history blame
27.1 kB
import copy
import kornia
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from mmengine import print_log
import torch.nn.functional as F
import random
import math
from estimator.registry import MODELS
from kornia.losses import dice_loss, focal_loss
class SILogLoss(nn.Module):
"""SILog loss (pixel-wise)"""
def __init__(self, beta=0.15, **kwargs):
super(SILogLoss, self).__init__()
self.name = 'SILog'
self.beta = beta
def forward(self, input, target, min_depth, max_depth, additional_mask=None):
_, _, h_i, w_i = input.shape
_, _, h_t, w_t = target.shape
if h_i != h_t or w_i != w_t:
input = F.interpolate(input, (h_t, w_t), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
mask = torch.logical_and(target>min_depth, target<max_depth)
if additional_mask is not None:
mask_merge = torch.logical_and(mask, additional_mask)
if torch.sum(mask_merge) >= h_i * w_i * 0.001:
mask = mask_merge
print_log("torch.sum(mask_merge) < h_i * w_i * 0.001, reduce to previous mask for stable training", logger='current')
if torch.sum(mask) <= 1:
print_log("torch.sum(mask) <= 1, hack to skip avoiding nan", logger='current')
return input * 0.0
input = input[mask]
target = target[mask]
alpha = 1e-7
g = torch.log(input + alpha) - torch.log(target + alpha)
Dg = torch.var(g) + self.beta * torch.pow(torch.mean(g), 2)
loss = 10 * torch.sqrt(Dg)
if torch.isnan(loss):
print_log("Nan SILog loss", logger='current')
print_log("input: {}".format(input.shape), logger='current')
print_log("target: {}".format(target.shape), logger='current')
print_log("G: {}".format(torch.sum(torch.isnan(g))), logger='current')
print_log("Input min: {} max: {}".format(torch.min(input), torch.max(input)), logger='current')
print_log("Target min: {} max: {}".format(torch.min(target), torch.max(target)), logger='current')
print_log("Dg: {}".format(torch.isnan(Dg)), logger='current')
print_log("loss: {}".format(torch.isnan(loss)), logger='current')
return loss
def get_grad_map(value):
grad = kornia.filters.spatial_gradient(value)
grad_xy = (grad[:,:,0,:,:] ** 2 + grad[:,:,1,:,:] ** 2) ** (1/2)
return grad_xy
def get_grad_error_mask(gt, coarse_prediction, shape=(384, 512), min_depth=1e-3, max_depth=80):
invalid_mask = torch.logical_or(gt<=min_depth, gt>=max_depth)
gt_grad = get_grad_map(gt)
coarse_prediction_grad = get_grad_map(coarse_prediction)
grad_error = ((gt_grad - coarse_prediction_grad) / gt).abs()
grad_error[grad_error>0.001] = 1.
grad_error[invalid_mask] = 2. # filter invalid area
grad_error[gt>10000] = 3.
return grad_error.long().squeeze(dim=1)
def get_grad_value_error_mask(gt, coarse_prediction, shape=(384, 512), min_depth=1e-3, max_depth=80):
invalid_mask = torch.logical_or(gt<=min_depth, gt>=max_depth)
error = ((gt - coarse_prediction) / gt).abs()
error[error>0.1] = 1.
gt_grad = get_grad_map(gt)
coarse_prediction_grad = get_grad_map(coarse_prediction)
grad_error = ((gt_grad - coarse_prediction_grad) / gt).abs()
error[grad_error>0.001] = 1.
error[invalid_mask] = 2. # filter invalid area
error[gt>10000] = 3.
return error.long().squeeze(dim=1)
def get_incoherent_mask(gt, shape=(384, 512), min_depth=1e-3, max_depth=80):
# incoherent
ori_shpae = gt.shape[-2:]
gt_lr = F.interpolate(gt, shape, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
invalid_mask = torch.logical_or(gt<=min_depth, gt>=max_depth)
gt_recover = F.interpolate(gt_lr, ori_shpae, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
residue = (gt - gt_recover).abs()
gt_label = torch.zeros_like(gt)
gt_label[residue >= 0.01] = 1. # set incoherent area as 1
gt_label[invalid_mask] = 2. # filter invalid area
gt_label[gt>10000] = 3.
