toto10's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub (#4)
history blame
2.84 kB
"Width": "寬度",
"Height": "高度",
"Generate Skeleton/Depth/Normal/Canny Map": "生成骨架/深度/法線/Canny圖",
"Duplicate Skeleton": "複製骨架",
"Delete Skeleton": "刪除骨架",
"Move Mode": "移動模式",
"Show Edge Map": "顯示邊緣圖",
"Camera Near": "相機near",
"Camera Far": "相機far",
"Camera Focal Length": "相機焦距",
"Downloading Hand Model": "正在下載手部模型",
"Updates are available, please confirm!!": "有更新啦,请确认!!",
"Select a scene file": "選擇場景檔案",
"Oops...": "哎呀...",
"Something went wrong!": "出現問題!",
"If the problem persists, please click here to ask a question.": "如果問題仍然存在,請點擊此處發問。",
"Save Scene": "儲存場景",
"Load Scene": "載入場景",
"Restore Last Scene": "恢復上次場景",
"Set Background Image": "設置背景圖片",
"Select an image": "選擇圖片",
"Body Parameters": "身體參數",
"Shoulder Width": "肩寬",
"Shoulder To Hip": "肩臀長度",
"Arm Length": "手臂長度",
"Forearm": "前臂",
"Upper Arm": "上臂",
"Hand Size": "手部尺寸",
"Hips": "臀部",
"Leg Length": "腿長",
"Thigh": "大腿",
"Lower Leg": "小腿",
"Nose To Neck": "鼻子到脖子的距離",
"Head Size": "頭部尺寸",
"Show Preview": "顯示預覽",
"Only Hand": "只顯示手部",
"Foot Size": "腳部尺寸",
"Downloading Foot Model": "正在下載腳部模型",
"Please select a skeleton!!": "請選擇骨架!",
"Downloading Poses Library": "下載姿勢庫中",
"Set Random Pose": "設定隨機姿勢",
"Redo": "重做",
"Undo": "撤銷",
"Detect From Image": "從圖片中偵測",
"Downloading MediaPipe Pose Model": "下載 MediaPipe 姿勢模型",
"Edit": "編輯",
"Setting": "設定",
"Bone Thickness": "骨骼厚度",
"Feedback": "回饋",
"View": "檢視",
"Fix View": "固定檢視",
"Restore View": "還原檢視",
"Free Mode": "自由模式",
"Del": "Del",
"File": "文件",
"Generate": "生成",
"Close": "關閉",
"Update": "更新",
"Lock View": "鎖定視圖",
"Unlock View": "解鎖視圖",
"Copy Keypoint Data": "複製關鍵點數據",
"Copied to Clipboard": "已複製到剪貼板",
"Generate Scene URL": "生成場景URL",
"Reset Scene": "重置場景",
"Load Gesture": "載入手勢",
"Save Gesture": "儲存手勢",
"Please select a hand!!": "請選擇一隻手!!",
"If you try to detect anime characters, you may get an error. Please try again with photos.": "如果您嘗試檢測動漫角色,可能會出現錯誤。請使用照片再試一次。",
"Show Grid": "顯示網格"