Browse files- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/i18n.ts +58 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/locales/de.json +71 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/locales/en.json +71 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/locales/ja.json +71 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/locales/sp.json +71 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/locales/zh-CN.json +71 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/locales/zh-HK.json +71 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/locales/zh-TW.json +71 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/message-test.ts +82 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/models.ts +128 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/pose-library.ts +38 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/poses/data.bin +3 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/poses/data.json +0 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/utils/CCDIKSolver.ts +209 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/utils/detect.ts +63 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/utils/image.ts +16 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/utils/loader.ts +81 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/utils/three-utils.ts +27 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/utils/time.ts +5 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/utils/transfer.ts +187 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/src/vite-env.d.ts +4 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/style.css +11 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/tools/fix-singlefile.ts +16 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/tools/generate_assets.ts +51 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/tools/translate.ts +42 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/tsconfig.json +21 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/tsconfig.node.json +9 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/vite-plugin-extension.ts +77 -0
- sd-webui-3d-open-pose-editor/vite.config.ts +130 -0
- sd-webui-lora-block-weight/scripts/__pycache__/lora_block_weight.cpython-310.pyc +0 -0
- sd-webui-stablesr/scripts/__pycache__/stablesr.cpython-310.pyc +0 -0
- sd-webui-stablesr/srmodule/__pycache__/attn.cpython-310.pyc +0 -0
- sd-webui-stablesr/srmodule/__pycache__/colorfix.cpython-310.pyc +0 -0
- sd-webui-stablesr/srmodule/__pycache__/spade.cpython-310.pyc +0 -0
- sd-webui-stablesr/srmodule/__pycache__/struct_cond.cpython-310.pyc +0 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
1 |
import i18next from 'i18next'
2 |
import LanguageDetector from 'i18next-browser-languagedetector'
3 |
import commonEn from './locales/en.json'
4 |
import commonZh_CN from './locales/zh-CN.json'
5 |
import commonZh_TW from './locales/zh-TW.json'
6 |
import commonZh_HK from './locales/zh-HK.json'
7 |
import commonJa_JP from './locales/ja.json'
8 |
import commonDe from './locales/de.json'
9 |
import commonSp from './locales/sp.json'
10 |
11 |
export const resources = {
12 |
en: { common: commonEn },
13 |
zh: { common: commonZh_CN },
14 |
'zh-TW': { common: commonZh_TW },
15 |
'zh-HK': { common: commonZh_HK },
16 |
ja: { common: commonJa_JP },
17 |
de: { common: commonDe },
18 |
sp: { common: commonSp },
19 |
20 |
21 |
export const LanguageMapping: Record<string, string> = {
22 |
en: 'English',
23 |
zh: '简体中文',
24 |
'zh-TW': '繁體中文(台灣)',
25 |
'zh-HK': '繁體中文(香港)',
26 |
ja: '日本語',
27 |
de: 'Deutsch',
28 |
sp: 'español',
29 |
30 |
31 |
const options = {
32 |
order: ['querystring', 'localStorage', 'navigator'],
33 |
lookupQuerystring: 'lng',
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
// lng: 'en', // if you're using a language detector, do not define the lng option
38 |
detection: options,
39 |
fallbackLng: 'en',
40 |
debug: true,
41 |
ns: ['common'],
42 |
defaultNS: 'common',
43 |
supportedLngs: Object.keys(resources),
44 |
interpolation: {
45 |
escapeValue: false,
46 |
47 |
resources: resources,
48 |
49 |
50 |
export function IsChina() {
51 |
return (
52 |
i18next.language === 'zh-CN' ||
53 |
window.navigator.language === 'zh-CN' ||
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
export default i18next
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1 |
2 |
"Width": "Breite",
3 |
"Height": "Höhe",
4 |
"Generate Skeleton/Depth/Normal/Canny Map": "Knochenbau/Depth/Normale/Canny Bilder generieren",
5 |
"Duplicate Skeleton": "Knochenbau kopieren",
6 |
"Delete Skeleton": "Knochenbau löschen",
7 |
"Move Mode": "Verschiebungsmode",
8 |
"Show Edge Map": "Randbild zeigen",
9 |
"Camera Near": "Kamera näher schieben",
10 |
"Camera Far": "Kamera weiter ziehen",
11 |
"Camera Focal Length": "Brennweite",
12 |
"Downloading Hand Model": "Hand Modell herunterladen",
13 |
"Updates are available, please confirm!!": "Bestätigen Sie die Aktualisierung!",
14 |
"Select a scene file": "Wählen Sie eine Szene",
15 |
"Oops...": "Oops...",
16 |
"Something went wrong!": "Irgendwas hat schief gelaufen!",
17 |
"If the problem persists, please click here to ask a question.": "Bitte melden Sie hier, um Frage zu stellen.",
18 |
"Save Scene": "Szene speichern",
19 |
"Load Scene": "Szene laden",
20 |
"Restore Last Scene": "Szene wiederherstellen",
21 |
"Set Background Image": "Hintergrundbild laden",
22 |
"Select an image": "Wählen Sie ein Bild",
23 |
"Body Parameters": "Körper Parameter",
24 |
"Shoulder Width": "Schulterbreite",
25 |
"Shoulder To Hip": "Von Schulter zu Gesäß",
26 |
"Arm Length": "Armlänge",
27 |
"Forearm": "Unterarm",
28 |
"Upper Arm": "Oberarm",
29 |
"Hand Size": "Handgröße",
30 |
"Hips": "Gesäß",
31 |
"Leg Length": "Beinlänge",
32 |
"Thigh": "Oberschenkel",
33 |
"Lower Leg": "Unterschenkel",
34 |
"Nose To Neck": "Von Nase zu Hals",
35 |
"Head Size": "Kopfgröße",
36 |
"Show Preview": "Überblick zeigen",
37 |
"Only Hand": "Nur Hände",
38 |
"Foot Size": "Fußgröße",
39 |
"Downloading Foot Model": "Fuß Modell herunterladen",
40 |
"Please select a skeleton!!": "Wählen Sie einen Knochenbau!",
41 |
"Downloading Poses Library": "Pose Bibliothek herunterladen",
42 |
"Set Random Pose": "zufällige Pose",
43 |
"Redo": "Redo",
44 |
"Undo": "Undo",
45 |
"Detect From Image": "Knochenbau von Bild erkennen",
46 |
"Downloading MediaPipe Pose Model": "MediaPipe Pose Modell herunterladen",
47 |
"Edit": "bearbeiten",
48 |
"Setting": "Einstellungen",
49 |
"Bone Thickness": "Dicke des Knochens",
50 |
"Feedback": "Problem melden",
51 |
"View": "Ansicht",
52 |
"Fix View": "Ansicht fixieren",
53 |
"Restore View": "Ansicht wiederherstellen",
54 |
