face-mesh-workflow / MediaMesh.py
decouple the depth detection from tuning phase and refactor a lot
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This is the bulk of the logic for the gradio demo. You use it for whatever
# you want. Credit would be nice but w/e
# You can also run it on an image from the cli
# 1. rework the classes that just wrap Dict and List to extend them
# 2. cleanup all the to_dict madness
# 3. convert the print calls to use the logging
# 4. add a proper creative commons license
# 5. cleanup string constants
# 6. replace custom code with libraries like for OBJ
import cv2
import json
import logging
import mediapipe as mp
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import torch
from mediapipe.framework.formats import landmark_pb2
from mediapipe.python.solutions.drawing_utils import _normalized_to_pixel_coordinates
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from transformers import DPTFeatureExtractor, DPTForDepthEstimation
from typing import List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union, Dict, Type
from utils import colorize
from quads import QUADS
mp_face_mesh = mp.solutions.face_mesh
mp_drawing = mp.solutions.drawing_utils
mp_drawing_styles = mp.solutions.drawing_styles
NumpyImage = Type[np.ndarray]
DEVICE = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
HF_HACK = True
class Point3:
def __init__(self, values:List[float]=3*[0] ):
self.values = values
def x(self):
return self.values[0]
def y(self):
return self.values[1]
def z(self):
return self.values[2]
def to_dict(self):
return {'x':self.x,'y':self.y,'z':self.z}
class TextureCoordinate:
def __init__(self, values:List[float]=2*[0] ):
self.values = values
def u(self):
return self.values[0]
def v(self):
return self.values[1]
def to_dict(self):
return {'u':self.u,'v':self.v}
class PixelCoordinate:
def __init__(self, values:List[int]=2*[0] ):
self.values = values
def x(self):
return self.values[0]
def y(self):
return self.values[1]
def to_dict(self):
return {'x':self.x,'y':self.y}
class DepthMap:
MEDIA_PIPE = 'mediapipe'
def __init__(self, values:Dict[str,float]={'og':0} ):
self.values = values
def to_dict(self):
return self.values
class DepthMapping:
def __init__(self, weight:float=1, lo:float=+np.inf, hi:float=-np.inf, toLo:float=0, toHi:float=1):
self.weight = weight
self.lo = lo
self.hi = hi
self.toLo = toLo
self.toHi = toHi
self.diff = 1
self.toDiff = 1
def reset(self):
self.lo = +np.inf
self.hi = -np.inf
def track(self,value):
self.lo = min(self.lo,value)
self.hi = max(self.hi,value)
def update(self):
self.diff = self.hi - self.lo
self.toDiff = self.toHi - self.toLo
return self
def translate(self,value):
if not self.diff == 0:
value = ( value - self.lo ) / self.diff
value = self.toLo + value * self.toDiff
value = value * self.weight
return value
def to_dict(self):
return {
'weight' : self.weight,
'lo' : self.lo,
'hi' : self.hi,
'toLo' : self.toLo,
'toHi' : self.toHi,
'diff' : self.diff,
'toDiff' : self.toDiff,
class WeightMap:
def __init__(self, values:Dict[str,DepthMapping]=None):
if values is None:
self.values = {DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE:DepthMapping()}
self.values = values
def set(self,key:str,depthMapping:DepthMapping):
self.values[key] = depthMapping
def totally(self,name:str):
if not name in self.values:
raise Exception( f'no weight for {k} in {self.to_dict()}' )
for depthMapping in self.values.values():
depthMapping.weight = 0
self.values[ name ].weight = 1
def saveWeights(self)->Dict[str,float]:
return {k:v.weight for k,v in self.values.items()}
def loadWeights(self,weights:Dict[str,float]):
for k,weight in weights.items():
if k in self.values:
self.values[ k ].weight = weight
raise Exception( f'no weight for {k} in {self.to_dict()}' )
def to_dict(self):
return {k:dm.to_dict() for k,dm in self.values.items()}
return self.values
class MeshPoint:
def __init__(self,
position:Point3 = Point3(),
color:Point3 = Point3(),
textureCoordinate:TextureCoordinate = TextureCoordinate(),
pixelCoordinate:PixelCoordinate = PixelCoordinate(),
depthMap:DepthMap = None,
self.position = position
self.color = color
self.textureCoordinate = textureCoordinate
self.pixelCoordinate = pixelCoordinate
if depthMap is None:
self.depthMap = DepthMap({DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE:position.values[2]})
self.depthMap = depthMap
def to_dict(self):
derp = {
'position' : self.position.to_dict(),
'color' : self.color.to_dict(),
'textureCoordinate' : self.textureCoordinate.to_dict(),
'pixelCoordinate' : self.pixelCoordinate.to_dict(),
if not self.depthMap is None:
derp[ 'depthMap' ] = self.depthMap.to_dict()
return derp
def weighDepth(self, weightMap:WeightMap = WeightMap()):
total_sum = sum([dm.weight for dm in weightMap.values.values()])
tmp = 0
for key, depthMapping in weightMap.values.items():
if key in self.depthMap.values:
tmp = tmp + depthMapping.translate( self.depthMap.values[ key ] )
raise Exception(f'{key} from weightMap not in depthMap')
tmp = tmp / total_sum
#print( f'depthMap: {json.dumps(self.depthMap.to_dict())} -> {tmp}') # spam!!!
