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from typing import Any, Dict, List
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from import SentencePieceBPETokenizer
from virtex.modules.textual_heads import TextualHead
from virtex.modules.visual_backbones import VisualBackbone
class ClassificationModel(nn.Module):
A model to perform classification (generally, with multiple targets). It is
composed of a :class:`~virtex.modules.visual_backbones.VisualBackbone` and a
:class:`~virtex.modules.textual_heads.TextualHead` on top of it.
.. note::
As with currently available textual heads, only one textual head is
supported here: :class:`~virtex.modules.textual_heads.LinearTextualHead`.
During training, it minimizes the KL-divergence loss with a K-hot vector,
with values ``1/K``, where K are the number of unique labels to classify.
visual: virtex.modules.visual_backbones.VisualBackbone
A :class:`~virtex.modules.visual_backbones.VisualBackbone` which
computes visual features from an input image.
textual: virtex.modules.textual_heads.TextualHead
A :class:`~virtex.modules.textual_heads.TextualHead` which
makes final predictions conditioned on visual features.
ignore_indices: List[int]
Ignore a set of token indices while computing KL-divergence loss. These
are usually the special tokens such as ``[SOS]``, ``[EOS]`` etc.
def __init__(
self, visual: VisualBackbone, textual: TextualHead, ignore_indices: List[int]
self.visual = visual
self.textual = textual
self.ignore_indices = ignore_indices
def forward(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]):
Given a batch of images and set of labels, perform classification with
multiple targets by minimizing a KL-divergence loss.
batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
A batch of images and labels. Possible set of keys:
``{"image_id", "image", "labels"}``
Dict[str, Any]
A dict with the following structure, containing loss for optimization,
loss components to log directly to tensorboard, and optionally
.. code-block::
"loss": torch.Tensor,
"loss_components": {
"classification": torch.Tensor,
"predictions": torch.Tensor
# shape: (batch_size, visual_feature_size, ...)
visual_features = self.visual(batch["image"])
batch_size = visual_features.size(0)
# Get logits and further log-probabilities.
# shape: (batch_size, vocab_size)
logits = self.textual(visual_features)
logprobs = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=1)
# Average log-probs per unique token in associated caption to compute
# loss. This is simply cross-entropy with target-vector as a K-hot
# vector. Do in a for-loop, there isn't a straightforward vectorized way.
loss = torch.tensor(0.0, device=logprobs.device)
for index in range(batch_size):
# Get unique labels for particular instance.
unique_labels = batch["labels"][index].unique()
# Ignore indices of special tokens such as [SOS], [EOS] etc. and
# any other token specified.
unique_labels = [l for l in unique_labels if l not in self.ignore_indices]
# Get log-probabilities corresponding to these tokens.
instance_logprobs = logprobs[index, unique_labels].mean()
# Accumulate negative log-probability for this instance in loss.
loss = loss - instance_logprobs
# Average loss across instances.
output_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {"loss": loss / batch_size}
# Single scalar per batch for logging to tensorboard in training script.
output_dict["loss_components"] = {
"classification": loss.clone().detach() / batch_size
# Return top-10 tokens according to log-probabilities during validation.
# Useful for logging.
if not
top_logprobs, top_tokens = logprobs.topk(k=10, dim=1)
output_dict["predictions"] = top_tokens
return output_dict
class TokenClassificationModel(ClassificationModel):
Convenient extension of :class:`~virtex.models.classification.ClassificationModel`
for better readability (this only modifies the tensorboard logging logic).
Ground truth targets here are a set of unique caption tokens (ignoring the
special tokens like ``[SOS]``, ``[EOS]`` etc.).
def log_predictions(
self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], tokenizer: SentencePieceBPETokenizer
) -> str:
with torch.no_grad():
predictions = self.forward(batch)["predictions"]
predictions_str = ""
for tokens, preds in zip(batch["caption_tokens"], predictions):
# Predictions here are individual tokens, and do not have any order
# like captions, so decode them separately so we don't strip off
# metaspace character and special tokens if any.
preds = [tokenizer.id_to_token(p) for p in preds.tolist()]
predictions_str += f"""
Caption tokens : {tokenizer.decode(tokens.tolist())}
Predictions (f): {" ".join(preds)}
return predictions_str
class MultiLabelClassificationModel(ClassificationModel):
Convenient extension of :class:`~virtex.models.classification.ClassificationModel`
for better readability (this only modifies the tensorboard logging logic).
Ground truth targets here are a set of unique instances in images (ignoring
the special background token, category id = 0 in COCO).
def log_predictions(
batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
tokenizer: SentencePieceBPETokenizer = None,
) -> str:
# We accept `tokenizer` for having consistent API but don't use it here.
with torch.no_grad():
predictions = self.forward(batch)["predictions"]
predictions_str = ""
for tokens, preds in zip(batch["caption_tokens"], predictions):
# Predictions here are COCO category IDs, let them be as is.
# Sorted ground truth, remove background tokens.
tokens = sorted([t for t in tokens.tolist() if t != 0])
preds = sorted(preds.tolist()[: len(tokens)])
predictions_str += f"""
COCO Instance IDs (GT) : {tokens}
COCO Instance IDs (Pred) : {preds}
return predictions_str