HDM-interaction-recon / dataset /behave_paths.py
xiexh20's picture
add hdm demo v1
history blame
No virus
8.55 kB
import glob
import os, re
import pickle as pkl
from os.path import join, basename, dirname, isfile
import os.path as osp
import cv2, json
import numpy as np
BEHAVE_PATH = "/BS/xxie-5/static00/behave_release/sequences/"
RECON_PATH = "/BS/xxie-5/static00/behave-train"
class DataPaths:
class to handle path operations based on BEHAVE dataset structure
def __init__(self):
def load_splits(split_file, dataset_path=None):
assert os.path.exists(dataset_path), f'the given dataset path {dataset_path} does not exist, please check if your training data are placed over there!'
train, val = DataPaths.get_train_test_from_pkl(split_file)
return train, val
# print(train[:5], val[:5])
if isinstance(train[0], list):
# video data
train_full = [[join(dataset_path, seq[x]) for x in range(len(seq))] for seq in train]
val_full = [[join(dataset_path, seq[x]) for x in range(len(seq))] for seq in val]
train_full = [join(dataset_path, x) for x in train] # full path to the training data
val_full = [join(dataset_path, x) for x in val] # full path to the validation data files
# print(train_full[:5], val_full[:5])
return train_full, val_full
def load_splits_online(split_file, dataset_path=BEHAVE_PATH):
"load rgb file, smpl and object mesh paths"
keys = ['rgb', 'smpl', 'obj']
types = ['train', 'val']
splits = {}
data = pkl.load(open(split_file, 'rb'))
for type in types:
for key in keys:
k = f'{type}_{key}'
splits[k] = [join(dataset_path, x) for x in data[k]]
return splits
def get_train_test_from_pkl(pkl_file):
data = pkl.load(open(pkl_file, 'rb'))
return data['train'], data['test']
def get_image_paths_seq(seq, tid=1, check_occlusion=False, pat='t*.000'):
find all image paths in one sequence
:param seq: path to one behave sequence
:param tid: test on images from which camera
:param check_occlusion: whether to load full object mask and check occlusion ratio
:return: a list of paths to test image files
image_files = sorted(glob.glob(seq + f"/{pat}/k{tid}.color.jpg"))
# print(image_files, seq + f"/{pat}/k{tid}.color.jpg")
if not check_occlusion:
return image_files
# check object occlusion ratio
valid_files = []
count = 0
for img_file in image_files:
mask_file = img_file.replace('.color.jpg', '.obj_rend_mask.png')
if not os.path.isfile(mask_file):
mask_file = img_file.replace('.color.jpg', '.obj_rend_mask.jpg')
full_mask_file = img_file.replace('.color.jpg', '.obj_rend_full.png')
if not os.path.isfile(full_mask_file):
full_mask_file = img_file.replace('.color.jpg', '.obj_rend_full.jpg')
if not isfile(mask_file) or not isfile(full_mask_file):
mask = np.sum(cv2.imread(mask_file, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) > 127)
mask_full = np.sum(cv2.imread(full_mask_file, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) > 127)
if mask_full == 0:
count += 1
ratio = mask / mask_full
if ratio > 0.3:
count += 1
print(f'{mask_file} occluded by {1 - ratio}!')
