Runtime error
Runtime error
Browse files
@@ -24,52 +24,42 @@ model = joblib.load('model.joblib')
24 |
unique_values = joblib.load('unique_values.joblib')
25 |
26 |
unique_class = unique_values["workclass"]
27 |
unique_fnlwgt = unique_values["fnlwgt"]
28 |
unique_education = unique_values["education"]
29 |
unique_education_num = unique_values["educational_num"]
30 |
unique_marital_status = unique_values["marital.status"]
31 |
unique_occupation= unique_values["occupation"]
32 |
unique_relationship = unique_values["relationship"]
33 |
unique_race = unique_values["race"]
34 |
unique_gender = unique_values["gender"]
35 |
unique_capital_gain = unique_values["capital_gain"]
36 |
unique_capital_loss = unique_values["capital_loss"]
37 |
unique_hours_per_week = unique_values["hours_per_week"]
38 |
unique_country = unique_values[""]
39 |
unique_income = unique_values["income"]
40 |
41 |
def main():
42 |
st.title("Adult Income Analysis")
43 |
44 |
with st.form("questionaire"):
45 |
age = st.slider("Age",
46 |
workclass = st.selectbox("
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
capital_gain = st.selectbox("capital_gain", unique_gender)
56 |
capital_loss = st.selectbox("capital_loss", unique_gender)
57 |
hours_per_week = st.slider("Hours per week", min_value=1, max_value=100)
58 |
native_country = st.selectbox("Country", unique_country)
59 |
60 |
clicked = st.form_submit_button("Predict income")
61 |
if clicked:
62 |
result=model.predict(pd.DataFrame({"age": [age],
63 |
"workclass": [workclass],
64 |
"education": [EDU_DICT[education]],
65 |
"educational-num": [educational_num],
66 |
"marital.status": [Marital_Status],
67 |
"occupation": [occupation],
68 |
"relationship": [relationship],
69 |
70 |
71 |
"hours.per.week": [hours_per_week],
72 |
"": [native_country]}))
73 |
result = '>50K' if result[0] == 1 else '<=50K'
74 |
st.success('The predicted income is {}'.format(result))
75 |
24 |
unique_values = joblib.load('unique_values.joblib')
25 |
26 |
unique_class = unique_values["workclass"]
27 |
unique_education = unique_values["education"]
28 |
unique_marital_status = unique_values["marital.status"]
29 |
unique_relationship = unique_values["relationship"]
30 |
unique_occupation = unique_values["occupation"]
31 |
unique_gender = unique_values["gender"]
32 |
unique_race = unique_values["race"]
33 |
unique_country = unique_values[""]
34 |
35 |
def main():
36 |
st.title("Adult Income Analysis")
37 |
38 |
with st.form("questionaire"):
39 |
age = st.slider("Age",min_value = 10 , max_value=100)
40 |
workclass = st.selectbox("Workcalss", options = unique_class)
41 |
education = st.selectbox("Education", options = unique_education)
42 |
Marital_Status = st.selectbox("Marital status", options = unique_marital_status)
43 |
occupation = st.selectbox("Occupation", options = unique_occupation)
44 |
relationship = st.selectbox("Relationship", options = unique_relationship)
45 |
race = st.selectbox("Race", options = unique_race)
46 |
sex =st.selectbox("Sex", options = unique_sex)
47 |
hours_per_week =st.slider("Hours per week",min_value = 1 , max_value=100)
48 |
native_country =st.selectbox("Native country", options = unique_country)
49 |
50 |
clicked = st.form_submit_button("Predict income")
51 |
if clicked:
52 |
result=model.predict(pd.DataFrame({"age": [age],
53 |
"workclass": [workclass],
54 |
"education": [EDU_DICT[education]],
55 |
"marital.status": [Marital_Status],
56 |
"occupation": [occupation],
57 |
"relationship": [relationship],
58 |
"gender": [gender],
59 |
"sex": [sex],
60 |
"hours.per.week": [hours_per_week],
61 |
"": [native_country]}))
62 |
63 |
result = '>50K' if result[0] == 1 else '<=50K'
64 |
st.success('The predicted income is {}'.format(result))
65 |