return gt_label.long().squeeze(dim=1)
def get_incoherent_grad_error_mask(gt, coarse_prediction, shape=(384, 512), min_depth=1e-3, max_depth=80):
# incoherent
ori_shpae = gt.shape[-2:]
gt_lr = F.interpolate(gt, shape, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
invalid_mask = torch.logical_or(gt<=min_depth, gt>=max_depth)
gt_recover = F.interpolate(gt_lr, ori_shpae, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
residue = (gt - gt_recover).abs()
# coarse_prediction = F.interpolate(coarse_prediction, gt.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
# error = (gt - coarse_prediction).abs()
# grad error
gt_grad = get_grad_map(gt)
coarse_prediction_grad = get_grad_map(coarse_prediction)
grad_error = ((gt_grad - coarse_prediction_grad) / gt).abs()
bad_area_mask = torch.logical_or(residue>0.01, grad_error>0.001)
gt_label = torch.zeros_like(gt)
gt_label[bad_area_mask] = 1.
gt_label[invalid_mask] = 2. # filter invalid area
gt_label[gt>10000] = 3.
return gt_label.long().squeeze(dim=1)
def get_incoherent_grad_value_error_mask(gt, coarse_prediction, shape=(384, 512), min_depth=1e-3, max_depth=80):
# incoherent
ori_shpae = gt.shape[-2:]
gt_lr = F.interpolate(gt, shape, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
invalid_mask = torch.logical_or(gt<=min_depth, gt>=max_depth)
gt_recover = F.interpolate(gt_lr, ori_shpae, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
residue = (gt - gt_recover).abs()
# value error
coarse_prediction = F.interpolate(coarse_prediction, gt.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
error = (gt - coarse_prediction).abs()
bad_area_mask = torch.logical_or(residue>0.01, error>0.5)
# grad error
gt_grad = get_grad_map(gt)
coarse_prediction_grad = get_grad_map(coarse_prediction)
grad_error = ((gt_grad - coarse_prediction_grad) / gt).abs()
bad_area_mask = torch.logical_or(grad_error, grad_error>0.001)
gt_label = torch.zeros_like(gt)
gt_label[bad_area_mask] = 1.
gt_label[invalid_mask] = 2. # filter invalid area
gt_label[gt>10000] = 3.
return gt_label.long().squeeze(dim=1)
class GeneralizedSoftDiceLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
super(GeneralizedSoftDiceLoss, self).__init__()
self.p = p
self.smooth = smooth
self.reduction = reduction
def forward(self, probs, label):
args: logits: tensor of shape (N, C, H, W)
args: label: tensor of shape(N, H, W)
# compute loss
numer = torch.sum((probs*label), dim=(2, 3))
denom = torch.sum(probs.pow(self.p) + label.pow(self.p), dim=(2, 3))
numer = torch.sum(numer, dim=1)
denom = torch.sum(denom, dim=1)
loss = 1 - (2*numer+self.smooth)/(denom+self.smooth)
if self.reduction == 'mean':
loss = loss.mean()
return loss
class EdgeClsLoss(nn.Module):
"""Error loss (pixel-wise)"""
def __init__(self, focal_weight=0.5):
super(EdgeClsLoss, self).__init__()
self.name = 'Error'
self.criterion_dice = GeneralizedSoftDiceLoss()
self.criterion_bce = nn.BCELoss()
self.focal_weight = focal_weight
def forward(self, input, target):
_, _, h_i, w_i = input.shape
_, h_t, w_t = target.shape
if h_i != h_t or w_i != w_t:
input = F.interpolate(input, (h_t, w_t), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
target = target.long()
dice = dice_loss(input, target)
focal = focal_loss(input, target, alpha=self.focal_weight, reduction='mean')
return dice, focal
class ErrorLoss(nn.Module):
"""Error loss (pixel-wise)"""
def __init__(self, loss_type, focal_weight):
super(ErrorLoss, self).__init__()
self.name = 'Error'
self.criterion_dice = GeneralizedSoftDiceLoss()
self.criterion_bce = nn.BCELoss()
self.loss_type = loss_type
self.focal_weight = focal_weight
def forward(self, input, target, coarse_prediction, min_depth, max_depth):
_, _, h_i, w_i = input.shape
