detailed_fehsim /
timothycho01's picture
initial commit
history blame
No virus
20 kB
import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
from stqdm import stqdm
from tqdm import tqdm
class Simulator:
def __init__(self, settings: dict, streamlit=False):
self.streamlit = streamlit
target_rarity_map = {
'Any Rarity': [
'sh_special_4', 'special_4', 'non_focus_3', 'focus_5', 'non_focus_4', 'non_focus_5', 'focus_4'
'Any 5β˜… Unit or 4β˜… Special Rate Unit': [
'sh_special_4', 'special_4', 'focus_5', 'non_focus_5'
'Any 5β˜… Unit': [
'focus_5', 'non_focus_5'
'Specific 5β˜… Focus Unit': [
'Specific 5β˜… Non-Focus Unit': [
'Any 4β˜… Unit or 4β˜… Special Rate Unit or 4β˜… SHSR Unit': [
'sh_special_4', 'special_4', 'non_focus_4', 'focus_4'
'Any 4β˜… Unit': [
'non_focus_4', 'focus_4'
'Specific 4β˜… Focus Unit': [
'Specific 4β˜… Non-Focus Unit': [
'Any 4β˜… Special Rate Unit or 4β˜… SHSR Unit': [
'sh_special_4', 'special_4'
'Specific 4β˜… Special Rate Unit': [
'Specific 4β˜… SHSR Unit': [
target_color_map = {
'Any Color': ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'colorless'],
'Red': ['red'],
'Blue': ['blue'],
'Green': ['green'],
'Colorless': ['colorless'],
banner_selection_map = {
"(3%/3%) Normal": ['normal', 'normal_4'],
"(4%/2%) Weekly Revival": ['weekly_revival'],
"(4%/2%) Weekly Revival 4β˜… SHSR": ['weekly_revival_shsr'],
"(5%/3%) Hero Fest": ['hero_fest'],
"(4%/2%) Double Special Heroes": ['double_special', 'double_special_4'],
"(8%/0%) Legendary / Mythic": ['legendary/mythic']
banner_rates = pd.DataFrame(
['normal', 'focus_5', 0.03],
['normal', 'non_focus_5', 0.03],
['normal', 'special_4', 0.03],
['normal', 'non_focus_4', 0.55],
['normal', 'non_focus_3', 0.36],
['normal_4', 'focus_5', 0.03],
['normal_4', 'non_focus_5', 0.03],
['normal_4', 'focus_4', 0.03],
['normal_4', 'special_4', 0.03],
['normal_4', 'non_focus_4', 0.52],
['normal_4', 'non_focus_3', 0.36],
['weekly_revival', 'focus_5', 0.04],
['weekly_revival', 'non_focus_5', 0.02],
['weekly_revival', 'special_4', 0.03],
['weekly_revival', 'non_focus_4', 0.55],
['weekly_revival', 'non_focus_3', 0.36],
['weekly_revival_shsr', 'focus_5', 0.04],
['weekly_revival_shsr', 'non_focus_5', 0.02],
['weekly_revival_shsr', 'sh_special_4', 0.03],
['weekly_revival_shsr', 'special_4', 0.03],
['weekly_revival_shsr', 'non_focus_4', 0.55],
['weekly_revival_shsr', 'non_focus_3', 0.33],
['hero_fest', 'focus_5', 0.05],
['hero_fest', 'non_focus_5', 0.03],
['hero_fest', 'special_4', 0.03],
['hero_fest', 'non_focus_4', 0.55],
['hero_fest', 'non_focus_3', 0.34],
['double_special', 'focus_5', 0.06],
['double_special', 'special_4', 0.03],
['double_special', 'non_focus_4', 0.57],
['double_special', 'non_focus_3', 0.34],
['double_special_4', 'focus_5', 0.06],
['double_special_4', 'focus_4', 0.03],
['double_special_4', 'special_4', 0.03],
['double_special_4', 'non_focus_4', 0.54],
['double_special_4', 'non_focus_3', 0.34],
['legendary/mythic', 'focus_5', 0.08],
['legendary/mythic', 'special_4', 0.03],
['legendary/mythic', 'non_focus_4', 0.55],
['legendary/mythic', 'non_focus_3', 0.34],
columns=['banner_type', 'rarity_pool', 'rate']
self.pools = settings.get('Pools')
self.goals = settings.get('Goals')
self.banner_rates = settings.get('Banner Rates')
self.goals_required = settings.get('Goals Required')
self.orb_limit = settings.get('Orb Limit')
self.summon_limit = settings.get('Summon Limit')
self.banner_type = settings.get('Banner Type', '(3%/3%) Normal')
self.n_simulations = settings.get('Simulations', 1000) = settings.get('Tickets', 0)
self.sparks = settings.get('Sparks', 0)
self.focus_charges_enabled = settings.get('Focus Charges', False)
self.color_priority = settings.get('Color Priority', ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'colorless'])
if not any([self.goals_required, self.orb_limit, self.summon_limit]):
raise ValueError('No End Criteria (Goals Required, Orb Limit, Summon Limit) provided.')
