vlmeval / scripts /mmb_eval_gradio.py
tuandunghcmut's picture
from vlmeval.smp import *
from vlmeval.tools import EVAL
import gradio as gr
HEADER = """
# Welcome to MMBench👏👏
We are delighted that you are willing to submit the evaluation results to the MMBench official website! The evaluation service currently can handle submissions of MMBench, MMBench-CN, and CCBench. We use `gpt-3.5-turbo-0125` to help answer matching. Evaluation Codes in VLMEvalKit: https://github.com/open-compass/VLMEvalKit. Please adopt / follow the implementation of VLMEvalKit to generate the submission files.
The evaluation script is available at https://github.com/open-compass/VLMEvalKit/tree/main/scripts/mmb_eval_gradio.py
Please contact `opencompass@pjlab.org.cn` for any inquirys about this script.
def upload_file(file):
file_path = file.name
return file_path
def prepare_file(file_name):
file_md5 = md5(file_name)
root = LMUDataRoot()
root = osp.join(root, 'eval_server')
os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True)
suffix = file_name.split('.')[-1]
if suffix not in ['xlsx', 'tsv', 'csv']:
return False, "Please submit a file that ends with `.xlsx`, `.tsv`, or `.csv`"
new_file_name = osp.join(root, f'{file_md5}.{suffix}')
shutil.move(file_name, new_file_name)
eval_file = new_file_name
data = load(eval_file)
return False, "Your excel file can not be successfully loaded by `pd.read_excel`, please double check and submit again. "
for k in data.keys():
data[k.lower() if k not in 'ABCD' else k] = data.pop(k)
if "index" not in data:
return False, "Your excel file should have a column named `index`, please double check and submit again" , {}
if "prediction" not in data:
return False, "Your excel file should have a column named `prediction`, please double check and submit again" , {}
for ch in 'ABCD':
if ch not in data:
return False, f"Your excel file should have a column named `{ch}`, please double check and submit again" , {}
dump(data, eval_file)
return True, eval_file
def determine_dataset(eval_file):
data = load(eval_file)
def cn_ratio(data):
iscn = [cn_string(x) for x in data['question']]
return np.mean(iscn)
max_ind = np.max([int(x) for x in data['index'] if int(x) < 1e5])
if max_ind < 1000 and 'l2-category' not in data:
return 'CCBench' if cn_ratio(data) > 0.5 else "Unknown"
elif max_ind < 3000 :
return 'MMBench_CN' if cn_ratio(data) > 0.5 else "MMBench"
return 'MMBench_CN_V11' if cn_ratio(data) > 0.5 else "MMBench_V11"
def reformat_acc(acc):
splits = set(acc['split'])
keys = list(acc.keys())
nacc = {'Category': []}
for sp in splits:
nacc[sp.upper()] = []
for k in keys:
for sp in splits:
nacc[sp.upper()].append(acc[acc['split'] == sp].iloc[0][k] * 100)
return pd.DataFrame(nacc)
def evaluate(file):
file_name = file.name
flag, eval_file = prepare_file(file_name)
if not flag:
return "Error: " + eval_file
dataset = determine_dataset(eval_file)
if dataset == 'Unknown':
return "Error: Cannot determine the dataset given your submitted file. "
eval_id = eval_file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
ret = f"Evaluation ID: {eval_id}\n"
timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S')
ret += f'Evaluation Timestamp: {timestamp}\n'
acc = EVAL(dataset, eval_file)
nacc = reformat_acc(acc).round(1)
return ret, nacc
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
file_output = gr.File()
upload_button = gr.UploadButton("Click to upload you prediction files for a supported benchmark")
upload_button.upload(upload_file, upload_button, file_output)
btn = gr.Button("🚀 Evaluate")
eval_log = gr.Textbox(label="Evaluation Log", placeholder="Your evaluation log will be displayed here")
df_empty = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['Evaluation Result'])
eval_result = gr.components.DataFrame(value=df_empty)
btn.click(evaluate, inputs=[file_output], outputs=[eval_log, eval_result])
if __name__ == '__main__':
demo.launch(server_name='', debug=True, show_error=True)