Runtime error
Runtime error
r""" | |
This module is a collection of metrics commonly used during pretraining and | |
downstream evaluation. Two main classes here are: | |
- :class:`TopkAccuracy` used for ImageNet linear classification evaluation. | |
- :class:`CocoCaptionsEvaluator` used for caption evaluation (CIDEr and SPICE). | |
Parts of this module (:meth:`tokenize`, :meth:`cider` and :meth:`spice`) are | |
adapted from `coco-captions evaluation code <>`_. | |
""" | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
import json | |
import os | |
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, check_call | |
import tempfile | |
from typing import Any, Dict, List | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
class TopkAccuracy(object): | |
r""" | |
An accumulator for Top-K classification accuracy. This accumulates per-batch | |
accuracy during training/validation, which can retrieved at the end. Assumes | |
integer labels and predictions. | |
.. note:: | |
If used in :class:`~torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel`, results | |
need to be aggregated across GPU processes outside this class. | |
Parameters | |
---------- | |
top_k: int, optional (default = 1) | |
``k`` for computing Top-K accuracy. | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, top_k: int = 1): | |
self._top_k = top_k | |
self.reset() | |
def reset(self): | |
r"""Reset counters; to be used at the start of new epoch/validation.""" | |
self.num_total = 0.0 | |
self.num_correct = 0.0 | |
def __call__(self, predictions: torch.Tensor, ground_truth: torch.Tensor): | |
r""" | |
Update accumulated accuracy using the current batch. | |
Parameters | |
---------- | |
ground_truth: torch.Tensor | |
A tensor of shape ``(batch_size, )``, an integer label per example. | |
predictions : torch.Tensor | |
Predicted logits or log-probabilities of shape | |
``(batch_size, num_classes)``. | |
""" | |
if self._top_k == 1: | |
top_k = predictions.max(-1)[1].unsqueeze(-1) | |
else: | |
top_k = predictions.topk(min(self._top_k, predictions.shape[-1]), -1)[1] | |
correct = top_k.eq(ground_truth.unsqueeze(-1)).float() | |
self.num_total += ground_truth.numel() | |
self.num_correct += correct.sum() | |
def get_metric(self, reset: bool = False): | |
r"""Get accumulated accuracy so far (and optionally reset counters).""" | |
if self.num_total > 1e-12: | |
accuracy = float(self.num_correct) / float(self.num_total) | |
else: | |
accuracy = 0.0 | |
if reset: | |
self.reset() | |
return accuracy | |
class CocoCaptionsEvaluator(object): | |
r"""A helper class to evaluate caption predictions in COCO format. This uses | |
:meth:`cider` and :meth:`spice` which exactly follow original COCO Captions | |
evaluation protocol. | |
Parameters | |
---------- | |
gt_annotations_path: str | |
Path to ground truth annotations in COCO format (typically this would | |
be COCO Captions ``val2017`` split). | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, gt_annotations_path: str): | |
gt_annotations = json.load(open(gt_annotations_path))["annotations"] | |
# Keep a mapping from image id to a list of captions. | |
self.ground_truth: Dict[int, List[str]] = defaultdict(list) | |
for ann in gt_annotations: | |
self.ground_truth[ann["image_id"]].append(ann["caption"]) | |
self.ground_truth = tokenize(self.ground_truth) | |
def evaluate(self, preds: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Dict[str, float]: | |
r"""Compute CIDEr and SPICE scores for predictions. | |
Parameters | |
---------- | |
preds: List[Dict[str, Any]] | |
List of per instance predictions in COCO Captions format: | |
