acc_steps[i + 1] = acc + 0 |
ind_pred = (pred == 0).nonzero().squeeze() |
x_best_adv[ind_pred] = x_adv[ind_pred] + 0. |
if self.verbose: |
str_stats = ' - step size: {:.5f} - topk: {:.2f}'.format( |
step_size.mean(), topk.mean() * n_fts) if self.norm in ['L1'] else \ |
' - step size: {:.5f}'.format(step_size.mean()) |
print('[m] iteration: {} - best loss: {:.6f} - robust accuracy: {:.2%}{}'.format( |
i, loss_best.sum(), acc.float().mean(), str_stats)) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
y1 = loss_indiv.detach().clone() |
loss_steps[i] = y1 + 0 |
ind = (y1 > loss_best).nonzero().squeeze() |
x_best[ind] = x_adv[ind].clone() |
grad_best[ind] = grad[ind].clone() |
loss_best[ind] = y1[ind] + 0 |
loss_best_steps[i + 1] = loss_best + 0 |
counter3 += 1 |
if counter3 == k: |
if self.norm in ['Linf', 'L2']: |
fl_oscillation = self.check_oscillation(loss_steps, i, k, |
loss_best, k3=self.thr_decr) |
fl_reduce_no_impr = (1. - reduced_last_check) * ( |
loss_best_last_check >= loss_best).float() |
fl_oscillation = torch.max(fl_oscillation, |
fl_reduce_no_impr) |
reduced_last_check = fl_oscillation.clone() |
loss_best_last_check = loss_best.clone() |
if fl_oscillation.sum() > 0: |
ind_fl_osc = (fl_oscillation > 0).nonzero().squeeze() |
step_size[ind_fl_osc] /= 2.0 |
n_reduced = fl_oscillation.sum() |
x_adv[ind_fl_osc] = x_best[ind_fl_osc].clone() |
grad[ind_fl_osc] = grad_best[ind_fl_osc].clone() |
k = max(k - self.size_decr, self.n_iter_min) |
elif self.norm == 'L1': |
sp_curr = L0_norm(x_best - x) |
fl_redtopk = (sp_curr / sp_old) < .95 |
topk = sp_curr / n_fts / 1.5 |
step_size[fl_redtopk] = alpha * self.eps |
step_size[~fl_redtopk] /= adasp_redstep |
step_size.clamp_(alpha * self.eps / adasp_minstep, alpha * self.eps) |
sp_old = sp_curr.clone() |
x_adv[fl_redtopk] = x_best[fl_redtopk].clone() |
grad[fl_redtopk] = grad_best[fl_redtopk].clone() |
counter3 = 0 |
return (x_best, acc, loss_best, x_best_adv) |
def perturb(self, x, y=None, best_loss=False, x_init=None): |
""" |
:param x: clean images |
:param y: clean labels, if None we use the predicted labels |
:param best_loss: if True the points attaining highest loss |
are returned, otherwise adversarial examples |
""" |
assert self.loss in ['ce', 'dlr'] |
if not y is None and len(y.shape) == 0: |
x.unsqueeze_(0) |
y.unsqueeze_(0) |
self.init_hyperparam(x) |
x = x.detach().clone().float().to(self.device) |
if not self.is_tf_model: |
y_pred = self.model(x).max(1)[1] |
else: |
y_pred = self.model.predict(x).max(1)[1] |
if y is None: |
y = y_pred.detach().clone().long().to(self.device) |
else: |
y = y.detach().clone().long().to(self.device) |
adv = x.clone() |
if self.loss != 'ce-targeted': |
acc = y_pred == y |
else: |
acc = y_pred != y |
loss = -1e10 * torch.ones_like(acc).float() |
if self.verbose: |
print('-------------------------- ', |
'running {}-attack with epsilon {:.5f}'.format( |
self.norm, self.eps), |
'--------------------------') |
print('initial accuracy: {:.2%}'.format(acc.float().mean())) |
if self.use_largereps: |
epss = [3. * self.eps_orig, 2. * self.eps_orig, 1. * self.eps_orig] |
