TAPA / scripts /convert_checkpoint.py
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import gc
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
Sample usage:
python -m scripts.convert_checkpoint -h
python -m scripts.convert_checkpoint converted
def convert_state_dict(state_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float32) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
converted = {}
converted["transformer.wte.weight"] = state_dict["tok_embeddings.weight"].to(dtype)
converted["lm_head.weight"] = state_dict["output.weight"].to(dtype)
converted["transformer.ln_f.scale"] = state_dict["norm.weight"].to(dtype)
for layer_idx in sorted(set([k.split(".")[1] for k in state_dict if k.startswith("layers")])):
# attention
# the wq, wk, wv from the FB model are stacked in our model as c_attn
converted[f"transformer.h.{layer_idx}.attn.c_attn.weight"] = torch.cat(
converted[f"transformer.h.{layer_idx}.attn.c_proj.weight"] = state_dict[
# mlp
converted[f"transformer.h.{layer_idx}.mlp.c_fc1.weight"] = state_dict[
converted[f"transformer.h.{layer_idx}.mlp.c_proj.weight"] = state_dict[
converted[f"transformer.h.{layer_idx}.mlp.c_fc2.weight"] = state_dict[
# rms norm
converted[f"transformer.h.{layer_idx}.rms_1.scale"] = state_dict[f"layers.{layer_idx}.attention_norm.weight"].to(dtype)
converted[f"transformer.h.{layer_idx}.rms_2.scale"] = state_dict[f"layers.{layer_idx}.ffn_norm.weight"].to(dtype)
return converted
shard_dims = {
"lm_head.weight": 0,
"wte.weight": 1,
"attn.c_attn.weight": 0,
"attn.c_proj.weight": 1,
"mlp.c_fc1.weight": 0,
"mlp.c_fc2.weight": 0,
"mlp.c_proj.weight": 1
def meta_weights_for_nano_model(
output_dir: Path = Path("checkpoints/lit-llama"),
checkpoint_dir: Path = Path("checkpoints/llama/"),
model_size: str = "7B",
dtype: str = "float32",
) -> None:
output_dir = output_dir / model_size
checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir / model_size
output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# the tokenizer is the same for all model sizes, so we store it in the parent dir
shutil.copy(checkpoint_dir.parent / "tokenizer.model", output_dir.parent)
dt = getattr(torch, dtype, None)
if not isinstance(dt, torch.dtype):
raise ValueError(f"{dtype} is not a valid dtype.")
dtype = dt
checkpoint_files = sorted(checkpoint_dir.glob("*.pth"))
n_checkpoints = len(checkpoint_files)
if n_checkpoints == 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"No checkpoints were found at checkpoint_dir {checkpoint_dir}. `consolidated.0*.pth` files expected at that location.")
# for the bigger models, there are multiple model-parallel checkpoints
# and we combine them into one single file
combined = None
for file in tqdm(checkpoint_files, total=n_checkpoints):
checkpoint = torch.load(file, map_location="cpu")
converted = convert_state_dict(checkpoint, dtype=dtype)
if combined is None:
combined = converted
for name, param in converted.items():
dim = None
for k, d in shard_dims.items():
if k in name:
dim = d
if dim is None:
# Extra check: assert that tensors are the same if not sharded
# assert torch.allclose(combined[name], param)
combined[name] = torch.cat((combined[name], param), dim=dim)
del checkpoint
del converted
for name, param in combined.items():
if "c_attn" not in name:
# Turn [Q1, K1, V1, Q2, K2, V2, ...] into [Q1, Q2, ..., K1, K2, .., V1, V2, ...]
src_chunk_len = param.shape[0] // n_checkpoints
mat_len = src_chunk_len // 3
dst_chunk_len = mat_len * n_checkpoints
attn = torch.clone(param)
for i in range(n_checkpoints):
for j in range(3):
param[j * dst_chunk_len + i * mat_len: j * dst_chunk_len + (i+1) * mat_len] = \
attn[i * src_chunk_len + j * mat_len: i * src_chunk_len + (j+1) * mat_len]
del attn
torch.save(combined, output_dir / "lit-llama.pth")
if __name__ == "__main__":
from jsonargparse import CLI