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import json
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import field
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from .artifact import Artifact
from .collections import ListCollection
from .dataclass import NonPositionalField
from .instructions import Instruction, TextualInstruction
from .operator import StreamInstanceOperator
from .random_utils import get_random
from .text_utils import split_words
from .type_utils import isoftype
class Renderer(ABC):
def get_postprocessors(self) -> List[str]:
class Template(Artifact):
is_multi_target: bool = NonPositionalField(default=False)
is_multi_reference: bool = NonPositionalField(default=False)
def process_inputs(self, inputs: Dict[str, object]) -> Dict[str, object]:
def process_outputs(self, outputs: Dict[str, object]) -> Dict[str, object]:
def get_postprocessors(self) -> List[str]:
class RenderFormatTemplate(Renderer, StreamInstanceOperator):
template: Template = None
random_reference: bool = False
def verify(self):
assert isinstance(
self.template, Template
), "Template must be an instance of Template"
assert self.template is not None, "Template must be specified"
def process(
self, instance: Dict[str, Any], stream_name: Optional[str] = None
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return self.render(instance)
def render(self, instance: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
inputs = instance.pop("inputs")
outputs = instance.pop("outputs")
source = self.template.process_inputs(inputs)
targets = self.template.process_outputs(outputs)
if self.template.is_multi_reference:
references = targets
if self.random_reference:
target = get_random().choice(references)
if len(references) == 0:
raise ValueError("No references found")
target = references[0]
references = [targets]
target = targets
return {
"source": source,
"target": target,
"references": references,
def get_postprocessors(self) -> List[str]:
return self.template.get_postprocessors()
class RenderAutoFormatTemplate(RenderFormatTemplate):
def prepare(self):
if self.template is None:
self.template = AutoInputOutputTemplate()
def render(self, instance: Dict[str, object]) -> Dict[str, object]:
if not self.template.is_complete():
self.template.infer_missing(instance["inputs"], instance["outputs"])
inputs = dict(instance["inputs"].items())
return super().render({**instance, "inputs": inputs})
class CharacterSizeLimiter(Artifact):
limit: int = 1000
def check(self, text: str) -> bool:
return len(text) <= self.limit
class RenderTemplatedICL(RenderAutoFormatTemplate):
instruction: Instruction = None
input_prefix: str = ""
output_prefix: str = ""
target_prefix: str = " "
instruction_prefix: str = ""
demos_field: str = None
size_limiter: Artifact = None
input_output_separator: str = "\n"
demo_separator: str = "\n\n"
system_prompt: str = None
def render(self, instance: Dict[str, object]) -> Dict[str, object]:
demos = instance.pop(self.demos_field, [])
source = ""
example = super().render(instance)
input_str = (
+ example["source"]
+ self.input_output_separator
+ self.output_prefix
if self.instruction is not None:
source += self.instruction_prefix + self.instruction() + self.demo_separator
for demo_instance in demos:
demo_example = super().render(demo_instance)
demo_str = (
+ demo_example["source"]
+ self.input_output_separator
+ self.output_prefix
+ self.target_prefix
+ demo_example["target"]
+ self.demo_separator
if self.size_limiter is not None:
if not self.size_limiter.check(
source + demo_str + input_str + example["target"]
source += demo_str
source += input_str
if self.system_prompt is not None:
source = self.system_prompt.format(source)
return {
"source": source,
class InputOutputTemplate(Template):
input_format: str = None
output_format: str = None
postprocessors: List[str] = field(
default_factory=lambda: ["processors.to_string_stripped"]
def process_template(self, template: str, data: Dict[str, object]) -> str:
data = {k: ", ".join(v) if isinstance(v, list) else v for k, v in data.items()}
return template.format(**data)
def process_inputs(self, inputs: Dict[str, object]) -> str:
return self.process_template(self.input_format, inputs)
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(
f"Available inputs are {list(inputs.keys())} but input format requires a different ones: '{self.input_format}'"
) from e
def process_outputs(self, outputs: Dict[str, object]) -> str:
return self.process_template(self.output_format, outputs)
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(
f"Available outputs are {outputs.keys()} but output format requires a different one: {self.output_format}"
) from e
def get_postprocessors(self) -> List[str]:
return self.postprocessors
class YesNoTemplate(Template):
"""A template for generating binary Yes/No questions asking whether an input text is of a specific class.