iters = [.3 * self.n_iter_orig, .3 * self.n_iter_orig, |
.4 * self.n_iter_orig] |
iters = [math.ceil(c) for c in iters] |
iters[-1] = self.n_iter_orig - sum(iters[:-1]) |
if self.verbose: |
print('using schedule [{}x{}]'.format('+'.join([str(c |
) for c in epss]), '+'.join([str(c) for c in iters]))) |
startt = time.time() |
if not best_loss: |
torch.random.manual_seed(self.seed) |
torch.cuda.random.manual_seed(self.seed) |
for counter in range(self.n_restarts): |
ind_to_fool = acc.nonzero().squeeze() |
if len(ind_to_fool.shape) == 0: |
ind_to_fool = ind_to_fool.unsqueeze(0) |
if ind_to_fool.numel() != 0: |
x_to_fool = x[ind_to_fool].clone() |
y_to_fool = y[ind_to_fool].clone() |
if not self.use_largereps: |
res_curr = self.attack_single_run(x_to_fool, y_to_fool) |
else: |
res_curr = self.decr_eps_pgd(x_to_fool, y_to_fool, epss, iters) |
best_curr, acc_curr, loss_curr, adv_curr = res_curr |
ind_curr = (acc_curr == 0).nonzero().squeeze() |
acc[ind_to_fool[ind_curr]] = 0 |
adv[ind_to_fool[ind_curr]] = adv_curr[ind_curr].clone() |
if self.verbose: |
print('restart {} - robust accuracy: {:.2%}'.format( |
counter, acc.float().mean()), |
'- cum. time: {:.1f} s'.format( |
time.time() - startt)) |
return adv |
else: |
adv_best = x.detach().clone() |
loss_best = torch.ones([x.shape[0]]).to( |
self.device) * (-float('inf')) |
for counter in range(self.n_restarts): |
best_curr, _, loss_curr, _ = self.attack_single_run(x, y) |
ind_curr = (loss_curr > loss_best).nonzero().squeeze() |
adv_best[ind_curr] = best_curr[ind_curr] + 0. |
loss_best[ind_curr] = loss_curr[ind_curr] + 0. |
if self.verbose: |
print('restart {} - loss: {:.5f}'.format( |
counter, loss_best.sum())) |
return adv_best |
def decr_eps_pgd(self, x, y, epss, iters, use_rs=True): |
assert len(epss) == len(iters) |
assert self.norm in ['L1', 'Linf'] |
self.use_rs = False |
if not use_rs: |
x_init = None |
else: |
x_init = x + torch.randn_like(x) |
if self.norm == 'L1': |
x_init += L1_projection(x, x_init - x, 1. * float(epss[0])) |
elif self.norm == 'Linf': |
x_init = torch.clamp(x_init, 0., 1.) |
x_init = torch.min(torch.max(x_init, x - self.eps), x + self.eps) |
eps_target = float(epss[-1]) |
if self.verbose: |
print('total iter: {}'.format(sum(iters))) |
for eps, niter in zip(epss, iters): |
if self.verbose: |
print('using eps: {:.3f}'.format(eps)) |
self.n_iter = niter + 0 |
self.eps = eps + 0. |
if not x_init is None: |
if self.norm == 'L1': |
x_init += L1_projection(x, x_init - x, 1. * eps) |
elif self.norm == 'Linf': |
x_init = torch.clamp(x_init, 0., 1.) |
x_init = torch.min(torch.max(x_init, x - self.eps), x + self.eps) |
x_init, acc, loss, x_adv = self.attack_single_run(x, y, x_init=x_init) |
return (x_init, acc, loss, x_adv) |
class APGDAttack_targeted(APGDAttack): |
def __init__( |
self, |
predict, |
n_iter=100, |
norm='Linf', |
n_restarts=1, |
eps=None, |
seed=0, |
eot_iter=1, |
rho=.75, |
topk=None, |
n_target_classes=9, |
verbose=False, |
device=None, |
use_largereps=False, |
is_tf_model=False, |
logger=None, |
alpha=None, |
use_rs=True, |
): |
""" |
AutoPGD on the targeted DLR loss |
""" |
