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"""Nodes, conforming to the glTF 2.0 standards as specified in
Author: Matthew Matl
import numpy as np
import trimesh.transformations as transformations
from .camera import Camera
from .mesh import Mesh
from .light import Light
class Node(object):
"""A node in the node hierarchy.
name : str, optional
The user-defined name of this object.
camera : :class:`Camera`, optional
The camera in this node.
children : list of :class:`Node`
The children of this node.
skin : int, optional
The index of the skin referenced by this node.
matrix : (4,4) float, optional
A floating-point 4x4 transformation matrix.
mesh : :class:`Mesh`, optional
The mesh in this node.
rotation : (4,) float, optional
The node's unit quaternion in the order (x, y, z, w), where
w is the scalar.
scale : (3,) float, optional
The node's non-uniform scale, given as the scaling factors along the x,
y, and z axes.
translation : (3,) float, optional
The node's translation along the x, y, and z axes.
weights : (n,) float
The weights of the instantiated Morph Target. Number of elements must
match number of Morph Targets of used mesh.
light : :class:`Light`, optional
The light in this node.
def __init__(self,
# Set defaults
if children is None:
children = []
self._matrix = None
self._scale = None
self._rotation = None
self._translation = None
if matrix is None:
if rotation is None:
rotation = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
if translation is None:
translation = np.zeros(3)
if scale is None:
scale = np.ones(3)
self.rotation = rotation
self.translation = translation
self.scale = scale
self.matrix = matrix = name = camera
self.children = children = skin
self.mesh = mesh
self.weights = weights
self.light = light
def name(self):
"""str : The user-defined name of this object.
return self._name
def name(self, value):
if value is not None:
value = str(value)
self._name = value
def camera(self):
""":class:`Camera` : The camera in this node.
return self._camera
def camera(self, value):
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Camera):
raise TypeError('Value must be a camera')
self._camera = value
def children(self):
"""list of :class:`Node` : The children of this node.
return self._children
def children(self, value):
self._children = value
def skin(self):
"""int : The skin index for this node.
return self._skin
def skin(self, value):
self._skin = value
def mesh(self):
""":class:`Mesh` : The mesh in this node.
return self._mesh
def mesh(self, value):
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Mesh):
raise TypeError('Value must be a mesh')
self._mesh = value
def light(self):
""":class:`Light` : The light in this node.
return self._light
def light(self, value):
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Light):
raise TypeError('Value must be a light')
self._light = value
def rotation(self):
"""(4,) float : The xyzw quaternion for this node.
return self._rotation
def rotation(self, value):
value = np.asanyarray(value)
if value.shape != (4,):
raise ValueError('Quaternion must be a (4,) vector')
if np.abs(np.linalg.norm(value) - 1.0) > 1e-3:
raise ValueError('Quaternion must have norm == 1.0')
self._rotation = value
self._matrix = None
def translation(self):
"""(3,) float : The translation for this node.
return self._translation
def translation(self, value):
value = np.asanyarray(value)
if value.shape != (3,):
raise ValueError('Translation must be a (3,) vector')
self._translation = value
self._matrix = None
def scale(self):
"""(3,) float : The scale for this node.
return self._scale
def scale(self, value):
value = np.asanyarray(value)
if value.shape != (3,):
raise ValueError('Scale must be a (3,) vector')
self._scale = value
self._matrix = None
def matrix(self):
"""(4,4) float : The homogenous transform matrix for this node.
Note that this matrix's elements are not settable,
it's just a copy of the internal matrix. You can set the whole
matrix, but not an individual element.
if self._matrix is None:
self._matrix = self._m_from_tqs(
self.translation, self.rotation, self.scale
return self._matrix.copy()
def matrix(self, value):
value = np.asanyarray(value)
if value.shape != (4,4):
raise ValueError('Matrix must be a 4x4 numpy ndarray')
if not np.allclose(value[3,:], np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])):
raise ValueError('Bottom row of matrix must be [0,0,0,1]')
self.rotation = Node._q_from_m(value)
self.scale = Node._s_from_m(value)
self.translation = Node._t_from_m(value)
self._matrix = value
def _t_from_m(m):
return m[:3,3]
def _r_from_m(m):
U = m[:3,:3]
norms = np.linalg.norm(U.T, axis=1)
return U / norms
def _q_from_m(m):
M = np.eye(4)
M[:3,:3] = Node._r_from_m(m)
q_wxyz = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(M)
return np.roll(q_wxyz, -1)
def _s_from_m(m):
return np.linalg.norm(m[:3,:3].T, axis=1)
def _r_from_q(q):
q_wxyz = np.roll(q, 1)
return transformations.quaternion_matrix(q_wxyz)[:3,:3]
def _m_from_tqs(t, q, s):
S = np.eye(4)
S[:3,:3] = np.diag(s)
R = np.eye(4)
R[:3,:3] = Node._r_from_q(q)
T = np.eye(4)
T[:3,3] = t