dify-run / api /pyproject.toml
Severian's picture
initial commit
requires-python = ">=3.10,<3.13"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
line-length = 120
preview = true
select = [
"B", # flake8-bugbear rules
"C4", # flake8-comprehensions
"E", # pycodestyle E rules
"F", # pyflakes rules
"FURB", # refurb rules
"I", # isort rules
"N", # pep8-naming
"PT", # flake8-pytest-style rules
"PLC0208", # iteration-over-set
"PLC2801", # unnecessary-dunder-call
"PLC0414", # useless-import-alias
"PLR0402", # manual-from-import
"PLR1711", # useless-return
"PLR1714", # repeated-equality-comparison
"RUF013", # implicit-optional
"RUF019", # unnecessary-key-check
"RUF100", # unused-noqa
"RUF101", # redirected-noqa
"S506", # unsafe-yaml-load
"SIM", # flake8-simplify rules
"UP", # pyupgrade rules
"W191", # tab-indentation
"W605", # invalid-escape-sequence
ignore = [
"E402", # module-import-not-at-top-of-file
"E711", # none-comparison
"E712", # true-false-comparison
"E721", # type-comparison
"E722", # bare-except
"E731", # lambda-assignment
"F821", # undefined-name
"F841", # unused-variable
"FURB113", # repeated-append
"FURB152", # math-constant
"UP007", # non-pep604-annotation
"UP032", # f-string
"B005", # strip-with-multi-characters
"B006", # mutable-argument-default
"B007", # unused-loop-control-variable
"B026", # star-arg-unpacking-after-keyword-arg
"B904", # raise-without-from-inside-except
"B905", # zip-without-explicit-strict
"N806", # non-lowercase-variable-in-function
"N815", # mixed-case-variable-in-class-scope
"PT011", # pytest-raises-too-broad
"SIM102", # collapsible-if
"SIM103", # needless-bool
"SIM105", # suppressible-exception
"SIM107", # return-in-try-except-finally
"SIM108", # if-else-block-instead-of-if-exp
"SIM113", # eumerate-for-loop
"SIM117", # multiple-with-statements
"SIM210", # if-expr-with-true-false
"SIM300", # yoda-conditions,
"app.py" = [
"__init__.py" = [
"F401", # unused-import
"F811", # redefined-while-unused
"configs/*" = [
"N802", # invalid-function-name
"libs/gmpy2_pkcs10aep_cipher.py" = [
"N803", # invalid-argument-name
"tests/*" = [
"F811", # redefined-while-unused
"F401", # unused-import
exclude = [
name = "dify-api"
package-mode = false
# [ Main ] Dependency group
anthropic = "~0.23.1"
authlib = "1.3.1"
azure-ai-inference = "~1.0.0b3"
azure-ai-ml = "~1.20.0"
azure-identity = "1.16.1"
beautifulsoup4 = "4.12.2"
boto3 = "1.35.17"
bs4 = "~0.0.1"
cachetools = "~5.3.0"
celery = "~5.3.6"
chardet = "~5.1.0"
cohere = "~5.2.4"
dashscope = { version = "~1.17.0", extras = ["tokenizer"] }
flask = "~3.0.1"
flask-compress = "~1.14"
flask-cors = "~4.0.0"
flask-login = "~0.6.3"
flask-migrate = "~4.0.5"
flask-restful = "~0.3.10"
flask-sqlalchemy = "~3.1.1"
gevent = "~23.9.1"
gmpy2 = "~2.2.1"
google-ai-generativelanguage = "0.6.9"
google-api-core = "2.18.0"
google-api-python-client = "2.90.0"
google-auth = "2.29.0"
google-auth-httplib2 = "0.2.0"
google-cloud-aiplatform = "1.49.0"
google-generativeai = "0.8.1"
googleapis-common-protos = "1.63.0"
gunicorn = "~22.0.0"
httpx = { version = "~0.27.0", extras = ["socks"] }
