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two separate diffusion models for human+object, with cross attention to communicate between them
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch import Tensor
from typing import Optional, Tuple
import math
from model.pvcnn.modules import Attention, PVConv, BallQueryHO
from model.pvcnn.pvcnn_utils import create_mlp_components, create_pointnet2_sa_components, create_pointnet2_fp_modules
from model.pvcnn.pvcnn_utils import get_timestep_embedding
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .pos_enc import get_embedder
def _scaled_dot_product_attention(
q: Tensor,
k: Tensor,
v: Tensor,
attn_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
dropout_p: float = 0.0,
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
Computes scaled dot product attention on query, key and value tensors, using
an optional attention mask if passed, and applying dropout if a probability
greater than 0.0 is specified.
Returns a tensor pair containing attended values and attention weights.
q, k, v: query, key and value tensors. See Shape section for shape details.
attn_mask: optional tensor containing mask values to be added to calculated
attention. May be 2D or 3D; see Shape section for details.
dropout_p: dropout probability. If greater than 0.0, dropout is applied.
- q: :math:`(B, Nt, E)` where B is batch size, Nt is the target sequence length,
and E is embedding dimension.
- key: :math:`(B, Ns, E)` where B is batch size, Ns is the source sequence length,
and E is embedding dimension.
- value: :math:`(B, Ns, E)` where B is batch size, Ns is the source sequence length,
and E is embedding dimension.
- attn_mask: either a 3D tensor of shape :math:`(B, Nt, Ns)` or a 2D tensor of
shape :math:`(Nt, Ns)`.
- Output: attention values have shape :math:`(B, Nt, E)`; attention weights
have shape :math:`(B, Nt, Ns)`
B, Nt, E = q.shape
q = q / math.sqrt(E)
# (B, Nt, E) x (B, E, Ns) -> (B, Nt, Ns)
if attn_mask is not None:
attn = torch.baddbmm(attn_mask, q, k.transpose(-2, -1))
attn = torch.bmm(q, k.transpose(-2, -1))
attn = F.softmax(attn, dim=-1)
if dropout_p > 0.0:
attn = F.dropout(attn, p=dropout_p) # this is only for training?
# (B, Nt, Ns) x (B, Ns, E) -> (B, Nt, E)
output = torch.bmm(attn, v)
return output, attn
class PVCNN2HumObj(nn.Module):
sa_blocks = [
# (out_channel, num_blocks, voxel_reso), (num_centers, radius, num_neighbors, out_channels)
((32, 2, 32), (1024, 0.1, 32, (32, 64))),
((64, 3, 16), (256, 0.2, 32, (64, 128))),
((128, 3, 8), (64, 0.4, 32, (128, 256))),
(None, (16, 0.8, 32, (256, 256, 512))),
fp_blocks = [
# (out, in_channels), (out_channels, num_blocks, voxel_resolution)
((256, 256), (256, 3, 8)),
((256, 256), (256, 3, 8)),
((256, 128), (128, 2, 16)),
((128, 128, 64), (64, 2, 32)),
def __init__(
num_classes: int,
embed_dim: int,
use_att: bool = True,
dropout: float = 0.1,
extra_feature_channels: int = 3,
width_multiplier: int = 1,
voxel_resolution_multiplier: int = 1,
attn_type: str = 'simple-cross', #
attn_weight: float=1.0, # attention feature weight
multires: int = 10, # positional encoding resolution
num_neighbours: int = 32 # ball query neighbours
super(PVCNN2HumObj, self).__init__()
assert extra_feature_channels >= 0
self.embed_dim = embed_dim
self.dropout = dropout
self.width_multiplier = width_multiplier
self.num_neighbours = num_neighbours
self.in_channels = extra_feature_channels + 3
self.attn_type = attn_type # how to compute attention
self.attn_weight = attn_weight
