test / inference_test_hf.py
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# Copyright (C) 2021. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the MIT License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# MIT License for more details.
import argparse
import json
import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
from scipy.io.wavfile import write
from utils import plot_tensor, save_plot
import torch
import params
from model import GradTTSVitE2E
from text import text_to_sequence, cmudict
from text.symbols import symbols
from utils import intersperse
from data import TextMelSpeakerMelRefDataset,VCTKMelRefDataset
import sys
from env import AttrDict
from models import Generator as HiFiGAN
from transformers import PreTrainedModel, PretrainedConfig
HIFIGAN_CONFIG = './checkpts/hifigan-config.json'
HIFIGAN_CHECKPT = './checkpts/g.pt' # generator_VCTK generator_v1 g
train_filelist_path = params.train_filelist_path
valid_filelist_path = params.valid_filelist_path
cmudict_path = params.cmudict_path
add_blank = params.add_blank
n_spks = params.n_spks
spk_emb_dim = params.spk_emb_dim
log_dir = params.log_dir
n_epochs = params.n_epochs
batch_size = params.batch_size
out_size = params.out_size
learning_rate = params.learning_rate
random_seed = params.seed
nsymbols = len(symbols) + 1 if add_blank else len(symbols)
n_enc_channels = params.n_enc_channels
filter_channels = params.filter_channels
filter_channels_dp = params.filter_channels_dp
n_enc_layers = params.n_enc_layers
enc_kernel = params.enc_kernel
enc_dropout = params.enc_dropout
n_heads = params.n_heads
window_size = params.window_size
n_feats = params.n_feats
n_fft = params.n_fft
sample_rate = params.sample_rate
hop_length = params.hop_length
win_length = params.win_length
f_min = params.f_min
f_max = params.f_max
dec_dim = params.dec_dim
beta_min = params.beta_min
beta_max = params.beta_max
pe_scale = params.pe_scale
def inference (start, end, test_batch, generator) :
for idx_t in range (start,end):
gt_out_file_name, text = test_batch[idx_t]['file_path'], test_batch[idx_t]['text_gt']
gt_out_file_name = gt_out_file_name.replace('.wav','')
mel = test_batch[idx_t]['y']
#save_plot(mel.squeeze(), f'./out/{args.out_path}/images/original_{idx_t}.png')
for idx in range (start,end):
if idx_t == idx:
y_ref_, y_ref_lengths_, speaker, out_file_name = test_batch[idx]['y'], test_batch[idx]['y'].shape[-1], \
test_batch[idx]['spk'].item(), test_batch[idx]['file_path']
texts = [text]
#out_file_name = gt_out_file_name + '-' + out_file_name
out_file_name = gt_out_file_name.split('/')[-1].replace('/workspace/dm_datasets/VCTK/wav_processed/','') + '-' + out_file_name.split('/')[-1].replace('/workspace/dm_datasets/VCTK/wav_processed/','')
print('speaker_ref', out_file_name)
length = (y_ref_.shape[-1] // 8 ) * 8 + 8
y_ref = torch.zeros((1, 80, length), dtype=torch.float32)
y_ref [:,:,:y_ref_.shape[-1]] = y_ref_
#y_ref = torch.zeros((1, n_feats, y_ref_lengths_), dtype=torch.float32)
#y_ref_lengths = torch.zeros((1), dtype=torch.int32)
#y_ref[0, :, : y_ref_lengths_] = y_ref_
#y_ref_lengths[0] = y_ref_lengths_
with torch.no_grad():
for i, text in enumerate(texts):
print(f'Synthesizing {i} text...', end=' ')
x = torch.LongTensor(intersperse(text_to_sequence(text, dictionary=cmu), len(symbols))).cuda()[None]
x_lengths = torch.LongTensor([x.shape[-1]]).cuda()
t = dt.datetime.now()
y_enc, y_dec, attn = generator.forward(x, x_lengths, args.timesteps, y_ref,
torch.LongTensor(length) ,#y_ref_lengths,
stoc=False, spk=spk, length_scale=0.91)
t = (dt.datetime.now() - t).total_seconds()
print(f'Grad-TTS RTF: {t * 22050 / (y_dec.shape[-1] * 256)}')
audio = (vocoder.forward(y_dec).cpu().squeeze().clamp(-1, 1).numpy() * 32768).astype(np.int16)
#audio_enc = (vocoder.forward(y_enc).cpu().squeeze().clamp(-1, 1).numpy() * 32768).astype(np.int16)
#write(f'./out/sample_{i}.wav', 22050, audio)
#audio_no_HfGan = y_dec.cpu().squeeze().numpy()
#print((audio_no_HfGan * 32768).astype(np.int16))
