box::use( |
shiny[moduleServer, observe, reactive, br, div, verbatimTextOutput, renderPrint, isolate, NS, req, validate, need, tagList, renderPlot, plotOutput, observeEvent, reactiveVal, reactiveValues], |
plotly[plot_ly, event_data, plotlyOutput, renderPlotly, plotlyProxy, plotlyProxyInvoke], |
data.table[...], |
purrr[map2], |
bs4Dash[box], |
graphics[legend, mtext], |
stats[na.omit], |
shinyjs[...], |
gargoyle[...] |
) |
box::use( |
app/logic/create_sankey[sankey_prepare_data, create_sankey] |
) |
ui <- function(id) { |
ns <- NS(id) |
tagList( |
box( |
width = 12, |
height = "56vh", |
title = "Sankey Diagram", |
status = "navy", |
maximizable = TRUE, |
solidHeader = TRUE, |
id = ns("sankey_box"), |
div(id = "legend"), |
plotlyOutput(ns("sankey_plt"), height = "50vh") |
) |
) |
} |
server <- function(id, dataset, selected_pathways_react, selected_genes_react, is_path_tab_active) { |
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) { |
ns <- NS(id) |
sankey_plot <- reactiveVal() |
sankey_pathway_plot <- reactiveVal() |
sankey_gene_plot <- reactiveVal() |
labels <- reactiveVal() |
path_gene_tab <- reactiveVal() |
gene_variant_tab <- reactiveVal() |
selected_gene_name <- reactiveVal() |
output$sankey_plt <- renderPlotly({ |
validate( |
need(!((is.null(selected_pathways_react()) || nrow(selected_pathways_react()) == 0) |
&& (is.null(selected_genes_react()) || nrow(selected_genes_react()) == 0)), |
"select the features (pathways / genes) that you want to visualize from the table on the right") |
) |
legend_tab <- unique(dataset()[, .(Variant_Type, col)]) |
prepare_legend_r() |
map2(.x = legend_tab$Variant_Type, .y = legend_tab$col, \(title, color) add_to_legend_r(title, color)) |
if (is_path_tab_active()) { |
sankey_pathway_plot() |
} else { |
sankey_gene_plot() |
} |
}) |
on("reset_sankey", { |
if (is_path_tab_active()) { |
sankey_pathway_plot(NULL) |
} else { |
sankey_gene_plot(NULL) |
} |
}) |
observe({ |
if (is_path_tab_active()) { |
req(selected_pathways_react()) |
} |
else { |
req(selected_genes_react()) |
} |
data <- sankey_prepare_data(dataset(), selected_pathways_react(), selected_genes_react(), is_path_tab_active()) |
labels(data[[1]]) |
path_gene <- unique(data[[2]][, .(kegg_paths_name, gene_name, first, second)]) |
gene_variant <- unique(data[[2]][, .(gene_name, var_name, col, second, third)]) |
setorder(path_gene, first) |
setorder(gene_variant, second) |
path_gene_tab(path_gene) |
gene_variant_tab(gene_variant) |
colors <- NULL |
if (nrow(labels()) > 0) { |
colors <- c(rep("lightgray", nrow(path_gene)), gene_variant$col) |
} |
plot <- create_sankey(labels(), path_gene, gene_variant, data[[3]], colors) |
if (is_path_tab_active()) { |
sankey_pathway_plot(plot) |
} |
else { |
sankey_gene_plot(plot) |
} |
}) |
observeEvent(event_data("plotly_click", priority = "event"), { |
click_data <- event_data("plotly_click", priority = "event") |
req(click_data) |
result <- sankey_link_selection(click_data, path_gene_tab(), gene_variant_tab()) |
link_ids <- result[[1]] |
gene_name <- result[[2]] |
selected_gene_name(gene_name) |
link_colors <- rep("lightgray", nrow(labels())) |
link_colors[link_ids] <- "red" |
proxy <- plotlyProxy("sankey_plt", session) |
plotlyProxyInvoke(proxy, "restyle", |
list(link.color = list(link_colors))) |
}) |
observeEvent(input$sankey_box$maximized, { |
plot_height <- if (input$sankey_box$maximized) { |
"100%" |
} else { |
"50vh" |
} |
js_call <- sprintf( |
" |
setTimeout(() => { |
$('#%s').css('height', '%s'); |
}, 500) |
$('#%s').trigger('resize'); |
", |
"app-sankey-sankey_plt", |
plot_height, |
"app-sankey-sankey_plt" |
) |
shinyjs::runjs(js_call) |
}, ignoreInit = TRUE) |
return(selected_gene_name) |
}) |
} |
sankey_link_selection <- function(click_data, path_gene_tab, gene_variant_tab) { |
clicked_link <- click_data$pointNumber + 1 |
if (clicked_link <= nrow(path_gene_tab)) { |
return(first_level_link_selection(clicked_link, path_gene_tab, gene_variant_tab)) |
} |
return(second_level_link_selection(clicked_link, path_gene_tab, gene_variant_tab)) |
} |
first_level_link_selection <- function(clicked_link, path_gene_tab, gene_variant_tab) { |
select_gene_name <- path_gene_tab[clicked_link]$gene_name |
labels <- data.table(label = c(path_gene_tab$kegg_paths_name, gene_variant_tab$gene_name), id = c(path_gene_tab$first, gene_variant_tab$second)) |
first_links <- clicked_link |
second_links <- which(labels$label == select_gene_name) |
link_ids <- unique(c( |
first_links, |
second_links) |
) |
return(list(link_ids, select_gene_name)) |
} |
second_level_link_selection <- function(clicked_link, path_gene_tab, gene_variant_tab) { |
select_gene_name <- gene_variant_tab[(clicked_link - nrow(path_gene_tab))]$gene_name |
labels <- data.table(label = c(path_gene_tab$kegg_paths_name, gene_variant_tab$gene_name), id = c(path_gene_tab$first, gene_variant_tab$second)) |
first_links <- which(path_gene_tab$gene_name == select_gene_name) |
second_links <- which(labels$label == select_gene_name) |
link_ids <- unique(c( |
first_links, |
second_links) |
) |
return(list(link_ids, select_gene_name)) |
} |
prepare_legend_r <- function() { |
js_call <- " |
let legend_div = document.getElementById('legend'); |
legend_div.textContent = ''; |
" |
shinyjs::runjs(js_call) |
} |
add_to_legend_r <- function(title, color) { |
js_call <- sprintf( |
" |
let legend_div = document.getElementById('legend'); |
let legend_item = document.createElement('div'); |
let col_circle = document.createElement('div'); |
let legend_span = document.createElement('span'); |
legend_item.classList.add('legend-item'); |
col_circle.classList.add('legend-col-circle'); |
legend_span.classList.add('legend-span'); |
legend_span.textContent = '%s'; |
col_circle.style.backgroundColor = '%s'; |
legend_item.append(col_circle); |
legend_item.append(legend_span); |
legend_div.append(legend_item); |
console.log('DONE'); |
" |
, title, color) |
shinyjs::runjs(js_call) |
} |