self.pools = pd.DataFrame(self.pools)
self.goals = pd.DataFrame(self.goals)
if self.banner_rates is None:
if self.pools.loc['focus_4'].sum() > 0:
mapped_banner_type = banner_selection_map[self.banner_type][-1]
mapped_banner_type = banner_selection_map[self.banner_type][0]
self.banner_rates = banner_rates[banner_rates['banner_type'] == mapped_banner_type]
self.banner_rates = pd.DataFrame(self.banner_rates).reset_index()
self.banner_rates.columns = ['rarity_pool', 'rate']
bool_rate_5 = self.banner_rates.rarity_pool.str.contains('5')
bool_rate_non_5 = ~bool_rate_5
sum_rate_5 = self.banner_rates.loc[bool_rate_5, 'rate'].sum()
sum_rate_non_5 = self.banner_rates.loc[bool_rate_non_5, 'rate'].sum()
self.banner_rates['step'] = 0
pre_calc_rates = [self.banner_rates]
# feh calculates rate up (rate down for non 5 stars) from base, not from previous step!
for i in range(1, 24):
inc_rates_df = self.banner_rates.copy(deep=True)
inc_rates_df.loc[bool_rate_5, 'rate'] *= 1 + (1 / sum_rate_5) * (0.005 * i)
inc_rates_df.loc[bool_rate_non_5, 'rate'] *= 1 - (1 / sum_rate_non_5) * (0.005 * i)
inc_rates_df['rate'] = round(inc_rates_df['rate'], 4)
inc_rates_df['step'] = i
# max pity rate
inc_rates_df = self.banner_rates.copy(deep=True)
inc_rates_df.loc[bool_rate_5, 'rate'] /= sum_rate_5
inc_rates_df.loc[bool_rate_non_5, 'rate'] = 0
inc_rates_df['rate'] = round(inc_rates_df['rate'], 4)
inc_rates_df['step'] = 24
self.banner_rates_pro_df = pd.concat(pre_calc_rates)
self.pity_step = 0
self.curr_banner_rates_df = self.banner_rates_pro_df[self.banner_rates_pro_df['step'] == self.pity_step]
pools_to_use = [rp for rp in self.pools.index if rp in self.banner_rates.rarity_pool.values]
self.pools = pd.DataFrame(self.pools.loc[pools_to_use])
self.pools.reset_index(inplace=True, names='rarity_pool')
unpivot_unit_pool = pd.melt(self.pools, id_vars=['rarity_pool'], var_name='color', value_name='size')
unit_list = []
for row in unpivot_unit_pool.itertuples():
for _ in range(row.size):
unit_list_row = [row.color, row.rarity_pool]
units_df = pd.DataFrame(unit_list, columns=['color', 'rarity_pool'])
# joining color priority col to df
priority_df = pd.DataFrame(enumerate(self.color_priority, start=1), columns=['color_priority', 'color'])
units_df = units_df.join(priority_df.set_index('color'), on='color', validate='m:1')
# Goals Setup
goals_df = self.goals.copy(deep=True)
max_goal_group = goals_df.groupby('goal_group')['target_count'].max().reset_index()
goals_df = goals_df.join(
max_goal_group.set_index('goal_group'), on='goal_group', rsuffix='_max', validate='m:1'
goals_df['target_count'] = goals_df['target_count_max']
goals_df = goals_df.drop('target_count_max', axis=1)
goals_df['target_color'] = goals_df['target_color']
goals_df['current_count'] = 0
# Adding goal_row bool columns to unit_df
reserved_unit_index = []
for goal in goals_df.itertuples():
accepted_pools = target_rarity_map[goal.target_rarity]
accepted_colors = target_color_map[goal.target_color]
gr_col_name = 'goal_row_' + str(goal.Index)
goal_is_specific = 'specific' in goal.target_rarity.lower()
if goal_is_specific:
allowed_units = ~units_df.index.isin(reserved_unit_index)
allowed_units = True
units_df[gr_col_name] = units_df['rarity_pool'].isin(accepted_pools) & units_df['color'].isin(
accepted_colors) & allowed_units
if units_df[gr_col_name].any() and goal_is_specific:
first_true_index = units_df.index[units_df[gr_col_name]].min()
units_df[gr_col_name] = units_df.index == first_true_index
if self.streamlit:
st.warning(f'{gr_col_name} does not have any available units to target.')
