Runtime error
Runtime error
import pandas as pd | |
import streamlit as st | |
from classification import ClassificationModels | |
def main(): | |
st.sidebar.title("Navigation") | |
page_options = ["Classification", "Regressor", "NLP", "Image", "Voice", "Video", "LLMs"] | |
choice ="Go to", page_options) | |
if choice == "Classification": | |
st.title("Classification") | |
spectra = st.file_uploader("Upload file", type={"csv", "txt"}) | |
if spectra is not None: | |
spectra_df = pd.read_csv(spectra) | |
st.write(spectra_df.head(5)) | |
st.write("Headers", spectra_df.columns.tolist()) | |
st.write("Total Rows", spectra_df.shape[0]) | |
option = st.text_input("Enter your text here:") | |
if option: | |
st.write("You entered:", option) | |
y = spectra_df[option] | |
X= spectra_df.drop(option, axis=1) | |
st.write("X",X.head(5) ) | |
st.write("y", y.head(5)) | |
clf = ClassificationModels(X,y) | |
# Split the data | |
clf.split_data() | |
# Train the models | |
naive_bayes_model = clf.naive_bayes_classifier() | |
logistic_regression_model = clf.logistic_regression() | |
decision_tree_model = clf.decision_tree() | |
random_forests_model = clf.random_forests() | |
svm_model = clf.support_vector_machines() | |
knn_model = clf.k_nearest_neighbour() | |
# Evaluate the models | |
naive_bayes_accuracy = clf.evaluate_model(naive_bayes_model) | |
logistic_regression_accuracy = clf.evaluate_model(logistic_regression_model) | |
decision_tree_accuracy = clf.evaluate_model(decision_tree_model) | |
random_forests_accuracy = clf.evaluate_model(random_forests_model) | |
svm_accuracy = clf.evaluate_model(svm_model) | |
knn_accuracy = clf.evaluate_model(knn_model) | |
# Evaluate classification model | |
naive_bayes_classification_report = clf.evaluate_classification_report(naive_bayes_model) | |
logistic_regression_classification_report = clf.evaluate_classification_report(logistic_regression_model) | |
decision_tree_classification_report = clf.evaluate_classification_report(decision_tree_model) | |
random_forest_classification_report = clf.evaluate_classification_report(random_forests_model) | |
svm_classification_report = clf.evaluate_classification_report(svm_model) | |
knn_classification_report = clf.evaluate_classification_report(knn_model) | |
# Display the model prediction | |
# st.write("Naive Bayes Model Prediction:", clf.predict_model(naive_bayes_model)) | |
# Display the accuracies | |
st.write("Naive Bayes Accuracy:", naive_bayes_accuracy) | |
st.write("Logistic Regression Accuracy:", logistic_regression_accuracy) | |
st.write("Decision Tree Accuracy:", decision_tree_accuracy) | |
st.write("Random Forests Accuracy:", random_forests_accuracy) | |
st.write("Support Vector Machines Accuracy:", svm_accuracy) | |
st.write("K-Nearest Neighbors Accuracy:", knn_accuracy) | |
# Display classification reports | |
st.write("Naive Bayes Classification Report:", pd.DataFrame(naive_bayes_classification_report)) | |
st.write("Logistic Regression Classification Report:", pd.DataFrame(logistic_regression_classification_report)) | |
st.write("Decision Tree Classification Report:", pd.DataFrame(decision_tree_classification_report)) | |
st.write("Random Forests Classification Report:", pd.DataFrame(random_forest_classification_report)) | |
st.write("Support Vector Machines Classification Report:", pd.DataFrame(svm_classification_report)) | |
st.write("K-Nearest Neighbors Classification Report:", pd.DataFrame(knn_classification_report)) | |
# Display the confusion matrix | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() | |