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import os
import shutil
from tqdm import tqdm
import argparse
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
from import camera
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
def safemkdir(dirn):
if not os.path.isdir(dirn):
from pathlib import Path
def duration_to_alignment(in_duration):
total_len = np.sum(in_duration)
num_chars = len(in_duration)
attention = np.zeros(shape=(num_chars, total_len), dtype=np.float32)
y_offset = 0
for duration_idx, duration_val in enumerate(in_duration):
for y_val in range(0, duration_val):
attention[duration_idx][y_offset + y_val] = 1.0
y_offset += duration_val
return attention
def rescale_alignment(in_alignment, in_targcharlen):
current_x = in_alignment.shape[0]
x_ratio = in_targcharlen / current_x
pivot_points = []
zoomed = zoom(in_alignment, (x_ratio, 1.0), mode="nearest")
for x_v in range(0, zoomed.shape[0]):
for y_v in range(0, zoomed.shape[1]):
val = zoomed[x_v][y_v]
if val < 0.5:
val = 0.0
val = 1.0
pivot_points.append((x_v, y_v))
zoomed[x_v][y_v] = val
if zoomed.shape[0] != in_targcharlen:
print("Zooming didn't rshape well, explicitly reshaping")
zoomed.resize((in_targcharlen, in_alignment.shape[1]))
return zoomed, pivot_points
def gather_dist(in_mtr, in_points):
# initialize with known size for fast
full_coords = [(0, 0) for x in range(in_mtr.shape[0] * in_mtr.shape[1])]
i = 0
for x in range(0, in_mtr.shape[0]):
for y in range(0, in_mtr.shape[1]):
full_coords[i] = (x, y)
i += 1
return cdist(full_coords, in_points, "euclidean")
def create_guided(in_align, in_pvt, looseness):
new_att = np.ones(in_align.shape, dtype=np.float32)
# It is dramatically faster that we first gather all the points and calculate than do it manually
# for each point in for loop
dist_arr = gather_dist(in_align, in_pvt)
# Scale looseness based on attention size. (addition works better than mul). Also divide by 100
# because having user input 3.35 is nicer
real_loose = (looseness / 100) * (new_att.shape[0] + new_att.shape[1])
g_idx = 0
for x in range(0, new_att.shape[0]):
for y in range(0, new_att.shape[1]):
min_point_idx = dist_arr[g_idx].argmin()
closest_pvt = in_pvt[min_point_idx]
distance = dist_arr[g_idx][min_point_idx] / real_loose
distance = np.power(distance, 2)
g_idx += 1
new_att[x, y] = distance
return np.clip(new_att, 0.0, 1.0)
def get_pivot_points(in_att):
ret_points = []
for x in range(0, in_att.shape[0]):
for y in range(0, in_att.shape[1]):
if in_att[x, y] > 0.8:
ret_points.append((x, y))
return ret_points
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Postprocess durations to become alignments"
help="Path of dump directory",
help="Looseness of the generated guided attention map. Lower values = tighter",
args = parser.parse_args()
dump_dir = args.dump_dir
dump_sets = ["train", "valid"]
for d_set in dump_sets:
full_fol = os.path.join(dump_dir, d_set)
align_path = os.path.join(full_fol, "alignments")
ids_path = os.path.join(full_fol, "ids")
durations_path = os.path.join(full_fol, "durations")
for duration_fn in tqdm(os.listdir(durations_path)):
if not ".npy" in duration_fn:
id_fn = duration_fn.replace("-durations", "-ids")
id_path = os.path.join(ids_path, id_fn)
duration_path = os.path.join(durations_path, duration_fn)
duration_arr = np.load(duration_path)
id_arr = np.load(id_path)
id_true_size = len(id_arr)
align = duration_to_alignment(duration_arr)
if align.shape[0] != id_true_size:
align, points = rescale_alignment(align, id_true_size)
points = get_pivot_points(align)
if len(points) == 0:
print("WARNING points are empty for", id_fn)
align = create_guided(align, points, args.looseness)
align_fn = id_fn.replace("-ids", "-alignment")
align_full_fn = os.path.join(align_path, align_fn), align.astype("float32"))
if __name__ == "__main__":