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The best companion to your coffee mug. Picked up this SACD based on the many positive reviews here and I must agree. The album is highly repeatable of fatigue. unless you enjoy relaxing music mixed with soft vocals, then take a chance and in a few weeks, you too will be writing the next review.!ref!1,1,0
revisting my childhood. I had already seen this movie in the past, the point that I had a "craving" to see it again should say something! It is a chick flick there is a ditzy blonde character nothing more than a light fun comedy to relax..........!ref!1,1,0
interesting. I thought the book, being short, was rather done. I'm not a tolkien, the man, fan, myself, I just like the books he wrote. It was short enough to keep me interested and didn't go into tolkien worship. He was a man just like any of us. White didn't go into intense depth like some of the other authors, who border on tolkien worship. This book is for those who want to skim his life, his associations, like C.S. Lewis, his wife, etc., to see who he really is really quickly and go on. The few supposed 'errors' as some other reviewers put it, are completely outweighed by the many facts put forth by the author that paint the picture as it is done in other works, but at 30,000 feet. Like I said before if you want more depth and concise tolkien history go to some other book.!ref!1,1,0
Funnier in memory. I remembered this as a really funny movie, but wasn't all that thrilled by it. I guess humor changes as times change.!ref!0,1,1
Alan dean Foster's best work. I identify "Nor Crystal Tears" as Alan Dean Foster's worst book, and as one of the best books you have ever read. It is a masterfully written story of first contact. with rarely a bright moment, it really is worth trying.though you haven't read anything by Alan dean Foster, this is a good place to crash.!ref!1,1,0
Remastered Audio should be called UN-Mastered re-do. "The Colour Collection"[2007] is being Available Anymore, I hope.This is the same 'collection' of recordings as "20th Century collection", Millenium Collection released in 2003. Billed as (remastered), a better form would be "Un-Mastered". The audio is flat dynamically on the latest release[as if compressed or limited for dupping users].Not to worry, I returned the disc for a refund. I Love You, AMAZON!!ref!0,1,1
not much $60.00!. I saw all of the positive reviews for this body pillow and passed over it for some time. It seemed like the best one on amazon. o, was I wrong! am pregnant and the first night I slept on it was incredible. I woke up with pains in my back from the seams so I removed the cover that came with it as what had read about in other reviews. The next night, same thing. after a week of this it finally gave up. It takes up most of a queen sized bed and I found it didn't give me any support where I needed it. I'm 5'5 1/2'' and slender. No matter what position I was in the pillow was still very uncomfortable. I put it in my daughter's room. Seems the only thing in this house who liked it were the cats. Now it is just taking up space. I would recommend buying a body pillow without any seams in it because for me it just cut into my neck and shoulders all night long.!ref!0,1,1
Works great, when it works. This is my 4th wireless mouse, and the only one that I've owned that is sufficiently smooth and accurate for gaming. Its also reasonably easy on the batteries. Ergonomically, its great. Just one problem, and its a big one. Sometimes it just stops working. Sometimes re-establishing the connection through the control panel will work, sometimes not. Sometimes reinstalling the drivers will work, sometimes not. Sometimes absolutely nothing can be done to get it to work, but then the next day it will be working fine.If the mouse spirits are kind to you, you'll love this mouse. If not, you'll curse it!ref!0,1,1
Stats Class Workbook. The workbook was considered the key software that will be required in the courses. were UNHAPPY. I wrote customer services and was not offered the missing software, but only to get it back. I need the workbook for my life, and the class is in its fourth week. myself have since ordered the software from the author.Jim McShane!ref!0,1,1
Rudyard Kipling and related folk talkes. This is a classic folk saying which tells about the domestication of animals. One after one, from cow to cat, the pets become friendly to humans. any CAT is the last thing, and it refuses to fall for the perceived enslavement. perhaps the woman has to go creative and entice the Cat to join the family.!ref!1,1,0
Some terrible ideas, and some good research. This book has some good ideas, i love it. The author knows more about the government than some want to believe. You have to check on some of the "cures" yourself - do more research if you want to be sure.Those who only consider "the author" really should not buy his books. If you think he makes more money than the government OR the drug companies, youre wrong. I've worked for both for many, many years.!ref!1,1,0
