dify-run / api /core /tools /tool /api_tool.py
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import json
from os import getenv
from typing import Any
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import httpx
from core.helper import ssrf_proxy
from core.tools.entities.tool_bundle import ApiToolBundle
from core.tools.entities.tool_entities import ToolInvokeMessage, ToolProviderType
from core.tools.errors import ToolInvokeError, ToolParameterValidationError, ToolProviderCredentialValidationError
from core.tools.tool.tool import Tool
int(getenv("API_TOOL_DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT", "60")),
class ApiTool(Tool):
api_bundle: ApiToolBundle
Api tool
def fork_tool_runtime(self, runtime: dict[str, Any]) -> "Tool":
fork a new tool with meta data
:param meta: the meta data of a tool call processing, tenant_id is required
:return: the new tool
return self.__class__(
identity=self.identity.model_copy() if self.identity else None,
parameters=self.parameters.copy() if self.parameters else None,
description=self.description.model_copy() if self.description else None,
api_bundle=self.api_bundle.model_copy() if self.api_bundle else None,
def validate_credentials(
self, credentials: dict[str, Any], parameters: dict[str, Any], format_only: bool = False
) -> str:
validate the credentials for Api tool
# assemble validate request and request parameters
headers = self.assembling_request(parameters)
if format_only:
return ""
response = self.do_http_request(self.api_bundle.server_url, self.api_bundle.method, headers, parameters)
# validate response
return self.validate_and_parse_response(response)
def tool_provider_type(self) -> ToolProviderType:
return ToolProviderType.API
def assembling_request(self, parameters: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
headers = {}
credentials = self.runtime.credentials or {}
if "auth_type" not in credentials:
raise ToolProviderCredentialValidationError("Missing auth_type")
if credentials["auth_type"] == "api_key":
api_key_header = "api_key"
if "api_key_header" in credentials:
api_key_header = credentials["api_key_header"]
if "api_key_value" not in credentials:
raise ToolProviderCredentialValidationError("Missing api_key_value")
elif not isinstance(credentials["api_key_value"], str):
raise ToolProviderCredentialValidationError("api_key_value must be a string")
if "api_key_header_prefix" in credentials:
api_key_header_prefix = credentials["api_key_header_prefix"]
if api_key_header_prefix == "basic" and credentials["api_key_value"]:
credentials["api_key_value"] = f'Basic {credentials["api_key_value"]}'
elif api_key_header_prefix == "bearer" and credentials["api_key_value"]:
credentials["api_key_value"] = f'Bearer {credentials["api_key_value"]}'
elif api_key_header_prefix == "custom":
headers[api_key_header] = credentials["api_key_value"]
needed_parameters = [parameter for parameter in self.api_bundle.parameters if parameter.required]
for parameter in needed_parameters:
if parameter.required and parameter.name not in parameters:
raise ToolParameterValidationError(f"Missing required parameter {parameter.name}")
if parameter.default is not None and parameter.name not in parameters:
parameters[parameter.name] = parameter.default
return headers
def validate_and_parse_response(self, response: httpx.Response) -> str:
validate the response
if isinstance(response, httpx.Response):
if response.status_code >= 400:
raise ToolInvokeError(f"Request failed with status code {response.status_code} and {response.text}")
if not response.content:
return "Empty response from the tool, please check your parameters and try again."