"Free Mode": "Freier Modus",
55 |
"Del": "Entf",
56 |
"File": "Datei",
57 |
"Generate": "Generieren",
58 |
"Close": "Schließen",
59 |
"Update": "Aktualisieren",
60 |
"Lock View": "Ansicht sperren",
61 |
"Unlock View": "Ansicht entsperren",
62 |
"Copy Keypoint Data": "Schlüsselpunktdaten kopieren",
63 |
"Copied to Clipboard": "In die Zwischenablage kopiert",
64 |
"Generate Scene URL": "Szene-URL generieren",
65 |
"Reset Scene": "Szene zurücksetzen",
66 |
"Load Gesture": "Geste laden",
67 |
"Save Gesture": "Geste speichern",
68 |
"Please select a hand!!": "Bitte wählen Sie eine Hand aus!!",
69 |
"If you try to detect anime characters, you may get an error. Please try again with photos.": "Bei dem Versuch, Anime-Charaktere zu erkennen, kann es zu einem Fehler kommen. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut mit Fotos.",
70 |
"Show Grid": "Gitter anzeigen"
71 |
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1 |
2 |
"Width": "Width",
3 |
"Height": "Height",
4 |
"Generate Skeleton/Depth/Normal/Canny Map": "Generate Skeleton/Depth/Normal/Canny Map",
5 |
"Duplicate Skeleton": "Duplicate Skeleton",
6 |
"Delete Skeleton": "Delete Skeleton",
7 |
"Move Mode": "Move Mode",
8 |
"Show Edge Map": "Show Edge Map",
9 |
"Camera Near": "Camera Near",
10 |
"Camera Far": "Camera Far",
11 |
"Camera Focal Length": "Camera Focal Length",
12 |
"Downloading Hand Model": "Downloading Hand Model",
13 |
"Updates are available, please confirm!!": "Updates are available, please confirm!!",
14 |
"Select a scene file": "Select a scene file",
15 |
"Oops...": "Oops...",
16 |
"Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!",
17 |
"If the problem persists, please click here to ask a question.": "If the problem persists, please click here to ask a question.",
18 |
"Save Scene": "Save Scene",
19 |
"Generate Scene URL": "Generate Scene URL",
20 |
"Load Scene": "Load Scene",
21 |
"Restore Last Scene": "Restore Last Scene",
22 |
"Set Background Image": "Set Background Image",
23 |
"Select an image": "Select an image",
24 |
"Body Parameters": "Body Parameters",
25 |
"Shoulder Width": "Shoulder Width",
26 |
"Shoulder To Hip": "Shoulder To Hip",
27 |
"Arm Length": "Arm Length",
28 |
"Forearm": "Forearm",
29 |
"Upper Arm": "Upper Arm",
30 |
"Hand Size": "Hand Size",
31 |
"Hips": "Hips",
32 |
"Leg Length": "Leg Length",
33 |
"Thigh": "Thigh",
34 |
"Lower Leg": "Lower Leg",
35 |
"Nose To Neck": "Nose To Neck",
36 |
"Head Size": "Head Size",
37 |
"Show Preview": "Show Preview",
38 |
"Only Hand": "Only Hand",
39 |
"Foot Size": "Foot Size",
40 |
"Downloading Foot Model": "Downloading Foot Model",
41 |
"Please select a skeleton!!": "Please select a skeleton!!",
42 |
"Downloading Poses Library": "Downloading Poses Library",
43 |
"Set Random Pose": "Set Random Pose",
44 |
"Redo": "Redo",
45 |
"Undo": "Undo",
46 |
"Detect From Image": "Detect From Image",
47 |
"Downloading MediaPipe Pose Model": "Downloading MediaPipe Pose Model",
48 |
"Edit": "Edit",
49 |
"Setting": "Setting",
50 |
"Bone Thickness": "Bone Thickness",
51 |
"Feedback": "Feedback",
52 |
"View": "View",
53 |
"Fix View": "Fix View",
54 |
"Restore View": "Restore View",
55 |
"Free Mode": "Free Mode",
56 |
"Del": "Del",
57 |
"File": "File",
58 |
"Generate": "Generate",
59 |
"Close": "Close",
60 |
"Update": "Update",
61 |
"Lock View": "Lock View",
62 |
"Unlock View": "Unlock View",
63 |
"Copy Keypoint Data": "Copy Keypoint Data",
64 |
"Copied to Clipboard": "Copied to Clipboard",
65 |
"Reset Scene": "Reset Scene",
66 |
"Load Gesture": "Load Gesture",
67 |
"Save Gesture": "Save Gesture",
68 |
"Please select a hand!!": "Please select a hand!!",
69 |
"If you try to detect anime characters, you may get an error. Please try again with photos.": "If you try to detect anime characters, you may get an error. Please try again with photos.",
70 |
"Show Grid": "Show Grid"
71 |
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1 |
2 |
"Width": "幅",
3 |
"Height": "高さ",
4 |
"Generate Skeleton/Depth/Normal/Canny Map": "スケルトン/深度/法線/Cannyマップを生成",
5 |
"Duplicate Skeleton": "スケルトンの複製",
6 |
"Delete Skeleton": "スケルトンの削除",
7 |
"Move Mode": "移動モード",
8 |
"Show Edge Map": "エッジマップを表示",
9 |
"Camera Near": "カメラ近距離",
10 |
"Camera Far": "カメラ遠距離",
11 |
"Camera Focal Length": "カメラ焦点距離",
12 |
"Downloading Hand Model": "手のモデルをダウンロード中",
13 |
"Updates are available, please confirm!!": "アップデートが利用可能です。確認してください!",
14 |
"Select a scene file": "シーンファイルを選択",
15 |
"Oops...": "おっと...",
16 |
"Something went wrong!": "何かが間違っています!",
17 |
"If the problem persists, please click here to ask a question.": "問題が解決しない場合は、ここをクリックして質問してください。",
18 |
"Save Scene": "シーンを保存",
19 |
"Generate Scene URL": "シーンのURLを生成",
20 |
"Load Scene": "シーンを読み込む",
21 |
"Restore Last Scene": "前回のシーンを復元",
22 |
"Set Background Image": "背景画像を設定",
23 |
"Select an image": "画像を選択",
24 |
"Body Parameters": "身体パラメータ",
25 |
"Shoulder Width": "肩幅",
26 |
"Shoulder To Hip": "肩から腰までの距離",
27 |
"Arm Length": "腕の長さ",
28 |
"Forearm": "前腕",
29 |
"Upper Arm": "上腕",
30 |
"Hand Size": "手の大きさ",
31 |
"Hips": "ヒップ",
32 |
"Leg Length": "脚の長さ",
33 |
"Thigh": "太もも",
34 |
"Lower Leg": "下腿",
35 |
"Nose To Neck": "鼻から首までの距離",
36 |
"Head Size": "頭の大きさ",
37 |
"Show Preview": "プレビューを表示",
38 |
"Only Hand": "手だけ",
39 |
"Foot Size": "足のサイズ",
40 |
"Downloading Foot Model": "足のモデルをダウンロード中",
41 |
"Please select a skeleton!!": "骨格を選択してください!",
42 |
"Downloading Poses Library": "ポーズライブラリをダウンロード中",
43 |
"Set Random Pose": "ランダムポーズを設定",
44 |
"Redo": "やり直し",
45 |
"Undo": "元に戻す",
46 |
"Detect From Image": "画像から検出",
47 |
"Downloading MediaPipe Pose Model": "MediaPipeポーズモデルをダウンロード中",
48 |
"Edit": "編集",
49 |
"Setting": "設定",
50 |
"Bone Thickness": "ボーンの太さ",
51 |
"Feedback": "フィードバック",
52 |
"View": "ビュー",
53 |
"Fix View": "ビューを固定する",
54 |
"Restore View": "ビューを復元する",
55 |
"Free Mode": "フリーモード",
56 |
"Del": "Del",
57 |
"File": "ファイル",
58 |
"Generate": "生成する",
59 |
"Close": "閉じる",
60 |
"Update": "更新する",
61 |
"Lock View": "ビューをロックする",
62 |
"Unlock View": "ビューをアンロックする",
63 |
"Copy Keypoint Data": "キーポイントデータをコピーする",
64 |
"Copied to Clipboard": "クリップボードにコピーされました",
65 |
"Reset Scene": "シーンをリセットする",
66 |
"Load Gesture": "ジェスチャーを読み込む",
67 |
"Save Gesture": "ジェスチャーを保存する",
68 |
"Please select a hand!!": "手を選択してください!!",
69 |
"If you try to detect anime characters, you may get an error. Please try again with photos.": "アニメキャラクターを検出しようとするとエラーが発生する場合があります。写真で再度お試しください。",
70 |
"Show Grid": "グリッドを表示"
71 |
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1 |
2 |
"Width": "ancho",
3 |
"Height": "altura",
4 |
"Generate Skeleton/Depth/Normal/Canny Map": "generar esqueleto/profundidad/normal/generar mapa astuto",
5 |
"Duplicate Skeleton": "copiar esqueleto",
6 |
