Runtime error
Runtime error
import os, sys, time | |
from typing import List, Optional | |
from iopath.common.file_io import PathManager | |
import cv2 | |
import imageio | |
import numpy as np | |
from PIL import Image | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from torchvision import transforms | |
import trimesh | |
from import load_objs_as_meshes, load_obj, save_obj | |
from pytorch3d.ops import interpolate_face_attributes | |
from pytorch3d.common.datatypes import Device | |
from pytorch3d.structures import Meshes | |
from pytorch3d.renderer import ( | |
look_at_view_transform, | |
FoVPerspectiveCameras, | |
PointLights, | |
DirectionalLights, | |
AmbientLights, | |
Materials, | |
RasterizationSettings, | |
MeshRenderer, | |
MeshRasterizer, | |
SoftPhongShader, | |
TexturesUV, | |
TexturesVertex, | |
camera_position_from_spherical_angles, | |
BlendParams, | |
) | |
def erode_mask(src_mask, p=1 / 20.0): | |
monoMaskImage = cv2.split(src_mask)[0] | |
br = cv2.boundingRect(monoMaskImage) | |
k = int(min(br[2], br[3]) * p) | |
kernel = np.ones((k, k), dtype=np.uint8) | |
dst_mask = cv2.erode(src_mask, kernel, 1) | |
return dst_mask | |
def load_objs_as_meshes_fast( | |
verts, | |
faces, | |
aux, | |
device: Optional[Device] = None, | |
load_textures: bool = True, | |
create_texture_atlas: bool = False, | |
texture_atlas_size: int = 4, | |
texture_wrap: Optional[str] = "repeat", | |
path_manager: Optional[PathManager] = None, | |
): | |
tex = None | |
if create_texture_atlas: | |
# TexturesAtlas type | |
tex = TexturesAtlas(atlas=[]) | |
else: | |
# TexturesUV type | |
tex_maps = aux.texture_images | |
if tex_maps is not None and len(tex_maps) > 0: | |
verts_uvs = # (V, 2) | |
faces_uvs = # (F, 3) | |
image = list(tex_maps.values())[0].to(device)[None] | |
tex = TexturesUV(verts_uvs=[verts_uvs], faces_uvs=[faces_uvs], maps=image) | |
mesh = Meshes( verts=[], faces=[], textures=tex) | |
return mesh | |
def get_triangle_to_triangle(tri_1, tri_2, img_refined): | |
''' | |
args: | |
tri_1: | |
tri_2: | |
''' | |
r1 = cv2.boundingRect(tri_1) | |
r2 = cv2.boundingRect(tri_2) | |
tri_1_cropped = [] | |
tri_2_cropped = [] | |
for i in range(0, 3): | |
tri_1_cropped.append(((tri_1[i][1] - r1[1]), (tri_1[i][0] - r1[0]))) | |
tri_2_cropped.append(((tri_2[i][1] - r2[1]), (tri_2[i][0] - r2[0]))) | |
trans = cv2.getAffineTransform(np.float32(tri_1_cropped), np.float32(tri_2_cropped)) | |
img_1_cropped = np.float32(img_refined[r1[0]:r1[0] + r1[2], r1[1]:r1[1] + r1[3]]) | |
mask = np.zeros((r2[2], r2[3], 3), dtype=np.float32) | |
cv2.fillConvexPoly(mask, np.int32(tri_2_cropped), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 16, 0) | |
img_2_cropped = cv2.warpAffine( | |
img_1_cropped, trans, (r2[3], r2[2]), None, | |
flags = cv2.INTER_LINEAR, | |
borderMode = cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101 | |
) | |
return mask, img_2_cropped, r2 | |
def back_projection( | |
obj_file, | |
init_texture_file, | |
front_view_file, | |
dst_dir, | |
render_resolution=512, | |
uv_resolution=600, | |
normalThreshold=0.3, # 0.3 | |
rgb_thresh=820, # 520 | |
views=None, | |
camera_dist=1.5, | |
erode_scale=1/100.0, | |
device="cuda:0" | |
): | |
# obj_file: 带有uv的obj | |
# init_texture_file: 初始展开的uv贴图 | |
# render_resolution 正面视角渲染分辨率 | |
# uv_resolution 贴图分辨率 | |
# thres:normal threshold | |
os.makedirs(dst_dir, exist_ok=True) | |
