vitaly's picture
samples have been reordered: challenging ones are on the top
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import io
import logging
import timeit
from typing import Optional
import gradio as gr
import numpy as np
import spacy
from spacy import displacy
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
from import Example
from bib_tokenizers import create_references_tokenizer
from schema import spankey_sentence_start, tags_ent
# 1.0.1
# pip install
MODEL = "en_bib_references_trf"
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
nlp = spacy.load(MODEL)
# return score for each token:
# with threshold set to zero each suggested span is returned, and span == token,
# because suggester is configured to suggest spans with len(span) == 1:
# [components.spancat.suggester]
# @misc = "spacy.ngram_suggester.v1"
# sizes = [1]
nlp.get_pipe("spancat").cfg["threshold"] = 0.0 # see )"spancat config: %s", nlp.get_pipe("spancat").cfg)
def create_bib_item_start_scorer_for_doc(doc):
span_group = doc.spans[spankey_sentence_start]
assert not span_group.has_overlap
assert len(span_group) == len(
), "Check suggester config and the spancat threshold to make sure that spangroup contains single token span for each token"
def scorer(token_index_in_doc, fuzzy_in_tokens=(0, 0)):
i = token_index_in_doc
span = span_group[i] # our spans are one token length
assert i == span.start
# fuzzines might improve fault tolerance if the model made a small mistake,
# e.g., if a number from prev line is classified as "citation number",
# see example at
# if fuzzy == (0,0), it return score for the selected span only
return span, max(
for i in range(i - fuzzy_in_tokens[0], i + fuzzy_in_tokens[1] + 1)
if i >= 0 and i < len(doc)
return scorer
nlp_blank = spacy.blank("en")
nlp_blank.tokenizer = create_references_tokenizer()(nlp_blank)
# nlp_blank.tokenizer = nlp.tokenizer
def _tokenize_test(nlp):
_text = """MNRAS, 216, 51P
tokens = [f"'{t}'" for t in nlp(_text)]"tokens: %s", tokens)
return tokens
assert len(_tokenize_test(nlp)) == len(
), "Check that the same tokenizer is used for both: trained model (in its config) and nlp_blank"
def _token_index_in_norm_doc(
token_index_in_target_doc: int, alignment_data: np.ndarray
) -> Optional[int]:
index_in_norm_doc = np.where(alignment_data == token_index_in_target_doc)
if type(index_in_norm_doc) == tuple:
index_in_norm_doc = index_in_norm_doc[0] # depends on numpy version...
if index_in_norm_doc.size > 0:
return index_in_norm_doc[0].item()
def split_up_references(
references: str, is_eol_mode=True, ner=True, nlp=nlp, nlp_blank=nlp_blank
references - a references section, ideally without a header
nlp - a model that splits up references into separate sentences
nlp_blank - a blank nlp with the same tokenizer/language
_timeit_start = timeit.default_timer()
"start processing: '%s...'",
references[: _LOG_STR_LEN if len(references) > _LOG_STR_LEN else references],
target_doc = nlp_blank(references)
target_tokens_idx = {
offset: t.i for t in target_doc for offset in range(t.idx, t.idx + len(t))
f = io.StringIO(references)
lines = [line for line in f]
# disable unused components to speedup inference && parse normalized referenences
disable = []
if is_eol_mode:
if not ner:
with nlp.select_pipes(disable=disable):
# normalization applied: strip lines and remove any extra space between lines
norm_doc = nlp(" ".join([line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip()]))
# extremely useful spacy API for alignment normalized and target(created from non-modified input) docs
example = Example(target_doc, norm_doc)
# copy ner annotations:
for label in tags_ent:
target_doc.ents = example.get_aligned_spans_y2x(norm_doc.ents)
# set senter annotations
if is_eol_mode:
alignment_data =
# use SpanCat scores to set sentence boundaries on the target doc
# init senter annotations
for i, t in enumerate(target_doc):
t.is_sent_start = i == 0
token_scorer = create_bib_item_start_scorer_for_doc(norm_doc)
def target_doc_token_scorer(token_index_in_target_doc):
index_in_norm_doc = _token_index_in_norm_doc(
token_index_in_target_doc, alignment_data
if index_in_norm_doc is not None:
span, score = token_scorer(index_in_norm_doc)
# print(span, score, index_in_norm_doc)
return score
return 0.0
threshold = 0.5
char_offset = 0
for line_num, line in enumerate(lines):
if not line.strip():
# ignore empty line
char_offset += len(line)
token_index_in_target_doc = target_tokens_idx[char_offset]
# scroll to the first non-space (if the line starts from space):
while (
token_index_in_target_doc < len(target_doc)
and target_doc[token_index_in_target_doc].is_space
token_index_in_target_doc += 1
score = target_doc_token_scorer(token_index_in_target_doc)
if score > threshold:
target_doc[target_tokens_idx[char_offset]].is_sent_start = True
char_offset += len(line)
_level_off_references(target_doc, target_doc_token_scorer)
# copy SentenceRecognizer annotations from doc without '\n' to the target doc
sent_start = example.get_aligned("SENT_START")
for i, t in enumerate(target_doc):
target_doc[i].is_sent_start = sent_start[i] == 1
"done: '%s...', elapsed: %s",
references[: _LOG_STR_LEN if len(references) > _LOG_STR_LEN else references],
timeit.default_timer() - _timeit_start,
return target_doc
def _level_off_references(doc, token_scorer):
if a model that predicts the reference boundaries was .99 accurate,
the success rate for real papers would be still relative low
given that a typical bibliography consists of dozens of references.