"Delete Skeleton": "eliminar esqueleto",
7 |
"Move Mode": "modo de movimiento",
8 |
"Show Edge Map": "mostart mapa de borde",
9 |
"Camera Near": "cámera cerca",
10 |
"Camera Far": "cámera lejos",
11 |
"Camera Focal Length": "distancia focal de la cámara",
12 |
"Downloading Hand Model": "descargar el modelo de mano",
13 |
"Updates are available, please confirm!!": "confirmar la(s) actualización(es)",
14 |
"Select a scene file": "selecciona un archivo de escena",
15 |
"Oops...": "¡Uy!",
16 |
"Something went wrong!": "algo salío mal",
17 |
"If the problem persists, please click here to ask a question.": "si el problema persiste haga clic aquí oara hacer una pregunta.",
18 |
"Save Scene": "guardar escena",
19 |
"Load Scene": "cargar la escena",
20 |
"Restore Last Scene": "restaurar la última escena",
21 |
"Set Background Image": "establecer la imagen de fondo",
22 |
"Select an image": "selecciona una imagen",
23 |
"Body Parameters": "parámetros del cuepro",
24 |
"Shoulder Width": "ancho de los hombros",
25 |
"Shoulder To Hip": "de hombro a cadera",
26 |
"Arm Length": "longitud del brazo",
27 |
"Forearm": "antebrazo",
28 |
"Upper Arm": "brazo ",
29 |
"Hand Size": "tamaño de la mano",
30 |
"Hips": "caderas",
31 |
"Leg Length": "longitud de la pierna",
32 |
"Thigh": "muslo",
33 |
"Lower Leg": "parte inferior de la pierna",
34 |
"Nose To Neck": "de la nariz al cuello",
35 |
"Head Size": "tamaño de la cabeza",
36 |
"Show Preview": "mostrar vista previa",
37 |
"Only Hand": "solo manos",
38 |
"Foot Size": "tamaño del pie",
39 |
"Downloading Foot Model": "descargando el modelo de pie",
40 |
"Please select a skeleton!!": "¡selecciona un esqueleto!",
41 |
"Downloading Poses Library": "descargando la biblioteca de poses",
42 |
"Set Random Pose": "pose aletoria",
43 |
"Redo": "rehacer",
44 |
"Undo": "deshacer",
45 |
"Detect From Image": "detectar desde la imagen",
46 |
"Downloading MediaPipe Pose Model": "descargando el modelo de pose de MediaPipe",
47 |
"Edit": "editar",
48 |
"Setting": "ajustes",
49 |
"Bone Thickness": "grosor del hueso",
50 |
"Feedback": "realimentación",
51 |
"View": "Ver",
52 |
"Fix View": "Fijar Vista",
53 |
"Restore View": "Restaurar Vista",
54 |
"Free Mode": "Modo libre",
55 |
"Del": "Remoto",
56 |
"File": "Archivo",
57 |
"Generate": "Generar",
58 |
"Close": "Cerrar",
59 |
"Update": "Actualizar",
60 |
"Lock View": "Bloquear vista",
61 |
"Unlock View": "Desbloquear vista",
62 |
"Copy Keypoint Data": "Copiar datos del punto clave",
63 |
"Copied to Clipboard": "Copiado al portapapeles",
64 |
"Generate Scene URL": "Generar URL de escena",
65 |
"Reset Scene": "Restablecer escena",
66 |
"Load Gesture": "Cargar gesto",
67 |
"Save Gesture": "Guardar gesto",
68 |
"Please select a hand!!": "¡¡Por favor, seleccione una mano!!",
69 |
"If you try to detect anime characters, you may get an error. Please try again with photos.": "Si intenta detectar personajes de anime, es posible que obtenga un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo con fotos.",
70 |
"Show Grid": "Mostrar cuadrícula"
71 |
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1 |
2 |
"Width": "宽度",
3 |
"Height": "高度",
4 |
"Generate Skeleton/Depth/Normal/Canny Map": "生成骨架/深度/法线/Canny图",
5 |
"Duplicate Skeleton": "复制骨架",
6 |
"Delete Skeleton": "删除骨架",
7 |
"Move Mode": "移动模式",
8 |
"Show Edge Map": "显示边缘图",
9 |
"Camera Near": "相机near",
10 |
"Camera Far": "相机far",
11 |
"Camera Focal Length": "相机焦距",
12 |
"Downloading Hand Model": "正在下载手部模型",
13 |
"Updates are available, please confirm!!": "有更新啦,请确认!!",
14 |
"Select a scene file": "选择一个场景文件",
15 |
"Oops...": "哎呀...",
16 |
"Something went wrong!": "出错了!",
17 |
"If the problem persists, please click here to ask a question.": "如果问题一直存在,请点击此处提问。",
18 |
"Save Scene": "保存场景",
19 |
"Load Scene": "加载场景",
20 |
"Restore Last Scene": "恢复上次场景",
21 |
"Set Background Image": "设置背景图片",
22 |
"Select an image": "选择一张图片",
23 |
"Body Parameters": "身体参数",
24 |
"Shoulder Width": "肩宽",
25 |
"Shoulder To Hip": "肩到臀",
26 |
"Arm Length": "手臂长度",
27 |
"Forearm": "前臂",
28 |
"Upper Arm": "上臂",
29 |
"Hand Size": "手部尺寸",
30 |
"Hips": "臀部宽度",
31 |
"Leg Length": "腿部长度",
32 |
"Thigh": "大腿",
33 |
"Lower Leg": "小腿",
34 |
"Nose To Neck": "鼻子到颈部",
35 |
"Head Size": "头部大小",
36 |
"Show Preview": "显示预览图",
37 |
"Only Hand": "仅显示手",
38 |
"Foot Size": "脚部尺寸",
39 |
"Downloading Foot Model": "正在下载脚部模型",
40 |
"Please select a skeleton!!": "请选择骨架!",
41 |
"Downloading Poses Library": "正在下载姿势库",
42 |
"Set Random Pose": "设置随机姿势",
43 |
"Redo": "重做",
44 |
"Undo": "撤销",
45 |
"Detect From Image": "从图片中检测",
46 |
"Downloading MediaPipe Pose Model": "正在下载 MediaPipe 姿势模型",
47 |
"Edit": "编辑",
48 |
"Setting": "设置",
49 |
"Bone Thickness": "骨骼厚度",
50 |
"Feedback": "反馈",
51 |
"View": "视图",
52 |
"Fix View": "固定视图",
53 |
"Restore View": "恢复视图",
54 |
"Free Mode": "自由模式",
55 |
"Del": "Del",
56 |
"File": "文件",
57 |
"Generate": "生成",
58 |
"Close": "关闭",
59 |
"Update": "更新",
60 |
"Lock View": "锁定视图",
61 |
"Unlock View": "解除锁定视图",
62 |
"Copy Keypoint Data": "复制关键点数据",
63 |
"Copied to Clipboard": "已复制到剪贴板",
64 |
"Generate Scene URL": "生成场景URL",
65 |
"Reset Scene": "重置场景",
66 |
"Load Gesture": "加载手势",
67 |
"Save Gesture": "保存手势",
68 |
"Please select a hand!!": "请选择一只手!!",
69 |
"If you try to detect anime characters, you may get an error. Please try again with photos.": "如果您尝试检测动漫角色,可能会出现错误。请使用照片再试一次。",
70 |
"Show Grid": "显示网格"
71 |
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1 |
2 |
"Width": "寬度",
3 |
"Height": "高度",
4 |
"Generate Skeleton/Depth/Normal/Canny Map": "生成骨架/深度/法線/Canny圖",
5 |
"Duplicate Skeleton": "複製骨架",
6 |
"Delete Skeleton": "刪除骨架",
7 |
"Move Mode": "移動模式",
8 |
"Show Edge Map": "顯示邊緣圖",
9 |
"Camera Near": "相機near",
10 |
"Camera Far": "相機far",
11 |
"Camera Focal Length": "相機焦距",
12 |
"Downloading Hand Model": "正在下載手部模型",
13 |
"Updates are available, please confirm!!": "有更新啦,请确认!!",
14 |
"Select a scene file": "選擇場景檔案",
15 |
"Oops...": "哎呀...",
16 |
"Something went wrong!": "出現問題!",
17 |
"If the problem persists, please click here to ask a question.": "如果問題仍然存在,請點擊此處發問。",
18 |
"Save Scene": "儲存場景",
19 |
"Load Scene": "載入場景",
20 |
"Restore Last Scene": "恢復上次場景",
21 |
"Set Background Image": "設置背景圖片",
22 |
"Select an image": "選擇圖片",
23 |
"Body Parameters": "身體參數",
24 |
"Shoulder Width": "肩寬",
25 |
"Shoulder To Hip": "肩臀長度",
26 |
"Arm Length": "手臂長度",
27 |
"Forearm": "前臂",
28 |
"Upper Arm": "上臂",
29 |
"Hand Size": "手部尺寸",
30 |
"Hips": "臀部",
31 |
"Leg Length": "腿長",
32 |
"Thigh": "大腿",
33 |
"Lower Leg": "小腿",
34 |
"Nose To Neck": "鼻子到脖子的距離",
35 |
"Head Size": "頭部尺寸",
36 |
"Show Preview": "顯示預覽",
37 |
"Only Hand": "只顯示手部",
38 |
"Foot Size": "腳部尺寸",
39 |
"Downloading Foot Model": "正在下載腳部模型",