st.warning('Target unit may already be reserved by previous goal.')
print(f'{gr_col_name} does not have any available units to target.')
print('Target unit may already be reserved by previous goal.')
# Adding goal_group bool columns to unit_df
goal_groups_dict = {}
for group in set(goals_df['goal_group']):
goals_in_group = ['goal_row_' + str(x) for x in list(goals_df[goals_df['goal_group'] == group].index)]
goal_groups_dict['goal_group_' + str(group)] = goals_in_group
for goal_group in goal_groups_dict:
cols = goal_groups_dict[goal_group]
units_df[goal_group] = units_df[cols].apply(lambda row: pd.Series(row).any(), axis=1)
self.gg_cols = list(goal_groups_dict.keys())
slice_cols = [col for col in list(units_df.columns) if 'goal' not in col] + self.gg_cols
units_df = units_df[slice_cols]
self.base_summon_goals_df = goals_df.copy(deep=True)
self.curr_summon_goals_df = self.base_summon_goals_df.copy(deep=True)
self.banner_units_df = units_df.copy(deep=True)
self.goal_cols = list(self.base_summon_goals_df.columns[5:])
self.colors_to_target = list(set(self.curr_summon_goals_df.target_color))
# small adjustments
self.spark_thresholds = [_ * 40 for _ in range(1, self.sparks + 1)]
self.sparks_redeemed = 0
self.sparked_indexes = []
self.active_focus_charges = 0
self.apply_focus_charges = False
# refs
self.circle_df = None
self.session_type = 'normal'
self.summon_cost = 0
self.n_stones_in_circle = 5
# tracking
self.total_orbs_spent = 0
self.total_summons = 0
self.session_count = 0
self.summons_without_any_5 = 0
self.halt_pity_increase = False
self.end_criteria_met = False
self.summon_log = []
self.prev_summon_log_len = 0
self.orbs_spent_log = []
self.session_count_log = []
self.session_type_log = []
self.session_pity_step_log = []
self.run_num_log = []
self.simulation_log_df = None
def reset_run(self):
self.total_orbs_spent = 0
self.total_summons = 0
self.session_count = 0
self.summons_without_any_5 = 0
self.end_criteria_met = False
self.curr_summon_goals_df = self.base_summon_goals_df.copy(deep=True)
self.sparks_redeemed = 0
self.sparked_indexes = []
self.active_focus_charges = 0
self.apply_focus_charges = False
def run_simulations(self):
if self.streamlit:
progress_bar = stqdm(range(self.n_simulations))
progress_bar = tqdm(range(self.n_simulations))
for n in progress_bar:
self.log_run(n + 1)
self.simulation_log_df = pd.DataFrame(self.summon_log)
self.simulation_log_df.rename(columns={'Index': 'unit_id'}, inplace=True)
self.simulation_log_df['unit_id'] += 1
self.simulation_log_df['orbs_spent'] = self.orbs_spent_log
self.simulation_log_df['session_count'] = self.session_count_log
self.simulation_log_df['session_type'] = self.session_type_log
self.simulation_log_df['session_pity_step'] = self.session_pity_step_log
self.simulation_log_df['run_num'] = self.run_num_log
message = f'{self.n_simulations} Simulations Completed'
if self.streamlit:
def simulate_run(self):
while not self.end_criteria_met:
def log_run(self, run_num):
curr_log_len = len(self.summon_log) - self.prev_summon_log_len
self.run_num_log = self.run_num_log + [run_num for _ in range(curr_log_len)]
self.prev_summon_log_len = len(self.summon_log)
def setup_session(self):
self.session_type = 'normal'
self.apply_focus_charges = False
sparks_remain = self.sparks_redeemed != len(self.spark_thresholds)
if sparks_remain and self.total_summons >= self.spark_thresholds[self.sparks_redeemed]:
self.sparks_redeemed += 1
self.session_type = 'spark'
if self.focus_charges_enabled and self.active_focus_charges >= 3:
self.apply_focus_charges = True
self.pity_step = int(self.summons_without_any_5 / 5)
self.curr_banner_rates_df = self.banner_rates_pro_df[self.banner_rates_pro_df.step == self.pity_step].copy()