_, _, h_c, w_c = coarse_prediction.shape
_, _, h_t, w_t = target.shape
if h_i != h_t or w_i != w_t:
input = F.interpolate(input, (h_t, w_t), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
if h_c != h_t or w_c != w_t:
coarse_prediction = F.interpolate(coarse_prediction, (h_t, w_t), mode='bilinear')
if self.loss_type == 'incoh':
gt_mask = get_incoherent_mask(target, shape=(h_i, w_i), min_depth=min_depth, max_depth=max_depth)
elif self.loss_type == 'incoh+grad':
gt_mask = get_incoherent_grad_error_mask(target, coarse_prediction, shape=(h_i, w_i), min_depth=min_depth, max_depth=max_depth)
elif self.loss_type == 'incoh+grad+depth':
gt_mask = get_incoherent_grad_value_error_mask(target, coarse_prediction, shape=(h_i, w_i), min_depth=min_depth, max_depth=max_depth)
raise NotImplementedError
dice = dice_loss(input, gt_mask)
# focal = focal_loss(input, gt_mask, alpha=0.5, reduction='mean')
focal = focal_loss(input, gt_mask, alpha=self.focal_weight, reduction='mean')
return dice, focal, gt_mask
def ind2sub(idx, w):
# r = idx // cols
# c = idx - r * cols
# return r, c
row = idx // w
col = idx % w
return row, col
def sub2ind(r, c, cols):
idx = r * cols + c
return idx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# EdgeguidedRankingLoss
class EdgeguidedRankingLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(
super(EdgeguidedRankingLoss, self).__init__()
self.point_pairs = point_pairs # number of point pairs
self.sigma = sigma # used for determining the ordinal relationship between a selected pair
self.alpha = alpha # used for balancing the effect of = and (<,>)
self.mask_value = mask_value
#self.regularization_loss = GradientLoss(scales=4)
self.reweight_target = reweight_target
self.only_missing_area = only_missing_area
self.min_depth = min_depth
self.max_depth = max_depth
self.missing_value = missing_value
self.random_direct = random_direct
self.idx = 0
self.idx_inner = 0
def getEdge(self, images):
n,c,h,w = images.size()
a = torch.Tensor([[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1]]).cuda().view((1,1,3,3)).repeat(1, 1, 1, 1)
b = torch.Tensor([[1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -2, -1]]).cuda().view((1,1,3,3)).repeat(1, 1, 1, 1)
if c == 3:
gradient_x = F.conv2d(images[:,0,:,:].unsqueeze(1), a)
gradient_y = F.conv2d(images[:,0,:,:].unsqueeze(1), b)
gradient_x = F.conv2d(images, a)
gradient_y = F.conv2d(images, b)
edges = torch.sqrt(torch.pow(gradient_x,2)+ torch.pow(gradient_y,2))
edges = F.pad(edges, (1,1,1,1), "constant", 0)
thetas = torch.atan2(gradient_y, gradient_x)
thetas = F.pad(thetas, (1,1,1,1), "constant", 0)
return edges, thetas
def edgeGuidedSampling(self, inputs, targets, edges_img, thetas_img, missing_mask, depth_gt, strict_mask):
# find edges
edges_max = edges_img.max()
edges_mask = edges_img.ge(edges_max*0.1)
edges_mask = torch.logical_and(edges_mask, strict_mask) # 1 edge, 2 strict mask
if self.only_missing_area:
# edges_mask = torch.logical_and(edges_mask, missing_mask) # base anchor: 1 missing values (0) and 2 edge masks and within 3 strict mask
edges_mask = missing_mask
edges_loc = edges_mask.nonzero()
minlen = edges_loc.shape[0]
if minlen == 0:
return torch.Tensor([]), torch.Tensor([]), torch.Tensor([]), torch.Tensor([]), 0
# find anchor points (i.e, edge points)
sample_num = self.point_pairs
sample_index = torch.randint(0, minlen, (sample_num,), dtype=torch.long).cuda()
sample_h, sample_w = edges_loc[sample_index, 0], edges_loc[sample_index, 1]
theta_anchors = thetas_img[sample_h, sample_w]
sidx = edges_loc.shape[0] // 2