40 |
"Please select a skeleton!!": "請選擇骨架!",
41 |
"Downloading Poses Library": "下載姿勢庫中",
42 |
"Set Random Pose": "設定隨機姿勢",
43 |
"Redo": "重做",
44 |
"Undo": "撤銷",
45 |
"Detect From Image": "從圖片中偵測",
46 |
"Downloading MediaPipe Pose Model": "下載 MediaPipe 姿勢模型",
47 |
"Edit": "編輯",
48 |
"Setting": "設定",
49 |
"Bone Thickness": "骨骼厚度",
50 |
"Feedback": "回饋",
51 |
"View": "檢視",
52 |
"Fix View": "固定檢視",
53 |
"Restore View": "還原檢視",
54 |
"Free Mode": "自由模式",
55 |
"Del": "Del",
56 |
"File": "文件",
57 |
"Generate": "生成",
58 |
"Close": "關閉",
59 |
"Update": "更新",
60 |
"Lock View": "鎖定視圖",
61 |
"Unlock View": "解鎖視圖",
62 |
"Copy Keypoint Data": "複製關鍵點數據",
63 |
"Copied to Clipboard": "已複製到剪貼板",
64 |
"Generate Scene URL": "生成場景URL",
65 |
"Reset Scene": "重置場景",
66 |
"Load Gesture": "載入手勢",
67 |
"Save Gesture": "儲存手勢",
68 |
"Please select a hand!!": "請選擇一隻手!!",
69 |
"If you try to detect anime characters, you may get an error. Please try again with photos.": "如果您嘗試檢測動漫角色,可能會出現錯誤。請使用照片再試一次。",
70 |
"Show Grid": "顯示網格"
71 |
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1 |
2 |
"Width": "寬度",
3 |
"Height": "高度",
4 |
"Generate Skeleton/Depth/Normal/Canny Map": "產生骨架/深度/法線/Canny圖",
5 |
"Duplicate Skeleton": "複製骨架",
6 |
"Delete Skeleton": "刪除骨架",
7 |
"Move Mode": "移動模式",
8 |
"Show Edge Map": "顯示邊緣圖",
9 |
"Camera Near": "相機近端距離",
10 |
"Camera Far": "相機遠端距離",
11 |
"Camera Focal Length": "相機焦距",
12 |
"Downloading Hand Model": "下載手部模型中",
13 |
"Updates are available, please confirm!!": "有更新,請確認!!",
14 |
"Select a scene file": "選擇場景檔案",
15 |
"Oops...": "糟糕...",
16 |
"Something went wrong!": "出了些問題!",
17 |
"If the problem persists, please click here to ask a question.": "如果問題持續存在,請點擊此處發起提問。",
18 |
"Save Scene": "儲存場景",
19 |
"Load Scene": "載入場景",
20 |
"Restore Last Scene": "恢復上一個場景",
21 |
"Set Background Image": "設定背景圖片",
22 |
"Select an image": "選擇圖片",
23 |
"Body Parameters": "身體參數",
24 |
"Shoulder Width": "肩寬",
25 |
"Shoulder To Hip": "肩臀長",
26 |
"Arm Length": "手臂長",
27 |
"Forearm": "前臂",
28 |
"Upper Arm": "上臂",
29 |
"Hand Size": "手部大小",
30 |
"Hips": "臀部",
31 |
"Leg Length": "腿長",
32 |
"Thigh": "大腿",
33 |
"Lower Leg": "小腿",
34 |
"Nose To Neck": "鼻子到頸部的距離",
35 |
"Head Size": "頭部大小",
36 |
"Show Preview": "顯示預覽",
37 |
"Only Hand": "僅手部",
38 |
"Foot Size": "腳部大小",
39 |
"Downloading Foot Model": "下載腳部模型中",
40 |
"Please select a skeleton!!": "請選擇骨架!",
41 |
"Downloading Poses Library": "正在下載姿勢庫",
42 |
"Set Random Pose": "設置隨機姿勢",
43 |
"Redo": "重做",
44 |
"Undo": "撤銷",
45 |
"Detect From Image": "從圖片中偵測",
46 |
"Downloading MediaPipe Pose Model": "下載 MediaPipe 姿勢模型中",
47 |
"Edit": "編輯",
48 |
"Setting": "設定",
49 |
"Bone Thickness": "骨骼厚度",
50 |
"Feedback": "回饋",
51 |
"View": "檢視",
52 |
"Fix View": "固定檢視",
53 |
"Restore View": "還原檢視",
54 |
"Free Mode": "自由模式",
55 |
"Del": "Del",
56 |
"File": "檔案",
57 |
"Generate": "生成",
58 |
"Close": "關閉",
59 |
"Update": "更新",
60 |
"Lock View": "鎖定視圖",
61 |
"Unlock View": "解鎖視圖",
62 |
"Copy Keypoint Data": "複製關鍵點數據",
63 |
"Copied to Clipboard": "已複製到剪貼板",
64 |
"Generate Scene URL": "生成場景URL",
65 |
"Reset Scene": "重置場景",
66 |
"Load Gesture": "載入手勢",
67 |
"Save Gesture": "儲存手勢",
68 |
"Please select a hand!!": "請選擇一隻手!!",
69 |
"If you try to detect anime characters, you may get an error. Please try again with photos.": "如果您嘗試檢測動漫角色,可能會出現錯誤。請使用照片再試一次。",
70 |
"Show Grid": "顯示網格"
71 |
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
1 |
export type IPostMessage = {
2 |
method: string
3 |
type: 'call' | 'return'
4 |
payload: any
5 |
6 |
7 |
const iframe = document.getElementById('open-pose-editor') as HTMLIFrameElement
8 |
9 |
const poseMessage = (message: IPostMessage) => {
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
const MessageReturnHandler: Record<string, (arg: any) => void> = {}
14 |
const MessageEventHandler: Record<string, (arg: any) => void> = {}
15 |
16 |
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
17 |
const { data } = event
18 |
if (data && data.cmd && data.cmd == 'openpose-3d' && data.method) {
19 |
const method = data.method
20 |
console.log('Method', method, event)
21 |
if (data.type == 'return') {
22 |
23 |
} else if (data.type == 'event') {
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
function InvokeOnlineOpenPose3D(method: string, ...args: any[]) {
31 |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
32 |
const id = setTimeout(() => {
33 |
delete MessageReturnHandler[method]
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
status: 'Timeout',
38 |
39 |
}, 1000)
40 |
41 |
const onReutrn = (arg: any) => {
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
MessageReturnHandler[method] = onReutrn
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
type: 'call',
50 |
payload: args,
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
function CreateClick(name: string, ...args: any[]) {
55 |
const ele = document.getElementById(name)
56 |
57 |
ele?.addEventListener('click', async () => {
58 |
59 |
const value = await InvokeOnlineOpenPose3D(name, ...args)
60 |
console.log('return', value)
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
MessageEventHandler['MakeImages'] = (arg) => {
65 |
console.log('event', arg)
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
CreateClick('OutputWidth', 512)
74 |
CreateClick('OutputHeight', 512)
75 |
CreateClick('OnlyHand', true)
76 |
CreateClick('MoveMode', true)
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
1 |
import * as THREE from 'three'
2 |
import { FindObjectItem } from './utils/three-utils'
3 |
import { LoadFBXFile, LoadGLTFile, LoadObjFile } from './utils/loader'
4 |
5 |
export let HandObject: THREE.Group | null = null
6 |
export let FootObject: THREE.Group | null = null
7 |
8 |
export const HandModelInfo = {
9 |
meshName: 'shoupolySurface1',
10 |
bonePrefix: 'shoujoint',
11 |
12 |
export const FootModelInfo = {
13 |
meshName: 'FootObject',
14 |
bonePrefix: 'FootBone',
15 |
16 |
17 |
export const ExtremitiesMapping: Record<
18 |
19 |
20 |
meshName: string
21 |
bonePrefix: string
22 |
23 |
> = {
24 |
left_hand: HandModelInfo,
25 |
right_hand: HandModelInfo,
26 |
left_foot: FootModelInfo,
27 |
right_foot: FootModelInfo,
28 |
29 |
30 |
export function IsMatchBonePrefix(name: string) {
31 |
if (name.startsWith(HandModelInfo.bonePrefix)) return true
32 |
if (name.startsWith(FootModelInfo.bonePrefix)) return true
33 |
return false
34 |
35 |
36 |
export async function LoadHand(
37 |
handFBXFileUrl: string,
38 |
onLoading?: (loaded: number) => void
39 |
) {
40 |
const fbx = await LoadFBXFile(handFBXFileUrl, onLoading)
41 |
42 |
// fbx.scale.multiplyScalar(10)
43 |
const mesh = FindObjectItem<THREE.SkinnedMesh>(fbx, HandModelInfo.meshName)!