Defines the format of the question.
Defines the field that contains the name of the class that this template
asks of.
Defines the field which contains the true label of the input text. If a gold label is equal to the
value in class_name, then the correct output is self.yes_answer (by default, "Yes").
Otherwise the correct output is self.no_answer (by default, "No").
The output value for when the gold label equals self.class_name.
Defaults to "Yes".
The output value for when the gold label differs from self.class_name.
Defaults to "No".
input_format: str = None
class_field: str = None
label_field: str = None
yes_answer: str = "Yes"
no_answer: str = "No"
postprocessors: List[str] = field(
default_factory=lambda: ["processors.to_string_stripped"]
def process_inputs(self, inputs: Dict[str, object]) -> str:
data = {
k: ", ".join(v) if isinstance(v, list) else v for k, v in inputs.items()
return self.input_format.format(**data)
except KeyError as e:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Available inputs are {list(inputs.keys())} but input format requires a different one: {self.input_format}"
) from e
def process_outputs(self, outputs: Dict[str, object]) -> str:
gold_class_names = outputs[self.label_field]
except KeyError as e:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Available outputs are {list(outputs.keys())}, missing required label field: '{self.label_field}'."
) from e
if not isinstance(gold_class_names, list) or not gold_class_names:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Unexpected value for gold_class_names: '{gold_class_names}'. Expected a non-empty list."
queried_class_names = outputs[self.class_field]
except KeyError as e:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Available outputs are {list(outputs.keys())}, missing required class field: '{self.class_field}'."
) from e
if (
not queried_class_names
or not isinstance(queried_class_names, list)
or not len(queried_class_names) == 1
raise RuntimeError(
f"Unexpected value for queried_class_names: '{queried_class_names}'. Expected a list with one item."
queried_class_name = queried_class_names[0]
if queried_class_name in gold_class_names:
return self.yes_answer
return self.no_answer
def get_postprocessors(self) -> List[str]:
return self.postprocessors
class KeyValTemplate(Template):
pairs_seperator: str = ", "
key_val_seperator: str = ": "
use_keys_for_inputs: bool = True
outputs_key_val_seperator: str = ": "
use_keys_for_outputs: bool = False
postprocessors: List[str] = field(
default_factory=lambda: ["processors.to_string_stripped"]
def process_dict(
self, dic: Dict[str, object], key_val_sep, pairs_sep, use_keys
) -> str:
dic = {
k: ", ".join([str(vi) for vi in v]) if isinstance(v, list) else v
for k, v in dic.items()
pairs = []
for key, val in dic.items():
key_val = [key, val] if use_keys else [val]
return pairs_sep.join(pairs)
def process_inputs(self, inputs: Dict[str, object]) -> str:
return self.process_dict(
def process_outputs(self, outputs: Dict[str, object]) -> str:
return self.process_dict(
def get_postprocessors(self) -> List[str]:
return self.postprocessors
class OutputQuantizingTemplate(InputOutputTemplate):
quantum: float = 0.1
def process_outputs(self, outputs: Dict[str, object]) -> str:
quantized_outputs = {
key: round(input_float / self.quantum) * self.quantum
for key, input_float in outputs.items()
return super().process_outputs(quantized_outputs)
class MultiLabelTemplate(InputOutputTemplate):
labels_field: str = "labels"
labels_seprator: str = ", "
postprocessors = ["processors.to_list_by_comma"]
output_format = "{labels}"
empty_label = "None"
def process_outputs(self, outputs: Dict[str, object]) -> str:
labels = outputs[self.labels_field]
if len(labels) == 0:
labels = [self.empty_label]
labels_str = self.labels_seprator.join(labels)
return super().process_outputs({self.labels_field: labels_str})
class MultiReferenceTemplate(InputOutputTemplate):
references_field: str = "references"
is_multi_reference = True
def process_outputs(self, outputs: Dict[str, object]) -> List[str]:
references = outputs[self.references_field]
if not isoftype(references, List[str]):
raise ValueError(
f"MultiReferenceTemplate requires that references field {self.references_field} is of type List[str]."
