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from typing import NamedTuple, List, Callable
import sys
import re
import numpy as np
import torch
from numpy.linalg import norm
from itertools import product, groupby
from PIL import Image
# Do two line segments intersect? Copied from
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3838329/how-can-i-check-if-two-segments-intersect
def ccw(A, B, C):
return (C.y - A.y) * (B.x - A.x) > (B.y - A.y) * (C.x - A.x)
def intersect(A, B, C, D):
"""Do line segments AB and CD intersect?"""
return ccw(A, C, D) != ccw(B, C, D) and ccw(A, B, C) != ccw(A, B, D)
class Box(NamedTuple):
x: int
y: int
w: int = 0
h: int = 0
def left(self):
return self.x
def right(self):
return self.x + self.w
def top(self):
return self.y
def bottom(self):
return self.y + self.h
def center(self):
return Box(self.x + self.w // 2, self.y + self.h // 2)
def corners(self):
yield Box(self.x, self.y)
yield Box(self.x + self.w, self.y)
yield Box(self.x + self.w, self.y + self.h)
yield Box(self.x, self.y + self.h)
def area(self):
return self.w * self.h
def intersect(self, other: "Box") -> "Box":
x1 = max(self.x, other.x)
x2 = max(x1, min(self.x+self.w, other.x+other.w))
y1 = max(self.y, other.y)
y2 = max(y1, min(self.y+self.h, other.y+other.h))
return Box(x=x1, y=y1, w=x2-x1, h=y2-y1)
def min_bounding(self, other: "Box") -> "Box":
corners = list(self.corners())
min_x = min_y = float("inf")
max_x = max_y = -float("inf")
for item in corners:
min_x = min(min_x, item.x)
min_y = min(min_y, item.y)
max_x = max(max_x, item.x)
max_y = max(max_y, item.y)
return Box(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y)
def expand(self, growth: float = .1) -> "Box":
factor = 1 + growth
w = factor * self.w
h = factor * self.h
return Box(min_x - (w - self.w) / 2, min_y - (h - self.h) / 2, w, h)
def iou(box1, box2):
x1 = max(box1.x, box2.x)
x2 = max(x1, min(box1.x+box1.w, box2.x+box2.w))
y1 = max(box1.y, box2.y)
y2 = max(y1, min(box1.y+box1.h, box2.y+box2.h))
intersection = Box(x=x1, y=y1, w=x2-x1, h=y2-y1)
intersection_area = intersection.area
union_area = box1.area+box2.area-intersection_area
return intersection_area / union_area
def all_equal(iterable):
"""Are all elements the same?"""
g = groupby(iterable)
return next(g, True) and not next(g, False)
class spatial:
"""A decorator that converts a predicate over boxes to a function that returns a tensor over all boxes."""
def __init__(self, arity: int = 2, enforce_antisymmetry: bool = False):
self.arity = arity
self.enforce_antisymmetry = enforce_antisymmetry # Zero out any entries where two boxes are the same.
def __call__(self, predicate: Callable[[Box], float]) -> Callable[["Environment"], np.ndarray]:
def _rel(env):
n_boxes = len(env.boxes)
tensor = np.empty([n_boxes for _ in range(self.arity)])
enum_boxes = list(enumerate(env.boxes))
for pairs in product(*[enum_boxes for _ in range(self.arity)]):
indices, boxes = zip(*pairs)
if self.enforce_antisymmetry and len(set(indices)) < len(indices):
tensor[indices] = 0.
tensor[indices] = predicate(*boxes)
return tensor
return _rel
class Environment:
def __init__(self, image: Image, boxes: List[Box], executor: "Executor" = None, freeform_boxes: bool = False, image_name: str = None, image_pth: str=None):
self.image = image
self.boxes = boxes
self.executor = executor # An object or callback that can query CLIP with captions/images.
self.freeform_boxes = freeform_boxes
self.image_name = image_name
def uniform(self) -> np.ndarray:
n_boxes = len(self.boxes)
return 1 / n_boxes * np.ones(n_boxes)
def filter(self,
caption: str,
temperature: float = 1.,
area_threshold: float = 0.0,
softmax: bool = False,
expand: float = None
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return a new distribution reflecting the likelihood that `caption` describes the content of each box."""
area_filtered_dist = torch.from_numpy(self.filter_area(area_threshold)).to(self.executor.device)
candidate_indices = [i for i in range(len(self.boxes)) if float(area_filtered_dist[i]) > 0.0]
boxes = [self.boxes[i] for i in candidate_indices]
if len(boxes) == 0:
boxes = self.boxes
candidate_indices = list(range(len(boxes)))
if expand is not None:
boxes = [box.expand(expand) for box in boxes]
result_partial = self.executor(caption, self.image, boxes, image_name=self.image_name, image_pth=self.image_pth)
if self.freeform_boxes:
result_partial, boxes = result_partial
self.boxes = [Box(x=boxes[i,0].item(), y=boxes[i,1].item(), w=boxes[i,2].item()-boxes[i,0].item(), h=boxes[i,3].item()-boxes[i,1].item()) for i in range(boxes.shape[0])]
candidate_indices = list(range(len(self.boxes)))
result_partial = result_partial.float()
if not softmax:
result_partial = (result_partial-result_partial.mean()) / (result_partial.std() + 1e-9)
result_partial = (temperature * result_partial).sigmoid()
result = torch.zeros((len(self.boxes))).to(result_partial.device)
result[candidate_indices] = result_partial
result = torch.zeros((len(self.boxes))).to(result_partial.device)
result[candidate_indices] = result_partial.softmax(dim=-1) #softmax结果
return result.cpu().numpy()
def filter_area(self, area_threshold: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return a new distribution in which all boxes whose area as a fraction of the image is less than the threshold."""
image_area = self.image.width*self.image.height
return np.array([1 if self.boxes[i].area/image_area > area_threshold else 0 for i in range(len(self.boxes))])
def left_of(b1, b2):
return (b1.right+b1.left) / 2 < (b2.right+b2.left) / 2
def right_of(b1, b2):
return (b1.right+b1.left) / 2 > (b2.right+b2.left) / 2
def above(b1, b2):
return (b1.bottom+b1.top) < (b2.bottom+b2.top)
def below(b1, b2):
return (b1.bottom+b1.top) > (b2.bottom+b2.top)
def bigger_than(b1, b2):
return b1.area > b2.area
def smaller_than(b1, b2):
return b1.area < b2.area
def within(box1, box2):
"""Return percent of box1 inside box2."""
intersection = box1.intersect(box2)
return intersection.area / box1.area
@spatial(arity=3, enforce_antisymmetry=True)
def between(box1, box2, box3):
"""How much of box1 lies in min bounding box over box2 and box3?"""
min_bounding = box2.min_bounding(box3)
intersect = box1.intersect(min_bounding)
return intersect.area / box1.area