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"From files: pickles/politics_pickles/politics_A,B.p, uber_topics_80.jsonl",,Which passage is more topic relevant?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Shannon,Which passage is positive?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Raymis,Which passage is positive?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Hayley,,,,,,,,,,,,
"The relationship between the United States and Canada is the strongest it's ever been, yet it remains unclear if the United States will be able to maintain diplomatic relations with either country without a new president.
While both governments have publicly expressed support for the Trump administration, there have been no formal announcements regarding how the relationship will work under Trump. While the administration has made a number of statements about the","The relationship between the US and Israel is one of mutual interests in a region that has been dominated by dictators for decades.
I think it would be great if we could work together to help bring democracy back to this region. But as long as there are people like Mubarak who have no interest in reform, or even democracy, then it's unlikely we'll ever see it.
What do you think? Is",Both,4,3,,Both,4,3,,Both,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,16_882_839
"Emphasised are the words ""**unemployed** and ""unemployed workers""
>The unemployment rate is now at 9.3%, down from 10% in December of last year. This number includes people who have given up looking for work because they believe that finding a job will be difficult or impossible. In addition, there were more than 2 million Americans working part-time jobs as of December, which","Emphasised are the benefits of the tax cuts, and that they have helped reduce the deficit. However the government's spending cuts have had the opposite effect as they have led to greater tax increases.
The Tax Policy Centre has calculated that the tax cuts have increased the debt by £2.6tn since 2010.
It estimates that cutting tax revenues by £1.9tn",Neither,4,3,,Neither,4,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,14_849_744
"Foundational to this is a very interesting point in history, namely, the development of the Soviet Union in the early 20th century. We need a new understanding of Soviet history in light of its present-day political and economic situation.
A good place to start is with the early years of the Soviet Union, when socialism was still in place.
In the 19 th century,","Foundational to this is the idea that we are all born with a certain amount of free will and therefore can choose how our lives turn out.
This means that if you want to be an alcoholic or do drugs then it would make sense for you not to. If you don't like your job but still have enough money to live off of, then it's probably best for you to stay there. But",A,4,4,,A,3,4,,A,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,4_610_623
"The central theme of the new study is that we can learn a lot about ourselves in just a few minutes by asking about our thoughts before they are formed. It turns out that we're much better with our thoughts before we act—or, as a psychologist, John Dewey said, we are better at being present than our actions are, so we are better at planning and executing our public policies","The central theme of the movie is that we are all in this together.
I think it would be a great idea to have an AMA on /r/politics and ask questions about what you thought was going on.
**edit:** Thanks for your questions, guys. I'm gonna go take some time off from work now so I'll try to get back to answering more questions. If anyone has",B,3,4,,B,3,4,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,9_50_869
"The key aspect of the bill is that it would allow for a person to be held indefinitely without charge or trial if they are suspected of being involved in terrorist activities.
This means that you could have someone who has been charged with terrorism and then released on bail because he was not found guilty by reason of insanity but instead declared mentally ill based upon his own testimony. If this were allowed to","The key aspect discussed at this meeting is what can be done with the data we already have about the economy as a whole: how do we build more efficient economies? In other words: what is the best way to achieve these objectives? What will it cost? And what are the risks?
This discussion will begin with a review of government spending over the past 20 years, including taxes,",Neither,3,4,,Neither,4,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,11_29_754
"In this essay I will explain why the US is a bad place to live and how it got that way.
The United States has been in decline for quite some time now. It was once one of the most powerful countries on earth. But now we are just another third world country with no real influence over our own destiny. We have become so dependent upon foreign oil that we can barely afford it.","In this essay, I am attempting to describe the historical context of a specific incident that has become known as the ""Sydney siege"".
A few days earlier in the month of June, in the city of Sydney, a gunman opened fire in the CBD, killing four people and wounding more than 60 others, many of them civilians.
It was not an attack by Islamic fundamental",Neither,4,4,,Neither,3,4,,Neither,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,19_335_440
"Views on the current state of affairs in America are divided between those who believe that we have a government controlled by corporations and wealthy individuals and those who think it is run by ordinary citizens with limited power over their lives.