super(APGDAttack_targeted, self).__init__(predict, n_iter=n_iter, norm=norm, |
n_restarts=n_restarts, eps=eps, seed=seed, loss='dlr-targeted', |
eot_iter=eot_iter, rho=rho, topk=topk, verbose=verbose, device=device, |
use_largereps=use_largereps, is_tf_model=is_tf_model, logger=logger, alpha=alpha, use_rs=use_rs) |
self.y_target = None |
self.n_target_classes = n_target_classes |
def dlr_loss_targeted(self, x, y): |
x_sorted, ind_sorted = x.sort(dim=1) |
u = torch.arange(x.shape[0]) |
return -(x[u, y] - x[u, self.y_target]) / (x_sorted[:, -1] - .5 * ( |
x_sorted[:, -3] + x_sorted[:, -4]) + 1e-12) |
def ce_loss_targeted(self, x, y): |
return -1. * F.cross_entropy(x, self.y_target, reduction='none') |
def perturb(self, x, y=None, x_init=None): |
""" |
:param x: clean images |
:param y: clean labels, if None we use the predicted labels |
""" |
assert self.loss in ['dlr-targeted'] |
if not y is None and len(y.shape) == 0: |
x.unsqueeze_(0) |
y.unsqueeze_(0) |
self.init_hyperparam(x) |
x = x.detach().clone().float().to(self.device) |
if not self.is_tf_model: |
y_pred = self.model(x).max(1)[1] |
else: |
y_pred = self.model.predict(x).max(1)[1] |
if y is None: |
y = y_pred.detach().clone().long().to(self.device) |
else: |
y = y.detach().clone().long().to(self.device) |
adv = x.clone() |
acc = y_pred == y |
if self.verbose: |
print('-------------------------- ', |
'running {}-attack with epsilon {:.5f}'.format( |
self.norm, self.eps), |
'--------------------------') |
print('initial accuracy: {:.2%}'.format(acc.float().mean())) |
startt = time.time() |
torch.random.manual_seed(self.seed) |
torch.cuda.random.manual_seed(self.seed) |
if self.use_largereps: |
epss = [3. * self.eps_orig, 2. * self.eps_orig, 1. * self.eps_orig] |
iters = [.3 * self.n_iter_orig, .3 * self.n_iter_orig, |
.4 * self.n_iter_orig] |
iters = [math.ceil(c) for c in iters] |
iters[-1] = self.n_iter_orig - sum(iters[:-1]) |
if self.verbose: |
print('using schedule [{}x{}]'.format('+'.join([str(c |
) for c in epss]), '+'.join([str(c) for c in iters]))) |
for target_class in range(2, self.n_target_classes + 2): |
for counter in range(self.n_restarts): |
ind_to_fool = acc.nonzero().squeeze() |
if len(ind_to_fool.shape) == 0: |
ind_to_fool = ind_to_fool.unsqueeze(0) |
if ind_to_fool.numel() != 0: |
x_to_fool = x[ind_to_fool].clone() |
y_to_fool = y[ind_to_fool].clone() |
if not self.is_tf_model: |
output = self.model(x_to_fool) |
else: |
output = self.model.predict(x_to_fool) |
self.y_target = output.sort(dim=1)[1][:, -target_class] |
if not self.use_largereps: |
res_curr = self.attack_single_run(x_to_fool, y_to_fool) |
else: |
res_curr = self.decr_eps_pgd(x_to_fool, y_to_fool, epss, iters) |
best_curr, acc_curr, loss_curr, adv_curr = res_curr |
ind_curr = (acc_curr == 0).nonzero().squeeze() |
acc[ind_to_fool[ind_curr]] = 0 |
adv[ind_to_fool[ind_curr]] = adv_curr[ind_curr].clone() |
if self.verbose: |
print('target class {}'.format(target_class), |
'- restart {} - robust accuracy: {:.2%}'.format( |
counter, acc.float().mean()), |
'- cum. time: {:.1f} s'.format( |
time.time() - startt)) |
return adv |