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Hilbert Order
Modified from https://github.com/PrincetonLIPS/numpy-hilbert-curve
Author: Xiaoyang Wu (xiaoyang.wu.cs@gmail.com), Kaixin Xu
Please cite our work if the code is helpful to you.
import torch
def right_shift(binary, k=1, axis=-1):
"""Right shift an array of binary values.
binary: An ndarray of binary values.
k: The number of bits to shift. Default 1.
axis: The axis along which to shift. Default -1.
Returns an ndarray with zero prepended and the ends truncated, along
whatever axis was specified."""
# If we're shifting the whole thing, just return zeros.
if binary.shape[axis] <= k:
return torch.zeros_like(binary)
# Determine the padding pattern.
# padding = [(0,0)] * len(binary.shape)
# padding[axis] = (k,0)
# Determine the slicing pattern to eliminate just the last one.
slicing = [slice(None)] * len(binary.shape)
slicing[axis] = slice(None, -k)
shifted = torch.nn.functional.pad(
binary[tuple(slicing)], (k, 0), mode="constant", value=0
return shifted
def binary2gray(binary, axis=-1):
"""Convert an array of binary values into Gray codes.
This uses the classic X ^ (X >> 1) trick to compute the Gray code.
binary: An ndarray of binary values.
axis: The axis along which to compute the gray code. Default=-1.
Returns an ndarray of Gray codes.
shifted = right_shift(binary, axis=axis)
# Do the X ^ (X >> 1) trick.
gray = torch.logical_xor(binary, shifted)
return gray
def gray2binary(gray, axis=-1):
"""Convert an array of Gray codes back into binary values.
gray: An ndarray of gray codes.
axis: The axis along which to perform Gray decoding. Default=-1.
Returns an ndarray of binary values.
# Loop the log2(bits) number of times necessary, with shift and xor.
shift = 2 ** (torch.Tensor([gray.shape[axis]]).log2().ceil().int() - 1)
while shift > 0:
gray = torch.logical_xor(gray, right_shift(gray, shift))
shift = torch.div(shift, 2, rounding_mode="floor")
return gray
def encode(locs, num_dims, num_bits):
"""Decode an array of locations in a hypercube into a Hilbert integer.
This is a vectorized-ish version of the Hilbert curve implementation by John
Skilling as described in:
Skilling, J. (2004, April). Programming the Hilbert curve. In AIP Conference
Proceedings (Vol. 707, No. 1, pp. 381-387). American Institute of Physics.
locs - An ndarray of locations in a hypercube of num_dims dimensions, in
which each dimension runs from 0 to 2**num_bits-1. The shape can
be arbitrary, as long as the last dimension of the same has size
num_dims - The dimensionality of the hypercube. Integer.
num_bits - The number of bits for each dimension. Integer.
The output is an ndarray of uint64 integers with the same shape as the
input, excluding the last dimension, which needs to be num_dims.
# Keep around the original shape for later.
orig_shape = locs.shape
bitpack_mask = 1 << torch.arange(0, 8).to(locs.device)
bitpack_mask_rev = bitpack_mask.flip(-1)
if orig_shape[-1] != num_dims:
raise ValueError(
The shape of locs was surprising in that the last dimension was of size
%d, but num_dims=%d. These need to be equal.
% (orig_shape[-1], num_dims)
if num_dims * num_bits > 63:
raise ValueError(
num_dims=%d and num_bits=%d for %d bits total, which can't be encoded
into a int64. Are you sure you need that many points on your Hilbert
% (num_dims, num_bits, num_dims * num_bits)
# Treat the location integers as 64-bit unsigned and then split them up into
# a sequence of uint8s. Preserve the association by dimension.
locs_uint8 = locs.long().view(torch.uint8).reshape((-1, num_dims, 8)).flip(-1)
# Now turn these into bits and truncate to num_bits.
gray = (
.flatten(-2, -1)[..., -num_bits:]