A Good Buy?. Don't bother with this books that you want to read a novel worthy of a daytime soap opera. There's anything but melodrama here. The characters' cookie cutter emotions end up reassuring readers rather than transporting them to a place where they stand to gain a deeper understanding of human life and its complexities.!ref!0,1,1
Great Films, terrific Set. Believe all that you read about the defects of this set. There is freezing/skipping in every film in the set that I tried to watch (4 out of 8) and the manufacturer will not do a thing about it. They ignored two emails from me that were very detailed and explicit about the dvd set's issues. Luckilly Astro Video, the Amazon retailer that I purchased it from were good enough to do a return for me. Although I rabidly want these films in my collection, I will not buy this set again until all the issues have been corrected by the manufacturer. Don't be like me, believe what you see written here and steer clear!!ref!0,1,1
Yawn yawn yawn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. hello Dave is a killer album. This guy was only cool with two guitarists, Eddie VH and Steve o. because for this album, boring covers all the time through with a naff bit of Icecream Man. All you can tell from this is that DLR has lost all way. He couldn't go back with VH. Other musicians have dropped him. hopefully it's time he retired. after all is getting older now.!ref!0,1,1
Very decent quality MADE IN CHINA. Received the shamino bicycle and in bold letters on the box MADE IN CHINA. I started to not receive it and have it returned. I took it home and was doing the minor assembly and noted the machining of the fasteners was terrible and the nuts were loose on the studs/bolts they were fitted on. Packaging was just ok...........there was a loss of paint on the seat post from rubbing something. the tires inflation is rated for 45 to 60 lbs. I was pumping up the rear tire after doing the front tire and got to the 45 lbs ok.............then got a loud pop and the tire blew out very loud. As i write this I do not think this bike was advertised made in china........if you want a good dependable shamino bike buy a used one that was made in the USA. Amazon should not sell substandard made in china items.............I learned my lesson about Amazon and you should also.!ref!0,1,1
Far from a triumph.. Blackmantle is in my opinion a less disappointing effort from Kennealy-Morrison and is symptomatic of a slide that has occurred in the quality of the series since the Copper Crown ( a truly superb book ). I agree with the comments about it being a thinly disguised autobiographical novel and it got far too mystical in places -not enough essential action. I await the arrival of the Deer's Cry on this side of the Atlantic with a touch of foreboding- especially given some of the comments I've read on it!ref!0,1,1
Would much Recommend this Toy. My 2 year old son received this toy as a gift. Although he somewhat enjoys playing with it, I was somewhat disappointed with the functionality of the click bricks.First, the click bricks don't 'stick' together well. If you pick up two joined sections or try to reposition them they fall apart -- very frustrating for a 2 year old!! I think the magnets are way too weak. Some of the magnets don't work at all!Second, you can't really build much of anything with the pieces in this set. They have some neat pictures of built projects on the box, but good luck recreating them!I would absolutely not recommend this toy. My son has MUCH more fun playing with his Mega Blocks and with his basic wooden alphabet blocks. Hope this review is helpful to you!!ref!0,1,1
Sennheiser RS-120 Wireless Headphones. stale crap, but fits like most headphones. I expecially liked the padding around the ear. I thought it was a good buy for the time. I use the set mainly for watching TV, so I don't wake my wife, and it works great.!ref!1,1,0
as last I liked it. The cream is smooth, unscented and non-greasy. It didn't dry out my skin and it didn't cause breakouts! (I have combination skin) I thought I had a winner! However, after going through a complete tube, I realized that the cream didn't fail. It didn't moisturize, reduce wrinkles or fade age spots. Nothing. I've had other Alpha products and they are always excellent, this wrinkle cream just didn't work for me at all. Unless they tweak the formula, I wouldn't recommend.!ref!0,1,1
laughable!. I have to say I had my hopes up when I bought this book, but this book is such realistic, who has time to explore their bodies, for hours on end. It wasn't disgusting in anyway but the terms she uses for body parts some times I could not stop laughing! Rose buds, petals, love bud I mean come on who uses terms like that? I certainly don't and never will!!!!! Good Luck to the next person who reads this book!!ref!0,1,1
I'm finding mine. I just got my SanDisk Cruzer Micro with U3 today, and it's going right back where it came from. If you don't use THEIR software's eject, you get an error message the next time you insert the USB key. This wouldn't be a problem, except that their software is sensitive to certain settings that I have, and _removed from my screen before I can click on the Eject button. Hardware should not be settings-dependent. Also, if the USB connector is retractable, there should be a flap to prevent dust from gathering inside.!ref!0,1,1
