Build error
Build error
import { | |
getRequestHeaders, | |
getStoppingStrings, | |
max_context, | |
saveSettingsDebounced, | |
setGenerationParamsFromPreset, | |
} from "../script.js"; | |
import { | |
power_user, | |
} from "./power-user.js"; | |
export { | |
textgenerationwebui_settings, | |
loadTextGenSettings, | |
generateTextGenWithStreaming, | |
formatTextGenURL, | |
} | |
const textgenerationwebui_settings = { | |
temp: 0.7, | |
top_p: 0.5, | |
top_k: 40, | |
top_a: 0, | |
tfs: 1, | |
epsilon_cutoff: 0, | |
eta_cutoff: 0, | |
typical_p: 1, | |
rep_pen: 1.2, | |
rep_pen_range: 0, | |
no_repeat_ngram_size: 0, | |
penalty_alpha: 0, | |
num_beams: 1, | |
length_penalty: 1, | |
min_length: 0, | |
encoder_rep_pen: 1, | |
do_sample: true, | |
early_stopping: false, | |
seed: -1, | |
preset: 'Default', | |
add_bos_token: true, | |
stopping_strings: [], | |
truncation_length: 2048, | |
ban_eos_token: false, | |
skip_special_tokens: true, | |
streaming: false, | |
streaming_url: 'ws://', | |
mirostat_mode: 0, | |
mirostat_tau: 5, | |
mirostat_eta: 0.1, | |
}; | |
export let textgenerationwebui_presets = []; | |
export let textgenerationwebui_preset_names = []; | |
const setting_names = [ | |
"temp", | |
"rep_pen", | |
"rep_pen_range", | |
"no_repeat_ngram_size", | |
"top_k", | |
"top_p", | |
"top_a", | |
"tfs", | |
"epsilon_cutoff", | |
"eta_cutoff", | |
"typical_p", | |
"penalty_alpha", | |
"num_beams", | |
"length_penalty", | |
"min_length", | |
"encoder_rep_pen", | |
"do_sample", | |
"early_stopping", | |
"seed", | |
"add_bos_token", | |
"ban_eos_token", | |
"skip_special_tokens", | |
"streaming", | |
"streaming_url", | |
"mirostat_mode", | |
"mirostat_tau", | |
"mirostat_eta", | |
]; | |
function selectPreset(name) { | |
const preset = textgenerationwebui_presets[textgenerationwebui_preset_names.indexOf(name)]; | |
if (!preset) { | |
return; | |
} | |
textgenerationwebui_settings.preset = name; | |
for (const name of setting_names) { | |
const value = preset[name]; | |
setSettingByName(name, value, true); | |
} | |
setGenerationParamsFromPreset(preset); | |
saveSettingsDebounced(); | |
} | |
function formatTextGenURL(value, use_mancer) { | |
try { | |
const url = new URL(value); | |
if (!power_user.relaxed_api_urls) { | |
if (use_mancer) { // If Mancer is in use, only require the URL to *end* with `/api`. | |
if (!url.pathname.endsWith('/api')) { | |
return null; | |
} | |
} else { | |
url.pathname = '/api'; | |
} | |
} | |
return url.toString(); | |
} catch { } // Just using URL as a validation check | |
return null; | |
} | |
function convertPresets(presets) { | |
return Array.isArray(presets) ? : []; | |
} | |
function loadTextGenSettings(data, settings) { | |
textgenerationwebui_presets = convertPresets(data.textgenerationwebui_presets); | |
textgenerationwebui_preset_names = data.textgenerationwebui_preset_names ?? []; | |
Object.assign(textgenerationwebui_settings, settings.textgenerationwebui_settings ?? {}); | |
for (const name of textgenerationwebui_preset_names) { | |
const option = document.createElement('option'); | |
option.value = name; | |
option.innerText = name; | |
$('#settings_preset_textgenerationwebui').append(option); | |
} | |
if (textgenerationwebui_settings.preset) { | |
$('#settings_preset_textgenerationwebui').val(textgenerationwebui_settings.preset); | |
} | |
for (const i of setting_names) { | |
const value = textgenerationwebui_settings[i]; | |
setSettingByName(i, value); | |
} | |
} | |
$(document).ready(function () { | |
$('#settings_preset_textgenerationwebui').on('change', function() { | |
const presetName = $(this).val(); | |
selectPreset(presetName); | |
}); | |
for (const i of setting_names) { | |
$(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).attr("x-setting-id", i); | |
$(document).on("input", `#${i}_textgenerationwebui`, function () { | |
const isCheckbox = $(this).attr('type') == 'checkbox'; | |
const isText = $(this).attr('type') == 'text'; | |
