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initial commit
Ball Query with BatchIdx & Clustering Algorithm
Written by Li Jiang
All Rights Reserved 2020.
#include <torch/extension.h>
#include <torch/serialize/tensor.h>
#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <google/dense_hash_map>
int ballquery_batch_p_cuda(int n, int meanActive, float radius, const float *xyz, const int *batch_idxs, const int *batch_offsets, int *idx, int *start_len, cudaStream_t stream);
using Int = int32_t;
class ConnectedComponent{
std::vector<Int> pt_idxs {};
void addPoint(Int pt_idx)
using ConnectedComponents = std::vector<ConnectedComponent>;
/* ================================== ballquery_batch_p ================================== */
// input xyz: (n, 3) float
// input batch_idxs: (n) int
// input batch_offsets: (B+1) int, batch_offsets[-1]
// output idx: (n * meanActive) dim 0 for number of points in the ball, idx in n
// output start_len: (n, 2), int
int ballquery_batch_p(at::Tensor xyz_tensor, at::Tensor batch_idxs_tensor, at::Tensor batch_offsets_tensor, at::Tensor idx_tensor, at::Tensor start_len_tensor, int n, int meanActive, float radius){
const float *xyz = xyz_tensor.data<float>();
const int *batch_idxs = batch_idxs_tensor.data<int>();
const int *batch_offsets = batch_offsets_tensor.data<int>();
int *idx = idx_tensor.data<int>();
int *start_len = start_len_tensor.data<int>();
cudaStream_t stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream();
int cumsum = ballquery_batch_p_cuda(n, meanActive, radius, xyz, batch_idxs, batch_offsets, idx, start_len, stream);
return cumsum;
/* ================================== bfs_cluster ================================== */
ConnectedComponent find_cc(Int idx, int *semantic_label, Int *ball_query_idxs, int *start_len, int *visited){
ConnectedComponent cc;
visited[idx] = 1;
std::queue<Int> Q;
Int cur = Q.front(); Q.pop();
int start = start_len[cur * 2];
int len = start_len[cur * 2 + 1];
int label_cur = semantic_label[cur];
for(Int i = start; i < start + len; i++){
Int idx_i = ball_query_idxs[i];
if(semantic_label[idx_i] != label_cur) continue;
if(visited[idx_i] == 1) continue;
visited[idx_i] = 1;
return cc;
//input: semantic_label, int, N
//input: ball_query_idxs, Int, (nActive)
//input: start_len, int, (N, 2)
//output: clusters, CCs
int get_clusters(int *semantic_label, Int *ball_query_idxs, int *start_len, const Int nPoint, int threshold, ConnectedComponents &clusters){
int visited[nPoint] = {0};
int sumNPoint = 0;
for(Int i = 0; i < nPoint; i++){
if(visited[i] == 0){
ConnectedComponent CC = find_cc(i, semantic_label, ball_query_idxs, start_len, visited);
if((int)CC.pt_idxs.size() >= threshold){
sumNPoint += (int)CC.pt_idxs.size();
return sumNPoint;
void fill_cluster_idxs_(ConnectedComponents &CCs, int *cluster_idxs, int *cluster_offsets){
for(int i = 0; i < (int)CCs.size(); i++){
cluster_offsets[i + 1] = cluster_offsets[i] + (int)CCs[i].pt_idxs.size();
for(int j = 0; j < (int)CCs[i].pt_idxs.size(); j++){
int idx = CCs[i].pt_idxs[j];
cluster_idxs[(cluster_offsets[i] + j) * 2 + 0] = i;
cluster_idxs[(cluster_offsets[i] + j) * 2 + 1] = idx;
//input: semantic_label, int, N
//input: ball_query_idxs, int, (nActive)
//input: start_len, int, (N, 2)
//output: cluster_idxs, int (sumNPoint, 2), dim 0 for cluster_id, dim 1 for corresponding point idxs in N
//output: cluster_offsets, int (nCluster + 1)
void bfs_cluster(at::Tensor semantic_label_tensor, at::Tensor ball_query_idxs_tensor, at::Tensor start_len_tensor,
at::Tensor cluster_idxs_tensor, at::Tensor cluster_offsets_tensor, const int N, int threshold){
int *semantic_label = semantic_label_tensor.data<int>();
Int *ball_query_idxs = ball_query_idxs_tensor.data<Int>();
int *start_len = start_len_tensor.data<int>();
ConnectedComponents CCs;
int sumNPoint = get_clusters(semantic_label, ball_query_idxs, start_len, N, threshold, CCs);
int nCluster = (int)CCs.size();
cluster_idxs_tensor.resize_({sumNPoint, 2});
cluster_offsets_tensor.resize_({nCluster + 1});
int *cluster_idxs = cluster_idxs_tensor.data<int>();
int *cluster_offsets = cluster_offsets_tensor.data<int>();
fill_cluster_idxs_(CCs, cluster_idxs, cluster_offsets);
m.def("ballquery_batch_p", &ballquery_batch_p, "ballquery_batch_p");
m.def("bfs_cluster", &bfs_cluster, "bfs_cluster");