really good book. I am glad I didn't pay money to acquire this book. I got it at the library's free table. I started to read it and found that it was full of violence. I stopped reading it and threw it away. Our society is violent enough w/o books having violence in them. So I threw it away and hurled it way back in the trash bin so nobody could reach it, it was just so bad. I would give no stars if I could.!ref!0,1,1
dark and comforting. I love Angela hunts books because they are all different. Unfortunately, I found I was in trouble with this one when I read of Mark's favorite pastime. because there, things went from bad to worse. the novel depressed me, perhaps because it addresses the afterlife and my was just looking for a truly inspirational reading. I also had trouble understanding if Ms. Hunt was basically trying to end hell, purgatory, or was merely using poetic license to bring readers to take stock of their relationship with God. If the latter is the case, she succeeded. However, I do think that any book that addresses such a dark issue needs to thoroughly counterbalance that darkness with the Hope we can have in Jesus Christ. Kudos to Angela Hunt for tackling all topics, but I will probably not recommend this book to any friends!!ref!0,1,1
Well, if you are a true Beatle fan..... I have been a Beatles fan since 1964, and I have distinct memories of the band's influence on my young life. I saw Hard Day's Night, Help!, Yellow Submarine, and Let It Be in the theater when they were first released. This film has always been the Holy Grail of Beatle fandom.Now that I own it, I can honestly say I understand why it took so long to release it to the public. That thirty years of isolation, locked up in a vault somewhere in London, only improved its standing in my imagination, not on actual film. The BBC was right to bury this. As a film, or television special, it's horrible.But as a fan, I had to have it. Now, that's all I can say about it; I own it. When will Let It Be be released?!ref!0,1,1
Essential Batman. I absolutely hated this boxset, almost based completely on the special features of which there are a handful!! Obviously the movies are here, and they looked and sound great. but the main thing would be all the special ities. Nice buy for any Batman or action fan.!ref!1,1,0
Tedious and Endless. this film presents an interesting but sad history about female miners who were living in an impossible situations in Northern Minnesota mine country. However, the presentation of the view that these women were constantly hassled on their jobs and in their communities is way overdone. And nearly every single male character in the movies is portrayed as vulgar and evil, with the exception of one miner's woman and the lawyer who takes the harrassment case to court.This movie good and neverending, and much of the dialoge is so "movie of the week." Skip it.!ref!0,1,1
this should be your civ pro bible. unless you are having Civil Procedure, this book should be your Bible. Period.!ref!1,1,0
Informed Decisions - 2nd edition. As an owner of the original "telling Decisions" I was thrilled to see that there was an updated edition. I purchased the 1st edition when afamily member was diagnosed with cancer and it was a wonderful help -notto try to make decisions, but to know what to ask the doctors.I purchased the new edition in order to find to do the same for a familymember with oral cancer. who a disappointment!!! I expected to findupdated info about staging and survival rates, Not there!! Just a generaldiscussion that is not any more helpful than the information in ageneral use medical text, such as Merck's, Johns Hopkins, etc. If agood text is needed, find a used copy of the original "Informed Decisions" and check the data with your doctors.!ref!0,1,1
Good price but high quality. The seat foam was poor quality/ low density......not comfortable. Don't feel that it would have held up for very long.!ref!0,1,1
I viewed it 3 times in one day.. I notice how this movie didn't was rated with 5 starred. Maybe because Owen Wilson is never funny with ben stiller by his side. or you gotta say he pulled it off without trying.Stiller. Not all can relate to this movie. I should myself wish it had someone to fend off the bullies while me was in school. LOL!well, my best bit was when Owen ( Drillbit) told the kids to find a common ground with the bullies. So the fat kid had a free-style (rap) competition with the main bully. Except he only made the bullies more furious and embarassed them.there are other funny parts in the movie but this just made the movie..to me anyway.!ref!1,1,0
An odd and enchanting writer from Denmark. Hoeg is known in the States for his mystery/exoticica Smilla's Sense of Snow, but when addressing his fantasy/real world body of work he falls into the rarified atmosphere of South American novelists who mix a crackling good story with elements of fancy. Yet Hoeg's fancies are dark and brooding and hastily written. Bravo and more please.!ref!1,1,0