I am not sure which side to fall on. On one hand, there seems to be an overwhelming amount of evidence supporting my belief that our country has been taken over by corporate","Views on the matter have been divided between the two sides of the spectrum.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation's News Corp Australia and The Financial Review newspaper said the government should scrap the law in order to protect Australian citizens from tax scams.
The Government has said it would consider the advice on taxing overseas income but not the tax implications of taxing it overseas.
But Senator Nick Xen",A,3,4,,A,4,3,,Both,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,2_227_252
"In summary, it seems that the United States has the worst record in terms of environmental policy.
A report by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says the US has a ""lack of public knowledge"" on environmental policies affecting climate change.
The report, released to the media in Washington DC, is part of a global survey of climate science and climate politics that will be released","In summary , the Supreme Court ruled that a state can not force people to buy health insurance or pay for abortions .
* The ruling was based on an argument from Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott who argued that forcing women and girls under 18 into having sex with their rapists is unconstitutional because it violates their constitutional right to privacy . He also said he would sue if his request were granted by",B,4,3,,B,4,4,,Both,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,0_644_197
"It has been shown that, when exposed to a particular odor, the brain produces a complex set of neural pathways associated with emotional and cognitive states that correspond with specific physiological and cognitive state. These processes may be important in modulating the neural responses that are associated with aversive experiences. For instance, we have found in a study using positron emission tomography of spontaneous state state (SS-state","It has been shown that the US government is not only spying on its own citizens, but also other countries as well.
The NSA and CIA have a program called PRISM which allows them to collect data from any website they want without having to get warrants or even tell anyone about it. This includes emails, text messages, phone calls, social media posts, etc. They can do this because of Section 702 of",B,4,4,,B,4,4,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,17_518_199
"More importantly, the study also shows that the majority of the people who have experienced discrimination are women.
""It was important to us to get women's voices heard, because we are a country and a state that is built and built on women,"" said Republican Rep. Ann Wagner, a Michigan state lawmaker who has led the opposition to a state budget.
In the state legislature,","More importantly, why is it that the US government has been so slow to respond and what can be done about it?
I am not a fan of President Obama, but he seems like an honest man who wants to do something for his country. He was elected on promises to end wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which are still going on. The war in Afghanistan started under Bush and Obama promised to bring our",Both,4,4,,Both,4,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,12_720_219
"An illustration of the difference between a democracy and an oligarchy is that in a democracy, you vote for your representatives to represent you. In an oligarchy, you elect people who are supposed to be representing you, but instead they only serve their own interests.
The reason why this happens is because there is no real competition among those elected representatives. If one person wants to do something good, then he or she will","An illustration of the first generation of solar cells, which are capable of storing more energy per pound than traditional batteries. Credit: University of Maryland, College Park
Solar electricity production will reach a record high by mid-century thanks to a surge in the amount of power produced from new technology, according to a research paper.
The report, commissioned by solar power producer SolarWorld, says",A,4,4,,A,5,3,,A,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,6_237_700
"Furthermore, a study conducted in the late 1960s by the National Research Council of Canada showed that Canadians are less likely to use marijuana than Americans are.
""The Canadian public does not see pot as a public health concern,"" the study's report reads. ""There appears to be no public support for the legalization or regulation of marijuana in the Canadian government.""
""This report provides an","Furthermore, the US is not a democracy and has no right to be one.
The only way we can get rid of this corrupt system that allows corporations to buy elections is by voting for candidates who are against it. We need to vote in people like Bernie Sanders or Jill Stein because they will fight back on these corporate interests. They have been bought off with money from big business. If you don't believe",B,5,3,,B,3,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,8_730_743
"Prior to this week's presidential election, there was a sense that the Democratic Party was poised to reclaim political power. But as of this week, it remains in the minority. As a result, the Democratic Party has lost political power at every level of government.
In recent years, Democratic governments across much of the country have failed to achieve progressive political reforms. This is especially evident in state","Prior to this I had never heard of the term ""reddit"" until today.
The title is a bit misleading, but it does make sense in context. Reddit was created by Alexis Ohanian, who also founded reddit. He has been very vocal about his desire for an open and free internet. This means that he wants everyone on the internet to be able to access all information without having to",A,3,4,,A,4,4,,A,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,13_642_745
"The connection between the two sides of this issue will likely be a source of tension in the coming days. The administration's argument that it is a ""war on Christmas,"" a claim that is already being challenged, and that it is unconstitutional is a direct attack on the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection of law under the law. The Constitution provides a means for government to regulate the conduct of private business","The connection between the two is that both are in a position to influence public opinion and thus have an impact on elections.