const id = $(this).attr("x-setting-id"); | |
if (isCheckbox) { | |
const value = $(this).prop('checked'); | |
textgenerationwebui_settings[id] = value; | |
} | |
else if (isText) { | |
const value = $(this).val(); | |
textgenerationwebui_settings[id] = value; | |
} | |
else { | |
const value = parseFloat($(this).val()); | |
$(`#${id}_counter_textgenerationwebui`).text(value.toFixed(2)); | |
textgenerationwebui_settings[id] = parseFloat(value); | |
} | |
saveSettingsDebounced(); | |
}); | |
} | |
}) | |
function setSettingByName(i, value, trigger) { | |
if (value === null || value === undefined) { | |
return; | |
} | |
const isCheckbox = $(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).attr('type') == 'checkbox'; | |
const isText = $(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).attr('type') == 'text'; | |
if (isCheckbox) { | |
const val = Boolean(value); | |
$(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).prop('checked', val); | |
} | |
else if (isText) { | |
$(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).val(value); | |
} | |
else { | |
const val = parseFloat(value); | |
$(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).val(val); | |
$(`#${i}_counter_textgenerationwebui`).text(val.toFixed(2)); | |
} | |
if (trigger) { | |
$(`#${i}_textgenerationwebui`).trigger('input'); | |
} | |
} | |
async function generateTextGenWithStreaming(generate_data, signal) { | |
const response = await fetch('/generate_textgenerationwebui', { | |
headers: { | |
...getRequestHeaders(), | |
'X-Response-Streaming': true, | |
'X-Streaming-URL': textgenerationwebui_settings.streaming_url, | |
}, | |
body: JSON.stringify(generate_data), | |
method: 'POST', | |
signal: signal, | |
}); | |
return async function* streamData() { | |
const decoder = new TextDecoder(); | |
const reader = response.body.getReader(); | |
let getMessage = ''; | |
while (true) { | |
const { done, value } = await; | |
let response = decoder.decode(value); | |
getMessage += response; | |
if (done) { | |
return; | |
} | |
yield getMessage; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
export function getTextGenGenerationData(finalPromt, this_amount_gen, isImpersonate) { | |
return { | |
'prompt': finalPromt, | |
'max_new_tokens': this_amount_gen, | |
'do_sample': textgenerationwebui_settings.do_sample, | |
'temperature': textgenerationwebui_settings.temp, | |
'top_p': textgenerationwebui_settings.top_p, | |
'typical_p': textgenerationwebui_settings.typical_p, | |
'repetition_penalty': textgenerationwebui_settings.rep_pen, | |
'repetition_penalty_range': textgenerationwebui_settings.rep_pen_range, | |
'encoder_repetition_penalty': textgenerationwebui_settings.encoder_rep_pen, | |
'top_k': textgenerationwebui_settings.top_k, | |
'min_length': textgenerationwebui_settings.min_length, | |
'no_repeat_ngram_size': textgenerationwebui_settings.no_repeat_ngram_size, | |
'num_beams': textgenerationwebui_settings.num_beams, | |
'penalty_alpha': textgenerationwebui_settings.penalty_alpha, | |
'length_penalty': textgenerationwebui_settings.length_penalty, | |
'early_stopping': textgenerationwebui_settings.early_stopping, | |
'seed': textgenerationwebui_settings.seed, | |
'add_bos_token': textgenerationwebui_settings.add_bos_token, | |
'stopping_strings': getStoppingStrings(isImpersonate, false), | |
'truncation_length': max_context, | |
'ban_eos_token': textgenerationwebui_settings.ban_eos_token, | |
'skip_special_tokens': textgenerationwebui_settings.skip_special_tokens, | |
'top_a': textgenerationwebui_settings.top_a, | |
'tfs': textgenerationwebui_settings.tfs, | |
'epsilon_cutoff': textgenerationwebui_settings.epsilon_cutoff, | |
'eta_cutoff': textgenerationwebui_settings.eta_cutoff, | |
'mirostat_mode': textgenerationwebui_settings.mirostat_mode, | |
'mirostat_tau': textgenerationwebui_settings.mirostat_tau, | |
'mirostat_eta': textgenerationwebui_settings.mirostat_eta, | |
}; | |
} | |