import { $el, ComfyDialog } from "../../scripts/ui.js"; | |
import { DraggableList } from "../../scripts/ui/draggableList.js"; | |
import { addStylesheet } from "../../scripts/utils.js"; | |
import { GroupNodeConfig, GroupNodeHandler } from "./groupNode.js"; | |
addStylesheet(import.meta.url); | |
const ORDER = Symbol(); | |
function merge(target, source) { | |
if (typeof target === "object" && typeof source === "object") { | |
for (const key in source) { | |
const sv = source[key]; | |
if (typeof sv === "object") { | |
let tv = target[key]; | |
if (!tv) tv = target[key] = {}; | |
merge(tv, source[key]); | |
} else { | |
target[key] = sv; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return target; | |
} | |
export class ManageGroupDialog extends ComfyDialog { | |
/** @type { Record<"Inputs" | "Outputs" | "Widgets", {tab: HTMLAnchorElement, page: HTMLElement}> } */ | |
tabs = {}; | |
/** @type { number | null | undefined } */ | |
selectedNodeIndex; | |
/** @type { keyof ManageGroupDialog["tabs"] } */ | |
selectedTab = "Inputs"; | |
/** @type { string | undefined } */ | |
selectedGroup; | |
/** @type { Record<string, Record<string, Record<string, { name?: string | undefined, visible?: boolean | undefined }>>> } */ | |
modifications = {}; | |
get selectedNodeInnerIndex() { | |
return +this.nodeItems[this.selectedNodeIndex].dataset.nodeindex; | |
} | |
constructor(app) { | |
super(); | | = app; | |
this.element = $el("dialog.comfy-group-manage", { | |
parent: document.body, | |
}); | |
} | |
changeTab(tab) { | |
this.tabs[this.selectedTab].tab.classList.remove("active"); | |
this.tabs[this.selectedTab].page.classList.remove("active"); | |
this.tabs[tab].tab.classList.add("active"); | |
this.tabs[tab].page.classList.add("active"); | |
this.selectedTab = tab; | |
} | |
changeNode(index, force) { | |
if (!force && this.selectedNodeIndex === index) return; | |
if (this.selectedNodeIndex != null) { | |
this.nodeItems[this.selectedNodeIndex].classList.remove("selected"); | |
} | |
this.nodeItems[index].classList.add("selected"); | |
this.selectedNodeIndex = index; | |
if (!this.buildInputsPage() && this.selectedTab === "Inputs") { | |
this.changeTab("Widgets"); | |
} | |
if (!this.buildWidgetsPage() && this.selectedTab === "Widgets") { | |
this.changeTab("Outputs"); | |
} | |
if (!this.buildOutputsPage() && this.selectedTab === "Outputs") { | |
this.changeTab("Inputs"); | |
} | |
this.changeTab(this.selectedTab); | |
} | |
getGroupData() { | |
this.groupNodeType = LiteGraph.registered_node_types["workflow/" + this.selectedGroup]; | |
this.groupNodeDef = this.groupNodeType.nodeData; | |
this.groupData = GroupNodeHandler.getGroupData(this.groupNodeType); | |
} | |
changeGroup(group, reset = true) { | |
this.selectedGroup = group; | |
this.getGroupData(); | |
const nodes = this.groupData.nodeData.nodes; | |
this.nodeItems =, i) => | |
$el( | |
"li.draggable-item", | |
{ | |
dataset: { | |
nodeindex: n.index + "", | |
}, | |
onclick: () => { | |
this.changeNode(i); | |
}, | |
}, | |
[ | |
$el("span.drag-handle"), | |
$el( | |
"div", | |
{ | |
textContent: n.title ?? n.type, | |
}, | |
n.title | |
? $el("span", { | |
textContent: n.type, | |
}) | |
: [] | |
), | |
] | |
) | |
); | |
this.innerNodesList.replaceChildren(...this.nodeItems); | |
if (reset) { | |
this.selectedNodeIndex = null; | |
this.changeNode(0); | |
} else { | |
const items = this.draggable.getAllItems(); | |
let index = items.findIndex(item => item.classList.contains("selected")); | |
if(index === -1) index = this.selectedNodeIndex; | |
this.changeNode(index, true); | |
} | |
const ordered = [...nodes]; | |
this.draggable?.dispose(); | |
this.draggable = new DraggableList(this.innerNodesList, "li"); | |
this.draggable.addEventListener("dragend", ({ detail: { oldPosition, newPosition } }) => { | |
if (oldPosition === newPosition) return; | |
ordered.splice(newPosition, 0, ordered.splice(oldPosition, 1)[0]); | |