if isinstance(front_view_file, str): | |
src = np.array("RGB")) | |
elif isinstance(front_view_file, Image.Image): | |
src = np.array(front_view_file.convert("RGB")) | |
else: | |
raise "need file_path or pil" | |
image_size = (render_resolution, render_resolution) | |
init_texture = | |
init_texture = init_texture.convert("RGB") | |
# init_texture = init_texture.resize((uv_resolution, uv_resolution)) | |
init_texture = np.array(init_texture).astype(np.float32) | |
print("load obj", obj_file) | |
verts, faces, aux = load_obj(obj_file, device=device) | |
mesh = load_objs_as_meshes_fast(verts, faces, aux, device=device) | |
t0 = time.time() | |
verts_uvs = aux.verts_uvs | |
triangle_uvs = verts_uvs[faces.textures_idx] | |
triangle_uvs =[ | |
((1 - triangle_uvs[..., 1]) * uv_resolution).unsqueeze(2), | |
(triangle_uvs[..., 0] * uv_resolution).unsqueeze(2), | |
], dim=-1) | |
triangle_uvs = np.clip(np.round(np.float32(triangle_uvs.cpu())).astype(np.int64), 0, uv_resolution-1) | |
# import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() | |
R0, T0 = look_at_view_transform(camera_dist, views[0][0], views[0][1]) | |
cameras = FoVPerspectiveCameras(device=device, R=R0, T=T0, fov=49.1) | |
camera_normal = camera_position_from_spherical_angles(1, views[0][0], views[0][1]).to(device) | |
screen_coords = cameras.transform_points_screen(verts, image_size=image_size)[:, :2] | |
screen_coords =[screen_coords[..., 1, None], screen_coords[..., 0, None]], dim=-1) | |
triangle_screen_coords = np.round(np.float32(screen_coords[faces.verts_idx].cpu())) # numpy.ndarray (90000, 3, 2) | |
triangle_screen_coords = np.clip(triangle_screen_coords.astype(np.int64), 0, render_resolution-1) | |
renderer = MeshRenderer( | |
rasterizer=MeshRasterizer( | |
cameras=cameras, | |
raster_settings= RasterizationSettings( | |
image_size=image_size, | |
blur_radius=0.0, | |
faces_per_pixel=1, | |
), | |
), | |
shader=SoftPhongShader( | |
device=device, | |
cameras=cameras, | |
lights= AmbientLights(device=device), | |
blend_params=BlendParams(background_color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), | |
) | |
) | |
dst = renderer(mesh) | |
dst = (dst[..., :3] * 255).squeeze(0).cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) | |
src_mask = np.ones((src.shape[0], src.shape[1]), dst.dtype) | |
ids = np.where(dst.sum(-1) > 253 * 3) | |
ids2 = np.where(src.sum(-1) > 250 * 3) | |
src_mask[ids[0], ids[1]] = 0 | |
src_mask[ids2[0], ids2[1]] = 0 | |
src_mask = (src_mask > 0).astype(np.uint8) * 255 | |
monoMaskImage = cv2.split(src_mask)[0] # reducing the mask to a monochrome | |
br = cv2.boundingRect(monoMaskImage) # bounding rect (x,y,width,height) | |
center = (br[0] + br[2] // 2, br[1] + br[3] // 2) | |
# seamlessClone | |
try: | |
images = cv2.seamlessClone(src, dst, src_mask, center, cv2.NORMAL_CLONE) # more qingxi | |
# images = cv2.seamlessClone(src, dst, src_mask, center, cv2.MIXED_CLONE) | |
except Exception as err: | |
print(f"\n\n Warning seamlessClone error: {err} \n\n") | |
images = src | |
Image.fromarray(src_mask).save(os.path.join(dst_dir, 'mask.jpeg')) | |
Image.fromarray(src).save(os.path.join(dst_dir, 'src.jpeg')) | |
Image.fromarray(dst).save(os.path.join(dst_dir, 'dst.jpeg')) | |
Image.fromarray(images).save(os.path.join(dst_dir, 'blend.jpeg')) | |