# separate human/object model
classifier, embedf, fp_layers, global_att, sa_layers = self.make_modules(dropout, embed_dim,
extra_feature_channels, num_classes,
use_att, voxel_resolution_multiplier,
self.sa_layers_hum = sa_layers
self.global_att_hum = global_att
self.fp_layers_hum = fp_layers
self.classifier_hum = classifier
self.embedf_hum = embedf
self.posi_encoder, _ = get_embedder(multires)
classifier, embedf, fp_layers, global_att, sa_layers = self.make_modules(dropout, embed_dim,
extra_feature_channels, num_classes,
use_att, voxel_resolution_multiplier,
self.sa_layers_obj = sa_layers
self.global_att_obj = global_att
self.fp_layers_obj = fp_layers
self.classifier_obj = classifier
self.embedf_obj = embedf
assert self.attn_type == 'coord3d+posenc-learnable', f'unknown attention type {self.attn_type}'
def make_modules(self, dropout, embed_dim, extra_feature_channels, num_classes, use_att,
voxel_resolution_multiplier, width_multiplier):
make module for human/object
:param dropout:
:param embed_dim:
:param extra_feature_channels:
:param num_classes:
:param use_att:
:param voxel_resolution_multiplier:
:param width_multiplier:
in_ch_multiplier = 1
extra_in_channel = 63 # the segmentation+positional feature is projected to dim 63
# Create PointNet-2 model
sa_layers, sa_in_channels, channels_sa_features, _ = create_pointnet2_sa_components(
sa_layers = nn.ModuleList(sa_layers)
# Additional global attention module, default true
if self.attn_type == 'coord3d+posenc+rgb':
# reduce channel number, only for the global attention layer, the decoders remain unchanged
global_att = None if not use_att else Attention(channels_sa_features//2, 8, D=1)
global_att = None if not use_att else Attention(channels_sa_features, 8, D=1)
# Only use extra features in the last fp module
sa_in_channels[0] = extra_feature_channels
fp_layers, channels_fp_features = create_pointnet2_fp_modules(
fp_layers = nn.ModuleList(fp_layers)
# Create MLP layers for output prediction
layers, _ = create_mlp_components(
out_channels=[128, dropout, num_classes], # was 0.5
classifier = nn.Sequential(*layers) # applied to point features directly
# Time embedding function
embedf = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim),
nn.LeakyReLU(0.1, inplace=True),
nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim),
return classifier, embedf, fp_layers, global_att, sa_layers
def make_coord_attn(self):
"learnable attention only on point coordinate + positional encoding "
pvconv_encoders = []
for i, (conv_configs, sa_configs) in enumerate(self.sa_blocks):
# should use point net out channel
out_channel = 63
layer = nn.MultiheadAttention(out_channel, 1, batch_first=True, kdim=out_channel, vdim=out_channel+2)
pvconv_encoders.append(layer) # only one block for conv
pvconv_decoders = []
for fp_configs, conv_configs in self.fp_blocks:
out_channel = 63
layer = nn.MultiheadAttention(out_channel, 1, batch_first=True, kdim=out_channel, vdim=out_channel + 2)
self.cross_conv_encoders = nn.ModuleList(pvconv_encoders)
self.cross_conv_decoders = nn.ModuleList(pvconv_decoders)
def forward(self, inputs_hum: torch.Tensor, inputs_obj: torch.Tensor, t: torch.Tensor, norm_params=None):
:param inputs: (B, N, D), N is the number of points, D is the conditional feature dimension
:param t: (B, ) timestamps
:param norm_params: (2, B, 4), transformation parameters that move points back to H+O joint space, first 3 values are cent, the last is radius/scale
:return: (B, N, D_out) x2
inputs_hum = inputs_hum.transpose(1, 2)
inputs_obj = inputs_obj.transpose(1, 2)