self.position.values[2] = tmp
def mapLandMark(self, mediaMesh:'MediaMesh', landmark: landmark_pb2.NormalizedLandmark) -> 'MeshPoint':
x, y = _normalized_to_pixel_coordinates(landmark.x,landmark.y,mediaMesh.width,mediaMesh.height)
#position = [landmark.x * mediaMesh.ratio, landmark.y, landmark.z]
#position = [landmark.x * mediaMesh.ratio, landmark.y, landmark.z]
position = [v * mediaMesh.scale[i] for i,v in enumerate([landmark.x, landmark.y, landmark.z])]
self.position = Point3(position)
#self.position = Point3([landmark.x * mediaMesh.ratio, landmark.y, landmark.z])
self.color = Point3([value / 255 for value in mediaMesh.image[y,x]])
self.textureCoordinate = TextureCoordinate([x/mediaMesh.width,1-y/mediaMesh.height] )
self.pixelCoordinate = PixelCoordinate([x,y])
self.depthMap = DepthMap({DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE:self.position.z})
return self
def toObj(self, lines:List[str], hf_hack:bool=HF_HACK):
lines.append( "v " + " ".join(map(str, self.position.values + self.color.values)) )
lines.append( "vt " + " ".join(map(str, self.textureCoordinate.values ) ) )
# IMPORTANT! MeshFace uses 1 based indices, not 0 based!!!!
class MeshFace:
def __init__(self,indices:List[int]=None,normal:Point3=Point3()):
self.indices = indices
self.normal = normal
def calculateNormal(self,meshPoints:List[MeshPoint]):
if self.indices is None:
raise Exception('indices is junk')
if meshPoints is None:
raise Exception('meshPoints is junk')
if len(self.indices)<3:
raise Exception('need at least 3 points')
points = [meshPoints[index-1] for index in self.indices[:3]]
npz = [np.array(point.position.values) for point in points]
v1 = npz[1] - npz[0]
v2 = npz[2] - npz[0]
normal = np.cross(v1, v2)
normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal)
self.normal = Point3( normal.tolist() )
def toObj(self, lines:List[str], index:int, hf_hack:bool=HF_HACK):
lines.append( "vn " + " ".join([str(value) for value in self.normal.values]) )
face_uv = "f " + " ".join([f'{vertex}/{vertex}/{index}' for vertex in self.indices])
face_un = "f " + " ".join([str(vertex) for vertex in self.indices])
if hf_hack:
lines.append( f'#{face_uv}' )
lines.append( f'{face_un}' )
lines.append( face_uv )
class DepthSource:
def __init__(self, name:str=None):
self.name = name
self.mediaMesh = None
self.depth:NumpyImage = None
self.gray:NumpyImage = None
def mapDepth(self, mediaMesh:'MediaMesh', depthMapping:DepthMapping=None) -> 'DepthSource':
return self
def _addDepth(self, mediaMesh:'MediaMesh', depthMapping:DepthMapping=None) -> 'DepthSource':
self.gray = colorize(self.depth, cmap='gray_r')
self.mediaMesh = mediaMesh
for meshPoint in mediaMesh.points:
depth = self.depth[meshPoint.pixelCoordinate.y,meshPoint.pixelCoordinate.x]
#depth = -depth # lazy conversion from depth to position
meshPoint.depthMap.values[ self.name ] = float( depth )
mediaMesh.weightMap.set( self.name, self.createDepthMapping(depthMapping) )
self.gray = mediaMesh.drawGrayMesh(self.name,True)
return self
# note: if depthMapping is passed in, the hi and lo will be reset
def createDepthMapping(self,depthMapping:DepthMapping=None) -> DepthMapping:
if depthMapping is None:
depthMapping = DepthMapping()
if not self.depth is None:
for meshPoint in self.mediaMesh.points:
depth = self.depth[meshPoint.pixelCoordinate.y,meshPoint.pixelCoordinate.x]
return depthMapping.update()
class ZoeDepthSource( DepthSource ):
NAME = 'zoe'
def __init__(self):
self.model = torch.hub.load('isl-org/ZoeDepth', "ZoeD_N", pretrained=True).to(DEVICE).eval()
def mapDepth(self, mediaMesh:'MediaMesh', depthMapping:DepthMapping=None) -> 'DepthSource':
self.depth = 1.-self.model.infer_pil(mediaMesh.image)
return self._addDepth(mediaMesh, depthMapping)
class MidasDepthSource( DepthSource ):
NAME = 'midas'
def __init__(self):