``[ {"image_id": int, "caption": str} ...]``. | |
Returns | |
------- | |
Dict[str, float] | |
Computed metrics; a dict with keys ``{"CIDEr", "SPICE"}``. | |
""" | |
if isinstance(preds, str): | |
preds = json.load(open(preds)) | |
res = {ann["image_id"]: [ann["caption"]] for ann in preds} | |
res = tokenize(res) | |
# Remove IDs from predictions which are not in GT. | |
common_image_ids = self.ground_truth.keys() & res.keys() | |
res = {k: v for k, v in res.items() if k in common_image_ids} | |
# Add dummy entries for IDs absent in preds, but present in GT. | |
for k in self.ground_truth: | |
res[k] = res.get(k, [""]) | |
cider_score = cider(res, self.ground_truth) | |
spice_score = spice(res, self.ground_truth) | |
return {"CIDEr": 100 * cider_score, "SPICE": 100 * spice_score} | |
def tokenize(image_id_to_captions: Dict[int, List[str]]) -> Dict[int, List[str]]: | |
r""" | |
Given a mapping of image id to a list of corrsponding captions, tokenize | |
captions in place according to Penn Treebank Tokenizer. This method assumes | |
the presence of Stanford CoreNLP JAR file in directory of this module. | |
""" | |
# Path to the Stanford CoreNLP JAR file. | |
"assets/stanford-corenlp-full-2014-08-27/stanford-corenlp-3.4.1.jar" | |
) | |
# Prepare data for Tokenizer: write captions to a text file, one per line. | |
image_ids = [k for k, v in image_id_to_captions.items() for _ in range(len(v))] | |
sentences = "\n".join( | |
[c.replace("\n", " ") for k, v in image_id_to_captions.items() for c in v] | |
) | |
tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) | |
tmp_file.write(sentences.encode()) | |
tmp_file.close() | |
# fmt: off | |
# Tokenize sentences. We use the JAR file for tokenization. | |
command = [ | |
"java", "-cp", CORENLP_JAR, "edu.stanford.nlp.process.PTBTokenizer", | |
"-preserveLines", "-lowerCase", | |
] | |
tokenized_captions = ( | |
Popen(command, cwd=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), stdout=PIPE) | |
.communicate(input=sentences.rstrip())[0] | |
.decode() | |
.split("\n") | |
) | |
# fmt: on | |
os.remove( | |
# Map tokenized captions back to their image IDs. | |
# Punctuations to be removed from the sentences (PTB style)). | |
# fmt: off | |
PUNCTS = [ | |
"''", "'", "``", "`", "-LRB-", "-RRB-", "-LCB-", "-RCB-", ".", "?", | |
"!", ",", ":", "-", "--", "...", ";", | |
] | |
# fmt: on | |
image_id_to_tokenized_captions: Dict[int, List[str]] = defaultdict(list) | |
for image_id, caption in zip(image_ids, tokenized_captions): | |
image_id_to_tokenized_captions[image_id].append( | |
" ".join([w for w in caption.rstrip().split(" ") if w not in PUNCTS]) | |
) | |
return image_id_to_tokenized_captions | |
def cider( | |
predictions: Dict[int, List[str]], | |
ground_truth: Dict[int, List[str]], | |
n: int = 4, | |
sigma: float = 6.0, | |
) -> float: | |
r"""Compute CIDEr score given ground truth captions and predictions.""" | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def to_ngrams(sentence: str, n: int = 4): | |
r"""Convert a sentence into n-grams and their counts.""" | |
words = sentence.split() | |
counts = defaultdict(int) # type: ignore | |
for k in range(1, n + 1): | |
for i in range(len(words) - k + 1): | |
ngram = tuple(words[i : i + k]) | |
counts[ngram] += 1 | |
return counts | |
def counts2vec(cnts, document_frequency, log_reference_length): | |
r"""Function maps counts of ngram to vector of tfidf weights.""" | |
vec = [defaultdict(float) for _ in range(n)] | |
length = 0 | |
norm = [0.0 for _ in range(n)] | |
for (ngram, term_freq) in cnts.items(): | |
df = np.log(max(1.0, document_frequency[ngram])) | |