for (let i = 0; i < ordered.length; i++) { | |
this.storeModification({ nodeIndex: ordered[i].index, section: ORDER, prop: "order", value: i }); | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
storeModification({ nodeIndex, section, prop, value }) { | |
const groupMod = (this.modifications[this.selectedGroup] ??= {}); | |
const nodesMod = (groupMod.nodes ??= {}); | |
const nodeMod = (nodesMod[nodeIndex ?? this.selectedNodeInnerIndex] ??= {}); | |
const typeMod = (nodeMod[section] ??= {}); | |
if (typeof value === "object") { | |
const objMod = (typeMod[prop] ??= {}); | |
Object.assign(objMod, value); | |
} else { | |
typeMod[prop] = value; | |
} | |
} | |
getEditElement(section, prop, value, placeholder, checked, checkable = true) { | |
if (value === placeholder) value = ""; | |
const mods = this.modifications[this.selectedGroup]?.nodes?.[this.selectedNodeInnerIndex]?.[section]?.[prop]; | |
if (mods) { | |
if ( != null) { | |
value =; | |
} | |
if (mods.visible != null) { | |
checked = mods.visible; | |
} | |
} | |
return $el("div", [ | |
$el("input", { | |
value, | |
placeholder, | |
type: "text", | |
onchange: (e) => { | |
this.storeModification({ section, prop, value: { name: } }); | |
}, | |
}), | |
$el("label", { textContent: "Visible" }, [ | |
$el("input", { | |
type: "checkbox", | |
checked, | |
disabled: !checkable, | |
onchange: (e) => { | |
this.storeModification({ section, prop, value: { visible: !! } }); | |
}, | |
}), | |
]), | |
]); | |
} | |
buildWidgetsPage() { | |
const widgets = this.groupData.oldToNewWidgetMap[this.selectedNodeInnerIndex]; | |
const items = Object.keys(widgets ?? {}); | |
const type = app.graph.extra.groupNodes[this.selectedGroup]; | |
const config = type.config?.[this.selectedNodeInnerIndex]?.input; | |
this.widgetsPage.replaceChildren( | | => { | |
return this.getEditElement("input", oldName, widgets[oldName], oldName, config?.[oldName]?.visible !== false); | |
}) | |
); | |
return !!items.length; | |
} | |
buildInputsPage() { | |
const inputs = this.groupData.nodeInputs[this.selectedNodeInnerIndex]; | |
const items = Object.keys(inputs ?? {}); | |
const type = app.graph.extra.groupNodes[this.selectedGroup]; | |
const config = type.config?.[this.selectedNodeInnerIndex]?.input; | |
this.inputsPage.replaceChildren( | |
...items | |
.map((oldName) => { | |
let value = inputs[oldName]; | |
if (!value) { | |
return; | |
} | |
return this.getEditElement("input", oldName, value, oldName, config?.[oldName]?.visible !== false); | |
}) | |
.filter(Boolean) | |
); | |
return !!items.length; | |
} | |
buildOutputsPage() { | |
const nodes = this.groupData.nodeData.nodes; | |
const innerNodeDef = this.groupData.getNodeDef(nodes[this.selectedNodeInnerIndex]); | |
const outputs = innerNodeDef?.output ?? []; | |
const groupOutputs = this.groupData.oldToNewOutputMap[this.selectedNodeInnerIndex]; | |
const type = app.graph.extra.groupNodes[this.selectedGroup]; | |
const config = type.config?.[this.selectedNodeInnerIndex]?.output; | |
const node = this.groupData.nodeData.nodes[this.selectedNodeInnerIndex]; | |
const checkable = node.type !== "PrimitiveNode"; | |
this.outputsPage.replaceChildren( | |
...outputs | |
.map((type, slot) => { | |
const groupOutputIndex = groupOutputs?.[slot]; | |
const oldName = innerNodeDef.output_name?.[slot] ?? type; | |
let value = config?.[slot]?.name; | |
const visible = config?.[slot]?.visible || groupOutputIndex != null; | |
if (!value || value === oldName) { | |
value = ""; | |
} | |
return this.getEditElement("output", slot, value, oldName, visible, checkable); | |
}) | |
.filter(Boolean) | |
); | |
return !!outputs.length; | |
} | |
show(type) { | |
const groupNodes = Object.keys(app.graph.extra?.groupNodes ?? {}).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)); | |
this.innerNodesList = $el("ul.comfy-group-manage-list-items"); | |
this.widgetsPage = $el("section.comfy-group-manage-node-page"); | |