This function attemps to detect references that contain more lines than
others and split them somehow... The result will not neccessary be better.
lengths = np.array([len(ref.text.strip().split("\n")) for ref in doc.sents])
median = np.median(lengths)
mean = np.mean(lengths)
sigma = np.std(
) # read this:"median: %s, mean: %s, sigma: %s", median, mean, sigma)
if sigma == 0.0:
sent_starts = []
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
pattern = [
# {"TEXT": {"REGEX": "^(.*)(\\n)+(.*)$"}, "IS_SPACE": True},
{"TEXT": {"REGEX": "^(.*\\n.*)+$"}, "IS_SPACE": True},
{"IS_SPACE": True, "OP": "*"},
{"IS_SPACE": False},
matcher.add("line_start", [pattern])
for n, ref in enumerate(doc.sents):
# print([f"'{t}'" for t in ref])
surprising = (lengths[n] - mean) / sigma
if surprising > 1.6:"surprising: %s: %s", surprising, ref.text[:_LOG_STR_LEN])
scores = [token_scorer(t.i) for t in ref]
median_score = np.median(scores)
# check each first non-space token on each line
start = None # next reference start is we decided to splip up the ref span
for _, eol, token_i_after_eol in matcher(ref):
i = token_i_after_eol - 1
# using the predicted spancat score
"line start: token=%s, score=%s, median_score=%s, ahead=%s",
# TODO: play with softmax temperature: find a way to get activations:
# here we have an activated neuron in the softmax input, but corresponding sofmax output is still too low
if scores[i] > 10 * median_score and len(ref[token_i_after_eol:]) > 10:
start = i
# using ner output:
# an edge case if newx line starts with citation number of namnes and
# pref libes already contain names and title
before_eol_ents = [
ent.label_ for ent in ref[0 if start is None else start : eol].ents
# 2 entities after eol, if any
after_eol_ents = [ent.label_ for ent in ref[eol:].ents][:2]
if (
set(before_eol_ents) & set(["issued", "title", "container-title"])
and set(before_eol_ents) & set(["family", "given"])
and set(after_eol_ents)
& set(
):"splitting up using NER predictions: %s", ref[i])
start = i
for t in sent_starts:
t.is_sent_start = True
def text_analysis(text: str, more_than_one_ref_per_line: bool):
if not text or not text.strip():
return "<div style='max-width:100%; overflow:auto; color:grey'><p>Unparsed Bibliography Section is empty</p></div>"
doc_with_linebreaks = split_up_references(
text, is_eol_mode=not more_than_one_ref_per_line, nlp=nlp, nlp_blank=nlp_blank
html = ""
options = {
"ents": tags_ent,
"colors": {
"citation-number": "yellow",
"citation-label": "yellow",
"family": "DeepSkyBlue",
"given": "LightSkyBlue",
"title": "PeachPuff",
"container-title": "Moccasin",
"publisher": "PaleTurquoise",
"issued": "Gold",
for i, sent in enumerate(doc_with_linebreaks.sents):
bib_item_doc = sent.as_doc()
ref = displacy.render(bib_item_doc, style="ent", options=options)
html += f"<tr><td>{i}</td><td>{ref}</td></tr>"
html = (
"""<div style='max-width:100%; max-height:720px; overflow:auto'>
<style>table {
font-family: arial, sans-serif;
border-collapse: collapse;
width: 100%;
td, th {
border: 1px solid #b0b0b0;
text-align: left;
padding: 8px;
tr:nth-child(even) {
background-color: #f2f2f2;
+ "<table><tr><th>Index</th><th>Parsed Reference</th></tr>"
+ html
+ "</table>"
+ "</div>"
return html
demo = gr.Blocks()
with demo:
textbox = gr.components.Textbox(
label="Unparsed Bibliography Section",
placeholder="Enter bibliography here...",
more_than_one_ref_per_line = gr.components.Checkbox(
label="My bibliography may contain more than one reference per line - the model will make a prediction for each token: more predictions, more chances to make a mistake",
html = gr.components.HTML(label="Parsed Bib Items")
fn=text_analysis, inputs=[textbox, more_than_one_ref_per_line], outputs=[html]
fn=text_analysis, inputs=[textbox, more_than_one_ref_per_line], outputs=[html]
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