import streamlit as st | |
from PIL import Image | |
from transformers import pipeline | |
import pandas as pd | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import seaborn as sns | |
import xlsxwriter | |
import io | |
# Initialize session state for results, image names, and image sizes if not already present | |
if 'results' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state['results'] = [] | |
if 'image_names' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state['image_names'] = [] | |
if 'image_sizes' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state['image_sizes'] = [] | |
# Disable PyplotGlobalUseWarning | |
st.set_option('deprecation.showPyplotGlobalUse', False) | |
# Create an image classification pipeline with scores | |
pipe = pipeline("image-classification", model="trpakov/vit-face-expression", top_k=None) | |
# Streamlit app | |
st.title("Emotion Recognition with vit-face-expression") | |
# Upload images | |
uploaded_images = st.file_uploader("Upload images", type=["jpg", "png"], accept_multiple_files=True) | |
# Display thumbnail images alongside file names and sizes in the sidebar | |
selected_images = [] | |
if uploaded_images: | |
# Reset the image names and sizes lists each time new images are uploaded | |
st.session_state['image_names'] = [ for img in uploaded_images] | |
st.session_state['image_sizes'] = [round(img.size / 1024.0, 1) for img in uploaded_images] | |
# Add a "Select All" checkbox in the sidebar | |
select_all = st.sidebar.checkbox("Select All", False) | |
for idx, img in enumerate(uploaded_images): | |
image = | |
checkbox_key = f"{}_checkbox_{idx}" # Unique key for each checkbox | |
# Display thumbnail image and checkbox in sidebar | |
st.sidebar.image(image, caption=f"{} {img.size / 1024.0:.1f} KB", width=40) | |
selected = st.sidebar.checkbox(f"Select {}", value=select_all, key=checkbox_key) | |
if selected: | |
selected_images.append(image) | |
if st.button("Predict Emotions") and selected_images: | |
# Predict emotion for each selected image using the pipeline | |
st.session_state['results'] = [pipe(image) for image in selected_images] | |
# Initialize an empty DataFrame outside of the button press condition | |
df_emotions = pd.DataFrame() | |
# Generate DataFrame from results | |
if st.button("Generate HeatMap & DataFrame"): | |
# Access the results, image names, and sizes from the session state | |
results = st.session_state['results'] | |
image_names = st.session_state['image_names'] | |
image_sizes = st.session_state['image_sizes'] | |
if results: | |
# Initialize an empty list to store all the data | |
data = [] | |
# Iterate over the results and populate the list with dictionaries | |
for i, result_set in enumerate(results): | |
# Initialize a dictionary for the current set with zeros | |
current_data = { | |
'Happy': 0, | |
'Surprise': 0, | |
'Neutral': 0, | |
'Sad': 0, | |
'Disgust': 0, | |
'Angry': 0, | |
'Fear': 0, | |
'Image Name': image_names[i], | |
'Image Size (KB)': f"{image_sizes[i]:.1f}" # Format the size to one decimal place | |
} | |
for result in result_set: | |
# Capitalize the label and update the score in the current set | |
emotion = result['label'].capitalize() | |
score = round(result['score'], 4) # Round the score to 4 decimal places | |
current_data[emotion] = score | |
# Append the current data to the data list | |
data.append(current_data) | |
# Convert the list of dictionaries into a pandas DataFrame | |
df_emotions = pd.DataFrame(data) | |
# Add a placeholder for the 'Image View' column | |
df_emotions['Image View'] = [''] * len(df_emotions) | |
# Add a sequence of numbers for the 'Image Num' column | |
df_emotions['Image Num'] = list(range(len(df_emotions))) | |
# Display the DataFrame | |
st.write(df_emotions) | |
# Plotting the heatmap for the first seven columns | |
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) | |
sns.heatmap(df_emotions.iloc[:, :7], annot=True, fmt=".1f", cmap='viridis') | |
plt.title('Heatmap of Emotion Scores') | |
plt.xlabel('Emotion Categories') | |
plt.ylabel('Data Points') | |
st.pyplot(plt) | |
# Save the DataFrame to a CSV file without the 'Image View' and 'Image Num' columns | |
df_emotions.drop(columns=['Image View', 'Image Num']).to_csv('emotion_scores.csv', index=False) | |
st.success('DataFrame generated and saved as emotion_scores.csv') | |
with open('emotion_scores.csv', 'r') as f: | |
csv_file = | |
st.download_button( | |
label='Download Emotion Scores as CSV', | |
data=csv_file, | |
file_name='emotion_scores.csv', | |
mime='text/csv', | |
) | |
# Create a BytesIO buffer for the Excel file | |
output = io.BytesIO() | |
# Create a new Excel writer object using the buffer as the file | |
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine='xlsxwriter') | |
df_emotions.to_excel(writer, index=False, header=True) | |
# Access the xlsxwriter workbook and worksheet objects | |
workbook = | |
worksheet = writer.sheets['Sheet1'] | |
# Set the column width and row height | |
worksheet.set_column('A:G', 8) # Set width for columns A-G | |
worksheet.set_column('H:H', 22) # Set width for column H (Image Name) | |
worksheet.set_column('I:I', 14) # Set width for column I (Image Size) | |
worksheet.set_column('J:J', 12) # Set width for column J (Image View) | |
worksheet.set_column('K:K', 12) # Set width for column K (Image Num) | |
for row_num in range(len(df_emotions) + 1): # +1 to include the header row | |
worksheet.set_row(row_num, 52) # Set the row height to 38 | |
# Iterate over the images and insert them into the 'Image View' column | |
for idx, image in enumerate(selected_images): | |
# Convert the image to a format that can be inserted into Excel | |
image_stream = io.BytesIO() | |, format='JPEG') #, format='JPEG') # Save the image as JPEG; or PNG | | | |
# Calculate the scaling factor to fit the image inside the cell | |
cell_width = 64 | |
scale_factor = cell_width / image.width | |
# Insert the image into the cell | |
worksheet.insert_image(f'J{idx + 2}', 'image.jpg', { #or image.png | |
'image_data': image_stream, | |
'x_scale': scale_factor, | |
'y_scale': scale_factor, | |
'x_offset': 2, | |
'y_offset': 2, | |
'positioning': 1 | |
}) | |
# Close the writer object | |
writer.close() | |
# Rewind the buffer | | | |
# Use Streamlit's download button to offer the Excel file for download | |
st.download_button( | |
label='Download Emotion Scores as Excel', | |
data=output, | |
file_name='emotion_scores.xlsx', | |
mime='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', | |
) | |