this.inputsPage = $el("section.comfy-group-manage-node-page"); | |
this.outputsPage = $el("section.comfy-group-manage-node-page"); | |
const pages = $el("div", [this.widgetsPage, this.inputsPage, this.outputsPage]); | |
this.tabs = [ | |
["Inputs", this.inputsPage], | |
["Widgets", this.widgetsPage], | |
["Outputs", this.outputsPage], | |
].reduce((p, [name, page]) => { | |
p[name] = { | |
tab: $el("a", { | |
onclick: () => { | |
this.changeTab(name); | |
}, | |
textContent: name, | |
}), | |
page, | |
}; | |
return p; | |
}, {}); | |
const outer = $el("div.comfy-group-manage-outer", [ | |
$el("header", [ | |
$el("h2", "Group Nodes"), | |
$el( | |
"select", | |
{ | |
onchange: (e) => { | |
this.changeGroup(; | |
}, | |
}, | | => | |
$el("option", { | |
textContent: g, | |
selected: "workflow/" + g === type, | |
value: g, | |
}) | |
) | |
), | |
]), | |
$el("main", [ | |
$el("section.comfy-group-manage-list", this.innerNodesList), | |
$el("section.comfy-group-manage-node", [ | |
$el( | |
"header", | |
Object.values(this.tabs).map((t) => | |
), | |
pages, | |
]), | |
]), | |
$el("footer", [ | |
$el( | |
"button.comfy-btn", | |
{ | |
onclick: (e) => { | |
const node = app.graph._nodes.find((n) => n.type === "workflow/" + this.selectedGroup); | |
if (node) { | |
alert("This group node is in use in the current workflow, please first remove these."); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (confirm(`Are you sure you want to remove the node: "${this.selectedGroup}"`)) { | |
delete app.graph.extra.groupNodes[this.selectedGroup]; | |
LiteGraph.unregisterNodeType("workflow/" + this.selectedGroup); | |
} | |; | |
}, | |
}, | |
"Delete Group Node" | |
), | |
$el( | |
"button.comfy-btn", | |
{ | |
onclick: async () => { | |
let nodesByType; | |
let recreateNodes = []; | |
const types = {}; | |
for (const g in this.modifications) { | |
const type = app.graph.extra.groupNodes[g]; | |
let config = (type.config ??= {}); | |
let nodeMods = this.modifications[g]?.nodes; | |
if (nodeMods) { | |
const keys = Object.keys(nodeMods); | |
if (nodeMods[keys[0]][ORDER]) { | |
// If any node is reordered, they will all need sequencing | |
const orderedNodes = []; | |
const orderedMods = {}; | |
const orderedConfig = {}; | |
for (const n of keys) { | |
const order = nodeMods[n][ORDER].order; | |
orderedNodes[order] = type.nodes[+n]; | |
orderedMods[order] = nodeMods[n]; | |
orderedNodes[order].index = order; | |
} | |
// Rewrite links | |
for (const l of type.links) { | |
if (l[0] != null) l[0] = type.nodes[l[0]].index; | |
if (l[2] != null) l[2] = type.nodes[l[2]].index; | |
} | |
// Rewrite externals | |
if (type.external) { | |
for (const ext of type.external) { | |
ext[0] = type.nodes[ext[0]]; | |
} | |
} | |
// Rewrite modifications | |
for (const id of keys) { | |
if (config[id]) { | |
orderedConfig[type.nodes[id].index] = config[id]; | |
} | |
delete config[id]; | |
} | |
type.nodes = orderedNodes; | |
nodeMods = orderedMods; | |
type.config = config = orderedConfig; | |
} | |
merge(config, nodeMods); | |
} | |
types[g] = type; | |
if (!nodesByType) { | |
nodesByType = app.graph._nodes.reduce((p, n) => { | |
p[n.type] ??= []; | |
p[n.type].push(n); | |
return p; | |
}, {}); | |
} | |
const nodes = nodesByType["workflow/" + g]; | |
if (nodes) recreateNodes.push(...nodes); | |
} | |
await GroupNodeConfig.registerFromWorkflow(types, {}); | |
for (const node of recreateNodes) { | |
node.recreate(); | |
} | |
this.modifications = {}; | |, true); | |
this.changeGroup(this.selectedGroup, false); | |
}, | |
}, | |
"Save" | |
), | |
$el("button.comfy-btn", { onclick: () => this.element.close() }, "Close"), | |
]), | |
]); | |
this.element.replaceChildren(outer); | |
this.changeGroup(type ? groupNodes.find((g) => "workflow/" + g === type) : groupNodes[0]); | |
this.element.showModal(); | |
this.element.addEventListener("close", () => { | |
this.draggable?.dispose(); | |
}); | |
} | |
} |