return valid_files
def get_kinect_id(rgb_file):
"extract kinect id from the rgb file"
filename = osp.basename(rgb_file)
kid = int(filename.split('.')[0][1])
assert kid in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], f'found invalid kinect id {kid} for file {rgb_file}'
return kid
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError()
def get_seq_date(rgb_file):
"date for the sequence"
seq_name = str(rgb_file).split(os.sep)[-3]
date = seq_name.split('_')[0]
assert date in ['Date01', 'Date02', 'Date03', 'Date04', 'Date05', 'Date06', 'Date07',
"ICapS01", "ICapS02", "ICapS03", "Date08", "Date09"], f"invalid date for {rgb_file}"
return date
def rgb2obj_path(rgb_file:str, save_name='fit01-smooth'):
"convert an rgb file to a obj mesh file"
ss = rgb_file.split(os.sep)
seq_name = ss[-3]
obj_name = seq_name.split('_')[2]
real_name = obj_name
if 'chair' in obj_name:
real_name = 'chair'
if 'ball' in obj_name:
real_name = 'sports ball'
frame_folder = osp.dirname(rgb_file)
mesh_file = osp.join(frame_folder, real_name, save_name, f'{real_name}_fit.ply')
if not osp.isfile(mesh_file):
# synthetic data
mesh_file = osp.join(frame_folder, obj_name, save_name, f'{obj_name}_fit.ply')
return mesh_file
def rgb2smpl_path(rgb_file:str, save_name='fit03'):
frame_folder = osp.dirname(rgb_file)
real_name = 'person'
mesh_file = osp.join(frame_folder, real_name, save_name, f'{real_name}_fit.ply')
return mesh_file
def rgb2seq_frame(rgb_file:str):
"rgb file to seq_name, frame time"
ss = rgb_file.split(os.sep)
return ss[-3], ss[-2]
def rgb2recon_folder(rgb_file, save_name, recon_path):
"convert rgb file to the subfolder"
dataset_path = osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(rgb_file)))
recon_folder = osp.join(osp.dirname(rgb_file.replace(dataset_path, recon_path)), save_name)
return recon_folder
def get_seq_name(rgb_file):
return osp.basename(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(rgb_file)))
def rgb2template_path(rgb_file):
"return the path to the object template"
from recon.opt_utils import get_template_path
# seq_name = DataPaths.get_seq_name(rgb_file)
# obj_name = seq_name.split('_')[2]
obj_name = DataPaths.rgb2object_name(rgb_file)
path = get_template_path(BEHAVE_PATH+"/../objects", obj_name)
return path
def rgb2object_name(rgb_file):
seq_name = DataPaths.get_seq_name(rgb_file)
obj_name = seq_name.split('_')[2]
return obj_name
def rgb2recon_frame(rgb_file, recon_path=RECON_PATH):
"return the frame folder in recon path"
ss = rgb_file.split(os.sep)
seq_name, frame = ss[-3], ss[-2]
return osp.join(recon_path, seq_name, frame)
def rgb2gender(rgb_file):
"find the gender of this image"
seq_name = str(rgb_file).split(os.sep)[-3]
sub = seq_name.split('_')[1]
return _sub_gender[sub]
def get_dataset_root(rgb_file):
"return the root path to all sequences"
from pathlib import Path
path = Path(rgb_file)
return str(path.parents[2])
def seqname2gender(seq_name:str):
sub = seq_name.split('_')[1]
return _sub_gender[sub]
ICAP_PATH = "/BS/xxie-6/static00/InterCap" # assume same root folder
date_seqs = {
"Date01": BEHAVE_PATH + "/Date01_Sub01_backpack_back",
"Date02": BEHAVE_PATH + "/Date02_Sub02_backpack_back",
"Date03": BEHAVE_PATH + "/Date03_Sub03_backpack_back",
"Date04": BEHAVE_PATH + "/Date04_Sub05_backpack",
"Date05": BEHAVE_PATH + "/Date05_Sub05_backpack",
"Date06": BEHAVE_PATH + "/Date06_Sub07_backpack_back",
"Date07": BEHAVE_PATH + "/Date07_Sub04_backpack_back",
# "Date08": "/BS/xxie-6/static00/synthesize/Date08_Subxx_chairwood_synzv2-02",
"Date08": "/BS/xxie-6/static00/synz-backup/Date08_Subxx_chairwood_synzv2-02",
"Date09": "/BS/xxie-6/static00/synthesize/Date09_Subxx_obj01_icap", # InterCap sequence synz
"ICapS01": ICAP_PATH + "/ICapS01_sub01_obj01_Seg_0",
"ICapS02": ICAP_PATH + "/ICapS02_sub01_obj08_Seg_0",
"ICapS03": ICAP_PATH + "/ICapS03_sub07_obj05_Seg_0",
_sub_gender = {
"Sub01": 'male',
"Sub02": 'male',
"Sub03": 'male',
"Sub04": 'male',
"Sub05": 'male',
"Sub06": 'female',
"Sub07": 'female',
"Sub08": 'female',