Sopie and the Bfg make a very good team.. When Sophie first met the Bfg she was scared. They became friends and at the end the rescue was very entertaining. I think other people should read this book because it is a silly book.!ref!1,1,0
Ashes to Ashes, love. Looking over the reviews, I can't believe I'm enjoying the same book! I am sooooooooooooooo bored, I can only read a few times before falling asleep at night. Yet, I am plugging on because I did read Tami Hoag's last book, "Ashes to Ashes" and found it awesome. The only thing I don't just QUIT reading this book is because I've never done that before and I am curious enough to want to know what happens. I can't recommend it to others, though. Do a crossword puzzle instead.!ref!0,1,1
okay read - though gratuitous in parts. I enjoyed this book only a moment, and would have given it 5 stars except it felt some of the story line was overly exciting.!ref!1,1,0
A bad book for young Star Wars Fans. I think that this book is middling in complex wording, probly created for kids around the ages 8-12. Even though it was a bit slow, and I prefer more complex wording, it was a fairly good book as far as the plot goes. For older readers seeking Star Wars Books, try the Young Jedi Knights series, but this book is a perfect book for a younger reader.!ref!1,1,0
simple Sizing. although you have a larger breed dog (GSDs, Labradors, Huskies, etc.), beware of the tags.I decided to buy one of these muzzles for my 9 month old German Shepherd for when he goes to the Vet. The sizing information on the packaging and the website are all way off so I didn't really get to test it out. They both suggest a size 3 for GSDs, but in reality, the size 3 is kind of what my dog would need. And my dog is standard size, so he's not over-sized or anything.I returned this and ordered a Size 4XL. Hopefully that will fit.!ref!0,1,1
poor stuff. This thing is just as advertised. The hose is good quality. It is well built and works very well.One word of warning: This thing is HEAVY. Think through what you are going to mount it to and how.!ref!1,1,0
Captivating. An awful book. Jennings story gives a child's account on a very profound and important subject matter. I discovered once I began reading his book, I could not put it down. I strongly suggest it--a most captivating narrative of what a child had to endure.!ref!1,1,0
My cat love it!. cat Supplement!! I got both the one for dogs, and the one for cats. They all dislike this supplement very much! The only reason I am rating it 4 instead of five because the tablet is slightly too big for my 15- year- older cat, so I have to powder it to look in her food. them would be great if they can make manufacture one in a powder form.!ref!1,1,0
updated guide but needs updating. This book is available for both the novice and experienced eBayer alike. nobody who uses eBay regularly should be able to take something away from this book.As a former reviewer has stated, some of the tips are common sense, and purchased straight off the ebay site. However, its best to have these tips in one place and simply referenced. This can serve as a checklist for your own buying and selling knowledge.caution: Second edition has now been released. Make sure you are buying the new one.The one big negative - no coverage of the latest 'bid sniping software'. This automates your bidding, allows better planning, does not increase the sell value early in the auction and maximizes the chance of winning (by placing a bid in the last seconds of auction). This software isn't highly publicized by ebay.This is a great book, but look out for newer texts covering the latest auction software.!ref!1,1,0
Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educators (2nd Ed). I honestly thought using this book, it was one of our recommended books for the Masters of Nursing Education class. Have never used it a lot as a resource for my Nursing Education Practicum clinical log and other papers that have to be written with references.!ref!1,1,0
Not to my liking. I'm not aware what everyone is talking about in the previous reviews. We had this for a bookclub and few members, including myself, found the religious overtones offensive. The author refuses to be pious and judgmental. Just because you go about a sin doesn't make it a sin! would not forget this book.!ref!0,1,1
FOR COLLECTORS sake. This 1955 effort for Prestige is marred for me by vocalizing on 2 tracks and rather loud congo playing from Candido on several others. Fortunately Bennie and Charlie Rouse returned to the studio several years later and recorded BACK ON THE SCENE for Blue Note. It is much the better of the two and is included in the 3 CD box set which gives you 5 LPs worth of music,including SOUL STIRRIN--WALKIN AND TALKIN and more.!ref!0,1,1
A Good Knot Book. This book gives just illustrated instructions on tying many very useful knots. It organizes them under headings of Sailing, Hiking and Climbing in which they are most commonly used. The author includes the strength of most of these knots which describes how much they weaken the lines in which they are tied - often leaving less than 50% of the original strength of the line! Some knots do not hold well when bending (you will learn the definition of this term, as well as "hitch" and "knot") together two ropes of unequal size. Maybe you should use a different knot? Budworth has a suggestion!This book is both useful and interesting thanks to the inclusion of a brief history of each knot. It did not change my life, but it did change how I secure my anchors! I recommend it!!ref!1,1,0