# Embed timesteps, sinusoidal encoding
t_emb_init = get_timestep_embedding(self.embed_dim, t, inputs_hum.device).float()
t_emb_hum = self.embedf_hum(t_emb_init)[:, :, None].expand(-1, -1, inputs_hum.shape[-1]).float()
t_emb_obj = self.embedf_obj(t_emb_init)[:, :, None].expand(-1, -1, inputs_obj.shape[-1]).float()
# Separate input coordinates and features
coords_hum, coords_obj = inputs_hum[:, :3, :].contiguous(), inputs_obj[:, :3, :].contiguous() # (B, 3, N) range (-3.5, 3.5)
features_hum, features_obj = inputs_hum, inputs_obj # (B, 3 + S, N)
DEBUG = False
# Encoder: Downscaling layers
coords_list_hum, coords_list_obj = [], []
in_features_list_hum, in_features_list_obj = [], []
for i, (sa_blocks_h, sa_blocks_o) in enumerate(zip(self.sa_layers_hum, self.sa_layers_obj)):
if i == 0:
# First step no timestamp embedding
features_hum, coords_hum, t_emb_hum = sa_blocks_h((features_hum, coords_hum, t_emb_hum))
features_obj, coords_obj, t_emb_obj = sa_blocks_o((features_obj, coords_obj, t_emb_obj))
features_hum, coords_hum, t_emb_hum = sa_blocks_h((torch.cat([features_hum, t_emb_hum], dim=1), coords_hum, t_emb_hum))
features_obj, coords_obj, t_emb_obj = sa_blocks_o((torch.cat([features_obj, t_emb_obj], dim=1), coords_obj, t_emb_obj))
if i < len(self.sa_layers_hum)-1:
features_hum, features_obj = self.add_attn_feature(features_hum, features_obj,
self.transform_coords(coords_hum, norm_params, 0),
self.transform_coords(coords_obj, norm_params, 1),
# for debug: save some point clouds
for i, (ch, co) in enumerate(zip(coords_list_hum, coords_list_obj)):
import trimesh
ch_ho = self.transform_coords(ch, norm_params, 0)
co_ho = self.transform_coords(co, norm_params, 1)
points = torch.cat([ch_ho, co_ho], -1).transpose(1, 2)
L = ch_ho.shape[-1]
vc = np.concatenate(
[np.zeros((L, 3)) + np.array([0.5, 1.0, 0]),
np.zeros((L, 3)) + np.array([0.05, 1.0, 1.0])]
trimesh.PointCloud(points[0].cpu().numpy(), colors=vc).export(
# Replace the input features
in_features_list_hum[0] = inputs_hum[:, 3:, :].contiguous()
in_features_list_obj[0] = inputs_obj[:, 3:, :].contiguous()
# Apply global attention layer
if self.global_att_hum is not None:
features_hum = self.global_att_hum(features_hum)
if self.global_att_obj is not None:
features_obj = self.global_att_obj(features_obj)
# Do cross attention after self-attention
if self.attn_type in ['coord3d+posenc-learnable']:
features_hum, features_obj = self.add_attn_feature(features_hum, features_obj,
self.transform_coords(coords_hum, norm_params, 0),
self.transform_coords(coords_obj, norm_params, 1),
self.cross_conv_encoders[-1] if self.attn_type in [
'coord3d+posenc-learnable'] else None,
# Upscaling layers
for fp_idx, (fp_blocks_h, fp_blocks_o) in enumerate(zip(self.fp_layers_hum, self.fp_layers_obj)):
features_hum, coords_hum, t_emb_hum = fp_blocks_h(
( # this is a tuple because of nn.Sequential
coords_list_hum[-1 - fp_idx], # reverse coords list from above
coords_hum, # original point coordinates
torch.cat([features_hum, t_emb_hum], dim=1), # keep concatenating upsampled features with timesteps
in_features_list_hum[-1 - fp_idx], # reverse features list from above
t_emb_hum # original timestep embedding
# this is where point voxel convolution is carried out, the point feature network preserves the order.
features_obj, coords_obj, t_emb_obj = fp_blocks_o(
( # this is a tuple because of nn.Sequential
coords_list_obj[-1 - fp_idx], # reverse coords list from above
coords_obj, # original point coordinates
torch.cat([features_obj, t_emb_obj], dim=1), # keep concatenating upsampled features with timesteps
