{ |
"_name_or_path": "tangminhanh/pd_cate", |
"architectures": [ |
"DebertaV2ForSequenceClassification" |
], |
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"hidden_act": "gelu", |
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"hidden_size": 768, |
"id2label": { |
"0": "RFA/RFI/Techinical Coordination", |
"1": "Initial Testfit (Office Modification)", |
"2": "Revise Testfit (Office Modification)", |
"3": "Floorplan / Evacuation Plan Updating", |
"4": "Urgent: RFA/RFI Response for Builds", |
"5": "OSM Checklist/Internal Dept Design Coordination Tasks", |
"6": "Render (2 to 3 views)", |
"7": "Office Area / Floorplan Copy / PEZA Info (Subject for Verification of P&D)", |
"8": "Sourcing/Shopping/Site Accessorizing", |
"9": "Floorplan Copy Request", |
"10": "Canvassing OSM Alternatives", |
"11": "Site Check", |
"12": "Initial Testfit (Existing BTS or Service Office Modification)", |
"13": "Technical Detail Drawing Request", |
"14": "Furniture / Joinery Details", |
"15": "Furniture and Material Specifications", |
"16": "OSM Checklist & Coordination", |
"17": "PEZA As-built print signed and sealed", |
"18": "Revise Testfit (New Build/ Refresh)", |
"19": "Initial Testfit (New Build / Refresh)" |
}, |
"initializer_range": 0.02, |
"intermediate_size": 3072, |
"label2id": { |
"Canvassing OSM Alternatives": 10, |
"Floorplan / Evacuation Plan Updating": 3, |
"Floorplan Copy Request": 9, |
"Furniture / Joinery Details": 14, |
"Furniture and Material Specifications": 15, |
"Initial Testfit (Existing BTS or Service Office Modification)": 12, |
"Initial Testfit (New Build / Refresh)": 19, |
"Initial Testfit (Office Modification)": 1, |
"OSM Checklist & Coordination": 16, |
"OSM Checklist/Internal Dept Design Coordination Tasks": 5, |
"Office Area / Floorplan Copy / PEZA Info (Subject for Verification of P&D)": 7, |
"PEZA As-built print signed and sealed": 17, |
"RFA/RFI/Techinical Coordination": 0, |
"Render (2 to 3 views)": 6, |
"Revise Testfit (New Build/ Refresh)": 18, |
"Revise Testfit (Office Modification)": 2, |
"Site Check": 11, |
"Sourcing/Shopping/Site Accessorizing": 8, |
"Technical Detail Drawing Request": 13, |
"Urgent: RFA/RFI Response for Builds": 4 |
}, |
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-07, |
"max_position_embeddings": 512, |
"max_relative_positions": -1, |
"model_type": "deberta-v2", |
"norm_rel_ebd": "layer_norm", |
"num_attention_heads": 12, |
"num_hidden_layers": 6, |
"pad_token_id": 0, |
"pooler_dropout": 0, |
"pooler_hidden_act": "gelu", |
"pooler_hidden_size": 768, |
"pos_att_type": [ |
"p2c", |
"c2p" |
], |
"position_biased_input": false, |
"position_buckets": 256, |
"problem_type": "multi_label_classification", |
"relative_attention": true, |
"share_att_key": true, |
"torch_dtype": "float32", |
"transformers_version": "4.42.4", |
"type_vocab_size": 0, |
"vocab_size": 128100 |
} |