import flask |
import flask_cors |
import os |
def checkPassword(passwordInput, password): |
if (str(passwordInput) == str(password)): |
return True |
else: |
return False |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
flask_cors.CORS(app) |
@app.route('/api/thewellermangroup/passwordinput/<passwordIn>', methods=['GET']) |
def password(passwordIn): |
PASSWORD = "1234" |
securePassword = "$"+PASSWORD |
access = checkPassword(passwordIn, securePassword) |
data = {} |
if access: |
data = { |
'PASSWORD': securePassword, |
'PASSWORDINPUT': passwordIn, |
'ACCESS': access, |
''' |
var contextMenu = document.querySelector(".wrapperfortheclick"); |
window.addEventListener("contextmenu", e => { |
e.preventDefault(); |
let x = e.offsetX, y = e.offsetY, |
winWidth = document.body.scrollWidth, |
winHeight = document.body.scrollHeight, |
cmWidth = contextMenu.offsetWidth, |
cmHeight = contextMenu.offsetHeight; |
x = x > winWidth - cmWidth ? winWidth - cmWidth : x; |
y = y > winHeight - cmHeight ? winHeight - cmHeight : y; |
contextMenu.style.left = `${x}px`; |
contextMenu.style.top = `${y}px`; |
contextMenu.style.visibility = "visible"; |
}); |
document.addEventListener("click", () => contextMenu.style.visibility = "hidden"); |
''', |
'LINKS': { |
'Listen to Wellerman': 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/The-Wellerman-Group/v3@latest/assets/wellerman.mp3', |
'Jacob Janzen\'s Website': 'https://jacobinathanialpeterson-thiswillgiveyoualotofmalware.static.hf.space', |
'Make a Review': 'https://embed-v2.testimonial.to/c/the-wellerman-group-reviews/?theme=light', |
'The Wellerman Group AI': 'https://thewellermangroup-the-wellerman-group-ai.hf.space/', |
'Listen to Wellerman': '', |
'Listen to Wellerman': '', |
} |
} |
f = open("FUNCTIONS.txt",'r',encoding="utf-8") |
functions0 = f.read() |
f.close() |
functions1 = functions0.split('\nfunction ') |
functions1 = functions1[1:] |
BACKEND = "" |
num = 0 |
for fun in functions1: |
n = fun.split('{', 1)[0].strip() |
f = fun.split('{', 1)[1].rsplit('}', 1)[0].strip().replace("\\","\\\\") |
BACKEND += "'" + n + "': '''\n" + f + "\n''',\n" |
FRONTEND += "function "+n+" {\n fetchApiData();\n // Ensure that globalData is populated before executing the code\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (BACKENDDATA.ACCESS) {\n eval(BACKENDDATA.FUNCTIONS['"+n+"']);\n }\n }, DELAYTIME);\n}\n" |
num += 1 |
print(num) |
f = open("./FUNCTIONS_BACKEND.txt",'w',encoding="utf-8") |
f.write(BACKEND) |
f.close() |
f = open("./FUNCTIONS_FRONTEND.txt",'w',encoding="utf-8") |
f.write(FRONTEND) |
f.close() |
f = open('./FUNCTIONS_BACKEND.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') |
FCODE = f.read() |
f.close() |
print(FCODE) |
exec("data.update({'FUNCTIONS': {"+FCODE+"}})") |
else: |
data = { |
'PASSWORD': 'Access Denied', |
'PASSWORDINPUT': passwordIn, |
'ACCESS': access, |
'RIGHTCLICK': 'Access Denied', |
'FUNCTIONS': 'Access Denied' |
} |
return flask.jsonify(data) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
app.run(debug=True,host="",port=5000) |