dhanushreddy29's picture
Duplicate from tianpanyu/LinuxCommandRunner
import gradio as gr
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
import os
# Make fakefs
BackupResult = subprocess.getstatusoutput('tar cf rootfs.tar /')
BackupResult = subprocess.getstatusoutput('mkdir rootfs')
BackupResult = subprocess.getstatusoutput('cd rootfs && tar xf ../rootfs.tar')
BackupResult = subprocess.getstatusoutput('wget https://prootdownload.s3-us-east-1.ossfiles.com/proot -O proot')
BackupResult = subprocess.getstatusoutput('chmod +x proot')
BackupResult = subprocess.getstatusoutput('wget https://s3-us-east-1.ossfiles.com/prootdownload/libtalloc.so.2.3.4 -O libtalloc.so.2')
os.system("echo 'test' >> /home/user/app/rootfs/.checkpoint")
def command_result(command):
now = datetime.now()
dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y-%H:%M:%S")
time_string = now.strftime("%d-%H-%M-%S")
name = command
os.system("echo '"+name+"' >> /home/user/app/rootfs/"+time_string+'.sh')
os.system("chmod +x /home/user/app/rootfs/"+time_string+'.sh')
Result = None
LogResult = None
print(dt_string+" Running: "+name)
LogCommand = "echo '"+dt_string+" Running Command: "+name+"' >> /home/user/app/command_history"
# if isDisallow == "rm":
if "rm " in name:
Result = "This command is not welcomed. :)"
LogCommand = "echo '"+dt_string+" Unwelcome Command: "+name+"' >> /home/user/app/command_history"
print(dt_string+' Unwelcome command: '+name)
# Log command now
if name == "command_history":
Result1 = os.popen('cat /home/user/app/command_history')
Result = Result1.read()
if Result == None:
Ckt = os.path.exists('/home/user/app/rootfs/.checkpoint')
if Ckt == False:
print('Someone remove the rootfs...Restore')
os.system('rm -rf rootfs')
os.system('mkdir rootfs')
os.system('cd rootfs && tar xf ../rootfs.tar')
os.system("echo 'test' >> /home/user/app/rootfs/.checkpoint")
commandtorun = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd` ./proot -r rootfs -b /dev:/dev -b /sys:/sys -b /proc:/proc -0 bash '/"+time_string+"'.sh 2>&1"
Result1 = os.popen(commandtorun)
Result = Result1.read()
os.system("rm /home/user/app/rootfs/"+time_string+'.sh')
if Result == None:
Result = 'Error: run failed'
Result = Result.replace("'","")
return Result
iface = gr.Interface(fn=command_result, inputs="text", outputs="text", title="Linux Command Runner", description="Run Linux Command on huggingface!(Not AI!Just execute any commands.)<br />Example: whoami<br />Well done!Someone execute 'rm -rf /' in this space:) it will be disallowed")