tlkh's picture
Initial commit
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
st.sidebar.markdown("**Data Filter Options**")
split = st.sidebar.selectbox("Dataset Split", ["train", "test"])
display = st.sidebar.selectbox("Source", ["All", "Only MRPC", "Only MRPC-R1"])
ptype ="Paraphrase Pair Types", ["All",
"Only Paraphrases (MRPC-R1)",
"Only Paraphrases (MRPC)",
"Rejected Paraphrases from MRPC",
"Corrected Paraphrases from MRPC"])
st.sidebar.markdown("**Score Filter Options**")
filter_by = st.sidebar.selectbox("Filter By Scores From", ["MRPC", "MRPC-R1"])
display_range_wpd = st.sidebar.slider("Filter by WPD Scores", min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=(0.1,0.7))
display_range_ld = st.sidebar.slider("Filter by LD Scores", min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=(0.1,0.4))
This demo allows you to explore the data inside [MRPC](, showing how we can use Word Position Deviation (WPD) and Lexical Deviation (LD) to find different types of paraphrases. By using what we observe from the data, we can also correct numerous labelling errors inside MRPC, presenting the a revision of MRPC termed as MRPC-R1. This demo accompanies the paper ["Towards Better Characterization of Paraphrases" (ACL 2022)](""")
st.markdown("**MRPC Paraphrase Data Explorer**")
def load_df(split):
if split == "train":
df = pd.read_csv("./mrpc_train_scores.csv")
df = pd.read_csv("./mrpc_test_scores.csv")
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
return df
def filter_df(df, display, ptype, filter_by):
# filter data
if display == "MRPC":
df = df.drop(["new_s1", "new_s2"], axis=1)
elif display == "MRPC-R1":
df = df.drop(["og_s1", "og_s2"], axis=1)
# filter paraphrase type
if ptype == "Only Paraphrases (MRPC)":
condition = df.og_label == 1
df_sel = df[condition]
elif ptype == "Only Paraphrases (MRPC-R1)":
condition = df.new_label == 1
df_sel = df[condition]
elif ptype == "Rejected Paraphrases from MRPC":
condition = (df.new_label == 0) & (df.og_label == 1)
df_sel = df[condition]
elif ptype == "Corrected Paraphrases from MRPC":
condition = df.remarks == "corrected"
df_sel = df[condition]
# all
df_sel = df
# sort by scores
if filter_by == "MRPC":
# wpd
condition = (df_sel.og_wpd >= display_range_wpd[0]) & (df_sel.og_wpd < display_range_wpd[1])
df_sel = df_sel[condition]
# ld
condition = (df_sel.og_ld >= display_range_ld[0]) & (df_sel.og_ld < display_range_ld[1])
df_sel = df_sel[condition]
# wpd
condition = (df_sel.new_wpd >= display_range_wpd[0]) & (df_sel.new_wpd < display_range_wpd[1])
df_sel = df_sel[condition]
# ld
condition = (df_sel.new_ld >= display_range_ld[0]) & (df_sel.new_ld < display_range_ld[1])
df_sel = df_sel[condition]
# filter scores
if filter_by == "MRPC":
df_sel.sort_values("og_ld", inplace=True)
df_sel.sort_values("og_wpd", inplace=True)
df_sel.sort_values("new_ld", inplace=True)
df_sel.sort_values("new_wpd", inplace=True)
return df_sel
df = load_df(split)
df_sel = filter_df(df, display, ptype, filter_by)
# CSS to inject contained in a string
hide_table_row_index = """
tbody th {display:none}
.blank {display:none}
# inject css at the end
st.markdown("Total "+str(len(df_sel))+" items"+hide_table_row_index, unsafe_allow_html=True)