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import logging
from contextlib import suppress
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from tqdm import tqdm
def evaluate(model, dataloader, tokenizer, device, amp=True, recall_k_list=[5]):
Evaluate the model on the given dataset
model: torch.nn,Module
CLIP-like model with `encode_image` and `encode_text`
dataloader: torch.utils.data.Dataloader
dataloader to use for evaluation
text tokenizer, i.e. convert list of strings to torch.Tensor of integers
device: cpu/cuda
amp: whether to use automatic mixed precision
recall_k_list: list of int
recall@k k's to use
dict of retrieval metrics
# list of batch of images embedding
batch_images_emb_list = []
# list of batch of text embedding
batch_texts_emb_list = []
# for each text, we collect the corresponding image index, as each image can have multiple corresponding texts
texts_image_index = []
dataloader = dataloader_with_indices(dataloader)
autocast = torch.cuda.amp.autocast if amp else suppress
for batch_images, batch_texts, inds in tqdm(dataloader):
batch_images = batch_images.to(device)
# tokenize all texts in the batch
batch_texts_tok = tokenizer([text for i, texts in enumerate(batch_texts) for text in texts]).to(device)
# store the index of image for each text
batch_texts_image_index = [ind for ind, texts in zip(inds, batch_texts) for text in texts]
# compute the embedding of images and texts
with torch.no_grad(), autocast():
batch_images_emb = F.normalize(model.encode_image(batch_images), dim=-1)
batch_texts_emb = F.normalize(model.encode_text(batch_texts_tok), dim=-1)
batch_size = len(batch_images_emb_list[0])
# concatenate all embeddings
images_emb = torch.cat(batch_images_emb_list)
texts_emb = torch.cat(batch_texts_emb_list)
# get the score for each text and image pair
scores = texts_emb @ images_emb.t()
# construct a the positive pair matrix, which tells whether each text-image pair is a positive or not
positive_pairs = torch.zeros_like(scores, dtype=bool)
positive_pairs[torch.arange(len(scores)), texts_image_index] = True
metrics = {}
for recall_k in recall_k_list:
# Note that recall_at_k computes **actual** recall i.e. nb_true_positive/nb_positives, where the number
# of true positives, e.g. for text retrieval, is, for each image, the number of retrieved texts matching that image among the top-k.
# Also, the number of positives are the total number of texts matching the image in the dataset, as we have a set of captions
# for each image, that number will be greater than 1 for text retrieval.
# However, image/text retrieval recall@k, the way it is done in CLIP-like papers, is a bit different.
# recall@k, in CLIP-like papers, is, for each image, either 1 or 0. It is 1 if atleast one text matches the image among the top-k.
# so we can easily compute that using the actual recall, by checking whether there is at least one true positive,
# which would be the case if the recall is greater than 0. One we compute the recal for each image (or text), we average
# it over the dataset.
metrics[f"image_retrieval_recall@{recall_k}"] = (batchify(recall_at_k, scores, positive_pairs, batch_size, device, k=recall_k)>0).float().mean().item()
metrics[f"text_retrieval_recall@{recall_k}"] = (batchify(recall_at_k, scores.T, positive_pairs.T, batch_size, device, k=recall_k)>0).float().mean().item()
return metrics
def dataloader_with_indices(dataloader):
start = 0
for x, y in dataloader:
end = start + len(x)
inds = torch.arange(start, end)
yield x, y, inds
start = end
def recall_at_k(scores, positive_pairs, k):
Compute the recall at k for each sample
:param scores: compability score between text and image embeddings (nb texts, nb images)
:param k: number of images to consider per text, for retrieval
:param positive_pairs: boolean matrix of positive pairs (nb texts, nb images)
:return: recall at k averaged over all texts
nb_texts, nb_images = scores.shape
# for each text, sort according to image scores in decreasing order
topk_indices = torch.topk(scores, k, dim=1)[1]
# compute number of positives for each text
nb_positive = positive_pairs.sum(dim=1)
# nb_texts, k, nb_images
topk_indices_onehot = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(topk_indices, num_classes=nb_images)
# compute number of true positives
positive_pairs_reshaped = positive_pairs.view(nb_texts, 1, nb_images)
# a true positive means a positive among the topk
nb_true_positive = (topk_indices_onehot * positive_pairs_reshaped).sum(dim=(1,2))
# compute recall at k
recall_at_k = (nb_true_positive / nb_positive)
return recall_at_k
def batchify(func, X, Y, batch_size, device, *args, **kwargs):
results = []
for start in range(0, len(X), batch_size):
end = start + batch_size
x = X[start:end].to(device)
y = Y[start:end].to(device)
result = func(x, y, *args, **kwargs).cpu()
return torch.cat(results)