self.feature_extractor = DPTFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained("Intel/dpt-large")
self.model = DPTForDepthEstimation.from_pretrained("Intel/dpt-large")
def mapDepth(self, mediaMesh:'MediaMesh', depthMapping:DepthMapping=None) -> 'DepthSource':
img = Image.fromarray(mediaMesh.image)
encoding = self.feature_extractor(img, return_tensors="pt")
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = self.model(**encoding)
predicted_depth = outputs.predicted_depth
prediction = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(
self.depth = prediction.cpu().numpy()
return self._addDepth(mediaMesh, depthMapping)
# A MediaMesh has:
# 1. an input image
# 2. the first landmark found
# 3. a MeshPoint for each point
class MediaMesh:
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
COMBINED = 'combined'
def __init__(self, scale:List[int]=[-1,-1,-1], weightMap:WeightMap = None, image:NumpyImage = None, annotated:NumpyImage = None, points:List[MeshPoint] = None):
self.scale = scale
if weightMap is None:
self.weightMap = WeightMap()
self.weightMap = weightMap
self.image = image
self.annotated = annotated
self.points = points
self.meshes = {}
self.depthSources = {}
# after this call, instance variables for image, annotated and points should be set
def detect(self, image:NumpyImage, min_detection_confidence:float = .5) -> 'MediaMesh':
self.image = image
self.annotated = image.copy()
self.points = None
self.width = image.shape[1]
self.height = image.shape[0]
self.ratio = self.width / self.height
self.scale[0] = self.ratio
first = True # just do the first face for now
with mp_face_mesh.FaceMesh(
min_detection_confidence=min_detection_confidence) as face_mesh:
results = face_mesh.process(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
if not results.multi_face_landmarks:
raise Exception( 'no faces found' )
for landmarks in results.multi_face_landmarks:
if first:
self.points = self.mapLandMarks(landmarks)
first = False
self.drawLandMarks(self.annotated, landmarks)
self.gray = self.drawGrayMesh()
self.weightMap.set( DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE, self.createDepthMapping() )
return self
def drawLandMarks(self, image:NumpyImage, landmarks: landmark_pb2.NormalizedLandmarkList):
drawing_spec = mp_drawing.DrawingSpec(thickness=1, circle_radius=1)
def mapLandMarks(self, landmarks: landmark_pb2.NormalizedLandmarkList) -> List[MeshPoint]:
points = []
for landmark in landmarks.landmark:
point = MeshPoint().mapLandMark(self, landmark)
points.append( point )
return self.centerPoints(points)
def centerPoints(self,points:List[MeshPoint]=None) -> List[MeshPoint]:
if points is None:
points = self.points
mins = [+np.inf] * 3
maxs = [-np.inf] * 3
for point in points:
for dimension,value in enumerate( point.position.values ):
mins[dimension] = min(mins[dimension],value)
maxs[dimension] = max(maxs[dimension],value)
mids = [(min_val + max_val) / 2 for min_val, max_val in zip(mins, maxs)]
for point in points:
point.position.values = [(val-mid) for val, mid in zip(point.position.values,mids)]
print( f'mins: {mins}' )
print( f'mids: {mids}' )
print( f'maxs: {maxs}' )
return points
def createDepthMapping(self,depthMapping:DepthMapping=None) -> DepthMapping:
if depthMapping is None:
depthMapping = DepthMapping()
for point in self.points:
return depthMapping.update()
def drawGrayMesh(self, source:str=DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE, invert:bool=False):
image = Image.new("RGB", (self.width, self.height), (88,13,33))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
minZ = np.inf
maxZ = -np.inf
depths = []
for point in self.points:
depth = point.depthMap.values[source]
depths.append( depth )
minZ = min( minZ, depth )
maxZ = max( maxZ, depth )
difZ = maxZ - minZ
if 0 == difZ:
difZ = 1
depths = [(depth-minZ)/difZ for depth in depths]