# Run the decoding process the other way.
# Iterate forwards through the bits.
for bit in range(0, num_bits):
# Iterate forwards through the dimensions.
for dim in range(0, num_dims):
# Identify which ones have this bit active.
mask = gray[:, dim, bit]
# Where this bit is on, invert the 0 dimension for lower bits.
gray[:, 0, bit + 1 :] = torch.logical_xor(
gray[:, 0, bit + 1 :], mask[:, None]
# Where the bit is off, exchange the lower bits with the 0 dimension.
to_flip = torch.logical_and(
torch.logical_not(mask[:, None]).repeat(1, gray.shape[2] - bit - 1),
torch.logical_xor(gray[:, 0, bit + 1 :], gray[:, dim, bit + 1 :]),
gray[:, dim, bit + 1 :] = torch.logical_xor(
gray[:, dim, bit + 1 :], to_flip
gray[:, 0, bit + 1 :] = torch.logical_xor(gray[:, 0, bit + 1 :], to_flip)
# Now flatten out.
gray = gray.swapaxes(1, 2).reshape((-1, num_bits * num_dims))
# Convert Gray back to binary.
hh_bin = gray2binary(gray)
# Pad back out to 64 bits.
extra_dims = 64 - num_bits * num_dims
padded = torch.nn.functional.pad(hh_bin, (extra_dims, 0), "constant", 0)
# Convert binary values into uint8s.
hh_uint8 = (
(padded.flip(-1).reshape((-1, 8, 8)) * bitpack_mask)
# Convert uint8s into uint64s.
hh_uint64 = hh_uint8.view(torch.int64).squeeze()
return hh_uint64
def decode(hilberts, num_dims, num_bits):
"""Decode an array of Hilbert integers into locations in a hypercube.
This is a vectorized-ish version of the Hilbert curve implementation by John
Skilling as described in:
Skilling, J. (2004, April). Programming the Hilbert curve. In AIP Conference
Proceedings (Vol. 707, No. 1, pp. 381-387). American Institute of Physics.
hilberts - An ndarray of Hilbert integers. Must be an integer dtype and
cannot have fewer bits than num_dims * num_bits.
num_dims - The dimensionality of the hypercube. Integer.
num_bits - The number of bits for each dimension. Integer.
The output is an ndarray of unsigned integers with the same shape as hilberts
but with an additional dimension of size num_dims.
if num_dims * num_bits > 64:
raise ValueError(
num_dims=%d and num_bits=%d for %d bits total, which can't be encoded
into a uint64. Are you sure you need that many points on your Hilbert
% (num_dims, num_bits)
# Handle the case where we got handed a naked integer.
hilberts = torch.atleast_1d(hilberts)
# Keep around the shape for later.
orig_shape = hilberts.shape
bitpack_mask = 2 ** torch.arange(0, 8).to(hilberts.device)
bitpack_mask_rev = bitpack_mask.flip(-1)
# Treat each of the hilberts as a s equence of eight uint8.
# This treats all of the inputs as uint64 and makes things uniform.
hh_uint8 = (
hilberts.ravel().type(torch.int64).view(torch.uint8).reshape((-1, 8)).flip(-1)
# Turn these lists of uints into lists of bits and then truncate to the size
# we actually need for using Skilling's procedure.
hh_bits = (
.flatten(-2, -1)[:, -num_dims * num_bits :]
# Take the sequence of bits and Gray-code it.
gray = binary2gray(hh_bits)
# There has got to be a better way to do this.
# I could index them differently, but the eventual packbits likes it this way.
gray = gray.reshape((-1, num_bits, num_dims)).swapaxes(1, 2)
# Iterate backwards through the bits.
for bit in range(num_bits - 1, -1, -1):
# Iterate backwards through the dimensions.
for dim in range(num_dims - 1, -1, -1):
# Identify which ones have this bit active.
mask = gray[:, dim, bit]
# Where this bit is on, invert the 0 dimension for lower bits.
gray[:, 0, bit + 1 :] = torch.logical_xor(
gray[:, 0, bit + 1 :], mask[:, None]
# Where the bit is off, exchange the lower bits with the 0 dimension.
to_flip = torch.logical_and(
torch.logical_not(mask[:, None]),
torch.logical_xor(gray[:, 0, bit + 1 :], gray[:, dim, bit + 1 :]),
gray[:, dim, bit + 1 :] = torch.logical_xor(
gray[:, dim, bit + 1 :], to_flip
gray[:, 0, bit + 1 :] = torch.logical_xor(gray[:, 0, bit + 1 :], to_flip)
# Pad back out to 64 bits.
extra_dims = 64 - num_bits
padded = torch.nn.functional.pad(gray, (extra_dims, 0), "constant", 0)
# Now chop these up into blocks of 8.
locs_chopped = padded.flip(-1).reshape((-1, num_dims, 8, 8))
# Take those blocks and turn them unto uint8s.
# from IPython import embed; embed()
locs_uint8 = (locs_chopped * bitpack_mask).sum(3).squeeze().type(torch.uint8)
# Finally, treat these as uint64s.
flat_locs = locs_uint8.view(torch.int64)
# Return them in the expected shape.
return flat_locs.reshape((*orig_shape, num_dims))