def create_circle(self):
circle = []
if self.session_type == 'spark':
bool_rarity = self.banner_units_df['rarity_pool'] == 'focus_5'
spark_circle = self.banner_units_df.loc[bool_rarity]
spark_circle = spark_circle[
~spark_circle.index.isin(self.sparked_indexes)] # removes previously sparked units
self.circle_df = spark_circle
for i in range(self.n_stones_in_circle):
# draws unit rarities
drawn_rarity = self.curr_banner_rates_df.sample(weights='rate')['rarity_pool'].iloc[0]
if self.apply_focus_charges and drawn_rarity == 'non_focus_5':
drawn_rarity = 'focus_5'
units_in_rarity = self.banner_units_df[self.banner_units_df['rarity_pool'] == drawn_rarity]
# draws unit from drawn rarities
drawn_unit = units_in_rarity.sample()
self.circle_df = pd.concat(circle)
def filter_circle(self):
if self.session_type == 'spark':
circle = self.circle_df[self.circle_df[self.gg_cols].any(axis=1)].head(1)
elif self.goals_required == 'Any Goal Met' or len(self.colors_to_target) == 1:
self.colors_to_target = list(self.curr_summon_goals_df['target_color'].str.lower())
circle = self.circle_df[self.circle_df['color'].isin(self.colors_to_target)].sort_values('color_priority')
elif self.goals_required == 'All Goals Met':
unmet_goals = self.curr_summon_goals_df['current_count'] < self.curr_summon_goals_df['target_count']
self.colors_to_target = list(self.curr_summon_goals_df[unmet_goals]['target_color'].str.lower())
circle = self.circle_df[self.circle_df['color'].isin(self.colors_to_target)].sort_values('color_priority')
circle = self.circle_df
if len(circle) != 0:
self.circle_df = circle
else: # if nothing returns after filtering, filter for first stone
self.circle_df = self.circle_df.sort_values('color_priority').head(1)
def summon_from_circle(self):
price_index = 0
self.session_count += 1
self.halt_pity_increase = False
if self.session_count <= + 1:
prices = (0, 4, 4, 4, 3)
prices = (5, 4, 4, 4, 3)
for row in self.circle_df.itertuples(index=True): # keep index as true
if self.session_type == 'spark':
self.summon_cost = 0
self.summon_cost = prices[price_index]
if self.end_criteria_met:
self.total_summons += 1
self.total_orbs_spent += self.summon_cost
if self.end_criteria_met:
price_index += 1
if self.end_criteria_met:
def update_flags(self, row):
if row.rarity_pool == 'focus_5':
self.halt_pity_increase = True
self.summons_without_any_5 = 0
if self.active_focus_charges >= 3:
self.active_focus_charges = 0
elif row.rarity_pool == 'non_focus_5':
self.summons_without_any_5 = max(0, self.summons_without_any_5 - 20)
self.active_focus_charges += 1
if not self.halt_pity_increase:
self.summons_without_any_5 += 1
def update_goals(self, row): # takes named tuple from circle_df, updates summon goals based on goal group columns
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
row_dict = row._asdict()
for gg in self.gg_cols:
if row_dict[gg]:
gg_num = gg.split('_')[-1]
self.curr_summon_goals_df.loc[self.curr_summon_goals_df['goal_group'] == gg_num, 'current_count'] += 1
def eval_end_criteria_goals(self):
if self.goals_required is not None:
met_goals = self.curr_summon_goals_df['current_count'] >= self.curr_summon_goals_df['target_count']
if self.goals_required == 'Any Goal Group Met' and any(met_goals):
self.end_criteria_met = True
elif self.goals_required == 'All Goal Groups Met' and all(met_goals):
self.end_criteria_met = True
def eval_end_criteria_limits(self):
if self.orb_limit != 0:
if self.total_orbs_spent + self.summon_cost > self.orb_limit:
self.end_criteria_met = True
elif self.summon_limit != 0:
if self.total_summons + 1 > self.summon_limit:
self.end_criteria_met = True