return references
def escape_chars(s, chars_to_escape):
for char in chars_to_escape:
s = s.replace(char, f"\\{char}")
return s
class SpanLabelingBaseTemplate(MultiLabelTemplate):
spans_starts_field: str = "spans_starts"
spans_ends_field: str = "spans_ends"
text_field: str = "text"
labels_support: list = None
def extract_span_label_pairs(self, outputs):
spans_starts = outputs[self.spans_starts_field]
spans_ends = outputs[self.spans_ends_field]
text = outputs[self.text_field]
labels = outputs[self.labels_field]
spans = []
for span_start, span_end, label in zip(spans_starts, spans_ends, labels):
if self.labels_support is None or label in self.labels_support:
spans.append((span_start, span_end, text[span_start:span_end], label))
for span in sorted(spans):
if self.labels_support is None or span[3] in self.labels_support:
yield span[2], span[3]
def process_outputs(self, outputs: Dict[str, object]) -> Dict[str, object]:
span_lables_pairs = self.extract_span_label_pairs(outputs)
targets = self.span_label_pairs_to_targets(span_lables_pairs)
return super().process_outputs({"labels": targets})
def span_label_pairs_to_targets(self, pairs):
class SpanLabelingTemplate(SpanLabelingBaseTemplate):
span_label_format: str = "{span}: {label}"
escape_characters: List[str] = [":", ","]
postprocessors = ["processors.to_span_label_pairs"]
def span_label_pairs_to_targets(self, span_label_pairs):
targets = []
for span, label in span_label_pairs:
if self.escape_characters is not None:
span = escape_chars(span, self.escape_characters)
target = self.span_label_format.format(span=span, label=label)
return targets
class SpanLabelingJsonTemplate(SpanLabelingBaseTemplate):
postprocessors = [
def span_label_pairs_to_targets(self, span_label_pairs):
groups = {}
for span, label in span_label_pairs:
if label not in groups:
groups[label] = []
if len(groups) > 0:
targets = [json.dumps(groups)]
targets = []
return targets
class AutoInputOutputTemplate(InputOutputTemplate):
def infer_input_format(self, inputs):
input_format = ""
for key in inputs.keys():
name = " ".join(
word.lower().capitalize() for word in split_words(key) if word != " "
input_format += name + ": " + "{" + key + "}" + "\n"
self.input_format = input_format
def infer_output_format(self, outputs):
self.output_format = "{" + next(iter(outputs.keys())) + "}"
def infer_missing(self, inputs, outputs):
if self.input_format is None:
if self.output_format is None:
def is_complete(self):
return self.input_format is not None and self.output_format is not None
class TemplatesList(ListCollection):
def verify(self):
for template in self.items:
assert isinstance(template, Template)
def outputs_inputs2templates(
inputs: Union[str, List], outputs: Union[str, List]
) -> TemplatesList:
"""Combines input and output formats into their dot product.
:param inputs: list of input formats (or one)
:param outputs: list of output formats (or one)
:return: TemplatesList of InputOutputTemplate.
templates = []
if isinstance(inputs, str):
inputs = [inputs]
if isinstance(outputs, str):
outputs = [outputs]
for input in inputs:
for output in outputs:
return TemplatesList(templates)
def instructions2templates(
instructions: List[TextualInstruction], templates: List[InputOutputTemplate]
) -> TemplatesList:
"""Insert instructions into per demonstration templates.
:param instructions:
:param templates: strings containing {instuction} where the instruction should be placed
res_templates = []
for instruction in instructions:
for template in templates:
"{instruction}", instruction.text
return TemplatesList(templates)
class TemplatesDict(Dict):
def verify(self):
for _key, template in self.items():
assert isinstance(template, Template)