nursnaaz's picture
147f05d verified
# Import necessary libraries
import openai
import streamlit as st
import time
import csv
from datetime import datetime
from util import check_password
import feedback_saver
# Set your OpenAI Assistant ID here
assistant_id = 'asst_t8r4OXz30mxH1vIUFVXAMoTH'
instruction = """
## Strictly do not give any response based on an assumption, and make sure the response should be from the documents provided or the knowledge base specific to ASAP Tickets and Trevolution
## Strictly avoid referring words like document, file, knowledge.pdf in the response.
## Add links from the knowledge and instructions if necessary to assist the customer.
## If you do not have clear information in the document of the question asked, respond with
- **Unfortunately, I could not find a specific answer to your question at the moment as I am still learning. I apologize for any inconvenience.
If you still need assistance, please contact our 24x7 customer service for personalized help:**
- **Email:**
- **USA & Canada: +1-800-750-2238**
- **Philippines: +632-8672-7896**
- **Spain: +34-911-881-607**
- **Italy: +39-06-94809637**
- **Israel: +972-3-7219252**
- **UK: +44-203-695-0964**
- **Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.**
openai.api_key = st.secrets["API_KEY"]
access_key = "*****"
bucket_name = "feedbackchatbot"
object_key = "feedback_data.csv"
# Initialize the OpenAI client (ensure to set your API key in the sidebar within the app)
client = openai
feedback_saver = feedback_saver.FeedbackSaverWithPandas(access_key, secret_access_key)
# Assuming your OpenAI setup and other necessary imports are done earlier in the code
def apply_custom_css():
/* General page settings for better visibility */
html, body, [class*="css"] {
font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
/* Adjusted style for buttons to ensure visibility */
.stButton>button {
border: 2px solid #4CAF50; /* Green border */
color: white; /* White text */
background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green background */
padding: 10px 24px; /* Some padding */
cursor: pointer; /* Pointer/hand icon */
border-radius: 8px; /* Rounded corners */
font-size: 16px; /* Larger font size */
display: inline-block; /* Ensure it displays inline */
margin: 5px 0; /* Add some margin */
transition: background-color 0.3s, box-shadow 0.3s; /* Smooth transition for hover effect */
.stButton>button:hover {
background-color: #367c39; /* Darker shade on hover */
box-shadow: 0 2px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); /* Soft shadow on hover */
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Check the password and stop the app if it's incorrect
if not check_password():
# Streamlit App Layout
st.title("Customer Support Bot - ASAP Tickets")
# Custom greeting or instructions
Welcome to our Customer Support chatbot interface for ASAP Tickets! πŸ‘‹
- Type your question or message below.
- Use the thumbs up/down buttons to provide feedback on responses.
# Initialize session state variables for file IDs and chat control
if "file_id_list" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.file_id_list = []
if "start_chat" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.start_chat = False
if "thread_id" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.thread_id = None
# Ensure feedback-related session state variables are defined
if "feedback_given" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.feedback_given = False
if "feedback_question" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.feedback_question = ""
if "feedback_response" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.feedback_response = ""
if "feedback_type" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.feedback_type = ""
st.session_state.start_chat = True
# Initialize a session state variable for feedback button visibility
if "show_feedback_buttons" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.show_feedback_buttons = False
# Create a thread once and store its ID in session state
thread = client.beta.threads.create()
st.session_state.thread_id =
#st.write("thread id: ",
# Define the function to process messages with citations
def process_message_with_citations(message):
"""Extract content and annotations from the message and format citations as footnotes."""
message_content = message.content[0].text
annotations = message_content.annotations if hasattr(message_content, 'annotations') else []
citations = []
# Iterate over the annotations and add footnotes
for index, annotation in enumerate(annotations):
# Replace the text with a footnote
message_content.value = message_content.value.replace(annotation.text, f' [{index + 1}]')
# Gather citations based on annotation attributes
if (file_citation := getattr(annotation, 'file_citation', None)):
cited_file = {'filename': 'knowledge.pdf'} # Actual file retrieval logic needed
citations.append(f'[{index + 1}] {file_citation.quote} from {cited_file["filename"]}')
elif (file_path := getattr(annotation, 'file_path', None)):
cited_file = {'filename': 'knowledge.pdf'} # Actual file retrieval logic needed
citations.append(f'[{index + 1}] Click [here](#) to download {cited_file["filename"]}') # Actual download link needed
if citations:
full_response = message_content.value + '\n\nREFERENCES FROM KNOWLEDGE BASE:\n\n' + '\n'.join(citations)
# Add footnotes to the end of the message content
full_response = message_content.value
return full_response
def openai_api_calculate_cost(usage,model="gpt-4-0125-preview"):
pricing = {
'gpt-3.5-turbo-1106': {
'prompt': 0.001,
'completion': 0.002,
'gpt-4-0125-preview': {
'prompt': 0.01,
'completion': 0.03,
'gpt-4': {
'prompt': 0.03,
'completion': 0.06,
model_pricing = pricing[model]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Invalid model specified")
prompt_cost = usage['prompt_tokens'] * model_pricing['prompt'] / 1000
completion_cost = usage['completion_tokens'] * model_pricing['completion'] / 1000
total_cost = prompt_cost + completion_cost
# round to 6 decimals
total_cost = round(total_cost, 6)