44 |
mesh.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial()
45 |
// this.scene.add();
46 |
// const helper = new THREE.SkeletonHelper(mesh.parent!);
47 |
// this.scene.add(helper);
48 |
49 |
// console.log(mesh.skeleton.bones)
50 |
mesh.skeleton.bones.forEach((o) => {
51 |
const point = new THREE.Mesh(
52 |
new THREE.SphereGeometry(0.2),
53 |
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
54 |
color: 0xff0000,
55 |
// vertexColors: true,
56 |
depthTest: false,
57 |
opacity: 1,
58 |
transparent: true,
59 |
// depthWrite: false,
60 |
// toneMapped: false,
61 |
// transparent: true,
62 |
63 |
64 |
point.name = 'red_point'
65 |
// point.scale.setX(0.2)
66 |
// point.position.copy(o.position)
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
const mask = new THREE.Mesh(
71 |
new THREE.CylinderGeometry(1, 1, 0.4, 32),
72 |
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x000000 })
73 |
74 |
mask.name = 'hand_mask'
75 |
mask.visible = false
76 |
mask.rotateZ(Math.PI / 2)
77 |
78 |
79 |
HandObject = fbx
80 |
return fbx
81 |
82 |
83 |
export async function LoadFoot(
84 |
footFBXFileUrl: string,
85 |
onLoading?: (loaded: number) => void
86 |
) {
87 |
const fbx = await LoadFBXFile(footFBXFileUrl, onLoading)
88 |
89 |
90 |
// fbx.scale.multiplyScalar(0.001)
91 |
92 |
const mesh = FindObjectItem<THREE.SkinnedMesh>(fbx, FootModelInfo.meshName)!
93 |
mesh.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial()
94 |
// this.scene.add();
95 |
// const helper = new THREE.SkeletonHelper(mesh.parent!);
96 |
// this.scene.add(helper);
97 |
98 |
99 |
mesh.skeleton.bones.forEach((o) => {
100 |
if (o.name !== 'FootBone2') return
101 |
const point = new THREE.Mesh(
102 |
new THREE.SphereGeometry(0.1),
103 |
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
104 |
color: 0xff0000,
105 |
depthTest: false,
106 |
opacity: 1,
107 |
transparent: true,
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 |
point.name = 'red_point'
112 |
// point.position.copy(o.position)
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
const mask = new THREE.Mesh(
118 |
new THREE.CylinderGeometry(0.35, 0.35, 0.2, 32),
119 |
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x000000 })
120 |
121 |
122 |
mask.name = 'foot_mask'
123 |
mask.visible = false
124 |
125 |
126 |
FootObject = fbx
127 |
return fbx
128 |
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
1 |
import { PartIndexMappingOfPoseModel } from './defines'
2 |
3 |
const PosesLibrary: [number, number, number][][] | null = []
4 |
5 |
function getRandomInt(min: number, max: number) {
6 |
min = Math.ceil(min)
7 |
max = Math.floor(max)
8 |
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min
9 |
10 |
11 |
export function GetRandomPose() {
12 |
if (PosesLibrary)
13 |
return PosesLibrary[getRandomInt(0, PosesLibrary.length - 1)]
14 |
return null
15 |
16 |
17 |
export async function LoadPosesLibrary(posesLibraryUrl: string) {
18 |
const response = await fetch(posesLibraryUrl)
19 |
const buffer = await response.arrayBuffer()
20 |
21 |
22 |
const int16Array = new Int32Array(buffer)
23 |
24 |
const num = Object.keys(PartIndexMappingOfPoseModel).length
25 |
26 |
for (let i = 0; i < int16Array.length / (num * 3); i++) {
27 |
const temp: [number, number, number][] = []
28 |
for (let j = 0; j < num; j++) {
29 |
const a = int16Array[i * (num * 3) + j * 3 + 0]
30 |
const b = int16Array[i * (num * 3) + j * 3 + 1]
31 |
const c = int16Array[i * (num * 3) + j * 3 + 2]
32 |
33 |
temp.push([a / 1000.0, b / 1000.0, c / 1000.0])
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
2 |
oid sha256:40bf0b017283b5b2a00b78d8da1ef11e5c62ffeccdd97ab56c26c1e6f23e5684
3 |
size 945252
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
1 |
import { Matrix4, Quaternion, Vector3, Object3D } from 'three'
2 |
3 |
// tslint:disable-next-line:interface-name
4 |
export interface IKS {
5 |
effector: Object3D
6 |
iteration: number
7 |
links: Array<{
8 |
enabled: boolean
9 |
index: Object3D
10 |
limitation?: Vector3
11 |
rotationMin?: Vector3
12 |
rotationMax?: Vector3
13 |
14 |
minAngle: number
15 |
maxAngle: number
16 |
target: Object3D
17 |
18 |
19 |
const _q = new Quaternion()
20 |
const _targetPos = new Vector3()
21 |
const _targetVec = new Vector3()
22 |
const _effectorPos = new Vector3()
23 |
const _effectorVec = new Vector3()
24 |
const _linkPos = new Vector3()
25 |
const _invLinkQ = new Quaternion()
26 |
const _linkScale = new Vector3()
27 |
const _axis = new Vector3()
28 |
const _vector = new Vector3()
29 |
const _matrix = new Matrix4()
30 |
31 |
32 |
* CCD Algorithm
33 |
* - https://sites.google.com/site/auraliusproject/ccd-algorithm
34 |
35 |
* // ik parameter example
36 |
* //
37 |
* // target, effector, index in links are bone index in skeleton.bones.
38 |
* // the bones relation should be
39 |
* // <-- parent child -->
40 |
* // links[ n ], links[ n - 1 ], ..., links[ 0 ], effector
41 |
* iks = [ {
42 |
* target: 1,
43 |
* effector: 2,
44 |
* links: [ { index: 5, limitation: new Vector3( 1, 0, 0 ) }, { index: 4, enabled: false }, { index : 3 } ],
45 |
* iteration: 10,
46 |
* minAngle: 0.0,
47 |
* maxAngle: 1.0,
48 |
* } ];
49 |
50 |
51 |
export class CCDIKSolver {
52 |
iks: IKS[]
53 |
constructor(iks: IKS[] = []) {
54 |
this.iks = iks
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
update() {
60 |
const iks = this.iks
61 |
62 |
for (let i = 0, il = iks.length; i < il; i++) {
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
return this
67 |
68 |
69 |
updateOne(ik: IKS) {
70 |
const bones = ik.links.map((i) => i.index)
71 |
72 |
// for reference overhead reduction in loop
73 |
const math = Math
74 |
75 |
const effector = ik.effector
76 |
const target = ik.target
77 |
78 |
// don't use getWorldPosition() here for the performance
79 |
// because it calls updateMatrixWorld( true ) inside.
80 |
81 |
82 |
const links = ik.links
83 |
const iteration = ik.iteration !== undefined ? ik.iteration : 1
84 |
85 |
for (let i = 0; i < iteration; i++) {
86 |
let rotated = false
87 |
88 |
for (let j = 0, jl = links.length; j < jl; j++) {
89 |
const link = bones[j]
90 |
91 |
// skip this link and following links.
