import os |
import subprocess |
import glob |
import cv2 |
import re |
from transformers import AutoProcessor, CLIPSegForImageSegmentation |
from PIL import Image |
import torch |
import numpy as np |
def resize_img(img, w, h): |
if img.shape[0] + img.shape[1] < h + w: |
interpolation = interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC |
else: |
interpolation = interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA |
return cv2.resize(img, (w, h), interpolation=interpolation) |
def resize_all_img(path, frame_width, frame_height): |
if not os.path.isdir(path): |
return |
pngs = glob.glob( os.path.join(path, "*.png") ) |
img = cv2.imread(pngs[0]) |
org_h,org_w = img.shape[0],img.shape[1] |
if frame_width == -1 and frame_height == -1: |
return |
elif frame_width == -1 and frame_height != -1: |
frame_width = int(frame_height * org_w / org_h) |
elif frame_width != -1 and frame_height == -1: |
frame_height = int(frame_width * org_h / org_w) |
else: |
pass |
print("({0},{1}) resize to ({2},{3})".format(org_w, org_h, frame_width, frame_height)) |
for png in pngs: |
img = cv2.imread(png) |
img = resize_img(img, frame_width, frame_height) |
cv2.imwrite(png, img) |
def remove_pngs_in_dir(path): |
if not os.path.isdir(path): |
return |
pngs = glob.glob( os.path.join(path, "*.png") ) |
for png in pngs: |
os.remove(png) |
def create_and_mask(mask_dir1, mask_dir2, output_dir): |
masks = glob.glob( os.path.join(mask_dir1, "*.png") ) |
for mask1 in masks: |
base_name = os.path.basename(mask1) |
print("combine {0}".format(base_name)) |
mask2 = os.path.join(mask_dir2, base_name) |
if not os.path.isfile(mask2): |
print("{0} not found!!! -> skip".format(mask2)) |
continue |
img_1 = cv2.imread(mask1) |
img_2 = cv2.imread(mask2) |
img_1 = np.minimum(img_1,img_2) |
out_path = os.path.join(output_dir, base_name) |
cv2.imwrite(out_path, img_1) |
def create_mask_clipseg(input_dir, output_dir, clipseg_mask_prompt, clipseg_exclude_prompt, clipseg_mask_threshold, mask_blur_size, mask_blur_size2): |
from modules import devices |
devices.torch_gc() |
device = devices.get_optimal_device_name() |
processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("CIDAS/clipseg-rd64-refined") |
model = CLIPSegForImageSegmentation.from_pretrained("CIDAS/clipseg-rd64-refined") |
model.to(device) |
imgs = glob.glob( os.path.join(input_dir, "*.png") ) |
texts = [x.strip() for x in clipseg_mask_prompt.split(',')] |
exclude_texts = [x.strip() for x in clipseg_exclude_prompt.split(',')] if clipseg_exclude_prompt else None |
if exclude_texts: |
all_texts = texts + exclude_texts |
else: |
all_texts = texts |
for img_count,img in enumerate(imgs): |
image = Image.open(img) |
base_name = os.path.basename(img) |
inputs = processor(text=all_texts, images=[image] * len(all_texts), padding="max_length", return_tensors="pt") |
inputs = inputs.to(device) |
with torch.no_grad(), devices.autocast(): |
outputs = model(**inputs) |
if len(all_texts) == 1: |
preds = outputs.logits.unsqueeze(0) |
else: |
preds = outputs.logits |
mask_img = None |
for i in range(len(all_texts)): |
x = torch.sigmoid(preds[i]) |
x = x.to('cpu').detach().numpy() |
x = x > clipseg_mask_threshold |
if i < len(texts): |
if mask_img is None: |
mask_img = x |
else: |
mask_img = np.maximum(mask_img,x) |
else: |
mask_img[x > 0] = 0 |
mask_img = mask_img*255 |
mask_img = mask_img.astype(np.uint8) |
if mask_blur_size > 0: |
mask_blur_size = mask_blur_size//2 * 2 + 1 |
mask_img = cv2.medianBlur(mask_img, mask_blur_size) |
if mask_blur_size2 > 0: |
mask_blur_size2 = mask_blur_size2//2 * 2 + 1 |
mask_img = cv2.GaussianBlur(mask_img, (mask_blur_size2, mask_blur_size2), 0) |
mask_img = resize_img(mask_img, image.width, image.height) |
mask_img = cv2.cvtColor(mask_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) |
save_path = os.path.join(output_dir, base_name) |
cv2.imwrite(save_path, mask_img) |
print("{0} / {1}".format( img_count+1,len(imgs) )) |
devices.torch_gc() |
def create_mask_transparent_background(input_dir, output_dir, tb_use_fast_mode, tb_use_jit, st1_mask_threshold): |
fast_str = " --fast" if tb_use_fast_mode else "" |