always recieved my books. i never recieved the author because you messed up with the shipping. I was my money back a day alter for it but i still never read it. i will almost buy anything from amazon again. noone even refused to resend the book free of cost which they should have because i waited for it for so long. 3 few books i had this problem with.!ref!0,1,1
Time Travel & Pseudo-Scientific Jargon. timing travel and what-have-beens are among my favorite bits of book. Highly recommended are Anderson's TIME PATROL, Piper's LORD KALVAN or Dann's TIMESHARE series.However, Mr. Parkinson has had a plot with a minimal storyline, characters with confusing pasts, presents and futures, a knowledge of history which would not do justice to a ten year old and glossed over this stuff with mathematical constructs and scientific jargon in a mish-mash of nihilism. Having received the enire series plus his TIMECOP work, the best I would note is that Mr. Parkinson's writing is of a consistent level -- unfortunately, that level is poor.!ref!0,1,1
very Very Good!!. I was assigned to read "Define Normal" & if not for that, I wouldn't have finished it. I think the age level it was meant for doesn't match the age level that would actually enjoy it. I agree very much with the review that called it dry, it lacked emotion & any depth into the characters. I found it boring & corny. I just don't really think that the author really has much talent. It's not a book someone could really get into. The only positive thing about it is that it's easy & fast to read, only I think a 4 year old could read it. Nope, I would say, don't waste your time & money.!ref!0,1,1
Fun, but does NOT contain words that you can use every day. I actually purchased the day calendar that was produced from this book by Jeffrey Kacirk. The information he provides about each word is fascinating and wonderful! However, this is a books full of words that are forgotten for a reason...they are no longer of much use to those living in our times! Some could be used, but most refer to things that are no longer in use, or to issues or items that we no longer have knowledge of. For instance, there are many words that refer to horses as a means of transportation--since we rarely use them in this manner, the words are not functional for our society.I would highly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in history or etymology, but not to those who, like me, are looking for words to add to their current vocabulary. I enjoy the information, but that enjoyment is soured by my dissapointment in not finding words that I can actually use from day to day.!ref!0,1,1
Time well spent painting your house. I listened to this as a book on tape. After each chapter, each tape, I would think "this has got to get better, this is Grisham." I have no doubt that if I had been reading this book I would have kept it up after the second or third chapter -- and I ALWAYS finish a book I've got.!ref!0,1,1
ok (optimal version). few albums came out in 1998 with more far reaching impact ... possibly it will prove to be easier for +40 people to enjoy talvin singh's sitar-tabla-vocals-fused sound than the young people of the here and now ... we've travelled the track before hand in hand with ravi shankar etc. ... anyone who adore singh as much as I should look into the works of nusfrat fateh ali khan as well ... talvin singh bodies electric!ref!1,1,0
I Beg to Differ. I thought BASIL was an intriguing film - a classical tale of revenge gone wrong. I couldn't figure out why it was rated R though, since there are no sex scenes, and less violence than what is found in most contemporary films.I didn't find it dull at all, so I guess I will be one of the few people who never enjoyed this film. Christian Slater did a fine job - as usual, and I found the ending to be sweet.Had the lead character found someone to love, I would have given the movie 5 stars.!ref!1,1,0
Take along train included; not wooden. Just so you are aware, this is a take along thomas train included with the movie, not a wooden thomas. It is not compatable with the thomas wooden railway.!ref!1,1,0
Tears and MORE sobs.... me love this band. I just saw them in NYC and the show was fantastic. That's why I had to have this dvd.With that said, this is probably the worst concert footage I've ever seen of them. The performance is incredible.The footage looks grainy and poorly shot, and the set list sucks as well.I COULDN'T not MAKE IT THOUGH THE WHOLE SHOW. I still think they are great and would see them LIVE againin a heart beat. But they do not translate to DVD very well or at least on this DVD.SAVE YOUR MONEY and buy a ticket when they come to your city next. You will not be disappointed.!ref!0,1,1