fragments_scaled = renderer.rasterizer(mesh) # pytorch3d.renderer.mesh.rasterizer.Fragments | |
faces_covered = fragments_scaled.pix_to_face.unique()[1:] # torch.Tensor torch.Size([30025]) | |
face_normals = mesh.faces_normals_packed().to(device) # torch.Tensor torch.Size([90000, 3]) cuda:0 | |
# faces: | |
# faces.textures_idx: torch.Tensor torch.Size([90000, 3]) | |
# verts_uvs: torch.Tensor torch.Size([49554, 2]) | |
triangle_uvs = verts_uvs[faces.textures_idx] | |
triangle_uvs = [ | |
((1 - triangle_uvs[..., 1]) * uv_resolution).unsqueeze(2), | |
(triangle_uvs[..., 0] * uv_resolution).unsqueeze(2), | |
] | |
triangle_uvs =, dim=-1) # numpy.ndarray (90000, 3, 2) | |
triangle_uvs = np.clip(np.round(np.float32(triangle_uvs.cpu())).astype(np.int64), 0, uv_resolution-1) | |
t0 = time.time() | |
SOFT_NORM = True # process big angle-diff face, true:flase? coeff:skip | |
for k in faces_covered: | |
# todo: accelerate this for-loop | |
# if cosine between face-camera is too low, skip current face baking | |
face_normal = face_normals[k] | |
cosine = torch.sum((face_normal * camera_normal) ** 2) | |
if not SOFT_NORM and cosine < normalThreshold: continue | |
# if coord in screen out of subject, skip current face baking | |
out_of_subject = src_mask[triangle_screen_coords[k][0][0], triangle_screen_coords[k][0][1]]==0 | |
if out_of_subject: continue | |
coeff, img_2_cropped, r2 = get_triangle_to_triangle(triangle_screen_coords[k], triangle_uvs[k], images) | |
# if color difference between new-old, skip current face baking | |
err = np.abs(init_texture[r2[0]:r2[0]+r2[2], r2[1]:r2[1]+r2[3]]- img_2_cropped) | |
err = (err * coeff).sum(-1) | |
# print(err.shape, np.max(err)) | |
if (np.max(err) > rgb_thresh): continue | |
color_for_debug = None | |
# if (np.max(err) > 400): color_for_debug = [255, 0, 0] | |
# if (np.max(err) > 450): color_for_debug = [0, 255, 0] | |
# if (np.max(err) > 500): color_for_debug = [0, 0, 255] | |
coeff = coeff.clip(0, 1) | |
if SOFT_NORM: | |
coeff *= ((cosine.detach().cpu().numpy() - normalThreshold) / normalThreshold).clip(0,1) | |
coeff *= (((rgb_thresh - err[...,None]) / rgb_thresh)**0.4).clip(0,1) | |
if color_for_debug is None: | |
init_texture[r2[0]:r2[0]+r2[2], r2[1]:r2[1]+r2[3]] = \ | |
init_texture[r2[0]:r2[0]+r2[2], r2[1]:r2[1]+r2[3]] * ((1.0,1.0,1.0)-coeff) + img_2_cropped * coeff | |
else: | |
init_texture[r2[0]:r2[0]+r2[2], r2[1]:r2[1]+r2[3]] = color_for_debug | |
print(f'View baking time: {time.time() - t0}') | |
bake_dir = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'bake') | |
os.makedirs(bake_dir, exist_ok=True) | |
os.system(f'cp {obj_file} {bake_dir}') | |
textute_img = Image.fromarray(init_texture.astype(np.uint8)) | |, init_texture_file.split("/")[-1])) | |
mtl_dir = obj_file.replace('.obj', '.mtl') | |
if not os.path.exists(mtl_dir): mtl_dir = obj_file.replace("mesh.obj" ,"material.mtl") | |
if not os.path.exists(mtl_dir): mtl_dir = obj_file.replace("mesh.obj" ,"texture.mtl") | |
if not os.path.exists(mtl_dir): import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() | |
os.system(f'cp {mtl_dir} {bake_dir}') | |
# convert .obj to .glb file | |
new_obj_pth = os.path.join(bake_dir, obj_file.split('/')[-1]) | |
new_glb_path = new_obj_pth.replace('.obj', '.glb') | |
mesh = trimesh.load_mesh(new_obj_pth) | |
mesh.export(new_glb_path, file_type='glb') | |