# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. | |
from typing import Union | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
from .geo_opensfm import TopocentricConverter | |
class BoundaryBox: | |
def __init__(self, min_: np.ndarray, max_: np.ndarray): | |
self.min_ = np.asarray(min_) | |
self.max_ = np.asarray(max_) | |
assert np.all(self.min_ <= self.max_) | |
def from_string(cls, string: str): | |
return cls(*np.split(np.array(string.split(","), float), 2)) | |
def left_top(self): | |
return np.stack([self.min_[..., 0], self.max_[..., 1]], -1) | |
def right_bottom(self) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): | |
return np.stack([self.max_[..., 0], self.min_[..., 1]], -1) | |
def center(self) -> np.ndarray: | |
return (self.min_ + self.max_) / 2 | |
def size(self) -> np.ndarray: | |
return self.max_ - self.min_ | |
def translate(self, t: float): | |
return self.__class__(self.min_ + t, self.max_ + t) | |
def contains(self, xy: Union[np.ndarray, "BoundaryBox"]): | |
if isinstance(xy, self.__class__): | |
return self.contains(xy.min_) and self.contains(xy.max_) | |
return np.all((xy >= self.min_) & (xy <= self.max_), -1) | |
def normalize(self, xy): | |
min_, max_ = self.min_, self.max_ | |
if isinstance(xy, torch.Tensor): | |
min_ = torch.from_numpy(min_).to(xy) | |
max_ = torch.from_numpy(max_).to(xy) | |
return (xy - min_) / (max_ - min_) | |
def unnormalize(self, xy): | |
min_, max_ = self.min_, self.max_ | |
if isinstance(xy, torch.Tensor): | |
min_ = torch.from_numpy(min_).to(xy) | |
max_ = torch.from_numpy(max_).to(xy) | |
return xy * (max_ - min_) + min_ | |
def format(self) -> str: | |
return ",".join(np.r_[self.min_, self.max_].astype(str)) | |
def __add__(self, x): | |
if isinstance(x, (int, float)): | |
return self.__class__(self.min_ - x, self.max_ + x) | |
else: | |
raise TypeError(f"Cannot add {self.__class__.__name__} to {type(x)}.") | |
def __and__(self, other): | |
return self.__class__( | |
np.maximum(self.min_, other.min_), np.minimum(self.max_, other.max_) | |
) | |
def __repr__(self): | |
return self.format() | |
class Projection: | |
def __init__(self, lat, lon, alt=0, max_extent=25e3): | |
# The approximation error is |L - radius * tan(L / radius)| | |
# and is around 13cm for L=25km. | |
self.latlonalt = (lat, lon, alt) | |
self.converter = TopocentricConverter(lat, lon, alt) | |
min_ = self.converter.to_lla(*(-max_extent,) * 2, 0)[:2] | |
max_ = self.converter.to_lla(*(max_extent,) * 2, 0)[:2] | |
self.bounds = BoundaryBox(min_, max_) | |
def from_points(cls, all_latlon): | |
assert all_latlon.shape[-1] == 2 | |
all_latlon = all_latlon.reshape(-1, 2) | |
latlon_mid = (all_latlon.min(0) + all_latlon.max(0)) / 2 | |
return cls(*latlon_mid) | |
def check_bbox(self, bbox: BoundaryBox): | |
if self.bounds is not None and not self.bounds.contains(bbox): | |
raise ValueError( | |
f"Bbox {bbox.format()} is not contained in " | |
f"projection with bounds {self.bounds.format()}." | |
) | |
def project(self, geo, return_z=False): | |
if isinstance(geo, BoundaryBox): | |
return BoundaryBox(*self.project(np.stack([geo.min_, geo.max_]))) | |
geo = np.asarray(geo) | |
assert geo.shape[-1] in (2, 3) | |
if self.bounds is not None: | |
if not np.all(self.bounds.contains(geo[..., :2])): | |
raise ValueError( | |
f"Points {geo} are out of the valid bounds " | |
f"{self.bounds.format()}." | |
) | |
lat, lon = geo[..., 0], geo[..., 1] | |
if geo.shape[-1] == 3: | |
alt = geo[..., -1] | |
else: | |
alt = np.zeros_like(lat) | |
x, y, z = self.converter.to_topocentric(lat, lon, alt) | |
return np.stack([x, y] + ([z] if return_z else []), -1) | |
def unproject(self, xy, return_z=False): | |
if isinstance(xy, BoundaryBox): | |
return BoundaryBox(*self.unproject(np.stack([xy.min_, xy.max_]))) | |
xy = np.asarray(xy) | |
x, y = xy[..., 0], xy[..., 1] | |
if xy.shape[-1] == 3: | |
z = xy[..., -1] | |
else: | |
z = np.zeros_like(x) | |
lat, lon, alt = self.converter.to_lla(x, y, z) | |
return np.stack([lat, lon] + ([alt] if return_z else []), -1) | |