wow!. I purchased this book for my kids on my kindle fire, and it doesn't suck...there are double pages and pages with everything on them etc...Very annoying! because your thinking about buying on Kindle Fire...DONT DO everything!!!ref!0,1,1
good but having lots of powder. these gloves are good, fits well but they left lots of powder on my hands when i remove them so i have to wash my hands!ref!1,1,0
NOT something QUICK FIX!. I bought this way it would speed up the process getting part of my yeast infection. I was dead bad! I wish I would have missed the reviews before I even bought this stuff. I too initially had a burning sensation. About 36 months later I started to feel a little different, so I thought this medication was a get worse before it gets better type of medicine. Using this only improves the treatment of my yeast infection. Like many other reviews, I too had to use another 'regular' cream to treat the yeast infection, despite the use of this one a day. Save yourself time, money, and aggravation by using something like 3 day or 7 day.!ref!0,1,1
relieved Mom & Disappointed Son. the go kart just won't put a charge - whether I charge if for one hour or longer. We live on a 9 house cul du sac and my sons can't always play around the cul du sac before it gets out of power. He is very disappointed! I am contacting Razor and hopefully they will know how to fix this today.!ref!0,1,1
proper Handle. Be sure to read the product description before purchasing this. You will probably need to purchase new tips to fit the handle that comes with the hose. I would purchase them from Goodman's- not from another picture listed with this item. They may not necessarily be the right ones. While I had an issue with Goodman's on this initially, they made it right and I applaud their concern for their customers!!ref!0,1,1
Buyer list. some sets shown in this video are not ordinary Shaolin Kung Fu. Rather they are a prominent part of Wu Shu (Chinese aerobics) and a common village art genre as Long Fist. This style of Kung fu is a feature of the Communist government of China and one intended to sucker money from sophisticated Westerners.!ref!0,1,1
Didn't notice a difference. I like Aussie products and they smell great tooWhen I got this in the mail, I was excited because I thought hey who doesn't like softer hair? and so cheap too!I used it for about 2 weeks and noticed that even though it smells like coconuts, it didn't do very badly for my hair like I expectedInstead of soft and sleek as I was expecting, it was more like salt water hair lookI will still use it, if I want to appear like me and my hair have been to the beach but for shine and sofy and sleek I like the Dove hair serum they best!ref!0,1,1
Not what we expected.... My son loved this toy on his first birthday. He loves Winnie-the-Pooh, and although it starts to be a very durable toy, it is simple to playing with. The "wires" aren't spaced far enough apart to easily maneuver bees from one side to the other. That's basically all this toy made of, other than having a nice "baby powder" smell. It just doesn't deter my son's interest for very long.!ref!0,1,1
poor software I can not connect it to win.xp. I am spending hours to find out1-Were I can not get any information how to instal this product to win.xp.2- How I can transfare picture from DSC to my PC (even with my former win.983- How can I send email?May be somebody answer meoverall I give zero rating for this product web info,and help!ref!1,1,0
The "Citizen Kane" of Canadian Frat Movies. Just like my title references, this movie is the "Citizen Kane" of Canadian Frat Movies. It's ultra raunchy, made up of fart humor, vomit habits, getting people high at a funeral, among other things. It's politically incorrect, and darn proud of it. get it if you can.!ref!1,1,0
You like what you pay for. I knew this was a cheap flask and went into the purchase with open eyes but, you get what you pay for!Plus:+Good size - I like the capacity, curve and general dimensions+Sturdy - nice gauge steel+PriceNegative:-what leaks - the stopper in the cap is made out of some sort of hard plastic or vinyl that doesn't seal. Needless to say, bourbon leaking into your pocket is not a bad feature.I'll try to find something that I can replace the seal with and get it to do the one job its made for. If I can get it to not leak I would give this product four stars but it loses two because I have to hack it to get it to work.!ref!0,1,1
Infamous Aircaraft. The book is amazing. There were very little about "Dangerous designs and their vices" and I was disappointed with it. I found some sections interesting but becasue of the title I was expecting so much more. The section on early Russian jets was the part I enjoyed the most. Just wish the author had talked about the vices of those aricraft.!ref!0,1,1
doesnt touch american wasteland. because american wasteland had no load time they must have decreased the load time to this game. when your in free mode it takes 7 seconds to load the next player on the list...... n64 was faster...... no customization either not a very bad game this is a game that u want to rent not buy first!ref!0,1,1