in_features_list_obj[-1 - fp_idx], # reverse features list from above
t_emb_obj # original timestep embedding
# this is where point voxel convolution is carried out, the point feature network preserves the order.
# these features are reused as input for next layer
# add attention except for the last layer
if fp_idx < len(self.fp_layers_hum) - 1:
# Perform cross attention between human and object branches
features_hum, features_obj = self.add_attn_feature(features_hum, features_obj,
self.transform_coords(coords_hum, norm_params, 0),
self.transform_coords(coords_obj, norm_params, 1),
self.cross_conv_decoders[fp_idx] if self.attn_type in ['coord3d+posenc-learnable'] else None,
import trimesh
ch_ho = self.transform_coords(coords_hum, norm_params, 0)
co_ho = self.transform_coords(coords_obj, norm_params, 1)
points = torch.cat([ch_ho, co_ho], -1).transpose(1, 2)
L = ch_ho.shape[-1]
vc = np.concatenate(
[np.zeros((L, 3)) + np.array([0.5, 1.0, 0]),
np.zeros((L, 3)) + np.array([0.05, 1.0, 1.0])]
trimesh.PointCloud(points[0].cpu().numpy(), colors=vc).export(
# Output MLP layers
output_hum = self.classifier_hum(features_hum).transpose(1, 2) # convert back to (B, N, D) format
output_obj = self.classifier_obj(features_obj).transpose(1, 2)
return output_hum, output_obj
def transform_coords(self, coords, norm_params, target_ind):
transform coordinates such that the points align back to H+O interaction space
:param coords: (B, 3, N)
:param norm_params: (2, B, 4)
:param target_ind: 0 or 1
scale = norm_params[target_ind, :, 3:].unsqueeze(1)
cent = norm_params[target_ind, :, :3].unsqueeze(-1)
coords_ho = coords * 2 * scale + cent
return coords_ho
def add_attn_feature(self, features_hum, features_obj,
coords_hum=None, coords_obj=None,
temb_hum=None, temb_obj=None):
compute cross attention between human and object points
:param features_hum: (B, D, N)
:param features_obj: (B, D, N)
:param coords_hum: (B, 3, N), human points in the H+O frame
:param coords_obj: (B, 3, N), object points in the H+O frame
:param temb: time embedding
:return: cross attended human object features.
B, D, N = features_hum.shape
# the attn_module is learnable, only difference is the number of output feature dimension
onehot_hum, onehot_obj = self.get_onehot_feat(features_hum)
pos_hum = self.posi_encoder(coords_hum.permute(0, 2, 1)).permute(0, 2, 1)
pos_obj = self.posi_encoder(coords_obj.permute(0, 2, 1)).permute(0, 2, 1)
feat_hum = torch.cat([pos_hum, onehot_hum], 1)
feat_obj = torch.cat([pos_obj, onehot_obj], 1) # (B, 65, N)
attn_h2o = attn_module(pos_obj.permute(0, 2, 1),
pos_hum.permute(0, 2, 1),
feat_hum.permute(0, 2, 1))[0].permute(0, 2, 1)
attn_o2h = attn_module(pos_hum.permute(0, 2, 1),
pos_obj.permute(0, 2, 1),
feat_obj.permute(0, 2, 1))[0].permute(0, 2, 1)
features_hum = torch.cat([features_hum, attn_o2h * self.attn_weight], 1)
features_obj = torch.cat([features_obj, attn_h2o * self.attn_weight], 1)
return features_hum, features_obj
def get_onehot_feat(self, features_hum):
compute a onehot feature vector to identify this is human or object
:param features_hum:
:return: (B, 2, N) x2 for human and object
B, D, N = features_hum.shape
onehot_hum = torch.zeros(B, 2, N).to(features_hum.device)
onehot_hum[:, 0] = 1.
onehot_obj = torch.zeros(B, 2, N).to(features_hum.device)
onehot_obj[:, 1] = 1.0
return onehot_hum, onehot_obj