# plt.figure()
# plt.imshow(missing_mask.squeeze().cpu().numpy())
# plt.savefig('nfs_scannet/debug_figs/debug_mask_{}.png'.format(self.idx))
# plt.figure()
# plt.imshow(missing_mask.squeeze().cpu().numpy())
# circle = plt.Circle((sample_w[0], sample_h[0]), 0.5, color='r')
# plt.gca().add_patch(circle)
# plt.savefig('nfs_scannet/debug_figs/debug_anchor_{}.png'.format(self.idx))
## compute the coordinates of 4-points, distances are from [-30, 30]
distance_matrix = torch.randint(2, 31, (4,sample_num)).cuda()
pos_or_neg = torch.ones(4, sample_num).cuda()
pos_or_neg[:2,:] = -pos_or_neg[:2,:]
distance_matrix = distance_matrix.float() * pos_or_neg
p = random.random()
# theta_anchors = theta_anchors + math.pi / 2
# # Normalize the angle to be between -pi and pi
# theta_anchors = (theta_anchors + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi
# col = sample_w.unsqueeze(0).expand(4, sample_num).long() + torch.round(distance_matrix.double() * torch.sin(theta_anchors).unsqueeze(0)).long()
# row = sample_h.unsqueeze(0).expand(4, sample_num).long() + torch.round(distance_matrix.double() * torch.cos(theta_anchors).unsqueeze(0)).long()
if self.random_direct:
if p < 0.5:
col = sample_w.unsqueeze(0).expand(4, sample_num).long() + torch.round(distance_matrix.double() * torch.cos(theta_anchors).unsqueeze(0)).long()
row = sample_h.unsqueeze(0).expand(4, sample_num).long() + torch.round(distance_matrix.double() * torch.sin(theta_anchors).unsqueeze(0)).long()
theta_anchors = theta_anchors + math.pi / 2
theta_anchors = (theta_anchors + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi
col = sample_w.unsqueeze(0).expand(4, sample_num).long() + torch.round(distance_matrix.double() * torch.sin(theta_anchors).unsqueeze(0)).long()
row = sample_h.unsqueeze(0).expand(4, sample_num).long() + torch.round(distance_matrix.double() * torch.cos(theta_anchors).unsqueeze(0)).long()
col = sample_w.unsqueeze(0).expand(4, sample_num).long() + torch.round(distance_matrix.double() * torch.cos(theta_anchors).unsqueeze(0)).long()
row = sample_h.unsqueeze(0).expand(4, sample_num).long() + torch.round(distance_matrix.double() * torch.sin(theta_anchors).unsqueeze(0)).long()
# constrain 0=<c<=w, 0<=r<=h
# Note: index should minus 1
w, h = depth_gt.shape[-1], depth_gt.shape[-2]
invalid_mask = (col<0) + (col>w-1) + (row<0) + (row>h-1)
invalid_mask = torch.sum(invalid_mask, dim=0) > 0
col = col[:, torch.logical_not(invalid_mask)]
row = row[:, torch.logical_not(invalid_mask)]
# only use one pair
a = torch.stack([row[0, :], col[0, :]])
b = torch.stack([row[1, :], col[1, :]])
c = torch.stack([row[2, :], col[2, :]])
d = torch.stack([row[3, :], col[3, :]])
if self.only_missing_area:
valid_check_a_strict = strict_mask[a[0, :], a[1, :]] == True
valid_check_a_missing = missing_mask[a[0, :], a[1, :]] == True
valid_check_b_strict = strict_mask[b[0, :], b[1, :]] == True
valid_check_b_missing = missing_mask[b[0, :], b[1, :]] == True
valid_check_c_strict = strict_mask[c[0, :], c[1, :]] == True
valid_check_c_missing = missing_mask[c[0, :], c[1, :]] == True
valid_check_d_strict = strict_mask[d[0, :], d[1, :]] == True
valid_check_d_missing = missing_mask[d[0, :], d[1, :]] == True
valid_mask_ab = torch.logical_not(torch.logical_and(valid_check_a_strict, valid_check_b_strict))
valid_mask_bc = torch.logical_not(torch.logical_and(valid_check_b_strict, valid_check_c_strict))
valid_mask_cd = torch.logical_not(torch.logical_and(valid_check_c_strict, valid_check_d_strict))
valid_mask = torch.logical_and(valid_mask_ab, valid_mask_bc)
valid_mask = torch.logical_and(valid_mask, valid_mask_cd)
# valid_check_a_missing = missing_mask[a[0, :], a[1, :]] == True
# valid_check_b_missing = missing_mask[b[0, :], b[1, :]] == True
# valid_check_c_missing = missing_mask[c[0, :], c[1, :]] == True
# valid_check_d_missing = missing_mask[d[0, :], d[1, :]] == True
# valid_mask = torch.logical_and(valid_check_a_missing, valid_check_b_missing)
# valid_mask = torch.logical_and(valid_mask, valid_check_c_missing)
# valid_mask = torch.logical_and(valid_mask, valid_check_d_missing)
a = a[:, valid_mask]