jit_str = " --jit" if tb_use_jit else "" |
venv = "venv" |
if 'VIRTUAL_ENV' in os.environ: |
venv = os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'] |
bin_path = os.path.join(venv, "Scripts") |
bin_path = os.path.join(bin_path, "transparent-background") |
if os.path.isfile(bin_path) or os.path.isfile(bin_path + ".exe"): |
subprocess.call(bin_path + " --source " + input_dir + " --dest " + output_dir + " --type map" + fast_str + jit_str, shell=True) |
else: |
subprocess.call("transparent-background --source " + input_dir + " --dest " + output_dir + " --type map" + fast_str + jit_str, shell=True) |
mask_imgs = glob.glob( os.path.join(output_dir, "*.png") ) |
for m in mask_imgs: |
img = cv2.imread(m) |
img[img < int( 255 * st1_mask_threshold )] = 0 |
cv2.imwrite(m, img) |
p = re.compile(r'([0-9]+)_[a-z]*\.png') |
for mask in mask_imgs: |
base_name = os.path.basename(mask) |
m = p.fullmatch(base_name) |
if m: |
os.rename(mask, os.path.join(output_dir, m.group(1) + ".png")) |
def ebsynth_utility_stage1(dbg, project_args, frame_width, frame_height, st1_masking_method_index, st1_mask_threshold, tb_use_fast_mode, tb_use_jit, clipseg_mask_prompt, clipseg_exclude_prompt, clipseg_mask_threshold, clipseg_mask_blur_size, clipseg_mask_blur_size2, is_invert_mask): |
dbg.print("stage1") |
dbg.print("") |
if st1_masking_method_index == 1 and (not clipseg_mask_prompt): |
dbg.print("Error: clipseg_mask_prompt is Empty") |
return |
project_dir, original_movie_path, frame_path, frame_mask_path, _, _, _ = project_args |
if is_invert_mask: |
if os.path.isdir( frame_path ) and os.path.isdir( frame_mask_path ): |
dbg.print("Skip as it appears that the frame and normal masks have already been generated.") |
return |
if frame_mask_path: |
remove_pngs_in_dir(frame_mask_path) |
if frame_mask_path: |
os.makedirs(frame_mask_path, exist_ok=True) |
if os.path.isdir( frame_path ): |
dbg.print("Skip frame extraction") |
else: |
os.makedirs(frame_path, exist_ok=True) |
png_path = os.path.join(frame_path , "%05d.png") |
subprocess.call("ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00 -y -i " + original_movie_path + " -qscale 0 -f image2 -c:v png " + png_path, shell=True) |
dbg.print("frame extracted") |
frame_width = max(frame_width,-1) |
frame_height = max(frame_height,-1) |
if frame_width != -1 or frame_height != -1: |
resize_all_img(frame_path, frame_width, frame_height) |
if frame_mask_path: |
if st1_masking_method_index == 0: |
create_mask_transparent_background(frame_path, frame_mask_path, tb_use_fast_mode, tb_use_jit, st1_mask_threshold) |
elif st1_masking_method_index == 1: |
create_mask_clipseg(frame_path, frame_mask_path, clipseg_mask_prompt, clipseg_exclude_prompt, clipseg_mask_threshold, clipseg_mask_blur_size, clipseg_mask_blur_size2) |
elif st1_masking_method_index == 2: |
tb_tmp_path = os.path.join(project_dir , "tb_mask_tmp") |
if not os.path.isdir( tb_tmp_path ): |
os.makedirs(tb_tmp_path, exist_ok=True) |
create_mask_transparent_background(frame_path, tb_tmp_path, tb_use_fast_mode, tb_use_jit, st1_mask_threshold) |
create_mask_clipseg(frame_path, frame_mask_path, clipseg_mask_prompt, clipseg_exclude_prompt, clipseg_mask_threshold, clipseg_mask_blur_size, clipseg_mask_blur_size2) |
create_and_mask(tb_tmp_path,frame_mask_path,frame_mask_path) |
dbg.print("mask created") |
dbg.print("") |
dbg.print("completed.") |
def ebsynth_utility_stage1_invert(dbg, frame_mask_path, inv_mask_path): |
dbg.print("stage 1 create_invert_mask") |
dbg.print("") |
if not os.path.isdir( frame_mask_path ): |
dbg.print( frame_mask_path + " not found") |
dbg.print("Normal masks must be generated previously.") |
dbg.print("Do stage 1 with [Ebsynth Utility] Tab -> [configuration] -> [etc]-> [Mask Mode] = Normal setting first") |
return |
os.makedirs(inv_mask_path, exist_ok=True) |
mask_imgs = glob.glob( os.path.join(frame_mask_path, "*.png") ) |
for m in mask_imgs: |
img = cv2.imread(m) |
inv = cv2.bitwise_not(img) |
base_name = os.path.basename(m) |
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(inv_mask_path,base_name), inv) |
dbg.print("") |
dbg.print("completed.") |