#print(f"\nTokens used: {usage['prompt_tokens']:,} prompt + {usage['completion_tokens']:,} completion = {usage['total_tokens']:,} tokens")
#print(f"Total cost for {model}: ${total_cost:.4f}\n")
return total_cost
def handle_feedback_positive():
st.session_state.feedback_question = prompt
st.session_state.feedback_response = full_responses
st.session_state.feedback_type = "Positive"
feedback_saver.save_feedback_to_s3(prompt, full_responses, "Positive", bucket_name, object_key)
def handle_feedback_negative():
st.session_state.feedback_question = prompt
st.session_state.feedback_response = full_responses
st.session_state.feedback_type = "Negative"
feedback_saver.save_feedback_to_s3(prompt, full_responses, "Negative", bucket_name, object_key)
# Additional function to save feedback
# Additional function to save feedback into a CSV file
def save_feedback(question, response, feedback):
filename = "feedback_data.csv" # Specify your desired filename
# Check if the file exists and determine if headers are needed
with open(filename, "r") as csvfile:
# Try to read the header
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='~')
headers = next(reader, None)
headers_needed = not bool(headers)
except FileNotFoundError:
headers_needed = True
with open(filename, "a", newline='') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter='~')
# If the file is new or empty, write the header
if headers_needed:
writer.writerow(["Index", "Date", "Question", "Response", "Feedback"])
# Write the feedback data
# Fetch the last index if file is not empty/new and increment, else start from 1
last_index = 0
if not headers_needed:
with open(filename, "r", newline='') as f:
last_line = list(csv.reader(f, delimiter='~'))[-1]
if last_line: # Check if the last line is not empty
last_index = int(last_line[0])
index = last_index + 1
current_date ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
writer.writerow([index, current_date, question, response, feedback])
# Only show the chat interface if the chat has been started
if st.session_state.start_chat:
# Initialize the model and messages list if not already in session state
if "openai_model" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.openai_model = "gpt-4-0125-preview"
if "messages" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.messages = []
# Display existing messages in the chat
for message in st.session_state.messages:
with st.chat_message(message["role"]):
# Chat input for the user
if prompt := st.chat_input("Hi! I'm Olivia Trevolution's assistant. How can I help you today?"):
# Add user message to the state and display it
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": prompt})
with st.chat_message("user"):
st.session_state.show_feedback_buttons = True
start_time = time.time()
thinking_message = st.empty()
# Add the user's message to the existing thread
# Create a run with additional instructions
run = client.beta.threads.runs.create(
instructions= instruction
# Initialize a timeout mechanism
timeout = 60 # seconds
response_received = False
# Poll for the run to complete with timeout
while time.time() - start_time <= timeout:
# Poll for the run to complete and retrieve the assistant's messages
run = client.beta.threads.runs.retrieve(
if run.status == 'completed':
response_received = True
if response_received:
# Retrieve messages added by the assistant
messages = client.beta.threads.messages.list(
# Process and display assistant messages
assistant_messages_for_run = [
message for message in messages
if message.run_id == and message.role == "assistant"
with st.chat_message("assistant"):
# Display thumbs up and thumbs down buttons for feedback
message_placeholder = st.empty()
full_responses = ''
# Calculate the time taken
end_time = time.time()
time_taken = end_time - start_time
for message in assistant_messages_for_run:
full_response = process_message_with_citations(message)
full_responses += (f"Response received in {time_taken:.2f} seconds. \n")
usage = client.beta.threads.runs.list(thread_id=st.session_state.thread_id).data[0].usage
#cost = openai_api_calculate_cost(usage, )
full_responses += "\t \t"+f"\nTokens used: {usage['prompt_tokens']:,} prompt + {usage['completion_tokens']:,} completion = {usage['total_tokens']:,} tokens\n"
full_responses += '\n \n'
#full_responses += "\t \t"+f"Total cost for {st.session_state.openai_model}: ${cost:.4f}\n"
full_responses += '\n \n'
for response in full_response:
full_responses += response
message_placeholder.markdown(full_responses + "β–Œ", unsafe_allow_html=True)
message_placeholder.markdown(full_responses, unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.session_state.show_feedback_buttons = True
# Before your main app loop
if "feedback_given" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.feedback_given = None
st.session_state.feedback_type = ""
if st.session_state.show_feedback_buttons:
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
thumbs_up = st.button("πŸ‘", key="thumbs_up", on_click=handle_feedback_positive)
if thumbs_up:
st.session_state.show_feedback_buttons = False
with col2:
thumbs_down = st.button("πŸ‘Ž", key="thumbs_down", on_click=handle_feedback_negative)
if thumbs_down:
st.session_state.show_feedback_buttons = False
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": full_responses})
# Fallback message if response takes more than 60 seconds
fallback_message = """
<b>Sorry, it's taking longer than expected to get a response. Please try again later or contact customer service for immediate assistance.</b><br><br>
Unfortunately, I could not find a specific answer to your question at the moment as I am still learning. I apologize for any inconvenience.<br><br>
If you still need assistance, please contact our 24x7 customer service for personalized help:<br>
- Email: <a href=""></a><br>
- USA & Canada: +1-800-750-2238<br>
- Philippines: +632-8672-7896<br>
- Spain: +34-911-881-607<br>
- Italy: +39-06-94809637<br>
- Israel: +972-3-7219252<br>
- UK: +44-203-695-0964<br><br>
Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.
thinking_message.empty() # Clear the "Thinking..." message
st.markdown(fallback_message, unsafe_allow_html=True)