b = b[:, valid_mask]
c = c[:, valid_mask]
d = d[:, valid_mask]
if a.numel() == 0 or b.numel() == 0 or c.numel() == 0 or d.numel() == 0:
return torch.Tensor([]), torch.Tensor([]), torch.Tensor([]), torch.Tensor([]), 0
# sidx = 0
# plt.figure()
# plt.imshow(depth_gt.squeeze().cpu().numpy())
# circle = plt.Circle((a[1][sidx], a[0][sidx]), 3, color='r')
# plt.gca().add_patch(circle)
# circle = plt.Circle((b[1][sidx], b[0][sidx]), 3, color='r')
# plt.gca().add_patch(circle)
# plt.savefig('nfs_scannet/debug_figs/debug_{}_{}.png'.format(self.idx, self.idx_inner))
# self.idx_inner += 1
A = torch.cat((a,b,c), 1)
B = torch.cat((b,c,d), 1)
sumple_num = A.shape[1]
inputs_A = inputs[A[0, :], A[1, :]]
inputs_B = inputs[B[0, :], B[1, :]]
targets_A = targets[A[0, :], A[1, :]]
targets_B = targets[B[0, :], B[1, :]]
return inputs_A, inputs_B, targets_A, targets_B, sumple_num
def randomSampling(self, inputs, targets, missing_part, valid_part, sample_num):
# Apply masks to get the valid indices for missing and valid parts
missing_indices = torch.nonzero(missing_part.float()).squeeze()
valid_indices = torch.nonzero(valid_part.float()).squeeze()
# Ensure that we have enough points to sample from
sample_num = min(sample_num, len(missing_indices), len(valid_indices))
# Shuffle and sample indices from the missing and valid parts
shuffle_missing_indices = torch.randperm(len(missing_indices))[:sample_num].cuda()
shuffle_valid_indices = torch.randperm(len(valid_indices))[:sample_num].cuda()
# Select the sampled points for inputs and targets based on the shuffled indices
inputs_A = inputs[missing_indices[shuffle_missing_indices]]
inputs_B = inputs[valid_indices[shuffle_valid_indices]]
targets_A = targets[missing_indices[shuffle_missing_indices]]
targets_B = targets[valid_indices[shuffle_valid_indices]]
return inputs_A, inputs_B, targets_A, targets_B, sample_num
def forward(self, inputs, targets, images, depth_gt=None, interpolate=True):
if interpolate:
targets = F.interpolate(targets, inputs.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
images = F.interpolate(images, inputs.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
depth_gt = F.interpolate(depth_gt, inputs.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
n, _, _, _= inputs.size()
# strict_mask is a range mask
strict_mask = torch.logical_and(depth_gt>self.min_depth, depth_gt<self.max_depth)
# remove pl out of range pixels
invalid_pl_mask = targets == 80
strict_mask = torch.logical_and(strict_mask, torch.logical_not(invalid_pl_mask))
if self.only_missing_area:
masks = depth_gt == self.missing_value # only consider missing values in semi loss
masks = torch.ones_like(strict_mask).bool()
edges_img, thetas_img = self.getEdge(images)
# initialization
loss = torch.DoubleTensor([0.0]).cuda()
sample_num_sum = torch.tensor([0.0])
for i in range(n):
# Edge-Guided sampling
inputs_A, inputs_B, targets_A, targets_B, sample_num_e = self.edgeGuidedSampling(
sample_num_sum += sample_num_e
if sample_num_e == 0:
if len(inputs_A) == 0 or len(inputs_B) == 0 or len(targets_A) == 0 or len(targets_B) == 0:
# try:
# inputs_A_r, inputs_B_r, targets_A_r, targets_B_r, sample_num_r = self.randomSampling(
# inputs[i].squeeze().view(-1),
# targets[i].squeeze().view(-1),
# masks[i].squeeze().view(-1),
# strict_mask[i].squeeze().view(-1),
# sample_num_e)
# sample_num_sum += sample_num_r
# # Combine EGS + RS
# inputs_A = torch.cat((inputs_A, inputs_A_r), 0)
# inputs_B = torch.cat((inputs_B, inputs_B_r), 0)
# targets_A = torch.cat((targets_A, targets_A_r), 0)
# targets_B = torch.cat((targets_B, targets_B_r), 0)
# except TypeError as e:
# print_log(e, logger='current')
# GT ordinal relationship
target_ratio = torch.div(targets_A+1e-6, targets_B+1e-6)
