import json |
import requests |
import io |
import base64 |
from PIL import Image, PngImagePlugin |
import asyncio |
import httpx |
from io import BytesIO |
import prompt_shortcut |
def img_2_b64(image): |
buff = BytesIO() |
image.save(buff, format="PNG") |
img_byte = base64.b64encode(buff.getvalue()) |
img_str = img_byte.decode("utf-8") |
return img_str |
import time |
import serverHelper |
import metadata_to_json |
def b64_2_img(base64_image): |
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(base64_image.split(",",1)[0]))) |
return image |
def reserveBorderPixels(img,dilation_img): |
pixels = img.load() |
width, height = img.size |
dilation_pixels = dilation_img.load() |
all_pixels = [] |
depth = 20 |
for x in range(width): |
for d in range(depth): |
dilation_pixels[x,d] = pixels[x, d] |
dilation_pixels[x,height-(d+1)] = pixels[x, height-(d+1)] |
for y in range(height): |
for d in range(depth): |
dilation_pixels[d,y] = pixels[d,y] |
dilation_pixels[width-(d+1),y] = pixels[width-(d+1), y] |
return dilation_img |
def maskExpansion(mask_img,mask_expansion): |
iteration = mask_expansion |
dilated_img = applyDilation(mask_img,iteration) |
mask_with_border = reserveBorderPixels(mask_img,dilated_img) |
mask_with_border = mask_with_border.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius = 10)) |
return mask_with_border |
async def base64ToPng(base64_image,image_path): |
base64_img_bytes = base64_image.encode('utf-8') |
with open(image_path, 'wb') as file_to_save: |
decoded_image_data = base64.decodebytes(base64_img_bytes) |
file_to_save.write(decoded_image_data) |
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter |
def applyDilation(img,iteration=20,max_filter=3): |
dilation_img = img.copy() |
for i in range(iteration): |
dilation_img = dilation_img.filter(ImageFilter.MaxFilter(max_filter)) |
return dilation_img |
async def img2ImgRequest(sd_url,payload): |
print("payload debug:",payload) |
if(payload['use_prompt_shortcut']): |
prompt_shortcut_dict = prompt_shortcut.load() |
prompt_shortcut_dict.update(payload["prompt_shortcut_ui_dict"]) |
payload['prompt'] = prompt_shortcut.replaceShortcut(payload['prompt'],prompt_shortcut_dict) |
payload['negative_prompt'] = prompt_shortcut.replaceShortcut(payload['negative_prompt'],prompt_shortcut_dict) |
init_img_dir = "./init_images" |
init_img_name = payload['init_image_name'] |
init_img = Image.open(f"{init_img_dir}/{init_img_name}") |
init_img_str = img_2_b64(init_img) |
payload['init_images'] = [init_img_str] |
init_img_mask_name = payload.get('init_image_mask_name',"") |
if(len(init_img_mask_name) > 0): |
init_img_mask = Image.open(f"{init_img_dir}/{init_img_mask_name}") |
if(payload['use_sharp_mask'] == False): |
iteration = payload['mask_expansion'] |
init_img_mask = applyDilation(init_img_mask,iteration) |
init_img_mask_str = img_2_b64(init_img_mask) |
payload['mask'] = init_img_mask_str |
print(type(init_img_str)) |
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: |
response = await client.post(url=f'{sd_url}/sdapi/v1/img2img', json=payload, timeout=None) |
r = response.json() |
uniqueDocumentId = payload['uniqueDocumentId'] |
dir_fullpath,dirName = serverHelper.getUniqueDocumentDirPathName(uniqueDocumentId) |
serverHelper.createFolder(dir_fullpath) |
image_paths = [] |
metadata = [] |
images_info = [] |
for i in r['images']: |
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(i.split(",",1)[0]))) |
png_payload = { |
"image": "data:image/png;base64," + i |
} |
response2 = await client.post(url=f'{sd_url}/sdapi/v1/png-info', json=png_payload, timeout=None) |
pnginfo = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo() |
pnginfo.add_text("parameters", response2.json().get("info")) |
image_name = f'output- {time.time()}.png' |
image_path = f'output/{dirName}/{image_name}' |
image_paths.append(image_path) |
image.save(f'./{image_path}', pnginfo=pnginfo) |
metadata_info = response2.json().get("info") |
metadata_json = metadata_to_json.convertMetadataToJson(metadata_info) |
metadata.append(metadata_json) |
images_info.append({"base64":i,"path":image_path}) |
print("metadata_json: ", metadata_json) |
return dirName,images_info,metadata |
if __name__=="__main__": |
img2ImgRequest() |