I think this has been true for quite some time now. In fact, it was even more obvious during the 2008 election when Obama had such a large lead over McCain among independents who were not registered with either major party. This means that if you want your vote to count, you",Both,4,4,,Both,4,3,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,3_818_679
"To review, I've been working on a new book project, and this year I decided to write about how to make a successful startup, in this case a startup that helps people build a business. In the process of writing, I've come to a new set of ideas about what makes an ideal startup.
I'm not a lawyer; that is not my profession. But I'm","To review, I am a college student who is currently in the process of applying to medical school.
My parents are very conservative and have always been against me going into medicine. They think that it will be too hard for me, but they also don't want me to go into medicine because it's not what my family wants or thinks I'm good at. However, after reading some posts on this subreddit about",Neither,5,2,,Neither,3,3,,Neither,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,5_890_353
"To conclude, I think that the US is a great country and we should be proud of our achievements in science, technology, engineering, math, etc. However, there are some things about this country which make me feel like we're not as advanced as other countries are.
For example, when it comes to education, Americans have one of the lowest rates compared with most countries. In fact, according to [this](source), only","To conclude, the results indicate a possible connection between the development of human brain size in Africa and the emergence of modern man. The findings provide evidence for the role of a single evolutionary event that led to the rapid development of modern human societies, but it is unclear whether that event occurred prior to the development of the human capacity for social organization and state, i.e., political, religious, cultural",Neither,4,3,,Neither,3,4,,Neither,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,10_867_684
"In brief, this is a series of posts about the various issues that arise when a company is able to raise capital in a country outside its own borders: tax evasion and corruption, corruption and bribery, tax evasion and tax subsidies (or the lack of these) and tax fraud.
The series is not meant to be a comprehensive look at these issues in all countries. Rather, the purpose","In brief, the Supreme Court ruled that a state law banning gay marriage is unconstitutional.
The case was brought by two couples who were denied their right to marry in Massachusetts because of this law. They argued that it violates their rights under the US Constitution and the 14th Amendment.
This ruling has been met with outrage from both sides of the political spectrum. Many people are calling for an end to all",Neither,2,3,,Neither,3,4,,Both,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,7_662_837
"The issue focused on the issue of whether the federal government should require all public universities and colleges to accept refugees.
In an opinion piece by a former U.S. senator, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R) of Alabama, the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, was cited by a number of conservative justices as a reason for their refusal to consider the federal","The issue focused on the fact that a woman was denied an abortion because she had been raped by her boyfriend.
I think this is one of those cases where it would be better to have laws in place than not having any. If you are going to make someone go through with something like this, then at least do so legally.
This case has gotten some attention from Reddit and",A,3,2,,A,4,4,,Both,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,18_456_519
"This essay discusses a recent study by the British government to assess the impact of the EU referendum on the economy and the environment. I discuss how a large-scale survey of business, academics, journalists and political leaders can be a powerful force for change.
The European Commission has just commissioned a large-scale national poll. What does it mean to say ""we"" are in a referendum or","This essay discusses the role of religion in American politics and how it has been used to justify a wide range of actions by both Republicans and Democrats.
>The first thing that needs to be said about this is that there are two kinds of people who believe in God. There are those who think God exists because they have faith or because their parents told them so. And then there",Both,4,3,,Both,3,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,1_212_247
"To summarise, the data shows that there is a strong positive correlation between economic growth and the growth in the labor force participation rate. The correlation is not as strong as one might expect given that the economy is highly dependent on the labour force, especially for the large part of the economy. The government should use that evidence for a policy of government spending to stimulate the labour market and reduce taxes,","To summarise the main points of this post -
* The US is a country that has been built on slavery and oppression for over 200 years . It was only recently that it became possible to end these practices , but they are still very much alive in our society today . This means we have an obligation as citizens to fight against them wherever we can . We should not be ashamed",Neither,4,4,,Neither,4,3,,A,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,15_856_503