detection /
thanhnv2323's picture
####################################### IMPORT #################################
import json
import time
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image
from loguru import logger
import sys
from fastapi import FastAPI, File, status
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse
from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException
import uvicorn
from io import BytesIO
from utils import get_image_from_bytes, detect_sample_model_origin
from utils import detect_sample_model
from utils import add_bboxs_on_img
from utils import get_bytes_from_image
import gradio as gr
####################################### logger #################################
format="<green>{time:HH:mm:ss}</green> | <level>{message}</level>",
logger.add("log.log", rotation="1 MB", level="DEBUG", compression="zip")
###################### FastAPI Setup #############################
# title
app = FastAPI(
title="Object Detection FastAPI Template",
description="""Obtain object value out of image
and return image and json result""",
# This function is needed if you want to allow client requests
# from specific domains (specified in the origins argument)
# to access resources from the FastAPI server,
# and the client and server are hosted on different domains.
origins = [
def save_openapi_json():
'''This function is used to save the OpenAPI documentation
data of the FastAPI application to a JSON file.
The purpose of saving the OpenAPI documentation data is to have
a permanent and offline record of the API specification,
which can be used for documentation purposes or
to generate client libraries. It is not necessarily needed,
but can be helpful in certain scenarios.'''
openapi_data = app.openapi()
# Change "openapi.json" to desired filename
with open("openapi.json", "w") as file:
json.dump(openapi_data, file)
# redirect
@app.get("/", include_in_schema=False)
async def redirect():
return RedirectResponse("/docs")
@app.get('/healthcheck', status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK)
def perform_healthcheck():
It basically sends a GET request to the route & hopes to get a "200"
response code. Failing to return a 200 response code just enables
the GitHub Actions to rollback to the last version the project was
found in a "working condition". It acts as a last line of defense in
case something goes south.
Additionally, it also returns a JSON response in the form of:
'healtcheck': 'Everything OK!'
return {'healthcheck': 'Everything OK!'}
######################### Support Func #################################
def crop_image_by_predict(image: Image, predict: pd.DataFrame(), crop_class_name: str, ) -> Image:
"""Crop an image based on the detection of a certain object in the image.
image: Image to be cropped.
predict (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe containing the prediction results of object detection model.
crop_class_name (str, optional): The name of the object class to crop the image by. if not provided, function returns the first object found in the image.
Image: Cropped image or None
crop_predicts = predict[(predict['name'] == crop_class_name)]
if crop_predicts.empty:
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=f"{crop_class_name} not found in photo")
# if there are several detections, choose the one with more confidence
if len(crop_predicts) > 1:
crop_predicts = crop_predicts.sort_values(by=['confidence'], ascending=False)
crop_bbox = crop_predicts[['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']].iloc[0].values
# crop
img_crop = image.crop(crop_bbox)
return (img_crop)
######################### MAIN Func #################################"/img_object_detection_to_json")
def img_object_detection_to_json(file: bytes = File(...)):
Object Detection from an image.
file (bytes): The image file in bytes format.
dict: JSON format containing the Objects Detections.
start = time.time()
# Step 1: Initialize the result dictionary with None values
# result={'detect_objects': None}
# Step 2: Convert the image file to an image object
input_image = get_image_from_bytes(file)
# Step 3: Predict from model
results = detect_sample_model_origin(input_image)
# Step 4: Select detect obj return info
# here you can choose what data to send to the result
_boxes = []
for result in results:
r = result.numpy()
names = r.names
boxes = r.boxes
for box in boxes:
b = box.xywh[0].tolist() # get box coordinates in (top, left, bottom, right) format
c = int(box.cls[0])
cf = float(box.conf[0])
n = names[c]
"label": c,
'name': n,
'probability': cf,
'bounding': b
results_json = {
"boxes": _boxes,
"total": len(_boxes)
# Step 5: Logs and return
#"results: {}", results_json)
execute_time = time.time() - start"Execute_time")
return results_json"/img_object_detection_to_img")
def img_object_detection_to_img(file: bytes = File(...)):
Object Detection from an image plot bbox on image
file (bytes): The image file in bytes format.
Image: Image in bytes with bbox annotations.
# get image from bytes
input_image = get_image_from_bytes(file)
# model predict
predict = detect_sample_model(input_image)
# add bbox on image
final_image = add_bboxs_on_img(image=input_image, predict=predict)
# return image in bytes format
return StreamingResponse(content=get_bytes_from_image(final_image), media_type="image/jpeg")
if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=7860)