for quad in QUADS:
points = [tuple(self.points[index-1].pixelCoordinate.values) for index in quad]
colors = [tuple(3*[int(255*depths[index-1])]) for index in quad]
color = int(np.average(colors))
if invert:
color = 255 - color
draw.polygon(points, fill=tuple(3*[color]))
#draw.polygon(points, fill=colors) # sadly this does not work
return np.asarray(image)
# the obj is based on the current weightMap
def toObj(self, name:str='sweet', hf_hack:bool=HF_HACK):
print( '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' )
obj = [f'o {name}Mesh']
mtl = f'newmtl {name}Material\nmap_Kd {name}.png\n'
c = '#' if hf_hack else ''
obj.append( f'{c}mtllib {name}.mtl' )
obj.append( f'##################################################################' )
obj.append( f'# to bring into blender with uvs:' )
obj.append( f'# put the following 2 lines into {name}.mtl uncommented' )
obj.append( f'#newmtl {name}Material' )
obj.append( f'#map_Kd {name}.png' )
obj.append( f'# remove lines from this file starting with "f "' )
obj.append( f'# uncomment the lines that start with "#f "' )
obj.append( f'##################################################################' )
for key, depthMapping in self.weightMap.values.items():
print( f'{name}.{key} -> {depthMapping.to_dict()}' )
for point in self.points:
for point in self.points:
obj.append( f'usemtl {name}Material' )
index = 0
for quad in QUADS:
index = 1 + index
face = MeshFace(quad)
face.toObj(obj, index, hf_hack)
obj.append( f'##################################################################' )
obj.append( f'# EOF' )
obj.append( f'##################################################################' )
print( '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' )
return obj,mtl
def to_dict(self):
return {
'width' : self.width,
'height' : self.height,
'ratio' : self.ratio,
'weightMap' : {key: value.to_dict() for key, value in self.weightMap.values.items()},
'points' : [point.to_dict() for point in self.points]
# should be called after demoSetup and detect
def singleSourceMesh(self,name:str, hf_hack:bool=HF_HACK):
before = self.weightMap.saveWeights() # push
obj,mtl = self.toObj(name)
self.weightMap.loadWeights( before ) # pop
return obj,mtl
# should be called after demoSetup and detect
def meshmerizing(self,hf_hack:bool=HF_HACK):
for depthSource in self.depthSources:
obj,mtl = self.toObj(MediaMesh.COMBINED)
self.meshes = {MediaMesh.COMBINED:(obj,mtl)}
for source in self.depthSources:
self.meshes[ source.name ] = (self.singleSourceMesh(source.name))
self.meshes[DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE] = (self.singleSourceMesh(DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE))
return self.meshes
def demoSetup(self) -> 'MediaMesh':
self.depthSources = [ ZoeDepthSource(), MidasDepthSource() ]
for depthSource in self.depthSources:
self.weightMap.set( depthSource.name, depthSource.createDepthMapping() )
# observationally
self.weightMap.values[ ZoeDepthSource.NAME ].toHi = 1.77
self.weightMap.values[ MidasDepthSource.NAME ].toHi = 2.55
self.weightMap.values[ ZoeDepthSource.NAME ].weight = 1.00
self.weightMap.values[ MidasDepthSource.NAME ].weight = 0.22
return self
def main(self):
if not 2 == len(sys.argv):
raise Exception( 'usage: MediaMesh.py <image filename>' )
mediaMesh = MediaMesh().demoSetup()
mediaMesh.detect(cv2.imread( sys.argv[1] ) )
for name,mesh in mediaMesh.meshmerizing().items():
obj = mesh[0]
mtl = mesh[1]
with open(f"{name}.obj", "w") as file:
file.write( '\n'.join(obj) )
with open(f"{name}.mtl", "w") as file:
file.write( mtl )
cv2.imwrite( 'mesh.png', mediaMesh.annotated )
cv2.imwrite( 'mpg.png', mediaMesh.gray )
for source in mediaMesh.depthSources:
cv2.imwrite( f'{source.name}.png', source.gray )
with open("mesh.json", "w") as file:
json.dump(mediaMesh.to_dict(), file, indent=4)
if __name__ == "__main__":