target_weight = torch.abs(targets_A - targets_B) / (torch.max(torch.abs(targets_A - targets_B)) + 1e-6) # avoid nan
target_weight = torch.exp(target_weight)
# target_weight = torch.abs(targets_A - targets_B)
# target_weight = torch.exp(target_weight)
mask_eq = target_ratio.lt(1.0 + self.sigma) * target_ratio.gt(1.0/(1.0+self.sigma))
labels = torch.zeros_like(target_ratio)
labels[target_ratio.ge(1.0 + self.sigma)] = 1
labels[target_ratio.le(1.0/(1.0+self.sigma))] = -1
if self.reweight_target:
equal_loss = (inputs_A - inputs_B).pow(2) * mask_eq.double() # can also use the weight
equal_loss = (inputs_A - inputs_B).pow(2) / target_weight * mask_eq.double() # can also use the weight
if self.reweight_target:
unequal_loss = torch.log(1 + torch.exp((-inputs_A + inputs_B) / target_weight * labels)) * (~mask_eq).double()
unequal_loss = torch.log(1 + torch.exp((-inputs_A + inputs_B) * labels)) * (~mask_eq).double()
# Please comment the regularization term if you don't want to use the multi-scale gradient matching loss !!!
loss = loss + self.alpha * equal_loss.mean() + 1.0 * unequal_loss.mean() #+ 0.2 * regularization_loss.double()
self.idx += 1
return loss[0].float()/n, float(sample_num_sum/n)
def compute_scale_and_shift(prediction, target, mask):
# system matrix: A = [[a_00, a_01], [a_10, a_11]]
a_00 = torch.sum(mask * prediction * prediction, (1, 2))
a_01 = torch.sum(mask * prediction, (1, 2))
a_11 = torch.sum(mask, (1, 2))
# right hand side: b = [b_0, b_1]
b_0 = torch.sum(mask * prediction * target, (1, 2))
b_1 = torch.sum(mask * target, (1, 2))
# solution: x = A^-1 . b = [[a_11, -a_01], [-a_10, a_00]] / (a_00 * a_11 - a_01 * a_10) . b
x_0 = torch.zeros_like(b_0)
x_1 = torch.zeros_like(b_1)
det = a_00 * a_11 - a_01 * a_01
# A needs to be a positive definite matrix.
valid = det > 0
x_0[valid] = (a_11[valid] * b_0[valid] - a_01[valid] * b_1[valid]) / det[valid]
x_1[valid] = (-a_01[valid] * b_0[valid] + a_00[valid] * b_1[valid]) / det[valid]
return x_0, x_1
class ScaleAndShiftInvariantLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, **kargs):
self.name = "SSILoss"
def forward(self, prediction, target, mask, interpolate=True, return_interpolated=False):
_, _, h_i, w_i = prediction.shape
_, _, h_t, w_t = target.shape
if h_i != h_t or w_i != w_t:
prediction = F.interpolate(prediction, (h_t, w_t), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
prediction, target, mask = prediction.squeeze(), target.squeeze(), mask.squeeze()
if torch.sum(mask) <= 1:
print_log("torch.sum(mask) <= 1, hack to skip avoiding bugs", logger='current')
return input * 0.0
assert prediction.shape == target.shape, f"Shape mismatch: Expected same shape but got {prediction.shape} and {target.shape}."
scale, shift = compute_scale_and_shift(prediction, target, mask)
scaled_prediction = scale.view(-1, 1, 1) * prediction + shift.view(-1, 1, 1)
loss = nn.functional.l1_loss(scaled_prediction[mask], target[mask])
return loss
class ExistLoss(nn.Module):
"""ExistLoss loss (pixel-wise)"""
def __init__(self, reweight_target):
super(ExistLoss, self).__init__()
self.name = 'ExistLoss'
self.reweight_target = reweight_target
def forward(self, pred_grad, pl_grad, pseudo_edge_area):
pred_grad_edge = pred_grad[pseudo_edge_area]
pl_grad_edge = pl_grad[pseudo_edge_area]
pl_grad_weight = torch.exp(pl_grad_edge)
if self.reweight_target:
loss = torch.exp(-pred_grad_edge / pl_grad_weight).mean()
loss = torch.exp(-pred_grad_edge).mean()
return loss