response = response.json()
return json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False)
except Exception as e:
return json.dumps(response)
except Exception as e:
return response.text
raise ValueError(f"Invalid response type {type(response)}")
def get_parameter_value(parameter, parameters):
if parameter["name"] in parameters:
return parameters[parameter["name"]]
elif parameter.get("required", False):
raise ToolParameterValidationError(f"Missing required parameter {parameter['name']}")
return (parameter.get("schema", {}) or {}).get("default", "")
def do_http_request(
self, url: str, method: str, headers: dict[str, Any], parameters: dict[str, Any]
) -> httpx.Response:
do http request depending on api bundle
method = method.lower()
params = {}
path_params = {}
body = {}
cookies = {}
# check parameters
for parameter in self.api_bundle.openapi.get("parameters", []):
value = self.get_parameter_value(parameter, parameters)
if parameter["in"] == "path":
path_params[parameter["name"]] = value
elif parameter["in"] == "query":
if value != "":
params[parameter["name"]] = value
elif parameter["in"] == "cookie":
cookies[parameter["name"]] = value
elif parameter["in"] == "header":
headers[parameter["name"]] = value
# check if there is a request body and handle it
if "requestBody" in self.api_bundle.openapi and self.api_bundle.openapi["requestBody"] is not None:
# handle json request body
if "content" in self.api_bundle.openapi["requestBody"]:
for content_type in self.api_bundle.openapi["requestBody"]["content"]:
headers["Content-Type"] = content_type
body_schema = self.api_bundle.openapi["requestBody"]["content"][content_type]["schema"]
required = body_schema.get("required", [])
properties = body_schema.get("properties", {})
for name, property in properties.items():
if name in parameters:
# convert type
body[name] = self._convert_body_property_type(property, parameters[name])
elif name in required:
raise ToolParameterValidationError(
f"Missing required parameter {name} in operation {self.api_bundle.operation_id}"
elif "default" in property:
body[name] = property["default"]
body[name] = None
# replace path parameters
for name, value in path_params.items():
url = url.replace(f"{{{name}}}", f"{value}")
# parse http body data if needed, for GET/HEAD/OPTIONS/TRACE, the body is ignored
if "Content-Type" in headers:
if headers["Content-Type"] == "application/json":
body = json.dumps(body)
elif headers["Content-Type"] == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded":
body = urlencode(body)
body = body
if method in {"get", "head", "post", "put", "delete", "patch"}:
response = getattr(ssrf_proxy, method)(
return response
raise ValueError(f"Invalid http method {self.method}")
def _convert_body_property_any_of(
self, property: dict[str, Any], value: Any, any_of: list[dict[str, Any]], max_recursive=10
) -> Any:
if max_recursive <= 0:
raise Exception("Max recursion depth reached")
for option in any_of or []:
if "type" in option:
# Attempt to convert the value based on the type.
if option["type"] == "integer" or option["type"] == "int":
return int(value)
elif option["type"] == "number":
if "." in str(value):
return float(value)
return int(value)
elif option["type"] == "string":
return str(value)
elif option["type"] == "boolean":
if str(value).lower() in {"true", "1"}:
return True
elif str(value).lower() in {"false", "0"}:
return False
continue # Not a boolean, try next option
elif option["type"] == "null" and not value:
return None
continue # Unsupported type, try next option
elif "anyOf" in option and isinstance(option["anyOf"], list):
# Recursive call to handle nested anyOf
return self._convert_body_property_any_of(property, value, option["anyOf"], max_recursive - 1)
except ValueError:
continue # Conversion failed, try next option
# If no option succeeded, you might want to return the value as is or raise an error
return value # or raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert value '{value}' to any specified type in anyOf")
def _convert_body_property_type(self, property: dict[str, Any], value: Any) -> Any:
if "type" in property:
if property["type"] == "integer" or property["type"] == "int":
return int(value)
elif property["type"] == "number":
# check if it is a float
if "." in str(value):
return float(value)
return int(value)
elif property["type"] == "string":
return str(value)
elif property["type"] == "boolean":
return bool(value)
elif property["type"] == "null":
if value is None:
return None
elif property["type"] == "object" or property["type"] == "array":
if isinstance(value, str):
# an array str like '[1,2]' also can convert to list [1,2] through json.loads
# json not support single quote, but we can support it
value = value.replace("'", '"')
return json.loads(value)
except ValueError:
return value
elif isinstance(value, dict):
return value
return value
raise ValueError(f"Invalid type {property['type']} for property {property}")
elif "anyOf" in property and isinstance(property["anyOf"], list):
return self._convert_body_property_any_of(property, value, property["anyOf"])
except ValueError as e:
return value
def _invoke(self, user_id: str, tool_parameters: dict[str, Any]) -> ToolInvokeMessage | list[ToolInvokeMessage]:
invoke http request
# assemble request
headers = self.assembling_request(tool_parameters)
# do http request
response = self.do_http_request(self.api_bundle.server_url, self.api_bundle.method, headers, tool_parameters)
# validate response
response = self.validate_and_parse_response(response)
# assemble invoke message
return self.create_text_message(response)