quiz-bowl-qa / utils.py
yu3ufff's picture
Upload utils.py
import inflect
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tag import pos_tag
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
import re
import string
import wikipedia as wiki
# cleans last sentence of Quiz Bowl question
def clean_last_sent(text):
cleaned = text.replace('FTP,', 'For 10 points,')
cleaned = re.sub('(?i)for 10 points,', '', cleaned)
return cleaned
# gives the question a more "question-like" ending if the question hasn't reached the last sentence yet
def add_proper_tail(text):
if 'name this' in text.lower() or 'this' not in text.lower():
return text
if text[-1] == '.':
beginning = ' name this '
beginning = '. name this '
words = text.split()
words = [word.lower() for word in words]
idx_of_this = words.index('this')
tail = beginning + words[idx_of_this + 1] + '.'
new_text = text + tail
return new_text
# returns the words in the text excluding stop words and punctuation
def get_filtered_words(text):
cleaned = clean_last_sent(text)
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
words = word_tokenize(cleaned)
filtered = [word for word in words if not word.lower() in stop_words]
filtered = [word for word in filtered if word in string.punctuation]
return filtered
# gets valid query using proper nouns in reverse order
def get_nnp_query(text):
# take out words in quotes
text = re.sub('"(.*?)"', '', text)
# find all proper nouns
tagged_sent = pos_tag(word_tokenize(text))
proper_nouns = [word for word, pos in tagged_sent if 'NNP' in pos]
query = ''
for nnp in proper_nouns:
test_query = query + nnp
results = wiki.search(test_query)
if len(results) == 0:
query += nnp + ' '
return query
# gets valid query using nouns in reverse order
def get_nn_query(text):
# take out words in quotes
text = re.sub('"(.*?)"', '', text)
# find all types of nouns
tagged_sent = pos_tag(word_tokenize(text))
nouns = [word for word, pos in tagged_sent if 'NN' in pos]
query = ''
for nn in nouns:
test_query = query + nn
results = wiki.search(test_query)
if len(results) == 0:
query += nn + ' '
return query
# helper func to allow use of lambda in map
def lower(s):
return s.lower()
# checks if either of the texts are subsets of the other
def is_either_text_subset(text1, text2):
# tokenize words, lower() them, and get the unique words in a set
text1_set = set(map(lambda word: lower(word), word_tokenize(text1)))
text2_set = set(map(lambda word: lower(word), word_tokenize(text2)))
if text1_set.issubset(text2_set) or text2_set.issubset(text1_set):
return True
return False
# checks if the text is a wikipedia page
def has_wiki_page(text):
results = wiki.search(text)
if not results:
return False
title = results[0]
p = inflect.engine()
singular = p.singular_noun(text)
singular = singular if singular else text
if text.lower() == title.lower() or singular.lower() == title.lower():
return True
return False
# uses the 3 functions above to filter the answer set
def filter_answers(set_, text):
# make sure the answers are more than two characters to avoid random letter(s) which sometime appear
set_ = {tup for tup in set_ if len(tup[0]) > 2}
# make sure the answers are not in the question
set_ = {tup for tup in set_ if not is_either_text_subset(tup[0], text)}
# make sure the all answers have their own Wikipedia pages
set_ = {tup for tup in set_ if has_wiki_page(tup[0])}
return set_
# gets the text of the first result of the given query in a Wikipedia search
def get_wiki_text(query):
results = wiki.search(query)
top_page = wiki.page(results[0], auto_suggest=False)
text = top_page.content
return text
# splits the text into "chunks" of the requested size
def get_text_chunks(text, size):
splits = []
for i in range(0, len(text), size):
splits.append(text[i: i + size])
return splits