print('saving at : ./out/',args.out_path,out_file_name)
write(f'./out/{args.out_path}/{out_file_name}', 22050, audio)
#write(f'./out/{args.out_path}/enc_{out_file_name}', 22050, audio_enc)
image_path = out_file_name.replace('wav','png')
save_plot(y_dec.squeeze().cpu(), f'./out/{args.out_path}/images/{image_path}')
#save_plot(y_enc.squeeze().cpu(), f'./out/{args.out_path}/images/enc_{image_path}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
#parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', type=str, required=True, help='path to a file with texts to synthesize')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--checkpoint', type=str, required=False, help='path to a checkpoint of Grad-TTS')
parser.add_argument('-cp', '--checkpoint_prior', type=str, required=False, help='path to a checkpoint of Grad-TTS Prior')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--timesteps', type=int, required=False, default=10, help='number of timesteps of reverse diffusion')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--speaker_id', type=int, required=False, default=None, help='speaker id for multispeaker model')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--speaker_idx', type=int, required=False, default=None, help='speaker idx for multispeaker model')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--out_path', type=str, required=False, default=None, help='out path')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not isinstance(args.speaker_id, type(None)):
assert params.n_spks > 1, "Ensure you set right number of speakers in `params.py`."
spk = torch.LongTensor([args.speaker_id]).cuda()
spk = None
print('Initializing Grad-TTS-Ref...')
model_pt = GradTTSVitE2E(len(symbols)+1, params.n_spks, params.spk_emb_dim,
params.n_enc_channels, params.filter_channels,
params.filter_channels_dp, params.n_heads, params.n_enc_layers,
params.enc_kernel, params.enc_dropout, params.window_size,
params.n_feats, params.dec_dim, params.beta_min, params.beta_max, params.pe_scale)
class MyConfig(PretrainedConfig):
model_type = 'mymodel'
def __init__(self, important_param=42, **kwargs):
self.important_param = important_param
class Model_HF(PreTrainedModel):
config_class = MyConfig
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.model = model_pt
self.encoder = model_pt.encoder
self.decoder = model_pt.decoder
def forward(self, x, x_lengths, n_timesteps, y_ref, y_ref_lengths, temperature=1.0, stoc=False, spk=None, length_scale=1.0):
return self.model(x, x_lengths, n_timesteps, y_ref, y_ref_lengths, temperature=1.0, stoc=False, spk=None, length_scale=1.0)
def compute_loss(self, x, x_lengths, y, y_lengths, out_size=None):
return self.model.compute_loss( x, x_lengths, y, y_lengths, out_size=None)
config = MyConfig(4)
model_hf = Model_HF(config)
#generator.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.checkpoint, map_location=lambda loc, storage: loc), strict=False)
#generator.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.checkpoint), strict=False)
_ = model_hf.cuda().eval()
#print(f'Number of parameters: {model_hf.nparams}')
print('Initializing HiFi-GAN...')
with open(HIFIGAN_CONFIG) as f:
h = AttrDict(json.load(f))
vocoder = HiFiGAN(h)
vocoder.load_state_dict(torch.load(HIFIGAN_CHECKPT, map_location=lambda loc, storage: loc)['generator'])
_ = vocoder.cuda().eval()
cmu = cmudict.CMUDict('./resources/cmu_dictionary')
#test_dataset = TextMelSpeakerMelRefDataset(valid_filelist_path, cmudict_path, add_blank,n_fft, n_feats, sample_rate, hop_length,win_length, f_min, f_max)
test_dataset = VCTKMelRefDataset(valid_filelist_path, cmudict_path, add_blank,n_fft, n_feats, sample_rate, hop_length,win_length, f_min, f_max)
print('Logging test batch...')
test_batch = test_dataset.get_ref_batch(size=20)
inference (0, 5, test_batch, model_hf)
inference (5, 10, test_batch, model_hf)
inference (10, 15, test_batch, model_hf)
inference (15, 20, test_batch, model_hf)
print('Done. Check out `out` folder for samples.')