import sys, os |
import torch |
import gc |
import numpy as np |
from PIL import Image |
import modules.paths as ph |
from modules.shared import devices |
from scripts.core import utils, flow_utils |
from FloweR.model import FloweR |
import skimage |
import datetime |
import cv2 |
import gradio as gr |
import time |
FloweR_model = None |
DEVICE = 'cpu' |
def FloweR_clear_memory(): |
global FloweR_model |
del FloweR_model |
gc.collect() |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
FloweR_model = None |
def FloweR_load_model(w, h): |
global DEVICE, FloweR_model |
DEVICE = devices.get_optimal_device() |
model_path = ph.models_path + '/FloweR/FloweR_0.1.2.pth' |
remote_model_path = 'https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1-UYsTXkdUkHLgtPK1Y5_7kKzCgzL_Z6o' |
if not os.path.isfile(model_path): |
from basicsr.utils.download_util import load_file_from_url |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(model_path), exist_ok=True) |
load_file_from_url(remote_model_path, file_name=model_path) |
FloweR_model = FloweR(input_size = (h, w)) |
FloweR_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path, map_location=DEVICE)) |
FloweR_model = FloweR_model.to(DEVICE) |
FloweR_model.eval() |
def read_frame_from_video(input_video): |
if input_video is None: return None |
if input_video.isOpened(): |
ret, cur_frame = input_video.read() |
if cur_frame is not None: |
cur_frame = cv2.cvtColor(cur_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) |
else: |
cur_frame = None |
input_video.release() |
input_video = None |
return cur_frame |
def start_process(*args): |
processing_start_time = time.time() |
args_dict = utils.args_to_dict(*args) |
args_dict = utils.get_mode_args('t2v', args_dict) |
input_video = None |
if args_dict['file'] is not None: |
input_video = cv2.VideoCapture(args_dict['file'].name) |
output_video_name = f'outputs/sd-cn-animation/txt2vid/{datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")}.mp4' |
output_video_folder = os.path.splitext(output_video_name)[0] |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_video_name), exist_ok=True) |
os.makedirs(output_video_folder, exist_ok=True) |
setts_json = utils.export_settings(*args) |
with open(os.path.join(output_video_folder, "params.json"), "w") as outfile: |
outfile.write(setts_json) |
curr_frame = None |
prev_frame = None |
def save_result_to_image(image, ind): |
if args_dict['save_frames_check']: |
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_video_folder, f'{ind:05d}.png'), cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) |
def set_cn_frame_input(): |
if args_dict['cn_frame_send'] == 0: |
pass |
elif args_dict['cn_frame_send'] == 1: |
if curr_frame is not None: |
utils.set_CNs_input_image(args_dict, Image.fromarray(curr_frame), set_references=True) |
elif args_dict['cn_frame_send'] == 2: |
if prev_frame is not None: |
utils.set_CNs_input_image(args_dict, Image.fromarray(prev_frame), set_references=True) |
elif args_dict['cn_frame_send'] == 3: |
if input_video is not None: |
curr_video_frame = read_frame_from_video(input_video) |
curr_video_frame = cv2.resize(curr_video_frame, (args_dict['width'], args_dict['height'])) |
utils.set_CNs_input_image(args_dict, Image.fromarray(curr_video_frame), set_references=True) |
else: |
raise Exception('There is no input video! Set it up first.') |
else: |
raise Exception('Incorrect cn_frame_send mode!') |
set_cn_frame_input() |
if args_dict['init_image'] is not None: |
image_array=args_dict['init_image'] |
init_frame = np.array(Image.fromarray(image_array).resize((args_dict['width'], args_dict['height'])).convert('RGB')) |
processed_frame = init_frame.copy() |
else: |
processed_frames, _, _, _ = utils.txt2img(args_dict) |
processed_frame = np.array(processed_frames[0])[...,:3] |
processed_frame = np.clip(processed_frame, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) |
init_frame = processed_frame.copy() |
output_video = cv2.VideoWriter(output_video_name, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), args_dict['fps'], (args_dict['width'], args_dict['height'])) |
output_video.write(cv2.cvtColor(processed_frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) |
stat = f"Frame: 1 / {args_dict['length']}; " + utils.get_time_left(1, args_dict['length'], processing_start_time) |
utils.shared.is_interrupted = False |
save_result_to_image(processed_frame, 1) |
yield stat, init_frame, None, None, processed_frame, None, gr.Button.update(interactive=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=True) |