huggingface-hub = "~0.16.4"
jieba = "0.42.1"
langfuse = "~2.51.3"
langsmith = "~0.1.77"
mailchimp-transactional = "~1.0.50"
markdown = "~3.5.1"
nomic = "~3.1.2"
novita-client = "~0.5.7"
numpy = "~1.26.4"
oci = "~2.135.1"
openai = "~1.52.0"
openpyxl = "~3.1.5"
pandas = { version = "~2.2.2", extras = ["performance", "excel"] }
psycopg2-binary = "~2.9.6"
pycryptodome = "3.19.1"
pydantic = "~2.9.2"
pydantic-settings = "~2.6.0"
pydantic_extra_types = "~2.9.0"
pyjwt = "~2.8.0"
pypdfium2 = "~4.17.0"
python = ">=3.10,<3.13"
python-docx = "~1.1.0"
python-dotenv = "1.0.0"
pyyaml = "~6.0.1"
readabilipy = "0.2.0"
redis = { version = "~5.0.3", extras = ["hiredis"] }
replicate = "~0.22.0"
resend = "~0.7.0"
sagemaker = "~2.231.0"
scikit-learn = "~1.5.1"
sentry-sdk = { version = "~1.44.1", extras = ["flask"] }
sqlalchemy = "~2.0.29"
starlette = "0.41.0"
tencentcloud-sdk-python-hunyuan = "~3.0.1158"
tiktoken = "~0.8.0"
tokenizers = "~0.15.0"
transformers = "~4.35.0"
unstructured = { version = "~0.16.1", extras = ["docx", "epub", "md", "msg", "ppt", "pptx"] }
validators = "0.21.0"
volcengine-python-sdk = {extras = ["ark"], version = "~1.0.98"}
websocket-client = "~1.7.0"
werkzeug = "~3.0.1"
xinference-client = "0.15.2"
yarl = "~1.9.4"
zhipuai = "~2.1.5"
# Before adding new dependency, consider place it in alphabet order (a-z) and suitable group.
# [ Indirect ] dependency group
# Related transparent dependencies with pinned version
# required by main implementations
kaleido = "0.2.1"
rank-bm25 = "~0.2.2"
safetensors = "~0.4.3"
# [ Tools ] dependency group
arxiv = "2.1.0"
cloudscraper = "1.2.71"
duckduckgo-search = "~6.3.0"
jsonpath-ng = "1.6.1"
matplotlib = "~3.8.2"
mplfonts = "~0.0.8"
newspaper3k = "0.2.8"
nltk = "3.9.1"
numexpr = "~2.9.0"
pydub = "~0.25.1"
qrcode = "~7.4.2"
twilio = "~9.0.4"
vanna = { version = "0.7.5", extras = ["postgres", "mysql", "clickhouse", "duckdb", "oracle"] }
wikipedia = "1.4.0"
yfinance = "~0.2.40"
# [ Storage ] dependency group
# Required for storage clients
azure-storage-blob = "12.13.0"
bce-python-sdk = "~0.9.23"
cos-python-sdk-v5 = "1.9.30"
esdk-obs-python = ""
google-cloud-storage = "2.16.0"
oss2 = "2.18.5"
supabase = "~2.8.1"
tos = "~2.7.1"
# [ VDB ] dependency group
# Required by vector store clients
alibabacloud_gpdb20160503 = "~3.8.0"
alibabacloud_tea_openapi = "~0.3.9"
chromadb = "0.5.1"
clickhouse-connect = "~0.7.16"
couchbase = "~4.3.0"
elasticsearch = "8.14.0"
opensearch-py = "2.4.0"
oracledb = "~2.2.1"
pgvecto-rs = { version = "~0.2.1", extras = ['sqlalchemy'] }
pgvector = "0.2.5"
pymilvus = "~2.4.4"
pymochow = "1.3.1"
pyobvector = "~0.1.6"
qdrant-client = "1.7.3"
tcvectordb = "1.3.2"
tidb-vector = "0.0.9"
upstash-vector = "0.6.0"
volcengine-compat = "~1.0.156"
weaviate-client = "~3.21.0"
# [ Dev ] dependency group
# Required for development and running tests
optional = true
coverage = "~7.2.4"
pytest = "~8.3.2"
pytest-benchmark = "~4.0.0"
pytest-env = "~1.1.3"
pytest-mock = "~3.14.0"
# [ Lint ] dependency group
# Required for code style linting
optional = true
dotenv-linter = "~0.5.0"
ruff = "~0.6.9"