# tf (term_freq) * idf (precomputed idf) for n-grams | |
vec[len(ngram) - 1][ngram] = float(term_freq) * ( | |
log_reference_length - df | |
) | |
# Compute norm for the vector: will be used for computing similarity | |
norm[len(ngram) - 1] += pow(vec[len(ngram) - 1][ngram], 2) | |
if len(ngram) == 2: | |
length += term_freq | |
norm = [np.sqrt(nn) for nn in norm] | |
return vec, norm, length | |
def sim(vec_hyp, vec_ref, norm_hyp, norm_ref, length_hyp, length_ref): | |
r"""Compute the cosine similarity of two vectors.""" | |
delta = float(length_hyp - length_ref) | |
val = np.array([0.0 for _ in range(n)]) | |
for nn in range(n): | |
for (ngram, count) in vec_hyp[nn].items(): | |
val[nn] += ( | |
min(vec_hyp[nn][ngram], vec_ref[nn][ngram]) * vec_ref[nn][ngram] | |
) | |
val[nn] /= (norm_hyp[nn] * norm_ref[nn]) or 1 | |
val[nn] *= np.e ** (-(delta ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) | |
return val | |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
ctest = [to_ngrams(predictions[image_id][0]) for image_id in ground_truth] | |
crefs = [ | |
[to_ngrams(gt) for gt in ground_truth[image_id]] for image_id in ground_truth | |
] | |
# Build document frequency and compute IDF. | |
document_frequency = defaultdict(float) | |
for refs in crefs: | |
# refs, k ref captions of one image | |
for ngram in set([ngram for ref in refs for (ngram, count) in ref.items()]): | |
document_frequency[ngram] += 1 | |
# Compute log reference length. | |
log_reference_length = np.log(float(len(crefs))) | |
scores = [] | |
for test, refs in zip(ctest, crefs): | |
# Compute vector for test captions. | |
vec, norm, length = counts2vec( | |
test, document_frequency, log_reference_length | |
) | |
# Compute vector for ref captions. | |
score = np.array([0.0 for _ in range(n)]) | |
for ref in refs: | |
vec_ref, norm_ref, length_ref = counts2vec( | |
ref, document_frequency, log_reference_length | |
) | |
score += sim(vec, vec_ref, norm, norm_ref, length, length_ref) | |
score_avg = np.mean(score) | |
score_avg /= len(refs) | |
score_avg *= 10.0 | |
scores.append(score_avg) | |
return np.mean(scores) | |
def spice( | |
predictions: Dict[int, List[str]], ground_truth: Dict[int, List[str]] | |
) -> float: | |
r"""Compute SPICE score given ground truth captions and predictions.""" | |
# Prepare temporary input file for the SPICE scorer. | |
input_data = [ | |
{ | |
"image_id": image_id, | |
"test": predictions[image_id][0], | |
"refs": ground_truth[image_id], | |
} | |
for image_id in ground_truth | |
] | |
# Create a temporary directory and dump input file to SPICE. | |
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() | |
INPUT_PATH = os.path.join(temp_dir, "input_file.json") | |
OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.join(temp_dir, "output_file.json") | |
json.dump(input_data, open(INPUT_PATH, "w")) | |
# fmt: off | |
# Run the command to execute SPICE jar. | |
CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) | |
SPICE_JAR = f"{CURRENT_DIR}/assets/SPICE-1.0/spice-1.0.jar" | |
CACHE_DIR = f"{CURRENT_DIR}/assets/cache" | |
os.makedirs(CACHE_DIR, exist_ok=True) | |
spice_cmd = [ | |
"java", "-jar", "-Xmx8G", SPICE_JAR, INPUT_PATH, | |
"-cache", CACHE_DIR, "-out", OUTPUT_PATH, "-subset", "-silent", | |
] | |
check_call(spice_cmd, cwd=CURRENT_DIR) | |
# fmt: on | |
# Read and process results | |
results = json.load(open(OUTPUT_PATH)) | |
image_id_to_scores = {item["image_id"]: item["scores"] for item in results} | |
spice_scores = [ | |
np.array(item["scores"]["All"]["f"]).astype(float) for item in results | |
] | |
return np.mean(spice_scores) | |