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from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterable, Optional
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import Tensor
from torch import nn
from .decoding import detect_language as detect_language_function, decode as decode_function
class ModelDimensions:
n_mels: int
n_audio_ctx: int
n_audio_state: int
n_audio_head: int
n_audio_layer: int
n_vocab: int
n_text_ctx: int
n_text_state: int
n_text_head: int
n_text_layer: int
class LayerNorm(nn.LayerNorm):
def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return super().forward(x.float()).type(x.dtype)
class Linear(nn.Linear):
def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return F.linear(
x, self.weight.to(x.dtype), None if self.bias is None else self.bias.to(x.dtype)
class Conv1d(nn.Conv1d):
def _conv_forward(self, x: Tensor, weight: Tensor, bias: Optional[Tensor]) -> Tensor:
return super()._conv_forward(
x, weight.to(x.dtype), None if bias is None else bias.to(x.dtype)
def sinusoids(length, channels, max_timescale=10000):
"""Returns sinusoids for positional embedding"""
assert channels % 2 == 0
log_timescale_increment = np.log(max_timescale) / (channels // 2 - 1)
inv_timescales = torch.exp(-log_timescale_increment * torch.arange(channels // 2))
scaled_time = torch.arange(length)[:, np.newaxis] * inv_timescales[np.newaxis, :]
return torch.cat([torch.sin(scaled_time), torch.cos(scaled_time)], dim=1)
class MultiHeadAttention(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_state: int, n_head: int):
self.n_head = n_head
self.query = Linear(n_state, n_state)
self.key = Linear(n_state, n_state, bias=False)
self.value = Linear(n_state, n_state)
self.out = Linear(n_state, n_state)
def forward(
x: Tensor,
xa: Optional[Tensor] = None,
mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
kv_cache: Optional[dict] = None,
q = self.query(x)
if kv_cache is None or xa is None or self.key not in kv_cache:
# hooks, if installed (i.e. kv_cache is not None), will prepend the cached kv tensors;
# otherwise, perform key/value projections for self- or cross-attention as usual.
k = self.key(x if xa is None else xa)
v = self.value(x if xa is None else xa)
# for cross-attention, calculate keys and values once and reuse in subsequent calls.
k = kv_cache[self.key]
v = kv_cache[self.value]
wv, qk = self.qkv_attention(q, k, v, mask)
return self.out(wv), qk
def qkv_attention(self, q: Tensor, k: Tensor, v: Tensor, mask: Optional[Tensor] = None):
n_batch, n_ctx, n_state = q.shape
scale = (n_state // self.n_head) ** -0.25
q = q.view(*q.shape[:2], self.n_head, -1).permute(0, 2, 1, 3) * scale
k = k.view(*k.shape[:2], self.n_head, -1).permute(0, 2, 3, 1) * scale
v = v.view(*v.shape[:2], self.n_head, -1).permute(0, 2, 1, 3)
qk = q @ k
if mask is not None:
qk = qk + mask[:n_ctx, :n_ctx]
qk = qk.float()
w = F.softmax(qk, dim=-1).to(q.dtype)
return (w @ v).permute(0, 2, 1, 3).flatten(start_dim=2), qk.detach()
class ResidualAttentionBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_state: int, n_head: int, cross_attention: bool = False):
self.attn = MultiHeadAttention(n_state, n_head)
self.attn_ln = LayerNorm(n_state)
self.cross_attn = MultiHeadAttention(n_state, n_head) if cross_attention else None
self.cross_attn_ln = LayerNorm(n_state) if cross_attention else None
n_mlp = n_state * 4
self.mlp = nn.Sequential(Linear(n_state, n_mlp), nn.GELU(), Linear(n_mlp, n_state))
self.mlp_ln = LayerNorm(n_state)
def forward(
x: Tensor,
xa: Optional[Tensor] = None,
mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
kv_cache: Optional[dict] = None,
x = x + self.attn(self.attn_ln(x), mask=mask, kv_cache=kv_cache)[0]
if self.cross_attn:
x = x + self.cross_attn(self.cross_attn_ln(x), xa, kv_cache=kv_cache)[0]
x = x + self.mlp(self.mlp_ln(x))
return x
class AudioEncoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_mels: int, n_ctx: int, n_state: int, n_head: int, n_layer: int):
self.conv1 = Conv1d(n_mels, n_state, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
self.conv2 = Conv1d(n_state, n_state, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)
self.register_buffer("positional_embedding", sinusoids(n_ctx, n_state))
self.blocks: Iterable[ResidualAttentionBlock] = nn.ModuleList(
[ResidualAttentionBlock(n_state, n_head) for _ in range(n_layer)]
self.ln_post = LayerNorm(n_state)
def forward(self, x: Tensor):
x : torch.Tensor, shape = (batch_size, n_mels, n_ctx)
the mel spectrogram of the audio
x = F.gelu(self.conv1(x))
x = F.gelu(self.conv2(x))
x = x.permute(0, 2, 1)
len_x = x.shape[1]
len_e = self.positional_embedding.shape[0]
assert len_x <= len_e, "incorrect audio shape"
pos_e = self.positional_embedding[:len_x, :]
x = (x + pos_e).to(x.dtype)
for block in self.blocks:
x = block(x)
x = self.ln_post(x)
return x
class TextDecoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_vocab: int, n_ctx: int, n_state: int, n_head: int, n_layer: int):
self.token_embedding = nn.Embedding(n_vocab, n_state)
self.positional_embedding = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(n_ctx, n_state))
self.blocks: Iterable[ResidualAttentionBlock] = nn.ModuleList(
[ResidualAttentionBlock(n_state, n_head, cross_attention=True) for _ in range(n_layer)]
self.ln = LayerNorm(n_state)
mask = torch.empty(n_ctx, n_ctx).fill_(-np.inf).triu_(1)
self.register_buffer("mask", mask, persistent=False)
def forward(self, x: Tensor, xa: Tensor, kv_cache: Optional[dict] = None):
x : torch.LongTensor, shape = (batch_size, <= n_ctx)
the text tokens
xa : torch.Tensor, shape = (batch_size, n_mels, n_audio_ctx)
the encoded audio features to be attended on
offset = next(iter(kv_cache.values())).shape[1] if kv_cache else 0
x = self.token_embedding(x) + self.positional_embedding[offset : offset + x.shape[-1]]
x = x.to(xa.dtype)
for block in self.blocks:
x = block(x, xa, mask=self.mask, kv_cache=kv_cache)
x = self.ln(x)
logits = (x @ torch.transpose(self.token_embedding.weight.to(x.dtype), 0, 1)).float()
return logits
class Whisper(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, dims: ModelDimensions):
self.dims = dims
self.encoder = AudioEncoder(
self.decoder = TextDecoder(
def embed_audio(self, mel: torch.Tensor):
return self.encoder(mel)
def logits(self, tokens: torch.Tensor, audio_features: torch.Tensor):
return self.decoder(tokens, audio_features)
def forward(self, mel: torch.Tensor, tokens: torch.Tensor) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
return self.decoder(tokens, self.encoder(mel))
def device(self):
return next(self.parameters()).device
def is_multilingual(self):
return self.dims.n_vocab == 51865
def install_kv_cache_hooks(self, cache: Optional[dict] = None):
The `MultiHeadAttention` module optionally accepts `kv_cache` which stores the key and value
tensors calculated for the previous positions. This method returns a dictionary that stores
all caches, and the necessary hooks for the key and value projection modules that save the
intermediate tensors to be reused during later calculations.
cache : Dict[nn.Module, torch.Tensor]
A dictionary object mapping the key/value projection modules to its cache
hooks : List[RemovableHandle]
List of PyTorch RemovableHandle objects to stop the hooks to be called
cache = {**cache} if cache is not None else {}
hooks = []
def save_to_cache(module, _, output):
if module not in cache or output.shape[1] > self.decoder.positional_embedding.shape[0]:
cache[module] = output # save as-is, for the first token or cross attention
cache[module] = torch.cat([cache[module], output], dim=1).detach()
return cache[module]
def install_hooks(layer: nn.Module):
if isinstance(layer, MultiHeadAttention):
return cache, hooks
detect_language = detect_language_function
decode = decode_function