org_size = args_dict['width'], args_dict['height'] |
size = args_dict['width'] // 128 * 128, args_dict['height'] // 128 * 128 |
FloweR_load_model(size[0], size[1]) |
clip_frames = np.zeros((4, size[1], size[0], 3), dtype=np.uint8) |
prev_frame = init_frame |
for ind in range(args_dict['length'] - 1): |
if utils.shared.is_interrupted: break |
args_dict = utils.args_to_dict(*args) |
args_dict = utils.get_mode_args('t2v', args_dict) |
clip_frames = np.roll(clip_frames, -1, axis=0) |
clip_frames[-1] = cv2.resize(prev_frame[...,:3], size) |
clip_frames_torch = flow_utils.frames_norm(torch.from_numpy(clip_frames).to(DEVICE, dtype=torch.float32)) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
pred_data = FloweR_model(clip_frames_torch.unsqueeze(0))[0] |
pred_flow = flow_utils.flow_renorm(pred_data[...,:2]).cpu().numpy() |
pred_occl = flow_utils.occl_renorm(pred_data[...,2:3]).cpu().numpy().repeat(3, axis = -1) |
pred_next = flow_utils.frames_renorm(pred_data[...,3:6]).cpu().numpy() |
pred_occl = np.clip(pred_occl * 10, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) |
pred_next = np.clip(pred_next, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) |
pred_flow = cv2.resize(pred_flow, org_size) |
pred_occl = cv2.resize(pred_occl, org_size) |
pred_next = cv2.resize(pred_next, org_size) |
curr_frame = pred_next.copy() |
''' |
pred_flow = pred_flow / (1 + np.linalg.norm(pred_flow, axis=-1, keepdims=True) * 0.05) |
pred_flow = cv2.GaussianBlur(pred_flow, (31,31), 1, cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101) |
pred_occl = cv2.GaussianBlur(pred_occl, (21,21), 2, cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101) |
pred_occl = (np.abs(pred_occl / 255) ** 1.5) * 255 |
pred_occl = np.clip(pred_occl * 25, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) |
flow_map = pred_flow.copy() |
flow_map[:,:,0] += np.arange(args_dict['width']) |
flow_map[:,:,1] += np.arange(args_dict['height'])[:,np.newaxis] |
warped_frame = cv2.remap(prev_frame, flow_map, None, cv2.INTER_NEAREST, borderMode = cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101) |
alpha_mask = pred_occl / 255. |
#alpha_mask = np.clip(alpha_mask + np.random.normal(0, 0.4, size = alpha_mask.shape), 0, 1) |
curr_frame = pred_next.astype(float) * alpha_mask + warped_frame.astype(float) * (1 - alpha_mask) |
curr_frame = np.clip(curr_frame, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) |
#curr_frame = warped_frame.copy() |
''' |
set_cn_frame_input() |
args_dict['mode'] = 4 |
args_dict['init_img'] = Image.fromarray(pred_next) |
args_dict['mask_img'] = Image.fromarray(pred_occl) |
args_dict['seed'] = -1 |
args_dict['denoising_strength'] = args_dict['processing_strength'] |
processed_frames, _, _, _ = utils.img2img(args_dict) |
processed_frame = np.array(processed_frames[0])[...,:3] |
processed_frame = skimage.exposure.match_histograms(processed_frame, init_frame, channel_axis=-1) |
processed_frame = np.clip(processed_frame, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) |
args_dict['mode'] = 0 |
args_dict['init_img'] = Image.fromarray(processed_frame) |
args_dict['mask_img'] = None |
args_dict['seed'] = -1 |
args_dict['denoising_strength'] = args_dict['fix_frame_strength'] |
processed_frames, _, _, _ = utils.img2img(args_dict) |
processed_frame = np.array(processed_frames[0])[...,:3] |
processed_frame = skimage.exposure.match_histograms(processed_frame, init_frame, channel_axis=-1) |
processed_frame = np.clip(processed_frame, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) |
output_video.write(cv2.cvtColor(processed_frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) |
prev_frame = processed_frame.copy() |
save_result_to_image(processed_frame, ind + 2) |
stat = f"Frame: {ind + 2} / {args_dict['length']}; " + utils.get_time_left(ind+2, args_dict['length'], processing_start_time) |
yield stat, curr_frame, pred_occl, pred_next, processed_frame, None, gr.Button.update(interactive=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=True) |
if input_video is not None: input_video.release() |
output_video.release() |
FloweR_clear_memory() |
curr_frame = gr.Image.update() |
occlusion_mask = gr.Image.update() |
warped_styled_frame_ = gr.Image.update() |
processed_frame = gr.Image.update() |
yield 'done', curr_frame, occlusion_mask, warped_styled_frame_, processed_frame, output_video_name, gr.Button.update(interactive=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=False) |