sepformer-wsj03mix / hyperparams_train.yaml
cleaned inference hyparam file
# Generated 2021-03-09 from:
# /home/mila/s/subakany/speechbrain_new/recipes/WSJ0Mix/separation/yamls/dpt-3mix-17.yaml
# yamllint disable
# ################################
# Model: SepFormer for source separation
# Dataset : WSJ0-mix
# ################################
# Basic parameters
# Seed needs to be set at top of yaml, before objects with parameters are made
seed: 1234
__set_seed: !apply:torch.manual_seed [1234]
# Data params
data_folder: /network/tmp1/subakany/wsj0-mix/3speakers # wsj2mix or wsj3mix
experiment_name: 17-augment-3mix-dm
output_folder: results/17-augment-3mix-dm/1234
train_log: results/17-augment-3mix-dm/1234/train_log.txt
save_folder: results/17-augment-3mix-dm/1234/save
train_data: results/17-augment-3mix-dm/1234/save/wsj_tr.csv
valid_data: results/17-augment-3mix-dm/1234/save/wsj_cv.csv
test_data: results/17-augment-3mix-dm/1234/save/wsj_tt.csv
wsj0_tr: /network/tmp1/subakany/wsj0-processed/si_tr_s/
skip_prep: false
# Experiment params
auto_mix_prec: true
test_only: true
num_spks: 3 # set to 3 for wsj0-3mix
progressbar: true
save_audio: false # Save estimated sources on disk
sample_rate: 8000
# Training parameters
N_epochs: 200
batch_size: 1
lr: 0.00015
clip_grad_norm: 5
loss_upper_lim: 999999 # this is the upper limit for an acceptable loss
# if True, the training sequences are cut to a specified length
limit_training_signal_len: false
# this is the length of sequences if we choose to limit
# the signal length of training sequences
training_signal_len: 32000
dynamic_mixing: regular
# Augment parameters
use_wavedrop: false
use_speedperturb: true
use_speedperturb_sameforeachsource: false
use_rand_shift: false
min_shift: -8000
max_shift: 8000
# Neural parameters
N_encoder_out: 256
out_channels: 256
kernel_size: 16
kernel_stride: 8
threshold_byloss: true
threshold: -30
# Dataloader options
batch_size: 1
num_workers: 3
speedperturb: !new:speechbrain.lobes.augment.TimeDomainSpecAugment
perturb_prob: 1.0
drop_freq_prob: 0.0
drop_chunk_prob: 0.0
sample_rate: 8000
speeds: [95, 100, 105]
wavedrop: !new:speechbrain.lobes.augment.TimeDomainSpecAugment
perturb_prob: 0.0
drop_freq_prob: 1.0
drop_chunk_prob: 1.0
sample_rate: 8000
Encoder: &id003 !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.dual_path.Encoder
kernel_size: 16
out_channels: 256
SBtfintra: &id001 !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.dual_path.SBTransformerBlock
num_layers: 8
d_model: 256
nhead: 8
d_ffn: 1024
dropout: 0
use_positional_encoding: true
norm_before: true
SBtfinter: &id002 !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.dual_path.SBTransformerBlock
num_layers: 8
d_model: 256
nhead: 8
d_ffn: 1024
dropout: 0
use_positional_encoding: true
norm_before: true
MaskNet: &id005 !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.dual_path.Dual_Path_Model
num_spks: 3
in_channels: 256
out_channels: 256
num_layers: 2
K: 250
intra_model: *id001
inter_model: *id002
norm: ln
linear_layer_after_inter_intra: false
skip_around_intra: true
Decoder: &id004 !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.dual_path.Decoder
in_channels: 256
out_channels: 1
kernel_size: 16
stride: 8
bias: false
optimizer: !name:torch.optim.Adam
lr: 0.00015
weight_decay: 0
loss: !name:speechbrain.nnet.losses.get_si_snr_with_pitwrapper
lr_scheduler: &id007 !new:speechbrain.nnet.schedulers.ReduceLROnPlateau
factor: 0.5
patience: 2
dont_halve_until_epoch: 100
epoch_counter: &id006 !new:speechbrain.utils.epoch_loop.EpochCounter
limit: 200
encoder: *id003
decoder: *id004
masknet: *id005
checkpointer: !new:speechbrain.utils.checkpoints.Checkpointer
checkpoints_dir: results/17-augment-3mix-dm/1234/save
encoder: *id003
decoder: *id004
masknet: *id005
counter: *id006
lr_scheduler: *id007
train_logger: !new:speechbrain.utils.train_logger.FileTrainLogger
save_file: results/17-augment-3mix-dm/1234/train_log.txt
pretrainer: !new:speechbrain.utils.parameter_transfer.Pretrainer
masknet: !ref <MaskNet>
encoder: !ref <Encoder>
decoder: !ref <Decoder>