92 |
// this skip is used for MMD performance optimization.
93 |
if (links[j].enabled === false) break
94 |
95 |
const limitation = links[j].limitation
96 |
const rotationMin = links[j].rotationMin
97 |
const rotationMax = links[j].rotationMax
98 |
99 |
// don't use getWorldPosition/Quaternion() here for the performance
100 |
// because they call updateMatrixWorld( true ) inside.
101 |
link.matrixWorld.decompose(_linkPos, _invLinkQ, _linkScale)
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
// work in link world
106 |
_effectorVec.subVectors(_effectorPos, _linkPos)
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
_targetVec.subVectors(_targetPos, _linkPos)
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 |
let angle = _targetVec.dot(_effectorVec)
115 |
116 |
if (angle > 1.0) {
117 |
angle = 1.0
118 |
} else if (angle < -1.0) {
119 |
angle = -1.0
120 |
121 |
122 |
angle = math.acos(angle)
123 |
124 |
// skip if changing angle is too small to prevent vibration of bone
125 |
if (angle < 1e-5) continue
126 |
127 |
if (ik.minAngle !== undefined && angle < ik.minAngle) {
128 |
angle = ik.minAngle
129 |
130 |
131 |
if (ik.maxAngle !== undefined && angle > ik.maxAngle) {
132 |
angle = ik.maxAngle
133 |
134 |
135 |
_axis.crossVectors(_effectorVec, _targetVec)
136 |
137 |
138 |
_q.setFromAxisAngle(_axis, angle)
139 |
140 |
141 |
// TODO: re-consider the limitation specification
142 |
if (limitation !== undefined) {
143 |
let c = link.quaternion.w
144 |
145 |
if (c > 1.0) c = 1.0
146 |
147 |
const c2 = math.sqrt(1 - c * c)
148 |
149 |
limitation.x * c2,
150 |
limitation.y * c2,
151 |
limitation.z * c2,
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
if (rotationMin !== undefined) {
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
if (rotationMax !== undefined) {
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
rotated = true
171 |
172 |
173 |
if (!rotated) break
174 |
175 |
176 |
return this
177 |
178 |
179 |
// private methods
180 |
181 |
_valid() {
182 |
const iks = this.iks
183 |
184 |
for (let i = 0, il = iks.length; i < il; i++) {
185 |
const ik = iks[i]
186 |
187 |
const effector = ik.effector
188 |
const links = ik.links
189 |
let link0, link1
190 |
191 |
link0 = effector
192 |
193 |
for (let j = 0, jl = links.length; j < jl; j++) {
194 |
link1 = links[j].index
195 |
196 |
if (link0.parent !== link1) {
197 |
198 |
'THREE.CCDIKSolver: bone ' +
199 |
link0.name +
200 |
' is not the child of bone ' +
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
link0 = link1
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
1 |
import { Class } from 'type-fest'
2 |
3 |
// https://github.com/google/mediapipe/blob/master/docs/solutions/pose.md#resources
4 |
import type { Results, Pose, PoseConfig } from '@mediapipe/pose'
5 |
import * as MediapipePose from '@mediapipe/pose'
6 |
import assets from '../assets'
7 |
8 |
// @mediapipe/pose is not an es module ??
9 |
// Extract Pose from the window to solve the problem
10 |
// To prevent optimization, just print it
11 |
console.log('@mediapipe/pose', MediapipePose)
12 |
const MyPose = import.meta.env.DEV
13 |
? MediapipePose.Pose
14 |
: ((window as any).Pose as Class<Pose, [PoseConfig]>)
15 |
console.log('MyPose', MyPose)
16 |
17 |
const AliyuncsBase =
18 |
19 |
const JsdelivrBase = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@mediapipe/pose'
20 |
21 |
let UseJsdelivrBase = true
22 |
function GetCDNBase() {
23 |
if (UseJsdelivrBase) return JsdelivrBase
24 |
else return AliyuncsBase
25 |
26 |
27 |
export function SetCDNBase(isJsdelivrBase: boolean) {
28 |
UseJsdelivrBase = isJsdelivrBase
29 |
30 |
31 |
const pose = new MyPose({
32 |
locateFile: (file) => {
33 |
if (file in assets) {
34 |
console.log('local', file)
35 |
return (assets as any)[file]
36 |
37 |
const url = `${GetCDNBase()}/${file}`
38 |
39 |
console.log('load pose model', url)
40 |
return url
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
// https://github.com/google/mediapipe/blob/master/docs/solutions/pose.md#solution-apis
45 |
46 |
modelComplexity: 1,
47 |
smoothLandmarks: true,
48 |
enableSegmentation: true,
49 |
smoothSegmentation: true,
50 |
minDetectionConfidence: 0.5,
51 |
minTrackingConfidence: 0.5,
52 |
53 |
54 |
export function DetectPosefromImage(image: HTMLImageElement): Promise<Results> {
55 |
return new Promise((resolve) => {
56 |
57 |
pose.send({ image: image })
58 |
pose.onResults((result) => {
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1 |
export function getImage(url: string): Promise<HTMLImageElement> {
2 |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
3 |
const image = document.createElement('img')
4 |
5 |
image.src = url
6 |
image.addEventListener('load', () => {
7 |
8 |
9 |
image.addEventListener('abort', () => {
10 |
11 |
12 |
image.addEventListener('error', () => {
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
1 |
import { FBXLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/FBXLoader'
2 |
import { OBJLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/OBJLoader'
3 |
import { GLTF, GLTFLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader.js'
4 |
import * as THREE from 'three'
5 |
6 |
const fbxLoader = new FBXLoader()
7 |
export async function LoadFBXFile(
8 |
url: string,
9 |
onLoading?: (loaded: number) => void
10 |
): Promise<THREE.Group> {
11 |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
12 |
// load a resource
13 |
14 |
// resource URL
15 |
16 |
// called when resource is loaded
17 |
function (object) {
18 |
19 |
20 |
// called when loading is in progresses
21 |
function (xhr) {
22 |
console.log((xhr.loaded / xhr.total) * 100 + '% loaded')
23 |
onLoading?.((xhr.loaded / xhr.total) * 100)
24 |
25 |
// called when loading has errors
26 |
function (error) {
27 |
console.log('An error happened')
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
// instantiate a loader
35 |
const loader = new OBJLoader()
36 |
37 |
export async function LoadObjFile(url: string): Promise<THREE.Group> {
38 |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
39 |
// load a resource
40 |
41 |
// resource URL
42 |
43 |
// called when resource is loaded
44 |
function (object) {
45 |
46 |
47 |
// called when loading is in progresses
48 |
function (xhr) {
49 |
console.log((xhr.loaded / xhr.total) * 100 + '% loaded')
50 |
51 |
// called when loading has errors
52 |
function (error) {
53 |
console.log('An error happened')
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
export async function LoadGLTFile(url: string): Promise<GLTF> {
61 |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
62 |
// load a resource
63 |
new GLTFLoader().load(
64 |
// resource URL
65 |
66 |
// called when resource is loaded
67 |
function (object) {
68 |
69 |
70 |
// called when loading is in progresses
71 |
function (xhr) {
72 |
console.log((xhr.loaded / xhr.total) * 100 + '% loaded')
73 |
74 |
// called when loading has errors
75 |
function (error) {
76 |
console.log('An error happened')
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1 |
import * as THREE from 'three'
2 |
import { Object3D } from 'three'
3 |
4 |
export function FindObjectItem<T extends THREE.Object3D>(
5 |
object: THREE.Object3D,
6 |
name: string
7 |
): T | null {
8 |
9 |
let result = null
10 |
object.traverse((child) => {
11 |
//console.log("child", child);
12 |
if (child.name == name) {
13 |
result = child
14 |
15 |
16 |
return result
17 |
18 |
19 |
export function GetWorldPosition(o: Object3D) {
20 |
const pos = new THREE.Vector3()
21 |
22 |
return pos
23 |
24 |
25 |
export function GetLocalPosition(obj: Object3D, postion: THREE.Vector3) {
26 |
return obj.worldToLocal(postion.clone())
27 |
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1 |
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
2 |
3 |
export function getCurrentTime(format = 'YYYY_MM_DD_HH_mm_ss') {
4 |
return dayjs(new Date()).format(format)
5 |
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
1 |
import {
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
} from 'browser-fs-access'
7 |
8 |
export function download(href: string, title: string) {
9 |
const a = document.createElement('a')
10 |
a.setAttribute('href', href)
11 |
a.setAttribute('download', title)
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
export function downloadJson(data: string, fileName: string) {
16 |
const blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'text/json' })
17 |
const href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob)
18 |
download(href, fileName)
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
async function fileOpenLegacy<M extends boolean | undefined = false>(
23 |
_options: FirstFileOpenOptions<M> = {}
24 |
): Promise<FileWithHandle | FileWithHandle[]> {
25 |
let options: FirstFileOpenOptions<M>[]
26 |
if (!Array.isArray(_options)) {
27 |
options = [_options]
28 |
} else options = _options
29 |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
30 |
const input = document.createElement('input') as HTMLInputElement
31 |
input.type = 'file'
32 |
const accept = [
33 |
...options.map((option) => option.mimeTypes || []),
34 |
...options.map((option) => option.extensions || []),
35 |
36 |
input.multiple = options[0].multiple || false
37 |
// Empty string allows everything.