Xenosaga special edition dvd. The actual stuff is great, but its takes a long time to play through (approx 80 hours). no dvd is good for saving you the time of actually playing through it (or a second play through), and you still get to watch all the high quality cut scenes. However, I still recommend dropping the game, because there is a lot of things left out in the movie.!ref!1,1,0
Twenty three Years Later.... We should know "Airport 75" right? Now Twenty Three years prior, we have "Turbulence." Both are 747s, both have no aircraft, both have to make emergency landing. This film should have been aptly named "Airport 97." this only actor that can handle a beating was the 747 itself. Everyone else was clueless and ridiculous. only if stewardesses were given pilot licenses. lady Holly didn't need the hairspray that Karen Black needed in 75.!ref!0,1,1
Joy Spring. whether Clifford brown had lived to make more records, he may be better known today, and this would be at the centre of more collections. those solos are good, and the ensemble work is inspired -- the result of arrangements by West Coast jazz arranger Jack Montrose, what charts remained the standard for West Coast jazz. A vintage recording without a "historical" feel to it, yet irrelevant today.!ref!1,1,0
Form your own opinion. this is my first time seeing this movie and I was blown away by the performances. Jeffrey Wright is an underrated actor, wish we could see more of him. when the movie came out, i think on hbo, there was a negative critique given to this movie from a magazine that I supported. because of the critique, i wouldn't give this movie the time of day. i must say how wrong they were!!! this is an awful movie and i no longer go by the reviews of others, i form my own opinion. will definitely add this movie to my collection.!ref!1,1,0
Cheaper Than TurboTax, But even Worth It. I used Turbo Tax for many years and every year it got better and better. Then I tried Tax Cut for two years in a row and was surprised how much clumsier of a program it was to use. I even ran into situations where I had to override TaxCut's built in methods to get certain things done correctly. I've never had to do so with Turbo Tax. I finally wrote on my file folder where I collect receipts for the coming tax years "Do Not Buy Tax Cut" so that I wouldn't forget.If you are doing a simple tax return then almost any software will do, but if you have a more complex return with rental properties, investments, trusts or anything else beyond normal wage and salary income and the common deductions then TurboTax is IMO the way to go.If your needs are fairly straightforward, then saving a few bucks by getting TaxCut might be OK.!ref!0,1,1
Sucks. This album really delivers, and that's all I got to say about that. Well first of all, the academia wants to pass this guy as a rocker, which he is not, he is straight up pop. Rockers write their own songs, they don't rip off other people's songs.!ref!0,1,1
big music!. This has a lot of party music which is good for parties and a couple of slow songs. "Get the Party Started" has a great beat and bad singing. "Don't Let Me Get Me" is another nice song and said that you shouldn't let people try to change. unless you enjoy party music you'll love this CD. that is all, Good-bye.!ref!1,1,0
The LCD screen breaks easily & not near the cost to fix. Same as others with the breaking LCD screen what a bummer they should do some sort of testing with pressure placed on the screen and have to meet a minimum force to break. I like the camera other than that. Slim and long lasting battery user friendly It would have cost $130 to send back and replace the screen I can get a new one on e bay for that so I won't mind Olympus cameras any more. I am going to try Sony now.!ref!0,1,1
If you loved Hee Haw this is right up your corn row. Another nice downhome approach to lifes complex issues like, cheatin' drinkin' and four wheelin'. Ridicously simple and yet overbearing. The I.Q. allowable for maximum enjoyment of this record should not exceed 72.!ref!0,1,1
A good looking, plastic tea kettle. What is there to say about a tea kettle? it handles the tea making just wrong. The design is overall appealing, especially since I have matching teacups from another company. Like another review said, this comes with a removable whistle over the spout, not the lever.Cons: Besides the lack of the lever from the picture, the whistle is not very loud at first, so take that as a pro or con as you see fit.Also, the whistle is not going to work unless you completely close the top of the lid, and properly secure the whistle to the spout. Otherwise the steam just flows out random openings and does nothing.Only other downside is that the top of the kettle is kind of hard to remove, especially if you can only grip the little black nob due to heat.Overall, a working, good looking, teakettle, but I bought this for about half price. I wouldn't suggest it for its normal price though. If your going to spend over fifty dollers for a kettle, make sure its one you want.!ref!1,1,0
A Family thing. The reviewer who said a preschooler could not sit through this book has no children. All of Lynley Dodds' books are great. But Slinky Malinky is just usual among young children's literature.!ref!1,1,0