38 |
input.accept = accept || ''
39 |
// Append to the DOM, else Safari on iOS won't fire the `change` event
40 |
// reliably.
41 |
input.style.display = 'none'
42 |
43 |
44 |
const _reject = () => cleanupListenersAndMaybeReject?.(reject)
45 |
const _resolve = (value: FileWithHandle | FileWithHandle[]) => {
46 |
if (typeof cleanupListenersAndMaybeReject === 'function') {
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
// ToDo: Remove this workaround once
52 |
// https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/6376 is specified and supported.
53 |
const cleanupListenersAndMaybeReject =
54 |
options[0].legacySetup &&
55 |
options[0].legacySetup(_resolve, _reject, input)
56 |
57 |
const cancelDetector = () => {
58 |
window.removeEventListener('focus', cancelDetector)
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
input.addEventListener('click', () => {
63 |
window.addEventListener('focus', cancelDetector)
64 |
65 |
66 |
input.addEventListener('change', () => {
67 |
window.removeEventListener('focus', cancelDetector)
68 |
69 |
70 |
if (input.files)
71 |
72 |
input.multiple ? Array.from(input.files) : input.files[0]
73 |
74 |
else {
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
if ('showPicker' in HTMLInputElement.prototype) {
80 |
81 |
} else {
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
export async function uploadJson() {
88 |
try {
89 |
const file = await fileOpenLegacy({
90 |
mimeTypes: ['application/json'],
91 |
legacySetup: (_, rejectionHandler) => {
92 |
const timeoutId = setTimeout(rejectionHandler, 10_000)
93 |
return (reject) => {
94 |
95 |
if (reject) {
96 |
97 |
reject('Failed to Open file')
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
return await new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
104 |
const reader = new FileReader()
105 |
reader.onload = function () {
106 |
resolve(reader.result as string)
107 |
108 |
109 |
reader.onerror = function () {
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 |
if (Array.isArray(file) == false)
114 |
reader.readAsText(file as FileWithHandle)
115 |
else reject("Don't select multiple files")
116 |
117 |
} catch (error) {
118 |
119 |
return null
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
export async function uploadImage() {
124 |
try {
125 |
const file = await fileOpenLegacy({
126 |
mimeTypes: ['image/*'],
127 |
legacySetup: (_, rejectionHandler) => {
128 |
const timeoutId = setTimeout(rejectionHandler, 10_000)
129 |
return (reject) => {
130 |
131 |
132 |
if (reject) {
133 |
reject('Open file timeout')
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
return await new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
140 |
const reader = new FileReader()
141 |
reader.onload = function () {
142 |
resolve(reader.result as string)
143 |
144 |
145 |
reader.onerror = function () {
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
if (Array.isArray(file) == false)
150 |
reader.readAsDataURL(file as FileWithHandle)
151 |
else reject("Don't select multiple files")
152 |
153 |
} catch (error) {
154 |
155 |
return null
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
export async function CopyTextToClipboard(text: string) {
160 |
try {
161 |
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text)
162 |
} catch (error) {
163 |
// https://github.com/sudodoki/copy-to-clipboard/blob/main/index.js
164 |
const input = document.createElement('input') as HTMLInputElement
165 |
input.type = 'text'
166 |
input.style.display = 'none'
167 |
input.value = text
168 |
input.ariaHidden = 'true'
169 |
// reset user styles for span element
170 |
input.style.all = 'unset'
171 |
// prevents scrolling to the end of the page
172 |
input.style.position = 'fixed'
173 |
input.style.top = '0'
174 |
input.style.clip = 'rect(0, 0, 0, 0)'
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
const successful = document.execCommand('copy')
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
if (!successful) {
184 |
throw new Error('copy command was unsuccessful')
185 |
186 |
187 |
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 |
/// <reference types="vite/client" />
2 |
3 |
declare const __APP_VERSION__: string
4 |
declare const __APP_BUILD_TIME__: number
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
1 |
#openpose3d_iframe {
2 |
display: block;
3 |
width: 100%;
4 |
height: calc(100vh - 150px);
5 |
min-height: 750px;
6 |
7 |
8 |
/* Workaround for ashen-sensored/stable-diffusion-webui-two-shot */
9 |
#openpose3d_main .output-html {
10 |
display: block;
11 |
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1 |
import fs from 'fs-extra'
2 |
import { zip } from 'zip-a-folder'
3 |
import path from 'path'
4 |
5 |
async function main() {
6 |
const content = fs.readFileSync(path.join('dist', 'index.html')).toString()
7 |
8 |
9 |
path.join('dist', 'index.html'),
10 |
content.replace(`type="module" crossorigin`, 'defer')
11 |
12 |
13 |
await zip('dist', path.join('html.zip'))
14 |
15 |
16 |
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
1 |
import fs from 'fs-extra'
2 |
import path from 'path'
3 |
const list: Record<
4 |
5 |
6 |
prefix?: string
7 |
mimetype: string
8 |
9 |
> = {
10 |
'models/foot.fbx': { mimetype: 'application/octet-stream' },
11 |
'models/hand.fbx': { mimetype: 'application/octet-stream' },
12 |
'src/poses/data.bin': { mimetype: 'application/octet-stream' },
13 |
'pose_landmark_full.tflite': {
14 |
prefix: 'node_modules/@mediapipe/pose/',
15 |
mimetype: 'application/octet-stream',
16 |
17 |
'pose_web.binarypb': {
18 |
prefix: 'node_modules/@mediapipe/pose/',
19 |
mimetype: 'application/octet-stream',
20 |
21 |
'pose_solution_packed_assets.data': {
22 |
prefix: 'node_modules/@mediapipe/pose/',
23 |
mimetype: 'application/octet-stream',
24 |
25 |
'pose_solution_simd_wasm_bin.wasm': {
26 |
prefix: 'node_modules/@mediapipe/pose/',
27 |
mimetype: 'application/wasm',
28 |
29 |
'pose_solution_packed_assets_loader.js': {
30 |
prefix: 'node_modules/@mediapipe/pose/',
31 |
mimetype: 'application/javascript',
32 |
33 |
'pose_solution_simd_wasm_bin.js': {
34 |
prefix: 'node_modules/@mediapipe/pose/',
35 |
mimetype: 'application/javascript',
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
const output = Object.fromEntries(
40 |
Object.entries(list).map(([file, { prefix, mimetype }]) => [
41 |
42 |
43 |
.readFileSync(path.join(prefix ?? '.', file))
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
'export default ' + JSON.stringify(output, null, 4)
51 |
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
1 |
import fs from 'fs-extra'
2 |
import path from 'path'
3 |
4 |
const resource = {
5 |
de: {
6 |
Generate: 'Generieren',
7 |
8 |
en: {
9 |
Generate: 'Generate',
10 |
11 |
ja: {
12 |
Generate: '生成する',
13 |
14 |
sp: {
15 |
Generate: 'Generar',
16 |
17 |
'zh-CN': {
18 |
Generate: '生成',
19 |
20 |
'zh-HK': {
21 |
Generate: '生成',
22 |
23 |
'zh-TW': {
24 |
Generate: '生成',
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
async function main() {
29 |
Object.entries(resource).forEach(([lng, content]) => {
30 |
const file = path.join('src/locales', `${lng}.json`)
31 |
const old = fs.readJSONSync(file)
32 |
const output = {
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
fs.writeJSONSync(file, output, {
37 |
spaces: 4,
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
1 |
2 |
"compilerOptions": {
3 |
"target": "ESNext",
4 |
"useDefineForClassFields": true,
5 |
"lib": ["DOM", "DOM.Iterable", "ESNext"],
6 |
"allowJs": false,
7 |
"skipLibCheck": true,
8 |
"esModuleInterop": false,
9 |
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
10 |
"strict": true,
11 |
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
12 |
"module": "ESNext",
13 |
"moduleResolution": "Node",
14 |
"resolveJsonModule": true,
15 |
"isolatedModules": true,
16 |
"noEmit": true,
17 |
"jsx": "react-jsx"
18 |
19 |
"include": ["src"],
20 |
"references": [{ "path": "./tsconfig.node.json" }]
21 |
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 |
2 |
"compilerOptions": {
3 |
"composite": true,
4 |
"module": "ESNext",
5 |
"moduleResolution": "Node",
6 |
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true
7 |
8 |
"include": ["vite.config.ts", "vite-plugin-extension.ts"]
9 |
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
1 |
import { type UserConfig, type Plugin } from 'vite'
2 |
import { type OutputOptions } from 'rollup'
3 |
import { resolve } from 'path'
4 |
import { rename } from 'fs/promises'
5 |
6 |
export default function (): Plugin {
7 |
return {
8 |
name: 'extension',
9 |
async writeBundle(options, bundle) {
10 |
for (const key in bundle) {
11 |
const b = bundle[key]
12 |
const type = b.type
13 |
if (type !== 'chunk' && type !== 'asset') {
14 |
15 |
16 |
const fileName = resolve(options.dir, b.fileName)
17 |
await rename(fileName, fileName.replace(/\?[0-9a-f]+$/, ''))
18 |
19 |
20 |
config(config, env) {
21 |
const common: UserConfig = {
22 |
base: './',
23 |
resolve: {
24 |
alias: [
25 |
26 |
find: /.*\/assets(\.ts)?$/,
27 |
replacement: resolve(
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
build: {
35 |
target: 'ESNext',
36 |
emptyOutDir: false,
37 |
rollupOptions: {
38 |
output: {
39 |
entryFileNames: '[name].js?[hash]',
40 |
chunkFileNames: '[name].js?[hash]',
41 |
assetFileNames: '[name][extname]?[hash]',
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
switch (env.mode) {
47 |
case 'extension-editor':
48 |
49 |
common.build.outDir = 'pages'
50 |
common.build.rollupOptions.input = {
51 |
index: resolve(__dirname, 'index.html'),
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
case 'extension-entry':
56 |
57 |
common.build.outDir = 'javascript'
58 |
common.build.rollupOptions.input = {
59 |
index: resolve(
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
common.publicDir = false
65 |
const output = common.build.rollupOptions
66 |
.output as OutputOptions
67 |
output.format = 'iife'
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
throw Error(`Unknown mode: ${env.mode}`)
73 |
74 |
return common
75 |
76 |
77 |
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
1 |
import { defineConfig, UserConfigFn } from 'vite'
2 |
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
3 |
import { VitePWA } from 'vite-plugin-pwa'
4 |
import { visualizer } from 'rollup-plugin-visualizer'
5 |
import { resolve } from 'path'
6 |
import ConditionalCompile from 'vite-plugin-conditional-compiler'
7 |
import ExtensionPlugin from './vite-plugin-extension'
8 |
9 |
// https://vitejs.dev/config/
10 |
const config: UserConfigFn = ({ command, mode, ssrBuild }) => {
11 |
const pwa = VitePWA({
12 |
workbox: {
13 |
globPatterns: ['**/*.{js,css,html,ico,png,svg,mp3,obj,fbx,bin}'],
14 |
// https://vite-pwa-org.netlify.app/workbox/generate-sw.html#cache-external-resources
15 |
runtimeCaching: [
16 |
17 |
urlPattern: /^https:\/\/cdn\.jsdelivr\.net\/.*/i,
18 |
handler: 'CacheFirst',
19 |
options: {
20 |
cacheName: 'jsdelivr-cdn',
21 |
expiration: {
22 |
maxEntries: 10,
23 |
maxAgeSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, // <== 365 days
24 |
25 |
cacheableResponse: {
26 |
statuses: [0, 200],
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
handler: 'CacheFirst',
34 |
options: {
35 |
cacheName: 'aliyuncs',
36 |
expiration: {
37 |
maxEntries: 10,
38 |
maxAgeSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, // <== 365 days
39 |
40 |
cacheableResponse: {
41 |
statuses: [0, 200],
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
includeAssets: [
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
manifest: {
53 |
name: '3D Openpose Editor',
54 |
short_name: '3D Openpose Editor',
55 |
description: '3D Openpose Editor (Yu Zhu)',
56 |
theme_color: '#ffffff',
57 |
background_color: '#ffffff',
58 |
icons: [
59 |
60 |
src: 'icons/icon-72x72.png',
61 |
sizes: '72x72',
62 |
type: 'image/png',
63 |
64 |
65 |
src: 'icons/icon-96x96.png',
66 |
sizes: '96x96',
67 |
type: 'image/png',
68 |
69 |
70 |
src: 'icons/icon-128x128.png',
71 |
sizes: '128x128',
72 |
type: 'image/png',
73 |
74 |
75 |
src: 'icons/icon-144x144.png',
76 |
sizes: '144x144',
77 |
type: 'image/png',
78 |
79 |
80 |
src: 'icons/icon-152x152.png',
81 |
sizes: '152x152',
82 |
type: 'image/png',
83 |
84 |
85 |
src: 'icons/icon-192x192.png',
86 |
sizes: '192x192',
87 |
type: 'image/png',
88 |
89 |
90 |
src: 'icons/icon-384x384.png',
91 |
sizes: '384x384',
92 |
type: 'image/png',
93 |
94 |
95 |
src: 'icons/icon-512x512.png',
96 |
sizes: '512x512',
97 |
type: 'image/png',
98 |
99 |
100 |
src: 'icons/icon-512x512.png',
101 |
sizes: '512x512',
102 |
type: 'image/png',
103 |
purpose: 'maskable any',
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
return {
110 |
base: mode === 'singlefile' ? './' : '/open-pose-editor/',
111 |
define: {
112 |
global: {},
113 |
__APP_VERSION__: JSON.stringify('0.1.18'),
114 |
__APP_BUILD_TIME__: Date.now(),
115 |
116 |
build: {
117 |
assetsDir: mode === 'singlefile' ? '.' : 'assets',
118 |
emptyOutDir: true,
119 |
120 |
plugins: [
121 |
122 |
mode === 'online' ? pwa : null,
123 |
124 |
125 |
mode.startsWith('extension') ? ExtensionPlugin() : null,
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
export default defineConfig(config)
Binary files a/sd-webui-lora-block-weight/scripts/__pycache__/lora_block_weight.cpython-310.pyc and b/sd-webui-lora-block-weight/scripts/__pycache__/lora_block_weight.cpython-310.pyc differ
Binary files a/sd-webui-stablesr/scripts/__pycache__/stablesr.cpython-310.pyc and b/sd-webui-stablesr/scripts/__pycache__/stablesr.cpython-310.pyc differ
Binary files a/sd-webui-stablesr/srmodule/__pycache__/attn.cpython-310.pyc and b/sd-webui-stablesr/srmodule/__pycache__/attn.cpython-310.pyc differ
Binary files a/sd-webui-stablesr/srmodule/__pycache__/colorfix.cpython-310.pyc and b/sd-webui-stablesr/srmodule/__pycache__/colorfix.cpython-310.pyc differ
Binary files a/sd-webui-stablesr/srmodule/__pycache__/spade.cpython-310.pyc and b/sd-webui-stablesr/srmodule/__pycache__/spade.cpython-310.pyc differ
Binary files a/sd-webui-stablesr/srmodule/__pycache__/struct_cond.cpython-310.pyc and b/sd-webui-stablesr/srmodule/__pycache__/struct_cond.cpython-310.pyc differ